"Gong Tianming, I'll take your mother!"

Yu Xian saw He Yi fall out, life and death were unpredictable, and his eyes were red.

Before leaving, Senior Brother told him to protect Yiyi.

Lao Tzu went back to make a difference.


You, Gong Tianming, as the head of a sect, actually don't even want his face, and he shot at the two dolls.

Lao Tzu fought with you!

Yu Xian kicked Chang Shou Chong away, took out a blood-colored demon pill and swallowed it.

The next moment, the breath skyrocketed!

"The surname Zheng, Chang Shou Chong handed it over to you, Laozi dealt with Gong Tianming, if something happened to Yi repeatedly, I would kill your whole family after returning to the sect!"

Yu Xian's eyes were red, and his face was flushed abnormally.

His voice was hoarse.

Elder Zheng opened his mouth and finally said nothing.

Just nodded heavily.

He glanced worriedly at the girl not far away.

The sword was raised to meet Chang Shou Chong.

In the small courtyard, the remaining disciples of the Trial Hall wanted to take the opportunity to step forward, but were stopped by the middle-aged man Zhang Laoer with a chopping knife.

Bai Yi got up from the ground dizzily, and at a glance he saw the girl lying not far away.

The land around her was full of piercing blood.

"Senior sister..."

He came to He Yi and picked her up with trembling hands.

Yin Hong's blood suddenly stained his hands.

The girl's delicate fair cheeks were stained with dust, and there was almost no blood color in paleness.

Large swathes of blood were oozing from the shocking wound on her back.

Those old bright eyes were tightly closed.

In the distance, Elder Zheng pulled out a gap and threw over a bottle of elixir: "Feed her and take it, stabilize the injury first!"

Bai Yi immediately took it and helped her take it.

He stared blankly at the unresponsive girl.

Unconsciously, the corners of the eyes are moist.

Senior sister, I killed me....

I shouldn't have stayed....

"Kang Jinlong, bring her here, I will let Gong Tianming watch her die."

Bai Yi hugged the girl tightly in his arms, talking to himself, and his voice was dead.

"Good." Someone replied silently.

In the killing field full of screams and roars, the young man hugged the girl sluggishly.

At this moment, he was sad like never before.

"Little... Little junior brother. "


A faint mosquito fly girl's voice sounded.

Bai Yi's eyes flashed with strong surprise, and he replied heavily.

"I'm here, I'm in!"

He Yiyi weakly opened his eyes and felt the injuries in his body.

Weakly, he stuck out his little tongue.

Well, it seems to be playing big....

Should not die... It....

She mobilized her aura to heal several serious injuries and raised her gaze to look at Bai Yi.

Gently wrinkling the tip of his crystalline nose, he muttered in a low voice:

"Little junior brother, Yiyi is going to die."

"Senior sister won't die, definitely not."

"Little junior brother, don't talk, Yi Yi has something to tell you..."

He Yi paused.

The heart said that it would be more atmospheric to cough now?

She secretly glanced at Bai Yi and coughed weakly twice.

Only then did he continue:

"Yiyi is about to die, and there is one thing that must be told to the little junior brother."

Bai Yi said softly, "No, Senior Sister will get better soon." "

Little junior brother, don't interrupt Yiyi, okay."

"Well, I'm not talking." Bai Yi clings to her.

He Yi's eyes were red, and he gently reached out and touched Bai Yi's cheek.

In a weak tone, "I'm giving my last words, you have to listen to them," he said, "I have

a secret that I've been hiding for a long, long, long time."

She stared at Bai Yi and laughed like a little girl who had stolen candy.

"Hey, Yiyi likes little junior brother."

"It's as if chirping birds will rejoice at the arrival of spring blossoms."

"He Yiyi will also be very happy every time I meet Bai Yi."

"The book says, may I be like the stars and the moon, and the night and night will be bright..." The

girl's eyes shone brightly, and she stretched out her finger and gestured to the sky.

"Little Junior Brother, are you willing to be Yiyi's moon?"

"Senior sister, it's daytime, only the sun, not the moon."

Without waiting for her to speak, Bai Yi said again:

"Hmm... I mean, Bai Yi willing.

He hugged the girl tightly in his arms, looked into her eyes and said

, "When Senior Sister is healed, I will take you to stand under the starry sky and say these words again."

He Yiyi snorted.

The corners of his mouth turned up unconsciously.

From now on, Yiyi will be the real lady of the little junior brother.

Hmph, no vixen can escape my fiery eye.

If the little junior brother dares to have bad intentions, he will!

Thinking of this, the girl suddenly thought that the little junior brother seemed to have always had a desire to survive.

This made her wrinkle her nose in distress.

Damn it! Tsumizuna couldn't stand up.

Then that, just, those fox elves who plot against the little junior brother ~

hum! Don't even think about running.

Kill you all~


He Yiyi's injuries were too serious, and he fell asleep after being awake for a while.

Bai Yi took out a few clothes from the storage space, tore them to make a rope, and gently fixed her to his back.

Then, he raised his gaze and looked at Yu Xian and Gong Tianming in the distance.

Although Yu Xian's strength increased greatly after taking an unknown elixir, he was still not Gong Tianming's opponent.

It was only with a lifeless style of play that temporarily dragged him down.

"Brother Bai, take Yi Yi away!"

Yu Xian noticed this side and shouted anxiously at Bai Yi.

He was distracted by his words, and was caught by Gong Tianming, and a huge moon wheel with majestic aura slammed up.

Immediately spat out a mouthful of blood, and his breath was weak.

"Go, how?"

Gong Tianming sneered and glanced at Bai Yi, not hiding the strong killing intent in his eyes:

"You all have to die."

Bai Yi looked at him expressionlessly.

Squeeze the law with both hands.

Calmly said: "Hunt on behalf of Tianxing, graze the stars." "

The Ancestor of the Stars, Doumu Yuanjun, Edict."

"The essence of the Eastern Green Emperor, to which the Azure Dragon belongs."

"Chengong Horned Wood Jiao, Chengong Kang Golden Dragon, listen to the Nether!"

Behind him, the mysterious gate of the galaxy opened.

The man with the white face of the beast ear walked out and replied softly: "Horned wood jiao, here."

At the same time, there were people in the distance who responded aloud.

"Kang Jinlong, in!"

The voice came from far and near, and a cold man appeared behind Bai Yi.

In his hand, he was carrying the half-dead Gong Linyun.

"You dare!!"

Gong Tianming raised his hand and slashed out a moon wheel to repel Yu Xian, who was covered in blood but still had red eyes and was stalking.

The aura all over his body was raging madly, and he looked at Bai Yi and roared angrily:

"You are certain to die, let her go, I can let the people of the Qiongyu Demon Sect leave."

"Brother Bai, nice job!" Yu Xian grinned.

At this time, the sky is far away.

Several elders of the Yanyue Holy Land suddenly appeared in everyone's sight.

"Haha, no one wants to leave!"

Gong Tianming glanced at it and immediately laughed violently.

The rest of the laughter came to an abrupt end.

His face was extremely ugly, and a trace of despair flashed in his bloodshot eyes.

Elder Zheng, Ma Laoer, and everyone from the Qiong Yu Demon Sect also showed despair.

Surrounded by enemies on all sides, and in the hinterland of Yanyue.

Ten dead and dead...

Behind Bai Yi.

Kang Jinlong frowned and looked in the other direction:

"Yuanjun, a completely different aura is coming from that side..."


(Yiyi is together!) If I were a reader, I would definitely have five stars to celebrate T^T).

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