Xuanhuan Invincible Brat

Chapter 687: I want to roast those birds

I will not use some despicable means to get things that shouldn't belong to me.

And in many cases, getting these extra things will hurt others or harm their interests. But I don't want to see this result happen.

I would rather eat a little worse and live a little worse, and the material living conditions are not so good, and I don't want to use some despicable means to grab things that shouldn't belong to me.

It hurts some others and puts himself on conscience debt.

In fact, everything related to money can be said to be small things. But once things have something to do with the word renqing, then renqing is very, very difficult to pay.

So I rarely make friends in my life, and I don’t want to take the initiative to make friends. I think once you have a friend, you have to help her.

At the same time, you must also help her when she is in difficulty, if you do not come forward to help her when she is in difficulty, or when she needs you.

So at this time you are not satisfied with the condition of being her friend?

What do you mean by friends? A friend does not mean that when the other party needs you or you need the other party, you or she appear in front of the other party to help the other party solve difficulties and settle all the problems that hinder her.

If you can't even do these things, then what do you want these friends to do at this time?

And I am very afraid of owing others something. If I help my friends, I don’t care if she will help me.

Anyway, everything I need can be met through my own efforts, but if that person helped me and I didn’t help her,

Then this matter will stay in my mind all the time, and I especially don't like to owe others favors, if I owe others.

I can't do anything every day, and I just think, oh, my favor, I have to find ways to return this person, otherwise, my heart is very disturbed.

It just feels like a big rock is pressed in my heart, and I can't breathe under pressure, so I really hate making friends.

But what about you? I don't think I simply think of you as my friend.

I prefer to regard you as my benefactor, after all my life is given by you. I don’t ask for anything in return for your kindness,

No matter when you need me, I will definitely rush out to solve it for you first.

Even if it's a top laner, I won't back down, I'm willing to do this for you, and you don't need to feel guilty about it. "

"Well, I believe in what you are, and I know you will do it when I meet difficulties. But you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. How could I be dead as a powerful person like me? Where's the chance? Hahaha." Talking and sad, Super Invincible Ju narcissistic laughed. The laughter was earth-shattering, after hearing Li Fei's laughter, the sparrow who was originally chatting on the tree. They all flew into the sky in a panic. Some flew too fast, but the two collided together, and one of them fell to the ground.


After Li Fei saw this scene, he couldn't help but laugh again, smiling even harder than before.

In order not to harm these innocent creatures, Zhao Shenhai said to Li Fei:

"Benefactor, don't laugh anymore. If you laugh again, these sparrows may be killed by you. I think you should show mercy to these sparrows and leave a way for them to survive. Something alive."

"Okay, okay, I don’t want to laugh anymore. But you don’t know what I feel when I just started laughing, I haven’t laughed very hard, but after I laughed a few times, I realized that these birds are really funny. In the end, I couldn’t stop, which caused me to bump into each other and fall to the ground for many, many years. How about we pick them up and bake them, right?”

He looked at Zhao Shenhai with a wretched look, and winked at Zhao Shenghai with a smile.

"Oh, they are not dead at least, they are just shocked by your huge laughter just now. Leave them alone. Let them stay on the ground for a while. After a while, they will be able to fly to the sky by themselves. .

Besides, how can they feed us these little things! We are ah, let's go to other places to find some food! "

"Yeah, what you said, I think these sparrows are about to have their chests attached to their backs. They are as thin as a sparrow, and they don’t feel very delicious. If I really eat them Now, what if those bones are on me? So let's go to some places to find some normal food to eat!"

"Yeah, I actually feel hungry. We have been listening to Xingyao telling her story last night.

Many times we just raised our heads and listened to her, but we forgot the chopsticks in our hands, let them move to pick up something, and eat for ourselves. "

"Okay, what do we have to say? Then you quickly take me to the place you said!"

In fact, the place that Zhao Shenhai told Li Fei was a place near Dongfang City that specializes in buying and selling strange weapons. Of course, there are some local food nearby. That place is called Crescent Bay.

The reason why Crescent Bay is called Crescent Bay is because Crescent Bay is an isolated island surrounded by water. And the shape of the entire island is like the curved moon hanging in the sky that has not yet turned round.

Hence the name Crescent Bay. The only way to enter and exit Crescent Bay is a small boat, which can only carry no more than 20 people at a time.

You can't use any mana on this island, because any mana on this island will lose its original function.

Because of this, this small island can be used as a place for real power competition. Because of this, many people come to this place to go heads-up, without worrying that the opponent will fail because of their superior mana.

Many times the power of some people seems very large, but the main reason for those powers is to rely on those spiritual powers to provide them with more power.

But when she did not possess these spiritual powers, her power would definitely be greatly reduced.

The small island of Crescent Bay, as a small island near the Oriental City, can be said to have many advantages.

Although it is not a big island, Crescent Bay is able to attract many people to come here.

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