Girls' friendship is really a very magical thing.

For most of the hour, Bai Yi basically didn't insert a few words.

All listened to He Yiyi and Lan Minghuang chatted.

It's outrageous!

Obviously, two people who met for the first time were actually able to form god sisters in half an hour!

"Sister, then I will go back first, and I must come to play with my sister another day."

"Tomorrow Iichi will come to my sister, and my sister said that the selection skills of rouge Yiyi still don't understand much."

"Okay, that's it, my sister is waiting for my sister at the residence."

Standing at the gate of the courtyard, he looked at the appearance of the two reluctantly separated.

Bai Yi feels like an air person, completely redundant.

"Brother Bai, Little Phoenix will come to you and Yiyi sister another day to play."

After Lan Minghuang and He Yi agreed to meet tomorrow, they looked at Bai Yi and said softly.

In just half an hour, she tried several times.

Basically figured out the relationship between Bai Yi and He Yiyi.

The sense of crisis in my heart dissipated without a trace.

Bai Yi and He Yiyi are just simple junior sisters and junior brothers!

Even Yi Yi had hinted more than once that he wanted to find a suitable Daoist for the little junior brother!

"Hey, okay, Senior Sister Lan go slowly."

Hearing Lan Minghuang call himself, Bai Yi outside the world nodded slightly perfunctoryly.

"It's still quite cold." Lan Minghuang frowned slightly.

After thinking about it, this is only the first time to meet, and I can't wait to do it.

Anyway, now that I have met Senior Sister Bai Yi, I have become a god sister, and there are many opportunities to contact in the future.

Lan Minghuang is confident that he will take Bai Yi before he leaves!

At that time, with his superb skills that have experienced hundreds of battles, he will definitely be relieved of his soul and beg him not to leave.

The only personal disciple of the Sect Master of the Yanyue Holy Land.

If he fell in love with himself with a humble heart, this name alone could help the Tianhui Sect obtain countless benefits!

And his status in the sect will also rise.

As for the future, Bai Yi's dough is worth playing for more time, and when he gets tired, the value on his body is almost squeezed, and it's not too late to kick it away.

Thinking like this, Lan Minghuang didn't care about Bai Yi's coldness at the moment.

Even the picture of Bai Yi kneeling at her feet and begging herself not to leave has already appeared in her mind.

The corners of Lan Minghuang's mouth couldn't help but show a pleasant smile, and his expression became even more pure, "Well, Brother Bai needs to work hard to practice." "

Call Junior Sister, call me Brother."

What a broken relationship.

Bai Yi had a headache, just nodded and didn't speak again.


He Yiyi paid attention to Bai Yi's reaction with his afterlight, and saw that his attitude was cold, and a trace of relief flashed in his smart eyes.

Count as a junior brother, you are interesting.


If you dare to have any ideas, break your legs!

The mind is only momentary.

He Yi repeatedly looked at Lan Minghuang's back and sneered in his heart.

It's really any fox who doesn't know death who dares to have a crooked mind on the little junior brother...

"Your girl's friendship is really incomprehensible." Back inside, Bai Yi said.

"Senior Sister Lan is very good, Yiyi and her saw her like before."

He Yiyi sat on the chair, shook his feet, and smiled heartlessly.

Bai Yi frowned, and instructed: "It's just the first time we meet, how can you judge whether a person is good or bad?" Headless and brainless to find the door, in the end what idea is not certain, He Yiyi, don't be deceived. "

Oh, Sister Lan won't lie to Yiyi."

He Yi defended Lan Minghuang with his mouth, but he was very satisfied with the attitude of the little junior brother.

If Bai Yi reversed, let's say Lan Minghuang's good.

He Yiyi had to consider whether to take some necessary measures against him....

"By the way, Yiyi brought a gift to the little junior brother."

He Yiyi didn't want Lan Minghuang to leave too much impression in Bai Yi's heart, so that it would be very troublesome when she died unexpectedly in the future, so he quietly changed the topic.

"You keep it yourself, I don't lack anything." Bai Yi refused without hesitation.

He Yiyi and Lan Minghuang gave gifts, he had two completely two attitudes.

"No, no, the little junior brother must have it."

He Yiyi did not obey as usual, and it was rare to persist.

Stretched out a hand and grabbed Bai Yi's arm, as if afraid that he would run away.

The other hand is constantly pulling various things from the storage ring.

"This pile of weapons was given to Yi Yi by a kind disciple in the sect, this pile of spirit stones was won by Yi Yi and their bet, this pile of pills... Well, the pill will not be given to you first, you are now the time to lay the foundation, it is not good to rely too much on the pill. He

Yiyi chattered a little nag.

"Wait, wait!"

Bai Yi looked at the three hills in front of him dumbfounded, and said in confusion:

"You robbed the treasure house of which holy land????"

He Yiyi bit his finger and stared at the various cultivation resources flowing on the ground.

After thinking about it, he looked at Bai Yi seriously: "It's all sent by kind disciples."

"If you don't believe it, ask Third Senior Uncle."

"Huh? Yes yes yes, Iichi is very popular in the munenai, these... They were all given to her by the disciples..."

said Yu Xian without changing his face.


Yi looked at several piles of precious resources on the ground, and inexplicably had a feeling that he was being nurtured by his senior sister.

He knew that He Yiyi was not telling the truth.

I had the intention to ask a question full of stomachs, but considering that there was still a spare time next to me, I still held back.

The Qiong Yu Demon Sect is not as bloody and terrifying as the outside world rumors.

But it is also impossible to have so many benevolent disciples.

In other words, there are no benevolent disciples in this world.

If you want to obtain such a huge resource, the only way to get it is sword and fight!

Although he lacked cultivation resources temporarily, it was only temporary.

With a system, these things will be there sooner or later.

He Yiyi is different, she is adrift alone, and now she has joined the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, and the demand for these things is much greater than her own.

Just as he was about to speak, He Yiyi seemed to have remembered something, and took out a jade bottle and handed it over.

"There is also a Tsuki Dan, the little junior brother will build the foundation immediately, and the Tsuki Dan will definitely be useful."

Bai Yi thought about it and reached out to take it.

He smiled and said, "Senior sister, I will accept Tsukidan."

Saying that, he pointed to the dazzling precious resources on the ground and shook his head: "You can quickly put away the rest." "

Woo-hoo, little junior brother, you have changed, you don't love Yiyi anymore."

He Yiyi wanted to give all this to Bai Yi, how could he promise him to take only one Zhujidan.

"I haven't loved, okay!" Bai Yi said unconvinced.

"I don't care, I don't care, you just don't love Yiyi anymore." He Yiyi continued to play tricks.

The two talked for a long time.

In the end, each took a step back, Bai Yi put away the pile of spirit stones, and He Yiyi put away the pile of weapon magic weapons and pills.

"Little Junior Brother is not well-behaved at all." He Yiyi puffed out his cheeks and muttered fiercely.

Without waiting for Bai Yi to refute, the sound of the system sounded: [Ding, the daily task has been activated, please complete the foundation building within three days, reward: incomplete Heavenly Court Divine Book]

Hearing the sound of the system, Bai Yi

was stunned at first.

After thinking about it, Senior Sister was still there, so he didn't ask immediately.

Continue to listen to He Yiyi.

"Tsuki Dan can only take one, and any more will be counterproductive, so Yi Yi prepared one for the little junior brother."

"Also, soon the thousand-year competition will come, the little junior brother must hurry up to practice, I guess Gong Tianming may force you to participate in the competition."

He Yiyi snapped his fingers and instructed one by one.

That gentle and considerate appearance once made Yu Xian next to her wonder if she had been taken away by someone.

Is this still the same He Yiyi who suppressed the geniuses of the Demon Sect and won the position of the Holy Son and Holy Daughter at the same time, causing the sect to still discuss what to call her!

"Why did Master force me to participate in the big competition?"

Bai Yi, who had been listening to He Yiyi's nagging, frowned slightly.

He Yiyi was stunned, hesitated for a moment, and chose to tell the truth: "He has an illegitimate daughter, raised outside the Holy Land, and may bring her back in the near future and bring her to cultivate."

Bai Yi immediately grasped the point: "Master wants to take his own daughter as an apprentice?"

"Yes." He Yiyi looked out the window with some concern:

"But there is a problem inside, you are his closed disciple, if Gong Tianming wants to re-accept disciples, he needs to revoke the promise of closing disciples that was originally announced, but people like him will never choose this way."

Bai Yi nodded: "This will make him a laughing stock, so the easiest and most direct way is..." Speaking

of this, Bai Yi fell silent.

The simplest and most direct way is to let this closed disciple who is used for show die in the thousand-year competition, in front of everyone.

At that time, there will be no more disciples under the sect master.

Even if Gong Tianming didn't say anything, the elders in the sect would force him to take another apprentice.

"Oh, in fact, the little junior brother doesn't have to worry too much, with Yiyi here, he can't succeed, hee-hee."

Seeing Bai Yi's silence, He Yi was afraid that he was under too much pressure, so he hurriedly changed into an expression of 'this is not a big deal' and said with a smile.

Bai Yi didn't speak, he was a big man, he couldn't hide under the protection of his senior sister all the time.


Senior Sister was also far less relaxed than she appeared.

Bai Yi took a deep breath and his gaze was firm: "Senior sister, I want to retreat."

"Okay, Senior Sister is waiting for you to get out of customs."

Bai Yi now closed to He Yiyi's careful thoughts, and immediately blinked his big eyes to show support.

At the same time

, I made a plan in my heart: Little Junior Brother retreat broke through the foundation building realm, and I went to deal with Sister Lan's accidental death.

The division of labor is clear, not bad....

After He Yiyi and Yu Xian left.

Bai Yi came to the secret room.

The system was summoned: "System, what is this Heavenly Court Divine Book for?" "




(This chapter is two in one, the little sister-in-law passed away last night, the carp helped at the little aunt's house, so it will not bother to be divided into two chapters, everyone forgive me, and there is another chapter plus more is estimated to be very late and late, you can watch it tomorrow, hug everyone ♡)

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