The journey to the Phoenix Sea is boring.

Except for occasionally chatting with Zhao Hu for a few idle days and closing his eyes to cultivate his mind and practicing silently, Bai Yi basically had nothing to do.

Therefore, he often enjoyed the scenery along the way between cultivation.

As for whether you want to admire Ma Rong sitting in the carriage not far ahead...

Come on.

As far as she is concerned, she doesn't look good on a toe of her senior sister.

Bai Yi is now in the moment of sainthood, and his heart is like water.

All women are red pink skeletons to him now.

But Ma Rong doesn't think so.

From the moment she got into the carriage, she found that Bai Yi's eyes always liked to glance around.

It looks like you're enjoying the surrounding scenery.

But where did she not understand the minds of these inferior men, it was nothing more than using the excuse of looking at the scenery to secretly look at herself.

It looks honest and honest, but I don't know how dirty my heart is.

Finally, when Bai Yi turned his head again to look at the setting sun in the sky.

Ma Rong could no longer hold back the disgust in her heart, and said in disgust:

"Can you not pretend, secretly think that others can't find out?"

As soon as these words came out.

Bai Yi hasn't reacted yet.

Zhao Hu couldn't sit still first.

On his rough black face full of beard, a trace of panic flashed with the naked eye.


Mother, no, this is exposed???

Bai Yi didn't even see it, how could he let this little lady find out.

What's the matter, do you want to kill people now.

But if you do it now, won't Bai Yi also find out!

Zhao Hu and the other spies who were also vigilant looked at each other.

Fine beads of sweat appeared on everyone's foreheads.

He hesitated and shook his head slightly.

Don't worry, wait and see.

"You... Are you talking about me? Bai

Yi watched the bright sunset setting from the west, inexplicably a little miss Senior Sister.

When he was hesitating whether to find a place to send a message to his senior sister to chat.

Suddenly, I heard Ma Rong's words.

He was stunned for several seconds before he pointed at himself with a confused look and asked.

"Also pretend! Disgusting!

Ma Rong pouted in disgust, with clear, undisguised contempt in her eyes.

With an innate vitriol on her face, she mocked mercilessly:

"Dressed like a scholar, looking like a dog, how can your mind be so dirty."

"Let me tell you clearly, even if a low-class man like you is in trouble, it is impossible to enter the gate of my Ma family, or take advantage of the unrealistic fantasy of dying early, so as not to humiliate himself!"

Bai Yi: "..."

He was silent for a minute.

I recalled all the bad things I had done in my two lives, and I didn't figure out where I gave this product the illusion that I liked her.

He held back for a long time, but he really couldn't help but ask:

"Big sister, are we saying that the family is already difficult to the extent that you can't even afford a mirror?" Yes, a good copper mirror is indeed not cheap, but what about urine, urine is always there, right? Ma

Rong's brain capacity was obviously a little insufficient, and he frowned and thought for a long time before he understood the meaning of Bai Yi's words.

Immediately, Willow's eyebrows were raised.

However, angry and angry, the speculation in her heart about Bai Yi's bad intentions towards her was more certain.

He was struck by me and became angry.

Ma Rong thought in his heart, and didn't bother to look at Bai Yi: "Shameless villain, be angry." "

It seems that I can't really pee..."

Bai Yi muttered, too lazy to deal with her again.

In fact, he was very curious about how Ma Rong had survived to this point in this style of acting.

Isn't she really afraid that others will cut off her head as a pot for the night?

It seems to be just an ordinary innate realm, is there something to rely on?


Steady your hand and observe.

Find an opportunity to plant her inside the pit!

What the? Don't hit women?

Just kidding, there are no women in my Bai Yi eyes except for Senior Sister!

Listen to the conversation between the two.

Zhao Hu and the guards on the side breathed a sigh of relief.

"Damn, this stupid thing scares Lao Tzu enough, wait, when I find the opportunity to give her shit out of her mouth."

Zhao Hu touched the sweat on his head fiercely, looked at Ma Rong's back and gritted his teeth and scolded.

"Hey, captain, you said, what would be the reaction of this lady if she saw Bai Gongzi's true appearance? Can you still say that he looks ugly? The subordinate asked curiously.

"Ugly? Mother, forgot Bai Gongzi's nickname in Phoenix? Handsome man with a leg! If this lady sees his true face, the pouring rain and the flooding of the golden mountains can give us a few drowns! "

When Zhao Hu and they hid in Kyoto under various identities, they had not seen Bai Yi.

I basically know what he really looks like.

It is said that the same sex repels each other, but even if it is the same man.

They also had to give a thumbs up and say, this kid looks handsome like a real lady!

"Hehe, I think so too." The subordinate echoed.


Zhao Hu felt a slight vibration suddenly come from the jade card in his arms.

He waved at the hem of his hand, signaling that he would say it later.

Controlling the horse speed fell to the rear of the convoy.

Only then did he input a wisp of spiritual energy into the jade card.

"Elder Yu." Zhao Hu called respectfully.

"It's me, He Yiyi." Unexpectedly, a girl's voice came from the jade card.

"Magic Reserve." Zhao Hu subconsciously lowered his head, and the expression on his face became more and more respectful.

In Qiong Yu, you can offend anyone.

But he just couldn't provoke this demon who had been deliberating for more than a month before deciding on the title of Demon Reserve.

Otherwise, you don't need the sect master to make a move, she can kill your whole family herself.

The fierceness of the means makes people's scalps numb!

Yu Xian had already left, and He Yiyi stood in the secret room with a faint expression.

But there was a strong killing intent in his eyes:

"Find an opportunity to kill this woman, you must not let her see the true appearance of the little junior brother."

Zhao Hu's face was stunned, and he replied without hesitation: "Yes!" "

The other end.

Yu Xian had already arrived in advance to the only way for the convoy - the wild boar forest.

He Yiyi's request was very difficult to handle.

Not only to break Bai Yi's leg, but also not to hurt him elsewhere.

You must know that Bai Yi can use the Imperial Ghost Cultivator Method to reach the Supreme Realm Three Heavens.

And Yu Xian himself is just a Supreme Realm Triple Heaven, and once the two clash head-on, it is basically difficult to stop.

It would be impossible to complete He Yiyi's task.

So if you want to complete the task perfectly, it will definitely not work to be rigid and rigid.

Moreover, after seeing the means of white games a few times, Yu Xian felt that he might not be able to beat him...

So what should be done?


"Lao Tzu is lying on his stomach here, and when the convoy passes, he jumps out and chops Bai Yi's leg with a knife, and then turns around and runs!"

Yu Xian was lying on a hillside, his eyes staring directly at the road not far away, and a heavy black broadknife was placed beside him.

He estimated the time and waited quietly.

Everything is ready, just wait for the east wind....



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