It's time for the third day.

In the secret room where Bai Yi was located, the aura was so thin that it was no different from the outside world.

The behemoth spiritual energy contained in thousands of spirit stones was actually absorbed into the spirit sea by Bai Yi refining in just three days.

"It's now."

Bai Yipan sat on the futon and drank low in his heart.

In the originally calm body, a wave of spiritual energy was set off when he boarded.

As soon as his mind moved, the strands of spiritual energy spontaneously rushed towards the Foundation Building Realm Pass.

A dull crash came out through the body.

A moment later, the several strands of spiritual energy used for temptation all collapsed, but the Foundation Building Realm Pass did not move at all.

"Doesn't it mean that building the foundation is simple? How did I get to this hard work. "

Spit is spit on.

Bai Yi is not impatient, this kind of thing is not urgent.

Steady and steady, dripping through stones.

In the following hour, Bai Yi continued to mobilize his spiritual energy to form a thick tide, slamming into the invisible and qualityless membrane that blocked the barrier between the passes of the Foundation Building Realm.

Although there were faint cracks in the membrane, Bai Yi was also tired and sweating.

"Huh~huh~how can it not be broken."

No, it can't be.

Otherwise, you have to exhaust people.

Bai Yi calculated that according to this progress, there was no problem in breaking through the foundation building realm.

But it's an absolute pipe dream to meet today's deadline!

Gotta find a different way!

Bai Yi manipulates the mind to look inside the body.

The Foundation Building Realm Pass was in a meridian tributary, and the surging spiritual energy was blocked by an invisible membrane, and it had to be detoured.

In fact, if you mobilize the spiritual energy of the whole body and rush through, this membrane will definitely not be stopped.

But the problem is that the meridians are too narrow and the white game cannot be opened.

The previous several shocks were due to the limited amount of spiritual energy that the meridians could hold, so the strength was not enough, and they did not cause substantial damage to the membrane.

What to do about it?

Bai Yi fell into deep thought.

After a moment, his eyes lit up.

Isn't the reason why you can't open it is that the aura is not strong enough!

Wouldn't it be enough to find a way to make it grow?!

Thinking of this, Bai Yi had an idea.

He manipulated the aura to slowly rush to the Foundation Building Realm Pass, but he was not in a hurry to step forward and hit the membrane.

It's about accumulating power, recharging power.

Spiritual energy surged like a tide, and the narrow meridians gradually saturated and began to expand.

The original subtle aura gathered together, growing stronger, thicker and stronger, and more and more restless.

After another while, the aura in this meridian had already gathered into a behemoth, opening its teeth and dancing its claws against that membrane.

Seeing that the meridians at this moment had swollen more than three times compared to before, and even faintly appeared bloodstains.

Bai Yi finally stopped pressing the wave of aura.

Fiercely hearted, suddenly crashed into it!

If the aura in the meridians before was an embroidery needle, now it is a spear!

It's still a bit thin, but it's enough....

At the beginning, he was narrow, and he walked dozens of steps, and suddenly he was cheerful!


The foundation building realm pass is wide open.

"Lean, it hurts!"

With a booming sound resounding in Bai Yi's mind, a violent stinging pain came.

Bai Yi couldn't help but exhale in pain.

Just that moment, he felt like he was going to crack...

For a long time, the pain slowly disappeared, replaced by an unprecedented comfort.

The surging spiritual energy flowed with joy in the meridians, and finally flowed to the spiritual sea.

Dots of golden fluorescence gushed out from all parts of the body, entering the Spirit Sea little by little, hovering in the center of the Spirit Sea.

Gradually fused together.

A brilliant golden spiritual platform slowly emerged...

Looking at this scene, Bai Yi was stunned.

"Isn't the Spirit Platform only purple, red and blue? Can anyone explain what the hell is this gold!!

He hurriedly took out a copy of the Yanyue Holy Land Cultivation Code from the storage space, and studied it for a long time on the foundation building realm introduction.

With a startled face, he came to the conclusion: "It's over, my spiritual platform has been broken..."

Back to Yanyue Peak, inside a cave where no one is allowed to approach.

The extremely rich Aura condensed into a large number of water droplets, which slowly flowed down the jade-like stone wall, converging into a stream of Spiritual Qi that poured into the deep pool in the center of the cave.

Gong Tianmingpan, who had a national character face and a calm face, sat next to the priceless pool of spiritual energy, accompanied by powerful and unparalleled aura fluctuations between his breaths.

The transmission jade card on his waist vibrated gently, and Gong Tianming slowly opened his eyes, picked up the jade card and entered a wisp of spiritual energy.

"Dad, I'm about to arrive at the Holy Land, your retreat is almost over, these dog slaves don't talk to me, they're bored to death." A girl's voice came from the jade tablet.

Hearing the girl's slightly brutal voice, a gentle smile appeared on Gong Tianming's face:

"Xiao Yun obedient, daddy is only one line away from breaking through to the peak of the Supreme Realm, and when you get to the Holy Land, daddy arranges for Jinmata Bridge to pick you up."

"I don't want that old guy from Kanamata Bridge to come, I want daddy to pick me up!" The girl's voice was full of displeasure

, "Xiao Yun must be obedient, daddy is in retreat, can't come to pick you up." Gong Tianming said helplessly.

"I don't care, I don't care, I'm going to come and pick you up anyway!" The girl shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Xiao Yun is a big girl, you have to listen to your father, and when your father is out of customs, you can promise you whatever you want..."

Gong Tianming laughed with him, coaxed for a long time, and finally let the girl reluctantly agree to be picked up by Kanamata Bridge.

"By the way, Dad, I heard that you also have a closed disciple named Bai Yi? So what should I do, I don't want to call those waste teachers. The girl asked.

Hearing this, Gong Tianming said with a smile: "At that time, he will naturally disappear, Xiao Yun rest assured."

"I heard the maid say, that Bai Yi has a superb temperament, handsome and beautiful like an immortal, countless girls in the holy land are attracted to it, can daddy not let him die, I want to accept him as a slave, it must be very face-saving to take him out."

"If he doesn't die, how can my father justifiably take you as an apprentice?" Gong Tianming frowned and said.

"I don't care, I don't care, dad if you don't come to pick me up, forget it, now I don't even want to agree to such a request, woo-woo." The girl pretended to cry a few times.

Gong Tianming was helpless, so he had to say, "I want to find a way."

"Daddy, you're so nice." The girl said with satisfaction.

Impatiently coping with her father's instructions, Gong Lingyun ended the summons.

Standing on the back of a giant eagle with a red body and a strong breath.

She asked the guard elder to drop the sycophant young man crawling around in front of him and pretending to be a dog at a height of 10,000 meters.

Watch him crash into a boulder and smash into ground minced flesh.

Gong Lingyun snorted coldly: "Miss Ben will have a new slave soon."

The terrified maid on the side immediately laughed and said: "What the young lady said must be that the immortal in the Holy Land is unparalleled, handsome and beautiful, and has made countless saints and goddesses fall in love with it."

"Well, that's what kind of white game." Gong Lingyun nodded nonchalantly.

"Although the outside world has praised the sky, in the eyes of the slave, the slave who is a young lady is all his climb!" The maid was very perceptive, flattering sentence after word.

Gong Lingyun looked at the silhouette of Yanyue Peak that faintly appeared in the distance.

His expression was full of course, and he pouted: "Miss Ben can't worship under my father's door, it's cheap for him to be a slave..."

He Yiyi had a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Holding hands with Lan Minghuang, he walked towards the silent and uninhabited Taiyou Lake.

"Sister Lan, little junior brother, he is waiting for you by the lake..."


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