“Impossible, this is absolutely impossible!”

The director of the third year of high school, Li Dong, immediately shook his head in denial after hearing Zhang Bo’s explanation.

“Teacher Zhang, watching live learning on Douyin is originally a funny thing, and you even said that the math scores of the classmates in the class improved because of this? Nonsense, pure!!! ”

“That’s right, Mr. Zhang, if you are not willing to share the learning method, duck speak, but there is no need to fool us with watching live learning.”

In the office, the math teachers of other classes also shook their heads after hearing Zhang Bo’s explanation.

Some teachers shook their heads with disdain, and they had some contempt for Zhang Bo in their hearts.

The college promotion rate of the senior class is related to various bonuses, job selection, and prestigious university bonuses….

Therefore, they feel that Zhang Bo is fooling himself.

Zhang Bo smiled helplessly.

He… I also know that reading this explanation is too nonsense.

But, that’s what happened.

Since Liu Yanyan shared the ‘learning live room’ in the class, all the students in their third class studied and watched the live study every night, while he was covering outside the door.

It is precisely because of this that the results of their 3rd class mathematics test this time are so amazing.

He explained the reason truthfully, but no one wanted to believe it.

“Teacher Zhang Bo, they are all teachers, but they can’t do this kind of thing for bonuses and to evaluate higher professional titles.”

“There are not many days before the college entrance examination, and at this time you are still hiding, which is too unfair to the students in other classes.”

Li Dong saw that Zhang Bomo was silent, and also frowned and said.


Zhang Bo sighed, he told the truth, but no one believed it, even… You also have to be suspected of your character as a teacher.

Suspected of having a problem with Shi De, Zhang Bo could not bear it.

“Director Li, what you said is ugly.”

“I Zhang Bo don’t seek great wealth in this life, but… For the students is absolutely intentional. ”

“Besides, one night in self-study, didn’t you bump into the students in our class watching the live broadcast, and they taught in that live broadcast room.”

After speaking, Zhang Bo slammed the door out.


Li Dong’s brows were locked, and the other teachers were also a little embarrassed.

Zhang Bo, as a mathematics teacher of No. 1 Middle School, has sent away 3 batches of students, this time his 4th batch of students, each of his students has good results, and he has always been conscientious, serious and responsible.

Such a good teacher, how can they doubt it?

“Hey~~ it’s my fault.”

“Teacher Zhang Bo is telling the truth.”

“I’ll apologize to Teacher Zhang Bo later, you guys continue, and count the results early.”

Li Dong also remembered the scene he saw in the classroom of Class 3 that day, and he never paid attention to it, and said with some self-blame at this time.


“Classmate, the library is closing.”

Feeling a pat on the shoulder, Gu Bai recovered from the world of mathematics and turned his head to look at the librarian.

“Uh oh.”

Gu Bai turned his head to look at the clock on the wall at more than 10:20, and smiled a little embarrassed: “I’m sorry, it’s too engrossing, it’s delaying you from work.” ”

School libraries generally close at 10 a.m., and students are usually cleared at 9:50.

“It’s okay, lad.”

“It’s okay if we close later.”

The administrator aunt smiled and said, “Young man, you study very hard.” ”

These days, she can see Gu Bai writing on the computer every day, without rest in the middle, and even a big beauty sitting next to her does not look up.

“Well, I’m writing a paper.” Gu Bai nodded.

In the past few days, Gu Bai has indeed exploded his liver a little desperately, from the opening of the library to the closure of the library, without even leaving his seat.

If you want to eat, it is boiling water and buns.

Desperately bursting the liver to write papers, in exchange for the results are obvious.

Senior Wu Hai sent Gu Bai 10 graduation theses, and at this time, only the last one [Research on Several Problems on Abstract Functions] remained, and half of it had already been written.

This…. That is to say, 2w blocks are earned.

Thinking of this, Gu Bai’s mood suddenly became beautiful.

Don’t worry about the tuition and living expenses for the next semester, and you can even send some home.

After a pause, Gu Bai took out his mobile phone and turned on WX.

At this time, there was already a total of 18,000 yuan transferred by Senior Wu Hai.

Of course, with Senior Wu Hai’s own paper, it is a total of 19,000.

Opening Dad’s WX, Gu Bai turned 10,000 and explained: “Dad, the national scholarship issued by the school in advance, plus the part-time income I usually earn, you should use it and spend it.” Don’t worry, I have enough money left for me to spend. ”

University scholarships are generally hundreds of yuan for schools, and there are thousands, or even tens of thousands, of national scholarships.

But… There are few places, and there is only one in one college.

Pushing open the door of bedroom 318, it was almost 11 o’clock.

Roommate Li Xiongfei is still lying on the bed chatting, and the other roommates are not playing games anymore and are preparing to wash.


After seeing Gu Bai, Duan Shuai, who was holding a washbasin, said: “Yao Zhizhi from our academy came to find you just now. ”

“Yao Zhizhi? Is our high math teacher? ”

“Yes, and also the director of our institute.” Li Xiongfei, who was lying on the bed, took the time to interject.

“Why is he looking for me?” Gu Bai was a little puzzled.

“I don’t know, but he said to call him when you come back, or take a trip to his office tomorrow.”

Duan Shuai walked out of the bedroom with a basin, and suddenly poked his head out again and said, “By the way, his office is at Block A, Teaching and Research Building Block 302. ”

“Well, I made a note of it. Thank you. Gu Bai nodded, not thinking much about why Director Yao Zhizhi was looking for him.

I’ll know what exactly I want to do tomorrow.

Putting the computer desk on the seat, Gu Bai was also ready to wash.

“Xiaobai, you’ve been sneaky lately… Is there a situation? At this moment, Li Xiongfei, who was lying on the bed, poked his head out and asked curiously.

“What’s the situation?”

“Talk about girlfriends! You who leave early and return late every day don’t stay in the bedroom at all, except for women, who will give you such a big motivation. ”

Li Xiongfei made a Conan gesture and said resolutely: “Say… No, don’t deny it, you can’t escape my Sherlock Holmes eyes. ”


Gu Bai was too lazy to deal with it, and the woman really couldn’t give him this motivation.

There is a leisure work to talk about his girlfriend, and he is not fragrant to write a few more papers to make money.

But… If you eat soft, it’s a different story.

After all, it’s easy to make money, and… He Gu Bai looks like a … Nope!


(Ask for flowers at the new book stage!) Ask for review votes! Thank you!!! )

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