Xuanhuan: Me! Banker, Start Fairy Loan!

Chapter 248 Get Rich Overnight

"No!" Suddenly, a white-haired old man exclaimed.

The people around immediately asked: "Why is it wrong?"

After the old man's wide mouth was slowly closed, he exhaled heavily, and then said: "This seems to have broken away from the category of spiritual energy, it seems to be the legendary fairy energy!"

"What!" ×9999+

The surrounding people all exclaimed.

"Xianqi, Mr. Zhang, you are right!"

"That's right, that's something that only exists in the upper realm. How could it be possible in our Profound Sky Continent?"

The surrounding monks asked one after another.

Their hearts were full of shock. This was the most shocking thing they had ever heard since they practiced Taoism, none of them.

It was also the first time to hear news about the Upper Realm.

"Okay, stop asking, let Mr. Zhang talk about it!"

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding cultivators immediately shut up and looked expectantly at the old man called Zhang Lao.

In the world of comprehension, a monk who can be honored as an "old" is not covered, and the one in front of them is the same.

Mr. Zhang took a breath and said, "This has to start from a hundred thousand years ago."

Hearing this, everyone's interest was immediately raised to another level.

"That year, I was still Young Master Pian Pian, and that year was also a year of turmoil in the entire Profound Sky Continent.

Speaking of this, Zhang Lao looked solemn, as if he had returned to that turbulent era.

"Back then, Taoist Yuanzhen from the Profound Sky Continent climbed above the Taixu Realm, broke the sky, and wanted to ascend to the Immortal Realm."

"Taoist Yuanzhen, could it be that he is the last person to become an immortal in Profound Sky Continent?" someone couldn't help asking in the field.

Mr. Zhang nodded, "Yes, back then, I had the honor to witness the whole process of Taoist Yuanzhen ascending to immortality."

Hearing this, everyone stopped talking, and some people who didn't understand before looked at Mr. Zhang with a little more respect in their eyes at this moment.

A strong man who has lived for 100,000 years is an existence at the level of an old monster, so he can't be offended. Otherwise, if the other party is unhappy, they may die without knowing how to die.

"Back then, it was smooth sailing at first, but the moment Taoist Yuanzhen broke through the barrier of the fairy world, the bathing fairy light, which was supposed to come gently, became extraordinarily fierce.

"At first Taoist Yuanzhen still resisted silently. However, as time passed, he also discovered that something was wrong, so he also started a fight."

Hearing this, everyone smelled a conspiracy.

"However, if you don't go to the fairy world, you will always be a mortal, how can you get someone who has passed the upper world.

Speaking of this, Elder Zhang sighed heavily again.

"Hey, although Taoist Yuanzhen finally landed in the fairyland, his life and death is still an unsolved mystery."

"It's just that that battle interrupted the channel connecting the Profound Sky Continent to the Immortal Realm, although it seemed more like it was deliberately blocked.

"It was also from then on that the spiritual power of the Profound Sky Continent began to weaken. Not long after, the evil spirits from beyond the sky attacked the door. During that time, the entire Profound Sky Continent was immersed in the flames of war and darkness... ..."

Speaking of this, Mr. Zhang's eyes were already rosy, and he had no plans to continue talking.

Seeing this, the surrounding cultivators did not dare to speak too much.

Those who can cultivate to their level can more or less have some understanding of that time.

It's just that it's very different from what Zhang Laoshen experienced.

Especially the reason for the sudden break of the fairy road, according to the records in the classics, they only knew that it was caused by the catastrophe.

But now, they knew that it was definitely the Ascendants of the Profound Sky Continent who offended someone they couldn't afford in the Upper Realm, and that's why they cut off the road to immortality in the entire Great Realm.

This kind of behavior is very detrimental to merit and luck, and ordinary forces can't do this step.

After a long time, someone asked: "So, Mr. Zhang, the ones surrounding Taigu Bank are not Ziwei aura, but higher-level immortal aura?"

These words also brought Zhang Lao’s emotions back from that distant dark age, he nodded, "Yes, this kind of breath is not much different from the breath that emanated from the fairy road at that time. The surroundings of the bank are more terrifying than those in the fairy road."

Hearing this, everyone was shocked.


The sound of gasping for cold air resounded around.

Upon hearing this, a bad feeling suddenly flashed in everyone's heart.

"Old Zhang, could this Taikoo Bank be a force in the fairy world..."

He didn't say the rest, but everyone in the field knew what he was going to say.

The elder shook his head, "No, a hundred thousand years have passed, and that force probably thought that the Profound Sky Continent had already been wiped out by the demons from beyond the sky.

Hearing this, someone raised an objection immediately, "But Moyu also has a branch of Swire Bank!"

As soon as this remark came out, it immediately aroused everyone's contempt.

Before Mr. Zhang could speak, the man in black at the side took the lead to say: I am really ignorant, the Demon Territory is also a part of the Profound Sky Continent, and in that battle back then, even the strong Demon Dao failed. "

"At the end of the day, the two ways of good and evil in the Profound Sky Continent are just internal disagreements. Those demons outside the sky and the forces of the fairy world that the elders said are the real enemies of the Profound Sky Continent."

Hearing this, the person who just spoke lowered his head in shame.

Seeing this, everyone ignored it. After all, no one was young, and they didn't know so many things when they were young.

After finishing speaking, the man turned his head to look at Mr. Zhang and asked, "What does Mr. Zhang think of Swire Bank?"

Mr. Zhang looked deeply at the Taikoo Bank surrounded by the purple fairy light, and spit out two words, "Savior!"

"Savior?" Everyone was a little surprised.

Mr. Zhang nodded, "Everyone probably knows that the Profound Sky Continent is getting worse day by day, and there are only more than 100,000 years before entering the dark age again."

"After all, the current power of the Profound Sky Continent is no longer capable of confronting the demons from beyond the sky."

"Swire Bank appears at such a time, it cannot be said that it is not the savior of Profound Sky Continent."

"First of all, he doesn't have the slightest ambition. Many places are made for the development of Profound Sky Continent."

"Just the teleportation array that is almost universal in the Profound Sky Continent is a lot of money, think about how much resources you needed to use the teleportation array before.

"At least it's more than a thousand times what it is now!"

Everyone calculated carefully and nodded.

Now, they don't send across domains, and they only cost a consumption point.

After conversion, it is only a little low-grade spirit stone.

Before they used the teleportation array, what they needed was middle-grade spirit stones.

Thinking of this, everyone was taken aback.

It's not like I don't know, but I'm startled. .

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