Compared with the reactions of all the professors in the office of Linhai University, the freshmen of Linhai University at this time were more excited.

Because the end of the exam week means the arrival of summer vacation.

The most important thing is that there is no need to hang up this summer vacation.

Although the results did not come out, after all, it was a test paper made by themselves, and whether or not the exam passed the students still had a score in their hearts.

Moreover, this year, because of Gu Bai’s teaching, Lin Hai University Tieba has put the answer to this exam in it, and even put the essence at the top.

The post of the answer to this exam posted by Lin Hai University is densely packed with comments from first-year students at Lin Hai University.

“Groove…. Just compared the answer, 89 points!!! Awesome, my special meow who skipped 10 classes in one semester actually scored 89 points! ”

“Comfortable, comfortable. Comparison, 70 points, even if there is an error, it is appropriate not to hang the subject at the end of the period. ”

“Awesome, Gu Bai learns the gods, this summer vacation can finally play with confidence and boldness.”

“The junior senior is skeptical? Is Gu Bai’s teaching really so powerful? ”

“Really, really, I can vouch for my personality, it’s true 07. Department of Business Administration Chen Jeliu, Tel: 156… Is there a sister paper? Ask for another girlfriend. ”

“Hahaha, compared it, 72 points. I want to go to the door to thank Gu Bai Xueshen, do you know where Gu Bai’s bedroom is? ”

“Boy 16 building 318, no thanks!”

“Go and thank !!!”


The students seem to be better.

On the evening of the second day after the end of the exam week, the door of dormitory 318 was full of students from Linhai University.

Not only the mathematics department, but also various other majors.

To be honest, Gu Bai does not respect this crazy behavior of students, but he is not disgusted.

Seeing Gu Bai open the door of dormitory 318, a student immediately handed over a cigarette, “Big guy, smoke!” ”

“Thanks, no smoking.” Gu Bai waved his hand and refused.

“Big guy, drink water.” Immediately, the student handed over another bottle of water.

“Thanks, I’m really thirsty.” Gu Bai took a bottle of unopened mineral water, took a sip, and moistened his throat.

Looking at the dense crowd of people on the floor, one by one, Gu Bai also paused.

That’s at least a hundred and ten.

If you don’t know, you still think that crowd pyramid schemes and group fights?

Of course, Gu Bai must know their intentions, and also know that most of them came because they were about to have a summer vacation, so they had a good time.

Do you eat melons?

A favorite among college students.

In an ordinary university like this Lin Hai University, students do not have too much human favor, usually the most is time, and the favorite thing is to make fun.

With a smile, Gu Bai spoke, “If everyone really came to thank you, I can only say that I received it.” As for making a splash, it’s not necessary, I didn’t do anything, the main thing is that you worked your own. ”

After a pause, Gu Bai continued:

“Exam week is over, and then it’s 2 months of summer vacation.”

“Here, I wish everyone a happy summer vacation in advance.”

“That’s it, it’s time to disperse.”

After all, summer vacation is coming, the wave of the wave, the house of the house, the game of the game…

Just as Gu Bai expected, most of it is just to make a scene.

After Gu Bai finished speaking, the students left when they should have left.

“College life is good.”

Looking at the students leaving, Gu Bai smiled and whispered, turning his head back to the dormitory.

Several roommates were already shirtless, cheering on the last dinner of their freshman year.

Not for a while.

In the center of the bedroom, seven or eight cold dishes have been set up on the makeshift table, of course, cooked dishes, rice and steamed buns bought in the cafeteria.

“The freshman year has passed, it feels so fast, I don’t feel like I have done anything, just swoosh, it’s gone.”

Picking up the beer from the cold bucket next to the seat and sharing a bottle for one person, Li Xiongfei sighed with emotion. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Hearing this, Duan Shuai and roommate C also nodded in approval.

Gu Bai felt okay, and this semester was full of harvests.

Then he said: “But fortunately, at the end of the final semester, I also learned a lot of things, at least this kind of thing, this kind of thing will not happen this semester.” ”

“So, this first glass of wine we have to thank our leg brother in bedroom 318, Gu Bai.”

“Yes, that’s right. Honor our gold medal lecturer Xiaobai, the last 10 days of dedicated tutoring, only to let us have a good idea of the final semester exam. Duan Shuai smiled and picked up the wine glass.

Gu Bai smiled and picked up the wine glass and said, “That… You’re welcome to be a teacher. ”

Although it has only been a year, several roommates in dormitory 318 have already formed a deep friendship.

Gu Bai also didn’t feel it, because of the change in his status as a scholar, several roommates had any changes in their attitudes towards him, how to deal with it, or how to deal with it.

After a few glasses of wine, the topic was opened.

First of all, of course, is the topic of Gu Bai Xueba’s identity.

Duan Shuai patted the table and swore that he was the first to speak: “It’s a sophomore next semester, I’ll take a stand first.” ”

“In my sophomore year, I want to study hard and be a top student after Xiaobai. As for games, I will definitely not play games next semester, and I will uninstall 1o1 after the summer vacation. “

“That’s right, another cool summer vacation, 1o1 will be uninstalled.” Roommate C and several other roommates who often open the black have the same attitude as Duan Shuai, saying that they will not play games next year and study hard.

Li Xiongfei, who had slightly better grades, muttered: “At the end of last semester, you said the same.” As a result, within a week, the uninstalled game was downloaded back. ”

Gu Bai also smiled, he remembered this.

At the end of the first semester of freshman year, Duan Shuai and several people also swore to go to the library to study well, but now they don’t even know which direction the door of the library is facing.

Then the conversation began to lighten up.

“Xiaobai, are you going to do it during your summer vacation?” After a pause, Li Xiongfei asked curiously.

“Why are you going to the capital?”

“Attend the Great Xia Mathematics Conference.”

Li Xiongfei: “….”

Duan Shuai: “…..”

Roommate C: “….”

However, as the proof of Zhou’s conjecture, several people also know Gu Bai’s current strength.

Not to say that it is the authority of people in academic circles, but at least it can be regarded as a figure in academic circles.

Just like that, the picture suddenly became a little cold.

After a while, Duan Shuai once again swore and promised: “No, I will also be a top student next semester, and experience what it is like to be a top student.” ”

“The same… I also want to see what the Daxia Math Conference looks like. ”


“Okay, in the future, everyone will be a top student together.” Gu Bai said with a smile.

In fact, as long as roommates are willing to work hard, it is not impossible to be a top student.

Gu Bai’s teaching and teaching system can train a group of Qingbei students, how can it not train a group of graduate students who have taken the Qingbei examination.

Of course, it’s too early to say this, after all, even next semester, their dormitory 318 is only a sophomore.

This freshman meal lasted until 12 o’clock in the evening.

Gu Bai originally thought that his amount of alcohol was good, but… When I really eat 5 bottles of beer, I also feel dizzy.

I will definitely not drink so much alcohol next time.

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