Xuanhuan Invincible Brat

Chapter 690: Dead at the bottom of the lake

This time, the beautiful girl was not as cowardly as ever, but was very serious and polite and her eyes firmly said to the son of a big family:

"My son, I really can't marry you. If I break my oath because of this, I believe you will definitely not want to marry me. If I just agree to your request to marry you.

This is definitely unfair to you. After all, at this moment, I already have a person in my heart, and once I have a person in my heart, it is impossible to live with other people. If I am now because of you And abandoned him, left her behind.

If I go with you, I will definitely not be able to leave you a share of my heart.

That being the case, even if you can be my person, you won't get my heart anyway.

At that time, what is the point of being together? Since you want to be together, the situation will be better if both parties agree, and only if one party is willing is not acceptable. After all, the twisted melon is not sweet. This is what we all know, right?

After hearing what the girl said, the son of this big family decided to make the girl perfect.

Said to her: "Girl, you are a good girl. Although we cannot be together, I still admire you very much. I hope you can be happy.

If you need any help in the future, you can ask me for help, and I will definitely do my best to help you.

Since we can't be a husband and wife, then I will recognize you as my sister! I wonder if you want it?

But this girl's aunt was not happy at this time, thinking in her heart that you were still thinking about coming to my house to propose a marriage tomorrow, but why is she replied now, obviously she has already mentioned it just now. But doing this now really makes me happy. I thought I could make a fortune with this niece, but now I get nothing.

What does it have to do with me being brothers and sisters? You don't pay me directly. Although she thought so in her heart, she did not dare to say it. The expression was still flattering, for fear that he would offend the son of this big family by saying a wrong sentence.

On the surface, the aunt didn't say anything, saying something, "It's a pity, this kind of suitable marriage is gone."

Psychologically, I was still thinking that this girl must agree to marry the son of this big family, otherwise, how could I get benefits from her?

After all, I have raised this girl for so many years, but I have never thought about it from another angle.

Although this girl has been living in her house for so many years, she has helped her with many jobs, and these jobs, if this girl is in another big family. At this moment, this girl can also be regarded as a person with more or less savings.

At this moment, the girl was penniless, and only this tattered dress was left. Nothing else.

So after the son of the big family left, her aunt began to beat the girl, and then said to her: "You little hoof, hurry up and think about how to get the rich man to marry you again. !Otherwise I have to kill you, I will never let you be with the poor ghost of your sweetheart.


So the girl ran away that night and went out to find her sweetheart. I told him all the things that happened today. After listening to the girl, the sweetheart of this girl decided to elope with her.

They rode together on the same boat they met, planning to leave the island together and never return to this island, to go to a place where no one knew them and start their lives again.

At this moment, the girl's aunt found out that the girl had escaped, and heard from a night watchman that the girl was planning to elope with her sweetheart.

He called the crowd together and said to the others in the village: "My shameless niece, she plans to run away with others before she gets married."

He also said that his niece was not a chaste woman, and that such an unchaste woman should not stay in the world to pollute her eyes. The vicious aunt hurriedly called the other people in the village.

He said that he wanted to catch the girl and her sweetheart back, and in any case would not let them escape.

After hearing her aunt say so, others also reluctantly joined in. Although this girl usually looks very good in everyone's eyes, and when she needs her help on weekdays, she always helps without saying a word, and she never complains.

However, her aunt was so fierce that everyone dared not listen to her and anger her. So after hearing the order from the girl's aunt. Everyone went to apprehend this pair of lovers together.

But everyone was silently praying for her in their hearts, hoping that they would not touch them both. But as soon as they came to the river, everyone found the pair of escaped people.

Seeing that the aunts were about to catch up, the two of them hugged and jumped into the lake together. This is the mid-winter season, and neither of them can swim. In the end, they both drowned and died.

At this moment, the son of the big family also came, and the son of the big family was seeing the girl's aunt force his niece to death.

So he yelled to the servant, come, and caught this vicious woman, I want to dip her into the pig cage! If anything goes wrong, you can come to me, and I will bear the responsibility.

At this moment, when everyone heard that the young man was going to sink the girl's aunt into the lake, everyone applauded, thinking that he could finally get rid of this bitch.

The fact that she has done too many bad things in this life, but because she is too pungent, but dare not provoke her, many people dare not speak.

It is really great that someone has come forward to deal with this shrew, and at the same time feels sorry for the dead girl. After all, she is still so young and there is still a long way to go in the future.

But now, under the persecution of this shrew, he hastily ended his young life. The people around are all sorry.

Soon after the death of this girl and sweetheart, many lotus leaves grew on the water of the lake surrounding Crescent Bay, and flowers bloomed soon.

But before that, there was no grass in this lake, and any birds or beasts that fell into the lake would have to fly ashes and annihilate.

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