"Senior Lady, please wait for me."

Bai Yi threw down such a sentence, turned around and walked out of the room quickly.

"What is this going to do? Did he understand me?

Looking at Bai Yi's back as he hurriedly left, Liu Ziru frowned slightly.

This was her last chance to give Bai Yi.

If he still doesn't understand tonight, or pretend to be stupid.

Then next time....

The Supreme Realm imprisoning a Foundation Building Realm must not take much effort.

Liu Ziru was born into a well-known 10,000-year-old family.

The rules are strict and dogmatic.

She has a gentle personality, and it can even be said that there are some adverse and submissive things.

The teachings of my fathers have always been obedient.

After Liu Ziru married Gong Tianming, she put all her heart on her husband.

Even if he is tyrannical and impermanent, even if he has many unspeakable alternative fetishes.

She has always endured in silence and never complained in the slightest.

Until she learned that Gong Tianming had an illegitimate daughter with someone else....

She sent someone to kill the woman, and broke with Gong Tianming.

He became more and more violent to her, beating and insulting her at every turn, and she did not say a word.

Such a depressing life that made her breathless lasted for many years.

Until Xiao Baiyi appeared.

He was handsome, sunny, sweet and sensible, as if a ray of dazzling sunlight shone into Liu Ziru's scarred and dark world.

She liked him, and this kind of unconventional liking made her, who had always been submissive, have a stimulating pleasure.

Gradually, she began to realize that something was wrong with herself.

She always finds various reasons to call Bai Yi to accompany her, and tosses and turns after a few days.

She hated all the female disciples who were close to Bai Yi, even... If you want to kill them, you will always have a monopoly on the white game.

Originally, such thoughts were not very serious, but the arrival of Gong Lingyun.

It completely transformed her.

What the three principles and five constants, the ethics of master and apprentice, are not important to her.

Or, Bai Yi took her out of the Yanyue Holy Land and looked like a sher.


She broke Bai Yi's legs, abolished his cultivation, and took him away to fly away, which is also a good look!

", something is wrong!"

Bai Yi hurriedly walked out of the Moon Hall and rubbed his face fiercely.

Something is wrong with Shi Niang!

He just hasn't experienced feelings, and he's not a fool!

Shi Niang's reaction is not right.

Opening and closing one's mouth is sleeping alone and lonely, what can be said to an apprentice?

Think of the strange performance of the master lady asking herself to eat before.

Bai Yi understood.

"Shi Niang wants to subtly rule me !!."

"It's over, it's over."

Shi Niang looked at the thick eyebrows, how could this be!

I'm only twenty years old!

I'm just developing!

Bai Yi squatted down at the door with a sad face.

I thought about countermeasures.

"From her?"

"No, no, if Master knows, the ashes can be raised to me!"

Gong Tianming is a peak cultivator of the Supreme Realm!

This Nima knits hats under people's noses, and the key is that he is only a foundation building.

What is the difference between this and looking for death!

You can't die for the sake of your second brother!!

Bai Yi immediately ruled out this option.

If only Master quacked.

Young women, undead or something, considering that they can still be wronged if they take forty years less detours.

This special master is still alive and well!

If you follow, don't say how many years less detours, directly in one step, reincarnate!

"Well, run in and say to Shi Niang, I like young, old woman, you died this heart, right?"

"It's not okay, Shi Niang is still in the early stage of the Supreme Realm, she wants to be angry and angry, in order to extinguish her mouth, maybe she will fry me first and then kill?"

That doesn't work, that doesn't work.

It's a dead end.

From it, the master will kill himself in the future.

Don't take it, now Shi Niang kills herself.

What's the whole thing?

Bai Yi squatted in the doorway and pondered for a long, long time.

The conclusion was drawn: it was all insufficient strength that caused trouble!

If he was now a cultivator more powerful than the Supreme Realm, would he still have to be afraid of this?

"Wait, there seems to be a way."

Bai Yi's eyes suddenly lit up and he slapped his thigh.

Didn't the system assess yourself as a straight man before?

How would a straight man react to this kind of thing?

"I don't understand!" Bai Yidi suddenly realized.

"Just do it!"

Bai Yi had an idea, stood up and walked towards the distance.

Although he never agrees that he is a straight man, he can't care about this at the moment of life and death.

A moment later.

Hall of the Elders.

"Hello Elder Liu, do you remember the previous activities that organized disciples to practice in front of the Moon Hall? I felt the need to reorganize again, which is what Shi Niang meant. Bai

Yi said seriously to Elder Liu, who was on duty in the Hall of Elders.

Before, he misunderstood Liu Ziru's hint, thinking that the master was not there, and the master was alone.

Therefore, thousands of disciples were organized to practice in front of the Moon Hall.

But then Liu Ziru was assassinated and the Moon Hall was renovated, and the matter was interrupted.

And now, Bai Yi wants to restart this activity.

What Junior Lady wants to infiltrate me, no, that's Shi Niang is afraid that assassins will appear again, so she prompts me to reorganize my disciples to practice in front of the Moon Hall!"

Only with this understanding can we temporarily delay the master lady who is like a wolf and wants to make Bai Yi 'exhausted'.

There were thousands of disciples watching in front of the Moon Hall, how could Senior Lady still have unspoken rules!

"What does Deputy Sect Master Liu mean?" Elder Liu asked.

Bai Yi nodded without hesitation: "I just met Shi Niang, and she said that after being assassinated, she always has palpitations, and she is always a little worried when she is alone." Elder

Liu naturally didn't know the hidden secrets, and when he heard this, he thought that it was really Liu Ziru's meaning.

Anyway, it has already been organized once, and there is nothing to organize again.

So he agreed to come down and immediately sent someone to gather his disciples to the Moon Hall.

"Alas, let's delay first, just wait until Master is out of customs."

Bai Yi estimated that it should not be far from Gong Tianming's exit, after all, the thousand-year competition was about to be held, and he, as the sect master, would definitely preside.

This is also an important reason why Bai Yi chooses not to follow.

Master can go out at any time!

If it is, the master just happened to be out of the customs one night, and he snapped the door open....

Well, what a filial wife!

Elder Liu's movements were fast, and it didn't take long for the disciples to assemble.

Bai Yi was about to go to the Moon Hall with them, but was stopped by Kanamata Bridge, who had just returned to the Hall of Elders.

"Bai Yi, you come here, I have something to inform you." Kanamata Bridge stood in place, commanding.

Seeing that it was Kanamata Bridge, Bai Yi frowned.

This old boy also had to be on guard, he didn't even notice what Shi Niang meant before, he smelled it.

No wonder I had to take Liu Ziru's personal maid that day, this is to sit down and make sure that I have an affair with my senior wife, and then ask Gong Tianming for credit!

In an instant, the previous ones were connected in my mind.

Bai Yi's eyes gradually turned cold when he looked at Kanamata Bridge.

Gotta think of a trick to kill this dogleg!

Otherwise, even if he didn't agree to Liu Ziru, he had a mind to calculate and casually make something up for Gong Tianming, and he would be very dangerous.

After all, Shi Niang really wants to dive herself!

This thing can't be forbidden to be checked by anyone who cares.

Thinking like this, Bai Yi walked towards the Kanamata Bridge.


Moon Temple.

Liu Ziru took out a magic treasure-grade binding immortal rope from the storage ring and placed it under the pillow.

After thinking about it, he took out his sword Aoki and hid it inside the quilt.

Only then did he sit on the bed, quietly waiting for Bai Yi to come back....



(Ask for a five-star praise, so far there is no rating, woo-woo T^T)

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