Because the distance is too far.

He Yiyi's news was slightly lagging.

She only knew that Liu Ziru looked for Bai Yi yesterday evening, but she didn't know what happened later.

"Did what?"

Bai Yi thought for a while and said: "

Master is not in retreat, Master Niang is estimated to be alone in the Moon Hall, so these days often call me to eat together, yesterday afternoon..."

Bai Yi recounted what happened last night.

The morbid killing intent that jumped in He Yi's eyes slowly faded...

"That's probably it, I didn't do anything, I just practiced in front of the Moon Hall for half the night, and I came back and slept until now haha." Bai Yi Dao.

"Uh-huh, so the senior lady is really good for the little junior brother, you did the right thing." He Yiyi nodded cutely.

Then, He Yiyi smiled and asked, "Yiyi has been away for two years, has the little junior brother met any girls he likes?"

"It's not interesting for girls to cultivate incense." Bai Yi pouted.

"That's not right."

He Yiyi corrected the mistake in his words:

"Other girls are not interesting, but Yiyi is very interesting!"

"Senior sister, you're not interesting."

"No, Iichi is very interesting!"


"There is, there is!"

The two argued childishly for a long time, and then chatted for a while.

This was the end of the arraignment.

"Shi Niang, Yiyi hates you very much..." Sitting

in the silent secret room, the girl played with a narrow knife.

Talking to himself.


It's noon.

"Bai Gongzi, Vice Sect Master Liu summoned you to the Heavenly Temple."

The maid's voice came from outside the courtyard.

It seems that after Master's retreat, Shi Niang was indeed lonely.

The frequency of calling yourself has increased significantly in recent days.

Bai Yi changed his clothes and went to the Moon Hall with the maid.

Not far away, look at their backs.

Elder Jin Wuqiao frowned, "There are oddities!"

"When the Sect Master was there, Bai Yi did not go to the Moon Hall for ten and a half days, and now the Sect Master has just retreated, running two or three times a day!"

"Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

Moon Temple.

Bai Yi followed the maid into the hall.

But did not find Liu Ziru's figure.

He was a little puzzled, and was about to open his mouth to ask, but found that the atmosphere was a little wrong.

"Bai Gongzi, slaves, slaves have liked you for a long time." The maid closed the door, blushed, and unbuttoned her clothes little by little with her small hands.

"What are you doing?!"

Bai Yi immediately withdrew backwards.

"The slave knows that she is not worthy of the prince, and does not ask the prince to be lucky, but only wants to complete this body..."

the maid said, unbuttoning it again.

Soon, the white shoulders were exposed to the air with a large snow-white area.

"Groove, what the hell is going on!"

Bai Yi was stunned.

So Shi Niang shouted that she was fake.

Is it true that this maid wants to trick herself into rape?

In the past, I heard that boys should know how to protect themselves when they go out.

I didn't expect to really encounter this kind of thing now.


She is a maid, she can't be so bold.

After a short period of confusion, Bai Yi immediately became vigilant:

"Two possibilities, either she came to assassinate me, or she was instructed by others to frame me!"

As for other possibilities?

There is no other possibility in this world!

Bai Yi is not the kind of idiot who can't help but see a woman, on the contrary, he will only be more vigilant!

His parents died early, and a person grew up in the Holy Land since childhood, what kind of dirty struggle has he never seen?

Assassination, framing, betrayal... Endlessly, and the vast majority of people are planted on women!

Bai Yi quickly pulled out a long sword from the storage space.

Without hesitation, he stepped back a lot.

At the same time, he shouted: "Come and see, there are women without clothes!" "


..." Liu Ziru, who was secretly watching: "..." The

disciple on duty outside the hall: "!! "

It's in human nature to like to watch lively.

Several disciples on duty outside the hall immediately lit up their eyes when they heard that someone was wearing no clothes.

They glanced at each other, pushed open the door and rushed in.

Of course, this is because the shouts are in the front hall.

If only this voice came from the residence of the Sect Master and the Sect Master's wife in the apse.

They definitely didn't dare to rush in stunned.

"Sect Master's residence, who's coming here!"

Several disciples were awe-inspiring, shouting heaven-shaking, but their eyes couldn't stop drilling into the maid.

Lean, it's late, it's so fast to get dressed....

"It's this woman, I suspect she's an assassin, senior brother, hurry up and hold her."

Bai Yi was jealous of the maid's unclear cultivation, and slipped towards the entrance of the hall without hesitation, while fooling a few disciples.

The disciples are not stupid, and the sect master's own disciples have slipped back.

What a lot of yourself.

He quickly stopped and shouted at Bai Yi: "Senior Brother Bai, you are the sect master's personal lineage, isn't it easy to take an assassin?" You come, a few of our brothers will plunder the battle for you, and will never let her escape. This

is called righteousness and awe.

Bai Yi listened as the corners of his mouth twitched.

As for the ability to lose face, it has to be you.

At the moment, he did not hesitate, while smearing oil on the soles of his feet, he shouted to several people:

"Senior brothers, my cultivation time is short, it is estimated that I am not the opponent of this assassin, only the speed of the rush is still a shot, you hold on first, I will go to the elder to clean him up."

Bai Yi is telling the truth, and his 'rushing' speed is indeed very handy.

After so many years of cultivation, I haven't learned much about martial arts, and I have learned more than a hundred kinds of running body methods....

The maid on the side looked at Bai Yi, who was almost at the gate of the temple in the blink of an eye.

Then look at the few disciples standing in the distance hesitating.

Knowing you've messed things up.

Covering his clothes, he ran his body towards the window in the temple.

She is Liu Ziru's personal maid, and she is a cultivator of the Divine Hidden Realm, and these disciples can't stop her.

Bai Yi felt the abundant aura that the maid burst out, and slipped faster.

The system has just been activated, and the good days have not passed for a few days.

If you are here, you will die.

Just as Bai Yi was about to sneak out of the temple door, the maid was about to arrive at the window.

The voice of the inner gate elder Kanamata Bridge came from outside the door: "Run? Where to run? "

Just a few breaths of time.

He who was still outside the gate of the temple just now appeared behind the maid.

The cyan aura wrapped his right fist and smashed it fiercely towards the maid.

The realm gap was too great, and the maid simply did not have time to react.

Sheng Sheng received this punch and fell to the side vomiting blood.

"The personal maid assassinated Bai Yi? Hehe, why don't I believe it so much.

Kanamata Bridge mentioned the maid who had no power to resist.

In his heart, he faintly felt that he had approached the cat between Liu Ziru and Bai Yi.

As long as you pry open this maid's mouth, the truth will be inseparable!

Master and apprentice... According to the temper of the suzerain, hehe.

As long as you get the evidence, quietly report it to the sect master.

Not only is it just around the corner.


If the sect master hadn't killed them in the first place, after Liu Ziru went to prison...

You might be able to taste the taste of this ripe peach!

Thinking of this, a hint of excitement flashed in Kanamata Bridge's eyes.

He suppressed the commotion in his heart.

Turning his head to look at Bai Yi and a few disciples on duty, he held the shelf and said lightly: "

This maid is lurking in the Heavenly Temple, with bad intentions, I will take her away for interrogation first, and you will tell Vice Sect Master Liu later."

After speaking, he turned around and prepared to leave immediately.

No matter what, Liu Ziru is still the deputy sect master, and if she stops her, it will be very troublesome.

Just as Kanamata Bridge was about to leave the Moon Hall.

When you feel that flying is already within reach.

A calm woman's voice came from the apse:

"Wait a minute..."


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