Daxia Xin Oriental Education Headquarters.


Yu Hongmin was surprised when he heard the news reported by the person in charge of recruitment.

With an annual salary of 100w, a freshman actually refused directly.

This is somewhat intriguing.

You know, many of the teachers with decades of seniority in their Xin Dongfang Organization are only hundreds of thousands of annual salaries.

“President Yu, this Gu Bai is not simple.”

“Maybe for the Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School college entrance examination results spread on the Internet because of Gu Bai, you don’t fully believe it, but… And that’s just the way it is. ”

Wang Qi, the person in charge of the recruitment department, said patiently: “In fact, as early as before the college entrance examination, it was reported on the neck that Gu Bai was teaching Yangcheng high school students live online. “The matter will not end in the future.”

“After all, a Zhou’s conjecture proves that even an ordinary college student is qualified to teach senior students.”

“Now the results of the college entrance examination of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School have exploded, nine times out of ten, it is because of Gu Bai.”

Yu Hongmin paused and asked, “Are you sure?” ”

“Very sure.”

“I have read the college entrance examination results of Yangcheng No. 1 Middle School over the years, and this year’s explosive results are only one reason.”

Yu Hongmin nodded and fell into deep thought.

Half a day.

Yu Hongmin raised his head and said: “Then raise the annual salary to 200w, we will also learn from Warwick and recruit some potential college students.” ”

The annual salary of 200w is already very exaggerated.

It can be said that in their Xin Dongfang came out except for a few senior leaders, there is really no one who gets this annual salary.

Of course, Yu Hongmin’s 200w annual salary does not mean that he is stupid, he has his own interests.

With an annual salary of 200w, let him hang a position in Xin Dongfang, which is also a publicity for Xin Dongfang, and he thinks no one will refuse.

“Okay, I’ll do it.” Wang Qi nodded in reply.

After eating in the first cafeteria of Linhai University, Gu Bai did not go to the library, and there was a class by Professor Luo Shifei at 4 in the afternoon.

If memory serves, it should be the last session of the semester.

I can’t say that I can’t miss class this time, this continuous truancy for most of the month, and the last class is also absent, I can’t say anything.

“I’m back~’.”

Pushing open the door of the bedroom, Gu Bai was already sweating.

In other words, this day has not yet reached July, and it has already reached a high temperature of 39 degrees, hot, too hot.

Several roommates have also just returned, watching the game live and eating at this time.

“Brother Leg, come back.” Li Xiongfei, who was already lying on the bed blowing the air conditioner, poked his head out and said hello.

Since the last reporter’s interview, Gu Bai has another nickname in the bedroom: “Brother Legs”.

Putting the schoolbag on the seat, Gu Bai blew the air conditioner to feel more comfortable.


“Brother Leg, Xin Dongfang wants to recruit you with an annual salary of 200w?”

Suddenly, Li Xiongfei, who was lying on the bed, exclaimed, sat up all of a sudden, and he looked at Gu Bai in disbelief.

“200w salary, really fake?”

“Groove, it’s awesome, is this an offer? Little white brother, no, leg brother is awesome, and he got a 200w annual salary offer in his freshman year. ”

“Wipe wipe… Hug your thighs, hug your thighs. ”

The other roommates also didn’t watch the game live broadcast, and immediately looked at Gu Bai with excitement.

Gu Bai was stunned.

Didn’t I just call and refuse, and now the news has broken out again, and it has been put on the Internet.

It should be that I don’t believe that everyone who has called him has been blocked just now. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

This is not important, the important thing is that Xin Dongfang actually added another 100w salary.

Although he was also a little moved, Gu Bai said on his lips: “Okay, don’t make a fuss, isn’t it 200w salary, not much, not much.” ”

Roommate C: “Awesome, little white brother is powerful.” 200w salary can’t even look at it. ”

Li Xiongfei squeezed Gu Bai’s shoulder while dashingly saying in Cantonese: “200w is just drizzle, tomorrow Xiaobai brother will solve a world problem, isn’t it almost the same.” ”

For Li Xiongfei’s words, Gu Bai is left ear in and right ear out.

If the world puzzle is so easy to solve, if it is really that simple, there will not be so many problems in the world that need to be solved.

If there are no drawings, Gu Bai of the Lv4 level of mathematics is really enough to choke.

“I don’t know when I will be able to upgrade to Lv5.”

“It’s also time to upgrade well, and becoming stronger is the most important thing.”

Thinking of the 10w verification required to upgrade to LV5 level, Gu Bai had a headache.

Since the teaching of high school juniors did not return experience points, Gu Bai’s experience points in mathematics Lv4 have not changed much.

“In other words, little white brother.”

“When are you going to take office, I won’t see you in the bedroom in the future, right?”

Suddenly Li Xiongfei remembered something, and said with a somewhat sad face.

“‘Yes, Xiaobai, they communicated with you and where they worked. What about your student status? ”

“Brother Leg, I can’t bear you…”

Roommate Duan Shuai muttered, his eyes were a little rosy as he spoke.

Room 318 suddenly fell silent.

“I said that it was like parting life and death.”

Gu Bai looked at a few silent roommates a little speechlessly, the relationship in their dormitory was quite good, although it had only been a year together, he had become an inseparable collective.


“I’m not going to accept this offer.”

Gu Bai said seriously.

Although the annual salary is 100w more than when he called in the morning, Gu Bai still won’t plan to go.

After all, he is only a freshman, and it is still early to enter the work, besides… He is a person who is open, and the future is definitely a sea of stars for Xueba, not a training teacher of Xin Dongfang.

Moreover, Gu Bai does not like to be restrained.

“Refuse? Xiaobai, you really don’t plan to go. When Li Xiongfei heard this, he said with an incredulous look (Wang Ohao).

Although I can’t bear to take care of Bai, but… An annual salary of 200w is unattainable.

That is, those graduates in Qingbei, how many can reach 100w salary?

However, in recent years, Warwick has dug up some geniuses in special fields, and its annual salary has exceeded 200w.

“Of course it’s true.” Gu Bai smiled and said lightly: “Training teachers is not the life I yearn for. ”

“So what kind of life do you aspire to?”

Gu Bai thought for a while and said, “It was a big stage, and I stood on the report stage of the stage and made a report. The audience was full of people, these people include university professors, scholars in the academic circle, super geniuses, and big coffee in the field of scientific research… Under the light, they listened carefully to my report and discussed the mysteries of science and scholarship in a low voice. ”

Li Xiongfei was stunned: “em… This is not similar to the training teacher, they are all standing on the stage, they are all talking about reports, and there are many people listening to them in the audience. ”

Gu Bai: “…”

That’s not called a teacher, that’s called a leader of academic civilization!.

Người mua: ʕ˖͜͡˖ʔ ? ấ ? 亗

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