"Three minutes?!"

Bai Yi thought for a moment, he could get into the illusion realm, there must be someone hiding in the secret to make a move, and since they were determined to make a move, they must be fully prepared.

With his current situation, even one breath of time can be full of crisis, let alone a full three minutes.

Bai Yi frowned and asked quickly, "Is there any way to speed up the removal of toxins?" "

[Yes, five hundred top-grade spirit stones, all on credit.

Bai Yi grinded his teeth and took advantage of the fire to rob, but in view of the critical situation, if he didn't come out of these five hundred top-grade spirit stones, he estimated that the corpses would be cold when the removal was completed.

Bai Yi could only grit his teeth and agree: "Okay, the spirit stone is in the storage space, you can just buckle it directly." "

[The deduction is complete, the removal begins, estimated time: 10 seconds.] Hearing

this, Bai Yi frowned again, although ten seconds was much faster than three minutes, it was still too slow.

So he asked, "Can it be faster?" "

[Yes, but the host doesn't have enough spirit stones left. The system was ruthless and replied without hesitation.

"Open your mouth and shut up the spirit stone, what? I'm dead, so you can find a host again, right? Bai Yi said angrily.

[This system has been bound to the host, and the host death system will also die.]

"Then don't you hurry up and raise the speed again!" How many times is ten seconds enough for someone to kill me? Bai Yi had a black face.

【...... The host's life is not in danger, and the person who shot did not intend to kill the host. The system was silent for a moment and replied.

Bai Yi was stunned, his eyes were thoughtful, and asked: "What do you know about the system, right?" "

[10,000 top-grade spirit stones, no credit.

Bai Yi stopped talking.

Where can he change 10,000 spirit stones now!

Since the system is sure that there is no danger to life, then you can only wait first, ten seconds, no, you can know the result in seven seconds


the twilight is deep, Sui Yi stood quietly at the door of Bai Yi's room for three breaths to ensure that the effect of the medicine was perfect.

Then he waved his hand to signal the black-clothed elder to leave, gently pushed open the door and walked in.

The room was not lit with candles and was slightly dim.

However, this was harmless to Sui Yi, as a Supreme Realm cultivator, he could see everything in front of him clearly even if he was in the dark.

His gaze swept around the room, and Sui Yi saw Bai Yi sitting on the bed with his eyes closed.

His figure flashed and instantly appeared in front of the bed.

Sui Yi did not deliberately converge his breath, if Bai Yi did not fall into a deep sleep, he would definitely be able to find it at the first time.

Sui Yi was wearing a tattered prison uniform, and his face was deliberately adjusted to the appearance of the 'scapegoat'.

Glancing roughly at Bai Yi at the moment, he grinned.

Under ten bottles of 'Thoughts Coming to Fruition', even if your kid has some resistance to drugs.

"Stinky boy, get a good night's sleep."

Sui Yi smiled lightly, his left hand behind him, his right hand pressed Bai Yi's forehead and gently pushed, and Bai Yi immediately slowly fell backwards.

Then he straightened Bai Yi's legs, and looked at Bai Yi, who was still unresponsive, revealing a smile full of fairy wind Dao bones and everything under control.

"I know that Yu Xian's lazy thing exaggerates the fact, it's not very easy, hmph, the mud can't support the wall."

Sui Yi snorted coldly, and the old man naturally came out to capture.

He mobilized his aura and climbed along his right arm along the meridians, and finally gathered in his palm.

In the blink of an eye, pieces of strange armor that flashed dark red with a slight blood glow wrapped the entire palm.

Yiyi specially instructed that this kid should not be too painful, so Sui Yi did not directly smash Bai Yi's knee joint with a weapon or fist, but planned to crush it 'gently'.

In this way, the wound caused will be much smaller, more controllable, and less prone to accidental injury.

"Break a broadsword made of thousand-year-old Xuan Iron? The old man wants to see if your boy's bones are really as hard as the lazy man said.

Sui Yi stared at Bai Yi's knee, and leaned out his right hand, which was wrapped in dark red armor, and spoke in a relaxed tone.

Even if the third junior brother didn't lie, Bai Yi's bones were really harder than the thousand-year-old Xuan Tie.

And how?

The old man still crushed it casually, which was nothing more than using more strength.

With his mind spinning, Sui Yi's right hand had already pinched Bai Yi's knee, and the relaxed smile on his face was still the same.

He raised his eyebrows and glanced at Bai Yi, who was sleeping heavily, and said with a smile: "Stinky boy, obediently stay in my Qiong Yu as the sect master's 'lady'." Saying

that, the right hand that pinched Bai Yi's left leg and knee lit up red, and pieces of armor tightened in an instant.

Sui Yi whispered in his heart: "Break it for the old man!" The

surging power erupted in an instant, and along the five fingers wrapped in dark red armor, the broken gold and gravel were like cutting tofu towards Bai Yi's knee.


A tooth-souring screeching sound sounded.

But soon, Sui Yi couldn't laugh.

He seems to have flashed to the waist....

At the same time, Sui Yi was stunned to find that his right hand, covered with blood demon armor, could not shake even a single cent of Bai Yi's knee.

The young man's legs seemed to be ten thousand times harder than the hardest Xuan Tie in the world.

"What the is going on?!"

Sui Yi was dumbfounded, he had been cultivating for a thousand years, and he had never heard of anyone whose knees could be so hard.

After thinking about it, he had to pull out his left hand behind him, and also use the aura to cover the blood demon armor.

The right hand pinches Bai Yi's left leg knee, and the left hand pinches Bai Yi's right leg knee.

Take a deep breath and suddenly exert your strength.

"Whew ~ to the old man - broken!" Sui Yi clenched Bai Yi's knees and used all his strength.

Another tooth-biting sound.

Bai Yi's legs did not move.

"Poof!" Sui Yi accidentally took a break in breath, and his face turned red.

It turned out that what the third junior brother Yu Xian said was true....

This kid is really hard.

"The old man still doesn't believe in this evil."

If I don't get things done in person, where will my old face go!

Sui Yi moved Bai Yi off the bed and let him lie flat on the ground with his legs together.

Stand your two legs across the sides of Bai Yi, facing the direction of Bai Yi's feet, half squat down, and change your palm into a fist is a smash.

Poor Bai Yi's pants, where can withstand this movement, were suddenly cut by the overflowing gas machine and were in rags.

Showing snow-white flat boxers underneath, and two white dangling legs.

At this moment, seven breaths had passed since Sui Yi entered the room.

"Senior sister, don't, come one by one, so many are easy to break..."

"Huh, I'm awake?"

Bai Yi noticed that his eyes suddenly fell into darkness, his body returned to control, and at the same time, there was a sound of 'banging' in his ears.

Muttering in his heart, he secretly opened his eyes a slit.

In your eyes, a man's big, dangling ass is lying above his abdomen.

Looking further down, his pants were gone, leaving only a pair of tattered pants that almost couldn't cover the point...

I was molested by a man?!!!

Bai Yi's head suddenly buzzed.

He was sad and indignant, and his face was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Gritting her teeth, Mimi quietly felt out a shadow dagger from the storage space that was not wrapped in 'shiny underwear' and slowly lifted it....

Dog thing, dare to hit Lao Tzu's idea, or in such a shameful posture ....

Have you ever heard of a thousand years of killing!



(Seeking flowers and generating electricity for love →_→)

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