At 6 o’clock in the morning, Wang Meng used the key to open the door of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School Class 3, turned on the light and came to the last row of his own seats.

As a classmate who once ranked one or two from the bottom of Class 3, Wang Meng sat in the last row for nearly 3 years.

Although his grades have now improved and he has reached the 40th place in the class, his seat has not changed, firstly because there are not many days before the college entrance examination, and secondly because Wang Meng is also used to it.

Looking at the ‘study plan’ schedule he wrote in the 96-day countdown to the college entrance examination in the upper left corner of the desktop, Wang Meng smiled unconsciously.

“Time flies so fast, 2 months have passed in the blink of an eye.”

“I’m no longer a scumbag, university… It’s just around the corner. ”

Wang Meng clenched his fists unconsciously, he was very tired during this time, really tired.

Get up at 5 o’clock every day and go to bed at 1 o’clock at night, the first thing he wakes up every day is to think about learning, studying when eating, and learning when soaking his feet, that is, the kung fu of and pee, and his hand will not leave an English memorization manual.

Because Wang Meng knows that compared with the classmates in class 3, his foundation is the worst, even if Gu Bai’s ‘study live broadcast room’ has made him improve his grades a lot, but… Wang Meng felt that it was not enough, he wanted more.

When Wang Meng’s score in the Jiangnan Ten Schools Joint Examination increased from more than 200 points to more than 400 points, his ambition was opened, and he felt that three books seemed to be within reach, and he should raise his goal to more than 500 points and get one.

But the difficulty of improving this 100 points is huge for Wang Meng, unlike the original 200 points to 400 points, the improvement of 400 points to 500 points, he needs to pay several times more effort, even with Gu Bai’s live broadcast room.

Soon, there were students in the class one after another.

At 6:30 a.m., all the students of Class 3 arrived.

The students who came did not speak, silently took out their books and read them.

This is also one of the reasons why Wang Meng changed his goal, because the current Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School Class 3 is too rolled.

It is some students who score 650 points, and these days are also crazy involution learning.

Wang Meng knew the reason, all because of one person, the anchor of the ‘learning live broadcast room’ Gu Bai.

It was he who gave all the students the hope of entering the university, it was he who gave all the students with medium grades to take the 985/211 exam, and it was he who gave all the students with excellent grades to take the Qingbei exam.

Layer by layer of pressure, layer after layer of crazy involution.

People who have better grades than you work harder than you, what qualifications do you have to fall?

Wang Meng didn’t know how the other senior classes were, but… The current Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School Class 3 is this state of studying hard!


“Teacher Zhang Bo, your classmates in class 3 are also working too hard.”

At 8 o’clock, Li Dong, the grade director who passed by the door of Class 3, turned his head to look at Zhang Bo and shook his head with a smile.

Originally, at the school gate, you could still see one or two late classmates, but… Recently, the students of Class 3 have all gathered in the class before he arrives at school.


“After all, there are not many days left for the college entrance examination?”

Zhang Bo smiled, but he was very satisfied with the current learning state of the class.

With such desperate efforts, coupled with the live teaching of that god man, he believes that the college entrance examination of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School Class 3 this year will definitely explode.

“It’s been more than a month since the last ‘Jiangnan Ten Schools Joint Examination’, can the average score of your 3rd class increase by 50 points?” Li Dong looked at Zhang Bo and asked.

He knew that as the math teacher and homeroom teacher of Class 3, he definitely had a voice.

However, Zhang Bo’s answer did surprise him.

“I don’t know, I can’t grasp the results of the current 3rd class.”

Zhang Bo turned his head to look at the serious reading of the books, and his face laughed at himself: “Although I stay with them every day, you also know that since the students watched the teaching of the anchor of the ‘learning live broadcast room’, they all have their own review rhythm, and most of the students do not listen to the class at all.” Or maybe… We lectured too badly. ”

Too bad?

Zhang Bo actually suspected that their lectures were too bad?

Li Dong also saw a touch of unconfidence on the face of a professor who graduated from this prestigious university for more than ten years.

Patting Zhang Bo’s shoulder, Li Dong comforted: “I can’t say that, the anchor is a god man, and we don’t need to be presumptuous.” ”

“Besides…. It’s good that students’ grades have improved. ”

“Well, it’s a good thing.”

Zhang Bo nodded and said with some expectation: “I don’t know how much the average score of our 3rd class can improve this time, but it shouldn’t crush the whole school like the ‘Jiangnan Ten Schools Joint Examination’.” ”

Last ‘Jiangnan Ten Schools Joint Examination’, because only the students of class 3 watched live learning, the total score of class 3 ranked first in the school, but it made him very faced.

However, now all the students in the third year of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School and High School are watching Bai Live teaching, so… He felt that the ‘crushing’ situation would no longer be seen.

After all, while you are working hard, others are also working hard, and while you are watching the live broadcast, others are also watching the live broadcast.

Unless, you’re a genius?

But… How many geniuses are there?

Wei Shen? Cao Yuan, a big science and technology…

In the entire Daxia range, this genius can be counted with ten fingers, and on average, there is less than one in a province.


“Although you 3 classes are the hardest, but… This time, if you want to crush other senior classes, it is estimated that it is impossible. ”

Li Dong smiled and shook his head, urging: “Okay, don’t look at it, go back to the office.” Hurry up and divide the papers, there will be an exam in a moment. ”

“Hmm.” Zhang Bo nodded, glanced at the students of class 3 again, but muttered in a low voice: “Actually, I still hope that you can crush other classes.” ”


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