Chapter 13: Shocked Sikong Changfeng, Cheerful Sikong Qianluo

Sikong Changfeng thought of Su Chen again.

Although this stopwatch can only be used once, after use, it will become a broken stopwatch.

But if you are lucky, you can get the required materials from the store.

It is also possible to synthesize into a piece of equipment called Zhonya’s Hourglass

The stopwatch is so powerful

Then what a magical equipment is the Zhonya Hourglass?

“Shop owner, what is the function of this Zhongya hourglass?”

Sikong Changfeng couldn’t help but ask curiously

He was really curious about this Zhongya hourglass.

Even if I can’t get it, I really want to know its power.

“This Zhonya Hourglass also has an active freezing function, which allows the user to ignore all types of attacks within three blinks of an eye.

And it has no limit on the number of uses, which means it can be used unlimited times, but there is a cooldown period.

In addition to the active stagnation function, it can also enhance the user’s attack power and provide the user with a kind of armor protection similar to the body protection of Gangqi.”

These are the information Su Chen got from the stopwatch prompt just now.

As a shop owner, he is also happy to see it happen.

Since there is a Zhonya Hourglass, which requires collecting the required materials to open equipment

That means there will never be only one piece of such equipment.

In this way, in order to get the equipment you dream of

It greatly increases customers’ enthusiasm and desire to repurchase!

This is naturally a good thing for Su Chen.

“Can it be used unlimited times? Can it also provide both attack and defense bonuses?”

Sikong Changfeng looked shocked

Such a piece of equipment is simply a magical artifact!

If used properly, it can make you invincible at the same level!

A strong desire arose in Sikong Changfeng’s heart.

He had never wanted something so badly.

But Sikong Changfeng also understood

There is no rush for things like this.

It seems that I have to seize every opportunity to open the can in the future.

Try to gather all the materials for synthesizing Zhonya’s Hourglass as soon as possible

After calming down, Sikong Changfeng put the stopwatch into his sleeve.

“This scroll is called the Return to City Scroll. As the name suggests, it allows the user to instantly return to the marked location no matter where they are.

It should be noted that when activating the scroll, there will be a waiting time of dozens of breaths.

During this time, if someone launches an attack, it will interrupt the start.

So it is best to use it in a safe place”

Su Chen introduced magic!

It’s amazing!!

Sikong Changfeng felt that the shock he had received in most of his life was not as great as that in just half a day.

The top martial arts masters naturally have good light skills.

In a short distance, it is as fast as a galloping horse

A master who has reached his level

He can even fly the wind, and looks like an immortal in the eyes of ordinary people.

Even if you reach the level of controlling the wind, you still cannot ignore the distance.

What’s more, the internal energy in the body is limited.

This scroll can allow people to travel back and forth in an instant

Sikong Qianluo couldn’t help but exclaimed:”Shopkeeper, doesn’t that mean that if I make a mark in Xueyue City, I can return to Xueyue City instantly even if I am on the coast of the East China Sea?”

Su Chen smiled and nodded,”No matter where you are, as long as you mark Snow Moon City, even if you are at the ends of the earth, activate the scroll, and you will return to Snow Moon City in ten breaths.””

Sikong Qianluo’s mouth is so wide that an egg can fit in it.

The things in the jars sold by this shop owner are breaking her inherent perceptions again and again.

She had never dared to dream of such a method before.

Is this something that can actually exist in this world?

In Sikong Qianluo’s eyes, this is a magical spell from the gods!!

How could Sikong Changfeng not see his daughter’s desire for this scroll?

With a smile on his face, he handed the scroll to Sikong Qianluo

Sikong Qianluo smiled sweetly,”Thank you, Daddy”

This gave Sikong Changfeng a huge sense of accomplishment.

No matter what gift I gave my daughter before, she was never so happy.

It’s so satisfying.

This scroll is very practical.

Sikong Qianluo used to travel alone in the world

Sikong Changfeng said he was not worried, that must be a lie

Now, with this scroll,

Sikong Changfeng can also feel more at ease

“This is a pill for youth. If you take it, your youthful appearance will last forever.

But it’s just the appearance, this is a primary anti-aging pill, it won’t change your lifespan”

Su Chen smiled and pointed to the last item on the counter and introduced

Sikong Changfeng was shocked

What kind of magical items are contained in the jars sold in this store?

The pile of items he had opened earlier made his heart sink to the bottom.

But now it seems to make him soar into the sky

In addition to the art of spear, Sikong Changfeng is also extremely talented in medicine.

He once studied medicine with Medicine King Xin Baicao in Medicine King Valley

It’s a pity that he himself is not very interested in pharmacology.

Even so, he still inherited half of the mantle of the Medicine King Xin Baicao

This half of the inheritance is enough to make him the best in the field of medicine.

Because of this, he could more deeply appreciate the extraordinary nature of the Rejuvenating Pill in front of him.

Not to mention his medical skills

Even Master Xin Baicao, the King of Medicine, would never be able to refine such a pill.

In fact, Sikong Changfeng never believed that there was such a magical elixir in the world.

The aging of human appearance is an irresistible law of fate.

How can human power stop it?

But at this moment, a beauty pill

A pill that can keep your youthful appearance forever!

It appeared right before my eyes!!

There are little stars twinkling in Sikong Qianluo’s beautiful eyes

What woman has not dreamed of eternal youth?

She is seventeen years old, just like a flower.

If I could keep this beautiful appearance forever

It’s really delightful!

How could Sikong Changfeng not understand his daughter’s thoughts?

He took the Rejuvenating Pill and handed it to Sikong Qianluo.

“Thank you, Daddy. You are so kind.”

Sikong Qianluo’s smile is as beautiful as a flower, enough to make all other flowers pale in comparison

“Thank you to the store owner, thank you for selling these good things to us”

Sikong Qianluo smiled and thanked Su Chen

Sikong Qianluo’s words were not polite.

In her opinion, this good-looking shop owner is really kind-hearted.

Let’s not talk about other treasures, just talk about this anti-aging pill

Place it in an outside auction house

Even if the price is 100,000 taels of gold, there will be countless people vying to buy it.

After all, which woman doesn’t want to look young?

In order to stay young forever, countless women are willing to pay any price.

Su Chen waved his hand,”You’re welcome, this is all due to your luck.”


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