The Hongqi L5 sedan soon stopped at a five-star hotel near Yenching University.

This is also the hotel where the scholars of the Daxia Mathematics Conference stay.

This time, the Daxia Mathematics Conference was held in the first academic lecture hall of Yenching University, and Gu Bai did not know why he did not choose Mizuki University, which ranked first in the comprehensive strength of Daxia.

Probably, Yanda’s math is stronger than Mizuki’s?

However, there are many debates about this topic, and there is no definite answer to who is strong and who is weak.

Anyway, both universities are the top existences in Daxia.

At the front desk of the hotel, after taking the room card, Gu Bai and Professor Luo Shifei got on the elevator and pressed the 36th floor.

It is said that the 33rd-36th floors of the hotel are all chartered by the Daxia Mathematical Association, which shows that the Daxia Mathematical Association is still very rich, and this kind of industry-sized hotel, a room is not said to be tens of thousands, at least 8,000 bottoms.

This Daxia Mathematics Conference will hold a total of 5 days of academic reports, which means that in these 5 days alone, the cost of accommodation alone may reach tens of millions.

Of course, this kind of exchange and discussion in academic circles must not be measured by money.

“Okay.” Gu Bai nodded.

“Oh, and. At 7 o’clock in the evening, there is a small opening ceremony on the roof before the start of the mathematical conference, referred to as the gathering of mathematicians, and if you are interested, you can make some confidants and professors in the mathematical community. ”

At the end, Professor Luo Shifei added.

As for the gathering of mathematicians, Gu Bai was actually not interested in his heart, and he did not know the bigwigs in academia, even if he knew others, others did not know him.

“I’m not going, I finally come out and meet old friends.” After that, Professor Luo Shifei left.

Gu Bai smiled helplessly, and did not care.

After swiping the card to enter the room, open the curtains, I have to say that five-star hotels are expensive for other reasons, through the transparent floor-to-ceiling glass windows that occupy the entire wall, you can overlook the entire Old Summer Palace and Yenching University, this scenery is definitely more beautiful even at night.

Lying on the bed, Gu Bai quickly fell asleep.

Gu Bai was woken up by a knock on the door, and it was the waiter of the hotel who knocked on the door, reminding Gu Bai that it was time for dinner.

Originally, Gu Bai thought that there would be a dinner on the cart, but after the waiter’s reminder, the evening meal of all the mathematicians was on the roof of the building.

The platform of several hundred square meters on the roof of the hotel was built into a small evening party at this time.

To be precise, a meeting of mathematicians.

In the very center of the platform, two rows of tables covered with white cloth were set up, and food was piled on them.

Coming and going, many professors in Zhongshan costumes, some of them already have gray hair, but they are very energetic, and their behavior reveals a scholarly atmosphere.

Most of them had champagne in their hands and greeted each other with acquaintances or old friends.

But it’s a pity that Gu Bai has seen Brother Qiang in books and on the Internet, but he doesn’t know Gu Bai.

Walking on the red carpet, Gu Bai came to the tables on both sides of the platform, eating bread and drinking champagne, and from time to time there were high views of mathematical masters in a certain mathematical theory, which was also very interesting.

After eating, he patted his stomach and Gu Bai was about to go down and wander, but his eyes suddenly saw a familiar figure in the corner.

Professor Yanda’s cool water steamed buns, Wei Shen!

This professor of Yan University with cold water steamed buns, Gu Bai has also seen it on the Internet, aside from his countless trophies from primary school to university, his talent in the field of mathematics alone is also the top in Daxia.

Thinking that he had actually come, he couldn’t leave without saying a word, Gu Bai took the champagne and walked towards the corner.

Wei Dongyi, who used a black signature pen to write lines of mathematical formulas in his notebook, did not notice that there was a person standing behind him.

“This is… NS equation: .? ”

Hearing the voice, Wei Dongyi turned his head and looked.

It was a young man, but he didn’t know him, Wei Dongyi smiled politely and said, “Well, may I ask you?” ”

“Gu Bai of Lin Hai University.” Gu Bai smiled and introduced himself.

Gu Bai? (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Wei Dongyi chuckled, looked at Gu Bai, and said, “It turns out to be a big guy in the prime number field. ”

“What a big guy, but luck.” Gu Bai said modestly.

Mathematics is a discipline with many branches, such as algebra, number theory, geometry, topology, analysis, function theory, combinatorics, etc.

The big guy in the field of prime numbers in Wei Dongyi’s mouth is actually a small branch of the field of number theory.

However, there is a point that Wei Dongyili misunderstood, Gu Bai is not limited to this field of number theory prime numbers, in mathematics, Gu Bai is all-powerful.

After a few idle conversations, Gu Bai found that this Wei Shen was not as bad as he said on the Internet.

At least when it comes to talking about mathematics, it’s a lot of talk….

“You’re also interested in the NS equation?” In the end, Wei Dongyi’s topic shifted to the notebook in his hand.

The NS equation, or Navier-Stokes equation, is an equation of motion that describes the conservation of momentum of a viscous incompressible fluid.

With a smile, Gu Bai did not answer Wei Dongyi’s words positively, pointed to the mathematical formula on Wei Dongyi’s notebook and smiled: “It’s just a little understanding, but because the N-S equation has one more than Euler’s equation?” △ Second-derivative term, therefore, it is more troublesome to crack…”

As a result, it goes without saying that the current ability of Gu Bai Mathematics Lv4 is not enough to solve this puzzle.

“‘It’s not just trouble, this this?’ △ The second derivative term makes the NS equation extremely variable, except under some specific conditions, it is difficult to find an accurate solution to the equation. ”

“Of course… Under certain conditions, it cannot be solved mathematically…”

Wei Dongyi pointed to the process of his calculation in the notebook and said with a frown.

Obviously, this difficulty is also an insurmountable difficulty for Wei Dongyi.

Of course, this is also an insurmountable problem for all mathematicians who study the NS equation.

Glancing at Wei Dongyi’s notebook, Gu Bai smiled and said, “What if I tell you that your idea doesn’t work at all?” ”

“What do you mean?”


Gu Bai paused and explained: “The NS equation is an equation of motion that describes the conservation of momentum of a viscous incompressible fluid, and it is obvious that a simple mathematical problem perspective cannot be solved at all. So… Try to combine a little physics with it. ”

Hearing this, Wei Dongyi frowned thoughtfully.

Gu Bai’s words obviously gave him a certain idea, but… Then he shook his head again and said, “Physics is not my field of expertise. ”

“I’m not good at it, I can teach you.” I thought to myself, but I didn’t say it out of my mouth.

Gu Bai stretched out his hand and said, “Give me a pen.” ”

“Give.” Wei Dongyi handed the notebook to Gu Bai.

[In Cartesian coordinate systems, the N-S equation component form can be shown as follows: ?? (?/??? +?/x+v?/?y+w?

/?z)?? fx-?p/?x+(?2/?x2+?2/?y2+?2/?z2)…. Fire】

【… Thereinto?? is the density of the fluid; V velocity vector, V, W velocity component of fluid at t time, point (x, yz), and so on….]

Gu Bai wrote his desire to understand the NS equation from a physical point of view in the notebook, while Wei Dongyi on the side looked at the characters that kept appearing in the notebook, and his face gradually showed a touch of seriousness.

Gu Bai’s speed was very fast, mixed with the knowledge of physics, Wei Dongyi did not dare to be careless, for fear that he would not be able to keep up with Gu Bai’s rhythm.

But… As there were more and more formulas on the notebook, Wei Dongyi’s brows locked together, and a touch of shock gradually flowed in his heart.

This young man in front of him is very strong.

Of course, it is not that Gu Bai directly cracked the NS equation, but Gu Bai’s thinking jump and the skillful use of mathematical formulas made him a little amazed.

He… In these decades, I have never seen anyone who can use mathematical formulas more proficiently than him.

Gu Bai… It’s the first one.

Người mua: ʕ˖͜͡˖ʔ ? ấ ? 亗

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