"Well, little junior brother, is there anyone next to you just now? How did Iichi hear the boy's voice.

He Yiyi's pink mouth opened slightly, and his eyes had just woken up with confusion.

Hmph, smelly little junior brother, see if you tell the truth!

Men have to be tempted from time to time in order to grasp their psychological changes in time.

If the little junior brother dares to lie....

Hehe, Yiyi has many means of punishment, I don't know which one the little junior brother likes?

"Where is there a man, it was just the daughter of Uncle Wu's family who came to deliver food."

Bai Yi looked at He Yiyi with concern and reached out to touch her forehead.

It's over, Senior Sister won't be stupid.

"Ao, maybe Yiyi misheard, hee-hee."

The corners of He Yi's mouth turned up in satisfaction.

At the same time, his bright eyes glanced at the chicken soup next to the bed.

Little vixen, as soon as you opened your mouth, Iichi knew that you had bad intentions.

Wait, don't let Iichi find a chance....

"Senior sister, is there anything uncomfortable?"

Bai Yi was afraid that Gong Tianming's punch yesterday hurt He Yiyi's head.

"No, no, Iichi feels refreshed now."

He Yiyi looked at the chicken soup next to the bed, with a pun.

"That's good."

Bai Yi breathed a sigh of relief.

Finding that He Yiyi was staring at the chicken soup, he smiled and served it:

"Senior sister is hungry, I'll feed you."

"By the way, little junior brother, why are we here?"

He Yimei took a sip of chicken soup, but still did not let his guard down.

Yanyue stretched thousands of miles around the periphery, why did the little junior brother find this little fox's house.

Maybe it was because he saw the mood and planned to cultivate the darkness of the plank road Chen Cangli.

Yi Yi definitely can't raise the spirit of 120,000 points!

Bai Yi didn't think much about it, and while feeding her chicken soup, he explained:

"Yesterday... The Sect Master of the Qiong Yu Demon Sect, that is, Senior Sister and your Master, he arrived just in time at a critical moment, stopped Brother Yu from blowing himself up, and asked me to take you and leave first.

"And then shhh

That's not what Iichi cares about.

I don't know the process I planned by myself.

He Yiyi blinked his big shining eyes and looked at Bai Yi:

"How did we get here?"

"Oh, this, after leaving Yanyue, I was worried about your injury, and I planned to find a place to stop and recuperate, and just happened to meet Uncle Wu and them, so I came back with him."

"Oh, is Uncle Wu's daughter good-looking?" He Yiyi's eyes narrowed slightly.

There was a hint of danger in the air.

Bai Yi, who had never been in love, did not notice it, and continued to feed her chicken soup, "I don't know, I didn't pay attention to it, senior sister, you are injured so badly, how can I still be in the mood to care about this." "

Hey~ Little junior brother is so good." He Yiyi was very happy.

If she had a tail, she would be able to rise to the sky now.

I thought with satisfaction:

Yiyi's thoughts were not in vain, and the little junior brother really liked me fiercely.

Come on! Continue.

She secretly waved her small fist.

Feeling the injury in his body, he frowned slightly.

No, Iichi needs to heal his injuries quickly.

Then reveal the location to Gong Tianming and let him chase and kill.

"That's as it should be."

Bai Yi touched her silky hair and stood up with a bowl of chopsticks.

"Senior sister, you heal your wounds first, I'll wash the dishes and chopsticks and return them."

He Yiyi was vigilant in his heart, but his face did not move, and he nodded obediently: "Okay, Yiyi will heal his wounds." Bai

Yi walked out the door.

He Yiyi pricked up his ears and mobilized his aura to enhance his hearing.

She wanted to see what trick the little vixen was going to play!

"Uncle Wu, I brought the bowl and chopsticks."

Bai Yi washed the dishes and chopsticks by the well in the courtyard and knocked on the door of another hut.

"Just leave these jobs to Xiaoxi, Bai Gongzi don't be so polite."

Wu Gang is a middle-aged man in his forties, with dark skin and a bitter face, and the whole person looks simple and simple.

Seeing Bai Yi enter the house, he immediately stood up and greeted him.

"It's okay, it's already bothering a lot." Bai Yi said with a smile.

"Bai Gongzi, a heavenly immortal and ordinary figure, it is my blessing to be able to come to my old Wu family."

Wu Gang took the bowl and chopsticks with both hands and smiled simply.

The two chatted for a while, and Bai Yi was ready to leave.

"Uncle Wu, you are busy, I will go back first, Madame is injured and someone takes care of her."

"Wait a minute."

Wu Gang called out to him and walked to his daughter, who was sitting on the side holding her face and secretly looking at Bai Yi.

With a serious expression, he said angrily: "Return the jade pei to Bai Gongzi, a few bowls of worthless meals, can you exchange it for such a treasure?" I see you have lost your conscience!

Wu Qianxi was reluctant in her heart, and subconsciously stood up and wanted to refute.

Suddenly reacted, Bai Yi was still in the house.

She immediately suppressed the words that came to her lips.

Instead, he put on a look of grievance.

Taking out the piece of jade pendant, his eyes were slightly red, and he lowered his head and walked in front of Bai Yi.

He said in a choked tone: "Bai Gongzi, this Yupei Xiaoxi really can't be collected.

"Uncle Wu, what are you doing?"

Bai Yi did not intend to take it back, and said helplessly to Wu Gang, who had a scowl on his face:

"The book says that everyone with good intentions will be blessed, if you don't accept it, I won't dare to come back and sit by in the future."

Hear Bai Yi's words.

A hint of hesitation appeared on Wu Gang's face.

Being at the bottom and relying on strength to eat, he is no different from those simple farmers who farm.

All with admiration and respect for the reader in their hearts.

Seeing him hesitate, Bai Yi laughed and continued:

"A gentleman repays virtue with virtue and complains directly, this is the words of a saint, besides, the stream is not small, Uncle Wu can't let her follow you to hunt for a lifetime, right?"

"This jade pei is not worth much, you sell it, buy a yard in the city annex, and leave the rest for the stream as a dowry."

First the truth of the reader, and then the future of the daughter.

Wu Gang couldn't refuse, he scratched his head and smiled cheekily: "I listen to Bai Gongzi."

"That's good, Uncle Wu, you're busy, I'll go back first." Bai Yi smiled and nodded.

"Bai Gongzi, don't you sit down anymore?"

Wu Qianxi spoke before her father.

She bit her lip, and a pair of autumn eyes stared at Bai Yi tightly.

"No, you guys are busy." Bai Yi smiled and waved his hand and walked out the door.

After Bai Yi left, Wu Gang looked at his daughter with a frown, and reprimanded in a low voice: "Bai

Gongzi is a figure in the sky, and he is destined to have no communication with us, don't move other thoughts."

Wu Qianxi wiped the jade pei with her sleeve preciously, raised her eyebrows and glanced at Wu Gang:

"It is precisely because he is a figure in the sky that I should seize the opportunity, otherwise I will follow you to hunt in this deep mountain and old forest for a lifetime?"

She walked to the cabinet, pointed to two or three rouge boxes on it, and said meanly:

"This box of rouge will cost you more than a month's income from hunting, and I don't want to live like this again!"

Wu Gang's face turned red with anger, pointed to the jade pei in her hand, and said in a low voice:

"Didn't Bai Gongzi already give the jade pei?" Daddy doesn't want anything, it's all for you!

Wu Qianxi pouted and said to her father with a mocking face:

"If he can give such a valuable piece of jade at will, he can take out more!" Climbing him is the real glory and wealth.

"Oh, the man snatched Yi's head."

A certain girl who had listened for a long time with her ears pricked up, and said to herself silently.

She stretched out her small white hand and rubbed the hilt of the narrow knife on the side.

The eyes were deep, faintly with a hint of dangerous scarlet.

The corners of his mouth gradually hooked the arc of Sen Leng...



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