
the reserved girl bit her lip and considered for a moment, then nodded slightly hesitantly.

"Okay, but the little junior brother can't shiver~"

Although she was a little afraid that the little junior brother would not be able to control the transformation into a big bad wolf.

But he has finally reached this age, and if he has been suppressed, maybe it will give the fox spirits an opportunity.

Iichi is not stupid, if he wants to grab a man's heart - he must grab his kidney!

Thinking of this, He Yiyi's heart began to go up and down.

The face was also red, and the pinna was also red, and I didn't know what to do for a while.

A heart deer rammed.

"Yiyi suddenly remembered that there was still something to deal with, the little junior brother waited in the room first, and Yiyi came back when it was dark."

Without waiting for Bai Yi to reply, He Yiyi blushed and found a lame reason to run out of the room and leave.


Bai Yi was also a little nervous, anyway, it was the first time he experienced this kind of thing.

It's a little scary to Senior Sister.

But since Senior Sister said that she would come over in the evening, then just wait for it....

The time to wait is always anxious, especially when you have anticipation in your heart and a fire in your body.

This anxiety is particularly acute.

For example, in a hurry to go to the toilet, I came to the toilet and found that my trouser belt was entangled....

Well, still a dead knot.

Bai Yi glanced at the sky outside, the sun was shining, and the flowers smiled at me....

What a laugh.

How is it not dark yet!

"Forget it, let's cultivate for a while first."

Bai Yi scratched his head, took off his shoes and socks and sat down cross-legged on the bed, gradually settled.

I don't know how long has passed.

He faintly heard a creak at the door, followed by a slight footstep.

Bai Yi opened his eyes, and the girl's beautiful figure came into view.

She wore a pure white long dress, her delicate cheeks were not powdered, and she showed a shy slightly pink, clean and natural.

A pair of white tender and slender jade legs were white and pure, like an alluring white lotus that had just peeled its skin.

Two soft little hands were in front of him, and his little head was hanging low.

Big eyes stared slightly nervously at the toes.

Small steps and small steps moved to the side of the bed.

Bright eyes and teeth, beauty peerless.

"Senior sister." Bai Yi looked at the girl's nervous appearance and called her funny.


He Yiyi was startled and stood on tiptoe as if standing in place.

Raised a pair of panicked rabbit-like eyes and looked at Bai Yi in a panic.

No matter how much she usually teases the little junior brother, at this time, she still can't escape the girl's reserve and shyness after all.

Although the little junior brother promised not to be astringent, who knows if he will keep his promise.

He's all that big....

"Is this still He Yiyi, who is not afraid of heaven and earth?"

Bai Yi smiled warmly, got off the bed, and walked in front of her.

Looking at each other, he bent down and gently kissed his senior sister on the forehead.

"Senior sister is so good-looking."

"Hmph, little junior brother, let's make Yiyi happy, don't think that Yiyi doesn't know, you, you first make Yiyi happy, and then you will bully Yiyi fiercely."

The girl pouted, raised her arms and snorted.

A pair of big eyes bent unconsciously and happily.

She spent the afternoon busy, bathing and changing, trimming her hair, choosing clothes, and applying fragrant flower oil to her body.

It's not just that the little junior brother can like it.

Now he says that he looks good, and Iichi is very happy.

But girls have to be reserved, and they usually forget it.

Now at this time, you must be reserved, otherwise what if the little junior brother thinks that Yiyi is a casual woman.

"How come, it's too late for me to spoil Senior Sister, where do I dare to bully." Bai Yi said with relief.

"Hmph, Yi Yicai doesn't believe it, it's all a lie."

"Really, I have listed twenty-one rules for the specific details of the pet senior sister, it's not early, let's go lie down first, and then I'll slowly tell the senior sister."

"Twenty-one, that's all."

He Yiyi's eyes widened with some curiosity.

"That's not it." Bai Yi nodded resolutely, don't say twenty-one, now he can make up ten thousand.

Saying that, he took the girl's soft little hand and came to sit down in front of the bed.

"Okay, little junior brother can talk now." He Yiyi urged curiously.

"The first rule of the rule of pet senior sister, Bai Yi will always only like senior sister."

Bai Yi sat on her side, facing the girl, her deep eyes full of her reflection.

"Second jo, hmm..."

the girl sat cross-legged on the edge of the bed.

Before the words on his lips could be asked, he had already pressed up.

"The remaining twenty articles, Bai Yi plans to spend the rest of his life talking to Senior Sister."

The girl did not resist, and the smile on her face was pure.

In fact, she knew that Twenty-One must be the little junior brother fooling herself.

But, what does it matter then?

Girls sometimes have to be silly.

Otherwise, how can the little junior brother succeed.

...... (T^T)

The next morning.

Bai Yi supported the wall out of the Kyoto City Gate and followed a caravan north to the Phoenix Sea.

At the head of the towering and quaint city wall, a certain girl laughed upside down.

Hmph, or I'm a master.

In the next few days, even if the fox spirit seduces, the little junior brother has more than enough and lacks strength....

Until Bai Yi beckoned other figures to completely disappear from view, they could no longer be seen.

He Yi walked down the city gate with brisk steps.

Yu Xian was already waiting under the city gate: "The secret room has been arranged, a total of six hundred transmission jade cards, according to the serial number, fill the three walls.

He Yi nodded: "Take me to see." "

Follow me."

Yu Xian turned around and led the way in front.

A moment later.

To the north of the palace, the largest secret room in the Deyun Hall.

Yu Xian pushed open the door, and three walls covered with white jade cards came into view.

He said with a smile: "All of them, check the number for our demon reserve!"

Suddenly, the jade cards lit up in turn, and one sound after another sounded.

"Number zero zero one."

"Number zero zero two

" "..." "

Number six zero zero."

After all the jade cards responded, Yu Xian looked at He Yiyi with a smile: "How is it, is this thing done beautifully?" "

Not bad." He Yiyi asked, "When are you leaving?"

"Wait a little longer, the caravan he left with was all our people, I don't need to follow too closely." Yu Xian thought about it and said.

He Yi nodded, and a look of seriousness appeared on his white little face.

A little uneasy instructed:

"Be sure to break the leg of the little junior brother!"



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