"Save us? Why save us?

Before Yu Xian could react, he stood in place and looked to the left and right suspiciously.

It's no one.

No more.

Lao Tzu Hall Supreme Realm Triple Heaven.

Even if you can't fight, you can always escape, where do you need to be saved by senior brothers....

Just as he was thinking about it, Yu Xian heard a sound of breaking the air behind him.

"Lying groove, someone really dares to sneak up on your grandfather Yu!"

He immediately turned around, and he wanted to give the furry thief a little color.

"Supreme, Supreme Realm Seven Heavens???"

Yu Xian saw the old man rushing to the front at a glance.

He was stunned at first, and then he ran away.

While running, he scolded:

"Mother, old man Liu, you don't want to be faceless, the Supreme Realm Seventh Heaven, you engage in a sneak attack!!"

"Don't worry about him, catch that kid first, He Yi can kill as soon as he can, he really can't kill it, don't force it."

Old Man Liu glanced at Yu Xian and instructed everyone behind him.

He casually threw out a Spiritual Qi blade and rushed past Yu Xian.


That aura rushed straight towards Yu Xian, slammed through his protective body aura, and plunged into his ass.

Yu Xian howled, and a bloody hole appeared on his butt.

Unable to shout in pain, he urged the exercises with all his strength to chase towards the Bai Yi two.

"Brother Bai, you are so unrighteous that you don't know how to call me when you run!"

"I roared so loudly, you stand there by yourself, blame me."

Bai Yi was already holding He Yiyi and flying out a thousand meters away at this moment.

While exerting his full strength, he said to Yu Xian at Yu Xian.

As he spoke, his movements did not stop in the slightest.

More than a hundred escape methods are used.

He really distanced himself from everyone in the Liu family behind.

At this time, Sui Yi finally arrived.

Shrouded in a powerful and incomparable aura, he did not hesitate to throw out a sword radiance.

Angrily shouted:

"The surname Liu, you are looking for death!"

"Hold him."

Old Man Liu did not intend to fight with Sui Yi, and threw a sentence at the few people behind him.

Dodging Sui Yi's sword mang, he quickly chased after Bai Yi, who was running for his life in front of him.

"Mother, it's not over, come and rush Lao Tzu."

Seeing that Senior Brother was entangled, Yu Xian roared angrily and stopped.

It was impossible for him to watch Old Man Liu catch up.

If something happens to He Yiyi here, he will have to peel my skin without waiting for Senior Brother Hui Sect."

Senior Brother has already arrived, and as long as I delay a little, they will definitely not succeed.

With his mind spinning, Yu Xian gritted his teeth, turned around and rushed forward to meet Old Man Liu.

Seeing Yu Xian rushing over, Old Man Liu's brows frowned slightly.

The course of travel was not changed.

When Yu Xian had already come to the front and gritted his teeth and was about to strike.

He jerked his leg up and kicked Yu Xian's chest.


With a muffled sound, Yu Xian instantly flew out backwards.

The road ahead is no longer blocked.

Old Man Liu had a gloomy face and glanced at Yu Xian:

"Get out, I'll kill you if I catch up again."

After speaking, his figure was like electricity and he chased after him.

"Come, Lao Tzu is waiting for you to kill me."

Yu Xian rolled over and got up from the ground, although the kick just now seemed to be powerful, but Old Man Liu had no intention of fighting, but it did not cause him much damage.

"Leisure, catch up! If something happens to Yiyi, Lao Tzu will pick your skin. Sui

Yi single-handedly pressed the four Supreme Realm cultivators to fight, and there was still room to urge his junior disciple.

"I know!"

Yu Xian did not look back, and continued to rush towards Old Man Liu without hesitation.

But the realm disparity was too great, and he had consumed a lot of spiritual energy from his previous battle with Liu Ziru.

Although he had already urged the exercises with all his strength, he could only watch Old Man Liu go away.

Look at this scene.

Sui Yi's heart gradually sank to the bottom.

He Yiyi and Liu Ziru's contradiction is clear to him.

It's nothing more than because of that kid named Bai Yi.

Now that Yiyi wants to kill Liu Ziru, Liu Ziru will definitely not be soft on her.

And now I can't get rid of myself....

At this moment, Sui Yi even fell into despair.

Ignoring the many objections in the sect, he blatantly tore his face with the Yanyue Holy Land.

It is undoubtedly a big gamble that presses Qiong Yu's luck in the next 10,000 years.

He bet that He Yiyi could take the Qiong Yu Demon Sect to become the leader of the world!

But before the cards were lifted, the table had already been lifted.

What else does he bet?

"Bai Yi, if you are a man, protect your own woman! Otherwise, even if they don't kill you, Lao Tzu will crush you to ashes!!

Sui Yi's eyes were red, and he shouted angrily.

Mobilize your aura with all your strength and shoot without reservation.

"Whether I'm a man or not, it's not your turn to decide."

Bai Yi didn't care if Sui Yi could hear it or not, and replied to himself.

Turning his head sideways, he looked at the distance between Old Man Liu and himself.


"Take the Spirit as a guide... Kang Jinlong, summon! The

voice fell.

Two small golden dragon horns drilled out of his forehead, and the wings on his back instantly changed into golden colors.

In the blink of an eye, he came to the Supreme Realm Triple Heaven.

"The method of the Imperial Ghost Flow Cultivator?"

Old Man Liu was surprised to see his aura skyrocket.

A Divine Hidden Realm kid actually controlled two Supreme Realm ghosts.

It can also be integrated with their combat power.

But that's it.

There is no difference between the Supreme Realm One Heaven and the Supreme Realm Three Heavens, as far as I am concerned.

Old Man Liu's eyes flashed, and aura poured into his legs from his dantian.

Step on the void and disappear in an instant.

When it reappears, it is only a kilometer away from Bai Yi.

"Little junior brother, he caught up." He Yiyi's eyes were resolute, and he said calmly: "Put Yiyi down, I have a way to stop him for a while."

Saying that, she grasped the hilt of the narrow knife and was about to break free from Bai Yi's embrace.

This time in the layout of the Phoenix Empire, she did not consider that the Liu family had many factors.

For example, the Liu family has already torn their faces with Yanyue, and normally they will not choose to fight with Qiong Yu again.

For example, Liu Ziru is a red apricot out of the wall, no matter how reasonable, the Liu family should give up on her....

But wrong is wrong.

One move is careless, and the whole game is lost.

"He Yiyi, do you think this is very touching?"

"Touched a fart!"

Bai Yi was rarely angry and scolded.

Wrapped a dead ring around the girl with one hand.

"Exchange my wife's life for my own life, then I will look down on myself!"

Finish the sentence.

He no longer chose to continue running, but hovered in mid-air.

Turned to face Old Man Liu, his face was calm, and he slowly raised his right hand:


Dense blue water columns emerged in response to the sound and bound Old Man Liu's limbs.

Old Man Liu sneered and raised his hand to smash it all.

Bai Yimian did not change color, and continued to shoot: "Ice." The

water column that had just been smashed by Old Man Liu instantly formed a huge ice cage around him.

"Boom~" The

cold ice exploded, and Old Man Liu walked out safely.

He looked at Bai Yi with a smile:

"Boy, in the face of absolute power, resistance has no effect."

"Senior sister, close your eyes."

As if he hadn't heard his words, Bai Yi whispered to the girl in his arms.

"Little junior brother, Yiyi..." "

Senior sister is obedient, close your eyes, and the little junior brother will take you away."

“...... Good.

The girl slowly closed her eyes.

I thought in my heart that if the little junior brother's method was useless, I would immediately stop the man.

Little Junior Brother, if someone wants to die, that person will definitely be Yiyi's....

"Can you still take him away?"

Old Man Liu smiled and shook his head, his eyes full of playfulness.

He wasn't going to waste any more time.

Urging the aura to rush towards Bai Yi, he raised a hand and grabbed Bai Yi's neck directly.

But also in this moment.

Bai Yi has an extra triangular style thing in his hand....



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