Xuanhuan: Me! Banker, Start Fairy Loan!

Chapter 120 Famous Continent, Heart Of Heaven's Mystery (Subscribe)

This time, the reputation of Taikoo Bank completely spread throughout the Profound Sky Continent.

Many people who heard about this power for the first time are looking for this power everywhere.

However, if you don't check, you don't know, and if you check, you will be shocked.

Many other Dayu people were shocked when they learned that Swire Bank was only established in the past two or three months.

A faction that has only been established for two or three months went so far as to snatch away the successor of the hundreds of thousands of years old sect.

Although it is said that others do not want it, it can also prove that this force is absolutely historical.

After all, the realm and means of being able to become a successor are absolutely unimaginable.

After that, some forces were even more shocked when they learned about Swire Bank's business.

For them, this is a completely new cultivation method.

This kind of cultivation method, up to the state of transforming gods, does not seem to have the slightest shackles.

As long as you can practice, as long as you can recover your spiritual power, as long as you can afford the consumption points, you can keep upgrading.

In particular, I heard that at the peak of the God Transformation Realm, as long as you have enough consumption points, you can buy the Void Return Pill in the bank mall, survive the catastrophe, and become a powerful existence in the Void Return Realm.

If you are afraid that you will not be able to survive the catastrophe, don't worry, Swire Bank also has this business.

It is the gospel of many casual practitioners.

Moreover, there are many cultivation methods in Taikoo Bank Mall.

Among them, it includes the secret methods of many powerful forces in their continent.

It is sold in the bank mall.

In addition, many things launched by Swire Bank are absolutely novel to them.

For example, mobile phones and computers.

After hearing this, many forces immediately became interested in Swire Bank and sent people to find out.

The Three Dou Holy Dynasty, the emperor.

Seeing the news, Tang Jian woke up Tang Dun overnight and told him to set off immediately.

Tang Dun, who knew the reason, was also shocked. He never expected that Tangtang Tianji would take refuge in the bank.

Even they only use Swire Bank as a tool.

It can be seen from the fact that none of them use mobile phones now.

Therefore, Tang Dun and his party set off from the Sanke pilgrimage overnight.

However, when they went to Swire Bank and saw it was closed, they had to wait helplessly.

The same scene also happened in the Yangming Dynasty.

Many forces who rushed over overnight saw the two most powerful forces waiting without any temper, and immediately looked forward to Swire Bank even more.

What kind of power is it that invites Tianjizi from the Tianjimen to join.

Let the two great pilgrimages of the central region concentrate on waiting.

In the past, these are all masters, so why wait.

And this, in Swire Bank, really exists.

In the Yangming Dynasty, Cheng Xi waited here with five people in front of a one-star branch.

There are more and more people around, all attracted by the news.

Surrounded by dozens of people, an imposing man stepped forward.

When he saw Cheng Xi in the crowd, a trace of disdain flashed across his face.

"I didn't expect the dignified prince to wait here, hey, what a shame.

"Come here, go and pry open the door of this Swire bank."

"Your Yangming Dynasty can afford to lose this person, but our Yamato Dynasty can't afford to lose it."

As soon as he finished speaking, five people walked out of the crowd surrounding him, and walked out of the branch door.

When they walked to the door of the bank, they saw several huge weapons in their hands.

Seeing this, Cheng Xi scolded him for being mentally retarded, and then led five people to shield him quickly.

Others don't know, but he is very clear, even if it is the Taikoo branch, as long as someone dares to attack it, under the mirror, they are all looking for death.

Cheng Xi took the five of them to find a place that was safe and had a good view.

In front of the branch, the five people had already raised their weapons, and as long as the person in front gave an order, they would smash them down without hesitation.

After seeing the man cast a glance at Cheng Xi, he said contemptuously:


Seeing this scene, Cheng Xi didn't care.

Because in the next second, he will pay a painful price, and there is absolutely no need to care about this kind of person.

After the words fell, the five of them smashed down without hesitation.

The moment the weapons of the five fell on the gate of the branch, a strong sense of crisis suddenly hit the hearts of the five.

I saw a white light wave spreading out from the bank.

The moment they touched this white light wave, the five of them turned into flying ash and scattered between the sky and the earth.

Seeing this scene, before the group of people had time to panic, they saw the white light wave attacking them.

The time before and after is just one breath [Dozens of people all disappeared.

At the last moment, that person's mind was full of regret.

He also fully understood why Cheng Xi ignored him.

After all, what is there to care about a dying person.

In the distance, among the crowd who saw this scene, several shadows immediately disappeared into the darkness.

There was also a deep smile on Cheng Xi's face.

This Yamato Dynasty is also one of the dynasties under his Yangming Dynasty.

It's just that in these years, its strength has increased a little, and it is extraordinarily arrogant.

His father regarded it as an ant and ignored it.

But he is different, he can't rub the sand in his eyes.

Especially those who are weaker than themselves.

And in front of powerful people, one must maintain due respect, which is respect for power and for the strong.

It is also respect for one's own path of cultivation.

The weak are weak because they are not working hard enough.

And the strong, the reason why they are strong, is that they are practicing hard and hard in the time that you can't see.

Therefore, he respects the strong and respects himself.

In a hotel, Wang Yong looked at the information in his hand, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Master, are you doing it for my own good, or for my own good!"

Let me first say that I joined Swire Bank because I was removed from the position of Tianjizi. This move is very clever.

On the surface, it helped me avoid the name of betraying the teacher.

But it left people in suspense, why he was removed from the position of Tianjizi.

Why put Swire Bank on the bright side again.

If it is other small forces, it is estimated that they have been wiped out by now.

If he hadn't known the strength of Swire Bank, it is estimated that at this moment, he would definitely bear the disaster star's guest.

However, it seems that my master misunderstood and miscalculated Taikoo Bank.

Its strength, hearing about it and experiencing it in person are completely different things.

At this moment, he was particularly conflicted, whether to speak out or just let the matter ferment.

After thinking for a long time, he couldn't think of a good way, so he could only go to Swire Bank first and then talk to him. .

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