Xuanhuan Invincible Brat

Chapter 185: Dazhu and Erhei

"Yeah! I remember the last time I came here more than three hundred years ago, and now I am revisiting the old place, I have a deep understanding and a lot of emotions! The reincarnation of heaven, things are not humans!"

The beak on the side also chirped and revealed the appearance of a poet: "The temple is indeed the largest castle of the Spirit Race! Ah! The Spirit Race! Ah! The Temple!"

"Ah **** big! Do you have any misunderstandings about the castle?"

The eleven thieves looked at Li Fei with some doubts. They really couldn't understand that the most famous temple in the entire Southern Wild Continent, how could it be so embarrassing in the eyes of this man?

Isn't it majestic enough? Isn't it magnificent enough?

This group of two goods are typical barbarians, just like the newly civilized apes in human history! I don’t know any aesthetics. I am known for being barbaric and violent, without any artistic ideas.

"It's not that I'm telling you, the ordinary houses of the human race can crush your so-called temple!"

"It's uglier than my pigsty."

"The roofs looked like toad skins at first glance. They were simply unsightly!" Li Fei added as he said.

Looking inside, all the trees are garbage, and the branches and leaves are not trimmed. The huge courtyard is even more messy!

"I should really call a car of urban management to stroll around here and teach them how to be human!" Li Fei couldn't help but thought to himself.

"What? My lord, is the temple really so unbearable? What is a pigsty? Don't you raise pigs freely?" Li Fei curled his lips in the face of three consecutive questions about the crocodile head.

"It's not that the temple is not good, but it shouldn't be called a temple at all! It's like a traveling tent. If it wasn't for a rotten wall, this Nima would be easy to cut in the wild? Look at this rotten wood. Pile, there are bushes at the door! It’s also good to plant a sycamore tree! And this, what kind of broken tree? It’s more explosive than an explosive head, and it looks like a hedgehog in a mess. Put this thing at home. Is the door really good?"

"I'm really sorry for the word temple!"

While talking, the figures of Li Fei and others still appeared right in front of the small mountain gate, and naturally they were also spotted by the guarded two alien beasts.

Originally, these two goods were asleep, the key is that they are still standing! Ling stood and played with his fingers.

If it weren’t for the stupidity of these two guys, I’m afraid I would have spotted Li Fei and them a long time ago. Li Fei stood ten meters away and talked loudly. Both of these guys didn’t hear it, but I could find Li Fei. Li Fei deliberately let go of his momentum.

Li Fei really couldn't help but complain, what the **** is this? Is this really the headquarters of the Great Southern Wilderness Spirit Tribe?

"Hey! You two are not in the state?"

"Use the cactus to draw a few strokes for you, and give me a pulse right away!"

Hearing Li Fei's call, the two of them looked like they suddenly found fire in their sleep, and each raised their heads and floated at Li Fei and the others, before drooping their heads and continuing to pick their fingers.



In fact, it’s no wonder that it’s just a look at the goods. No one can come casually in the temple itself, and the aliens are just like the crocodile head said. They belong to the kind of "free range", and there are no rules at all. They still foolishly learn the rules of other continents, and then they have the door, the conference hall, the VIP living room, etc., and they think the door is the stupidest, so no one wants to go to the door. In the end, they They thought the dumbest dumbest two were sent here to see the door at most.

"Do you have invitations?"

"Invite your sister! We are here to rob!"

"Are you blind?" Li Fei was really outraged. He made the king annoyed by countless people. Today, he still lost to two real second-hands!

The two guys looked at the black and autumn, their faces were full of hair, they looked like a lion, but they also had two horns, and they looked like "A Journey to the West?" The two guards of Tang Seng inside were like the little demon who hanged themselves in the end.


"It turned out to be a robbery, please inside."

"I'm going to report to the Young Spirit Master." The dozing guy was about to get into the hole, but his footsteps were just recently normal, and his footsteps suddenly stopped.

"No, they are? Come to robbery! I'll wipe it!"

"Erhei! Don't buckle! They are here to rob!" He turned around and grabbed the short-horned gangster who was fascinated by his fingers.

The black goods named Erniu was suddenly pulled by someone, and suddenly felt uncomfortable.

"What are you doing Dazhuzi! Didn't you go back to the village and Cuihua got married?"

"Fuck off! They were robbery! Go report to the Young Spirit Master! I'll hold them! Go!"

"True love! Da Zhuzi didn't report it by himself and then took the opportunity to escape, letting you go to Erhei. I see Zhuzi you don't want you to marry Cuihua. Let's be together!" Li Fei, who was about to do it, saw Interest here suddenly came, **** it is this age, there is actually a big pillar in this world! Second black? It’s not funny!

Who knows, after listening to Li Fei's words, the big pillar seemed to react at once, and he pushed Er Hei to the front.

"I'll report to the Young Spirit Master, you hold them!"


Li Fei could understand that feelings are not about self-sacrifice, let alone true love, but never thought of it! The brain is really simple!

However, the eleven thieves who are newly conquered by Fragrance, their intelligence...

"This IQ is really touching!" Li Fei couldn't help but complain.

Seeing the big pillar rushing into the hole, Er Hei hurriedly drew it from behind and took out a black mace. I wonder if the stick itself is a giant wing like a hook, or it was inlaid with bright white thorns. On the thick, pitch-black club that is three meters long, it looks very bluff in the hand.

"You... don't come over! I will really hit someone!" Er Hei's face was nervous.

The cultivation of these two blacks had also reached the fifth-level realm of the Conjugation Phase, and the crocodile's head was immediately confused.

"My lord, should we run away first?"

Li Fei's eyes widened: "No one is allowed to run! Stay and watch me pretend!"

"Also, are you really scared? Are you not! You dudes!"

After sweeping through the eleven thieves, every strange beast looked at Li Fei with a little panic.

"What do you call Erhei!" Li Fei became interested.

"What Erhei! Is Erhei what you can call?" Erhei looked very serious.

"What's that called you? I don't kill the nameless, shouldn't you **** be called the nameless!" Li Fei stared at him.

"Of course not! Xiaosheng is not talented, Li Erhei is under me!"


"Your **** surname is Li?" Li Fei almost squirted out a mouthful of blood. Our Li family has your second kind?

Oh my god, is it so amazing?

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