Yanyue Holy Land, Trial Hall Prison.

The dark and damp dungeon is extremely difficult for air to circulate, mixed with the stench of corpses and the stench of excrement.

Gong Tianming, Chang Shou Chong, and many men in black stood outside a relatively clean prison, watching together an elder who was proficient in soul searching for Wang Sanmu's body in the prison.

Only the white-clothed elder with a gloomy face pinched the magic in his hand, and at the same time chanted words in his mouth.

Pure white aura floated out from his palm, slowly wrapping Wang Sanmu's corpse head.

The white-clothed elder slowed down his breathing, and the magic technique in his hand suddenly changed.

Immediately afterwards, everyone saw Wang Sanmu's body tremble, and the aura wrapped around his head slowly floated out nearly a third like smoke, forming a hazy light curtain above the corpse.

The past scene flashed like a horse and a flower, and Wang Sanmu's body became shriveled at a speed visible to the naked eye, accompanied by strange convulsions.

Gong Tianming looked at this scene expressionlessly, and there was no emotion on his face.

Chang Shou Chong, who was standing on the side, had an extremely obvious schadenfreude in his expression, if he hadn't reacted quickly several times in the previous battle, he would most likely have been killed by this old thing.

Now I am very happy to see his body being ruined like this after his death.

Behind the two, the black-clothed disciples turned pale and only felt creepy.

As the saying goes, the dead are great, and they go into the earth.

But now this old man has even the most ordinary hope of entering the soil for safety.

The prisoner searches the soul, the corpse is destroyed, and there is no afterlife.


Gong Tianming suddenly opened his mouth to interrupt the strange atmosphere in the prison, he pointed to the light curtain floating on the old man's corpse, and frowned: "Take a breath back and stay where he and his disciple talked."

"Yes." The white-clothed elder nodded with a grim smile, the magic technique in his hand changed, and the corpse in front of him convulsed violently.

Chang Shou Chong asked suspiciously, "Sect Master, aren't we looking for memories of his dealings with Bai Yi?" How did it stop here. Gong

Tianming glanced at him, had no intention of explaining, and stared back at the light curtain.

Soon, the scene in the light curtain remained at a normal flow rate under the control of the white-clothed elder, and the voices of Wang Sanmu and his disciples also reached everyone's ears.

"Master, didn't he push you into the fire pit? I strongly disagree to help him! "

Silly boy, Master's life was saved by his father, and now it is just returned to him, don't fight tightly, besides, when he successfully breaks through the Eighth Heaven of the Supreme Realm, he will naturally avenge Master and me when he goes south to encircle Gong Tianming."

"But! Master, the whole sect knows that you and Bai Yi are close, have you ever thought that even if you don't want your life, pretending to report him to the south to lead the way, the sect master they will not believe it!

"Hey, you silly boy, what can you think of, Master, I can't think of? I reported Gong Tianming with empty white teeth, they will definitely not believe it, but if the Qiong Yu Demon Sect makes the illusion that a large number of top cultivators secretly go south, and at the same time wantonly slaughters the Yanyue Saucer along the way south..."

And as long as he is restrained by the illusion of going south, we have already succeeded!

"Well, if it were more ideal, Gong Tianming planned to go south... Hehe, maybe before Bai Yi's kid makes a move, he will already die under the siege. "

Listen to the remarks of the master and apprentice duo who are rebellious.

The hearts of everyone in the prison were turbulent.

Then the previous trace of dispensable pity instantly dissipated.

I felt so angry that I couldn't wait to go up and slash the corpse a few times!

"Old thief! Old thief! "

Shameless traitor!!"

The more Chang Shou Chong listened, the more frightened he became, and he blushed and cursed.

The Great Friar went south and cleaned up the spies in a big way... If the development of things really went according to what Wang Sanmu said, even if the sect master still had doubts, Yanyue's side would definitely be attracted by the fake news going south.

Even if he failed to trick the sect master into personally falling into the full set, he also bought time for Bai Yi's wolf cub.

At that time, he finished cultivating the heroic spirit, completed the breakthrough, and came with the Qiong Yu demon crowd in a sweeping momentum.

The sect master and himself are still unable to escape death!

Compared to Chang Shouchong's gaffe, Gong Tianming was calmer.

He cast his gaze at the white-clothed elder and said lightly: "Keep looking, I need to wait until Bai Yi's real movement."

"Yes." The white-clothed elder nodded in agreement, looked at the corpse that was already about to be overwhelmed with a smile, and said with a grim smile with a pinching technique: "But hold on, don't break into dregs so early." Saying

that, he continued to increase the output of spiritual energy and began to retrieve the convulsive corpse.

I don't know how long has passed.

The old man's already scarred body finally exploded with a bang, and blood splattered the white-clothed elder's face.

He didn't care, and even stretched out his scarlet tongue to lick the blood and flesh stained at the corner of his mouth, and walked out of the prison to Gong Tianming's side.

Laughing and spitting out five words.

Go north, the Phoenix Sea.

Gong Tianming nodded, turned around and prepared to leave.

However, he stopped when he was about to leave the prison, and thoughtfully asked the white-clothed elder, "

Is it possible that the memory in Wang Sanmu's soul has been deliberately modified?"

After the white-clothed elder was stunned, he gave a categorical no.

Only then did Gong Tianming leave satisfied.

After seeing Gong Tianming leave, the white-clothed elder also left the prison and walked towards his mansion.

On the way, he suddenly remembered that the old immortal who taught himself the art of soul searching had said, as if there was really such a way to modify the cultivator's divine soul?

However, when the old immortal talked about this time, he also said that the conditions were extremely harsh, almost ten dead and lifeless, and it had long been destroyed and lost?

Thinking of this, the white-clothed elder grinned and shook his head with white teeth.

What a clever thing.


Baiyi and Senior Sister searched for a long time, and they didn't even see a single mountain ghost hair.

But since they all came, they didn't waste the opportunity.

I found a cave with a deep pool and a clear spring and had a fight.

Needless to say, fighting in the wild has a special taste.

It was the trees and stone walls that Bai Yi helped all the way down the mountain.

It was an internal injury.

After all, in a fight, there is no one who does not get hurt under the combination of sticks and sticks.

Well, that's normal.

The two went all the way down the mountain, during which He Yiyi also curiously asked Bai Yi an interesting question:

"What if those poor guys who don't have a Daoist couple want to fight with people?"

Bai Yi thought for a while, scratched his head and said, "The one surnamed Chang in Yanyue Trial Void Hall?" "

Huh? What? Iichi didn't understand, alas! He

Yiyi's bright eyes were full of big question marks.

Bai Yi smiled mysteriously and was about to explain to Senior Sister.

The transmission jade card in his arms that was specially used to contact Uncle Miki suddenly came from a slight shock...



(Well, Chapter 111, Elders of the Trial Hall, happy being single~)

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