But at this moment, an unspeakable extreme cold sword intent suddenly swept past, and the hot weather suddenly became extremely cold, and a thick layer of frost covered the ground almost in the blink of an eye.

  What surprised Xiao Ying'er and Qingyue even more was that all the demons in front of her were frozen, and the grim expression on her face was subtle.

  The aura fluctuations disappeared, and the life breath dissipated.

  Suddenly, Xiao Ying'er suddenly raised her head, her indifferent face was full of horror at this time, her eyes were shocked and looked at the void, as if she had penetrated the endless void and saw Su Wei.

  "You feel it too?" Qingyue's surprised voice sounded.

  Xiao Ying'er nodded, "It's Su Wei, I can't be wrong, I have felt this extreme cold sword intent on him, and it's exactly the same without the slightest difference. That way is infinitely stronger."

  "Tsk tsk, you remember it so clearly." Qingyue joked, and then she couldn't hide her shock, "Yes, it is indeed him, and according to my perception, the spread of this extreme cold sword intent is as high as one million miles, you know What kind of concept is this? His realm is at the lowest level in the Ascension Realm, so how long has it passed?"

  "I can tell you for sure, you really need to work harder, otherwise it will be difficult for you to catch up with him after he leaves the Canglan Domain, and it will only be a year before the next domain gate opens. arrive."

  "You must know that the world outside the domain is much bigger than the Canglan domain. Qiantang cannot trap a real dragon."

  Hearing this, Xiao Ying'er was immediately shocked. She didn't expect Su Wei to break through to the Ascension Realm.

  I thought that even if there is a gap between the two, it shouldn't be too big, but I don't know that the gap is so big.

  She is only in the realm of the late Kaiyang stage now. She is several realms away from the ascension realm, and it is still a big realm.

  After being silent for a while, Xiao Ying'er said firmly: "Sister Qingyue, I have decided to go there tomorrow."

  "Have you really made up your mind?" Qingyue's solemn voice came out, "You must know that there is a near-death situation, even if I dare not guarantee your safety [-]%."

  "It's decided!" Xiao Ying'er's expression was unmoved, full of determination.

  The road of cultivation is a life-and-death experience. If it falls, it can only be said that there is no such luck.

  What's more, if she didn't go to that place to devour Yishui, she might really not be able to stand by Su Wei's side in this life, or even look up.

  The golden scale is not a thing in the pool, it will turn into a dragon when it meets the wind and cloud.

  Once Su Wei, the real dragon, jumped out of the small fish pond in the Canglan Domain, it would be the real sky high for the birds to fly, and the sea to jump with the fish. .

Chapter 65

  At this moment, a sword intent of extreme yang erupted again, and the hot breath swept through millions of miles.

  The scorching sun in the sky was blocked, and the thick frost melted into water in the blink of an eye.

  And the demon army that was frozen did not avoid it in the slightest. As the ice cubes turned into water droplets, they fell down.

  Even the soul was annihilated.

  Seeing this, Xiao Ying'er pursed her lips, turned and walked towards Xiao's house. Those remaining disciples and elders gave way in awe.

  In the past, the strongest person in the Xiao family was an ancestor of the late Yunling period, but now... the strongest person has become Xiao Ying'er in the late Kaiyang period.


  Lingxing City, above.

  Su Wei stood in the void with a long sword in hand, and the dazzling light spread from the whole body, and the powerful might enveloped all directions.

  Against the backdrop of the Nine Heavens Sun, it looks like a supreme god who has come out across a long river of time.

  The divine might was like a prison, and all the monks in Lingxing City couldn't help but worship him and dared not look directly at him.

  However, the light soon disappeared, Su Wei walked down from the sky step by step, stood in front of Su Yaoxing and said with a light smile: "Father, all the demons within a million miles have been emptied, and the Su family is almost safe. "

  "...Well." Su Yaoxing hesitated, then asked, "Wei'er, what state are you... in now?"

  One sword is cold for a million miles, and one sword burns a million miles.

  Not to mention the sword intent power that emanated from Su Wei's body just now, he just said this in an understatement, evacuating all the demons within a million miles.

  Su Yaoxing couldn't keep calm anymore. This kind of power was so terrifying that he didn't even dare to think about it.

  "The first floor of the Ascension Realm." Su Wei smiled slightly and said it without concealment.

  There is nothing to hide about realm, and the advantages of speaking out far outweigh the disadvantages.

  After all, realm does not equal actual combat power.

  Moreover, even if he doesn't say it, he can see through the realm higher than him at a glance, and speaking out, it can deter some small forces, so as not to be like a fly looking for trouble.

  As for pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, it's even more of a joke.

  As a traverser, and it is systematic, if you can't push all the way, what's the point?

  Do you have to act like a mentally retarded villain with the same mental retardation and low-level villains?

  Sorry, he can't do it, he's too mentally handicapped.

  There is not one invincible heart that pushes the world all the way, and the arrogance of the ancients, thinking about pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, pretending to force a face, how can it be possible to prove the Dao, and be free and eternal.

  "Ascension Realm...first floor..." At this moment, Su Yaoxing's muttering sounded, his mind was completely blank for a while, and he looked at Su Wei with a dull expression.

  What is the concept of Ascension Realm, there is no Su family in Kaiyang Realm, it is like a god.

  Is it possible to wipe out the existence of Tianyang Kingdom with one finger...


  The three laughs represented the excitement in Su Yaoxing's heart that could not be expressed in words at this time, and it took a long time to calm down, "Wei'er, I knew for a long time that you are not a mortal, and you will be able to soar into the sky sooner or later, but I didn't expect that, How long has it been, you have already been flying, and you are flying so high..."

  Between the words, there is a lot of emotion.

  Su Wei just smiled and didn't speak.

  "Okay, let's go back to the mansion." Seeing this, Su Yaoxing knew that this was not the time to talk about it, so he turned and walked in towards the Su mansion, and Su Wei followed.

  And it wasn't until the backs of the two disappeared that the other onlookers who had witnessed all this broke out.

  "Ascension Realm!?? Niang Xipi's, I heard it right, the son of the Su family turned out to be the supreme existence in the Ascension Realm?"

  "How old is he? It seems to be an eighteen-year-old coming-of-age ceremony just a few months ago!!"

  "Tianyang Kingdom, the sky is about to change. In the future, the Su family will be respected..."

  In the end, someone sighed faintly, and the noise gradually calmed down. All of them looked at the gate of Su Mansion with flickering eyes, and some people even went home to prepare gifts.


  three days later.

  During these three days, Su Wei did not cultivate, but like a common noble boy, fishing, enjoying flowers, tasting tea, and visiting the entire Su Mansion.

  But just today, the jade pendant that Ye Junkong gave him suddenly vibrated, and when he took it out, he found that it was a message from Ye Junkong.

  It was said that they were stopped by the human traitor Xianmen, and the Tianyuan Dynasty was under attack from the ancestors of the demon race, and it was almost impossible to hold on, and wanted Su Wei to help.

  Of course, at the end, he said, if you don't want to, forget it.

  Shaking his head, Su Wei sent Ye Junkong a message that he could go to support.

  He was also very curious about the item that the ancestor of the Demon Race wanted to use to break through to the revolving mirror. This time he could just go and see if he could get it. .

Chapter 66

  After that, Su Wei walked towards the room where Su Yaoxing was.

  knock knock...

  After knocking on the door, Su Yaoxing's voice came out a few seconds later, "Come in."

  "Father." Su Wei walked in and found that Su Yaoxing was holding a ring in silence, stepped forward and called out softly.

  "Oh, Wei'er, you're here, what's the matter?" Su Yaoxing asked suspiciously after putting away the ring.

  "I'm leaving." Su Wei replied.

  "Men's ambitions are in all directions, you go." Su Yaoxing was not surprised at all, as if he had expected it long ago, and then continued; "But you must be careful, it is easy to break through, and don't be arrogant because of your own terrifying talent. "

  "Understood." Su Wei nodded, "Then I won't disturb you, father."

  After Su Yaoxing nodded, he exited the room and closed the door again.

  Looking up slightly, looking at the blue sky, Su Wei stepped out, thousands of miles away, and quickly rushed towards the Tianyuan Dynasty.

  The sky is blue and blue, the clouds are misty, the mountains and rivers below are magnificent, and the scenery is beautiful.

  The Tianyuan Dynasty was about tens of millions of miles away from the Tianyang Kingdom.

  Half a day later, in the imperial capital of Tianyuan Dynasty, Su Wei appeared in the void above, and bright star eyes looked at the battle below indifferently.

  One side is the Demon Race, and the other side is the people of the Tianyuan Dynasty.

  Among them, the demons are the ancestors of the demons, who are in the tenth layer of the ascension realm, and there are [-] other demons in the ascension realm.

  Most of them are cultivation levels below the fifth level of Ascension, and the remaining small half are super powerhouses above the fifth level of Ascension.

  The Tianyuan Dynasty is much weaker compared to it. Only the Emperor is at the tenth level of the Ascension Realm. There are fifty-four other Ascension Realm powerhouses, and twelve super powerhouses above the fifth level of the Ascension Realm. The rest are the cultivation bases below the fifth floor of the Ascension Realm.

  Whether it is high-end combat power or low-end combat power, Tianyuan Dynasty has lost completely.

  At this time, a war has broken out between the two sides, but in the realm of Ascension Realm, it is not easy to kill, so although the Tianyuan Dynasty is completely defeated, it can barely support.

  But it's hard to say after a long time.

  "Mozu, if you dare to offend my human race, aren't you afraid that the extraterritorial powers of my human race will kill you in the future?" While resisting the offensive of the demon ancestors with difficulty, Tianyuan Human Sovereign tried to pull out the extraterritorial human race and let him Feeling apprehensive.

  "Hahaha..." Unexpectedly, the ancestor of the demons laughed, and the boundless demonic energy covering the sky followed.

  Tianyuan Human Sovereign frowned and looked at him with a puzzled expression. You must know that in the eyes of outsiders, people like the ancestors of the demon race are just ants. If the human race knows that he dares to invade The human race, I'm afraid they don't mind slapping him to death.

  "Do you think the great masters from outside the realm will care about you people from the lower realm?" After he stopped laughing, the demon ancestor looked at the Tianyuan Dynasty with a sarcastic expression, "What's more, I'm ready to leave Canglan. After the realm, I went directly to the Demon Realm and went to the Demon Clan. Do you think that the great human beings from outside the realm would spare no effort to come to the Demon Clan to arrest me for a group of people from the inferior realm?"

  The Heavenly Demons, the thirty-sixth most powerful race of the Primordial Ten Thousand Races, with countless strong people, exclusively occupy the Heavenly Demon Domain, one of the thousand superior domains.

  Moreover, the Demon Domain is also ranked among the top [-] top domains.

  Tianyuan Human Sovereign's face suddenly became ugly. As the ancestor of the demons said, the demons are so powerful, it is impossible for a human race outside the realm to offend the demons for a group of ants in the lower realm.

  After all, in the eyes of the great teachers from outside the realm who have passed down through the ages, the human race in the lower realm is just a group of mortal ants.

  It's not that he looks down, it's just a state of mind, like a god who sits high in the sky for nine days, looking down at the mortal world indifferently.

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