After bidding farewell to Hua Lao, Gu Bai walked on the campus of Yenching University.

In fact, everything that happened in the past two days, not to mention for others, even Gu Bai himself, was also in a dream.

For being able to break the NS equation this time was not in Gu Bai’s plan, and it was also beyond Gu Bai’s expectations.

Gu Bai first came to the Daxia Mathematics Conference, and his job was to make a mathematical report.

But the plan could not catch up with the change, and his report on the last day had not yet begun, which had already caused a sensation among the mathematicians who participated in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Moreover, after a brief academic exchange with Wei Dongyi, his mathematical experience was directly upgraded.

“Maybe communication is also a kind of teaching. Otherwise.. XP is not returned. ”

“I just don’t know if this kind of exchange will have an impact on Wei Shen, or if it will be blessed with Wei Dongyi’s ability to learn.”

After secretly deliberating, Gu Bai simply prepared to go directly to Wei Shen, just taking the opportunity to discuss the follow-up NS equation paper publication.

Taking out his mobile phone, Gu Bai dialed Wei Dongyi’s phone, asked Wei Dongyi about his professor’s dormitory building at Yan University, and walked towards Wei Dongyi’s professor’s dormitory building.

On the other side, after Wei Dongyi hung up the phone, he looked at the scratch paper full of mathematical formulas on the table with complicated eyes.

Since delivering Gu Bai to the hotel yesterday, Wei Dongyi has not slept.

07 To say that he was hit by Gu Bai’s mathematical talent and couldn’t sleep, this is not enough.

He didn’t sleep because…

He found out that he turned out… Got stronger.

Yesterday during the day, he was acting as a collaborator, and Gu Bai cracked the NS equation, and now… As an experimenter, he even cracked the NS equation.

Of course… There may be a reason why Gu Bai opened up his thinking.

But… Wei Dongyi, who is so keen on mathematics, still feels a little incredible.

You know, this is the NS equation, and he doesn’t think that just by reading it once, he can crack it with his ability alone.

“What’s going on??? here?”

“I always feel that after communicating with Gu Bai, my thinking about mathematical problems and the use of mathematical formulas seem to be stronger… There is a sense of freewheeling. ”

“But… This feeling has never been the same. ”

Wei Dongyi looked at the NS equation analysis process on the scratch paper and pondered secretly.

However, he didn’t have to think too much.

Gu Bai knocked on the door of his accommodation room.

After seeing Gu Bai, Wei Dongyi put away his thoughts and said with a smile: “Congratulations, it’s hard to imagine that at the age of freshman year, you have completed many difficult problems that mathematicians can’t complete in a lifetime. ”

Gu Bai shook his head indifferently, pointed at Wei Shen and said indifferently: “It’s us, not me.” ”

“No, no, no, I can’t take this credit. Even without me, you can do it alone. After all, yesterday I just…”

“It’s us.” Wei Dongyi’s words were not finished, Gu Bai interrupted directly, and he said with a smile: “If it weren’t for your assistance yesterday, maybe I would have fallen in front of the blackboard, and… Without your assistance, my calculations would not have gone so smoothly. ”

“So, the NS equation is something we defeated together, not me alone.”

This is true.

Although with him alone, he can indeed crack the NS equation.

But… Definitely not yesterday, definitely not so soon.

It could be a month, two months, or… Half a year later.

Therefore, Wei Dongyi is definitely credited.

Gu Bai continued to add.

The truth was also as Gu Bai expected, Wei Dongyi meant this.

After all, there is no shortage of Fields Medals in Daxia, but… There is a shortage of people in Daxia.

Gu Baiah, Wei Dongyi, the two are pure Daxia people, Daxia nationality.

And unlike those… It seems that the people of Daxia who have the blood of Daxia flowing in their bones are the winners of the Green Kafields Award in the United States.

There is an essential difference between the two.

“Okay, that… I owe you a world puzzle. ”

After a while, Wei Dongyi exhaled deeply and said seriously: “Wait… I’ll give it back to you when I have a chance. ”

“Okay, then let’s guess Riemann.” Gu Bai shrugged indifferently and looked at Wei Dongyi and teased.

Wei Dongyi: “….”

“If it feels hard, change it to a simple one. That’s the Young Mills theory. ”

“That… Or the Riemann hypothesis, sandwiched between this unified theory of the canonical field force of physics, for me it is the same as the book of heaven. As you know, I’m not good at physics. ”

After untying his heart, Wei Dongyi’s mood seemed to be good.

Although I still feel a little advantageous in my heart, but… At least he gave promises.

As Gu Bai said, why not win two Fields Medals for Daxia at a time.

Moreover, he felt that his current self had become stronger again. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Perhaps, it is not without a chance to prove the Riemann conjecture and return Gu Bai’s favor.

After thinking about it, Wei Dongyi walked to his desk and handed Gu Bai the NS equation manuscript paper he was trying to prove.

“This is…”

Looking at it suspiciously, Gu Bai was a little puzzled.

“Just look at it yourself.” Wei Dongyi said with a smile, and then walked aside to get a large bottle of mineral water for Gu Bai.

With a puzzled gaze, Gu Bai turned his attention to the manuscript paper.

The next moment, Gu Bai’s eyes widened.

This is Wei Dongyi’s handwriting, after all, he has seen Wei Dongyi’s notebook.

But… Does he have the strength to prove the NS equation?

Of course… Gu Bai didn’t mean to look down on Wei Dongyi.

It’s just that… I find it a little unbelievable.

Although, Gu Bai knew that Wei Dongyi had seen the entire process of cracking the NS equation yesterday, but… Just after reading it once, he didn’t think that Wei Dongyi had the strength to restate the NS equation in his own words.

Good guys, this… It is also a man who opens 180 hangs.

It is worthy of being on the Internet, known as the man of Wei Shen!

“Isn’t it incredible?”

Handing the water to Gu Bai, Wei Dongyi smiled and said, “I also find it incredible.” ”

“Since coming back yesterday, I feel as if my math skills have become stronger again, and I somehow have a feeling of enlightenment, although… It’s not an apt description, but it is. ”

“Getting stronger? Opening? Gu Bai thought thoughtfully.

“That’s right, I always feel that communicating mathematically with you, or proving difficult problems, will make my mathematical ability stronger, whether it is logic, innovation, or imaginative thinking, such as the use of this partial equation, I would never think of using it when I was multi-derivative…”

Hearing Wei Dongyi’s words, Gu Bai completely understood.

Wei Dongyi was definitely also benefited by his own teaching system.


The ability to draw inferences?


Not sure which one, but… It is absolutely a fact that Wei Dong is easy to become stronger.

“Don’t poke, really don’t poke!”

“One more professor student, moreover, there is absolutely no talent!”

Looking at Wei Dongyi again, Gu Bai’s eyes revealed a touch of old fatherly kindness in the corners of his eyes for some reason.

Seeing that Gu Bai did not speak, Wei Dongyi was stunned, and also felt that his explanation was too metaphysical, and paused and said: “Is it too metaphysical?” ”

Gu Bai shook his head and said, “It’s not. ”

“What is the reason for that, you know?”

“Call Teacher, I’ll tell you.”

Wei Dongyi: “…”.

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