Chapter 178: The gun king of the generation opens the gun, and the steel beast that chooses its prey! (Subscribe!! Request data!!)

After touching the blue halo

Xu Weixiong sensed that a skill option appeared in his sea of ​​consciousness

I also understood instantly that as long as I turned on this skill option

You will have the ability to remember everything you see

This shocked Xu Weixiong.

No matter how others describe it

It’s definitely not as good as my own personal experience

Only then did Xu Weixiong truly feel the magic of the items in the jar.

Even talent can be bestowed upon others instantly.

This is beyond Xu Weixiong’s cognition.

Looking at the good-looking shop owner who remained calm from beginning to end

Xu Weixiong’s eyes also began to change

From the beginning, Xu Weixiong did not completely believe what Xuanyuan Qingfeng said.

Until this moment, she was truly convinced

At the same time, I became more and more curious about this good-looking shop owner.

Who is he?

Why can something like talent be transformed into a halo and bestowed upon others?

What is his purpose in doing all this?

Xu Weixiong found that he had no chance of figuring out all these questions.

This good-looking young shop owner is so mysterious.

He’s like a black hole.

It’s impossible to see through

It has a huge attraction to people

Once you come into contact with him, you will be deeply attracted to him and can never escape

Suppress this inexplicable feeling in your heart

Xu Weixiong activates skills

She wanted to feel this skill more clearly.

“Uncle Xuanyuan, please lend me a book.”

Xuanyuan Jingcheng also immediately knew Xu Weixiong’s idea

He handed a book from his sleeve to Xu Weixiong

Xu Weixiong took the book and quickly flipped through it.

Finally, Xu Weixiong confirmed one thing

This skill of remembering 590% of what he saw is really amazing.

I just glanced over it.

The contents of the book are firmly engraved in my mind.

Possess this skill

You can store all the books in the Tingchao Pavilion in your mind.

The collection of books in Shangyin Academy is also beyond doubt.

A huge amount of books that no one could possibly record in their lifetime

I can easily record all of them.

This ability is really amazing!

At the same time, Xu Weixiong also understood one thing

When this skill is activated

Don’t read those weird books.

For example, the bloody ethics story I just read

It is also deeply engraved in my mind

Cannot be erased

This is very uncomfortable…

Xuanyuan Jingcheng is really envious now

I have a photographic memory!

If you have this ability

The efficiency of reading will be improved thousands of times

Everything you have seen will remain in your mind forever.

You can become a mobile library

This is the skill that every scholar dreams of! well~

But today I have bad luck

It seems that I can only wait and see if I will be so lucky next time I open the can.

Sikong Qianluo, who had already come to the store from the inner courtyard

I’m also envious

She also wants to have such skills!

If you have such skills

Just flipping through a book quickly will store its contents in your mind.

I don’t have to worry about studying anymore.

There was nothing before

I don’t like reading anyway.

I got to know the owner

The owner is a transcendent figure like a fallen immortal.

Sikong Qianluo didn’t want to make himself look uncultured.

In addition, this photographic memory skill

It is also of great help in practicing martial arts!

Imagine any martial arts move

Just watch it once and you will remember it.

What a powerful ability this is!

The second jar gave me the skill of photographic memory.

Xu Weixiong is even more looking forward to the jar below


With a crisp sound, the third jar shattered.

A capsule fell out.

“Shopkeeper, what is this?”

Xu Weixiong asked curiously

She had never seen this thing before.

It looks like the size of a little finger

However, after experiencing the skill aura myself

Xu Weixiong had an inexplicable expectation for this kind of thing he had never seen before.

Su Chen:”This is a universal capsule. You just need to press this button and throw the capsule out, and the contents will be released.”

Xu Weixiong’s beautiful eyes narrowed slightly

Such a small thing actually contains something

Xu Weixiong was even more curious about what was inside.

Follow the store owner’s instructions

Xu Weixiong directly presses the button and throws out the capsule

A cloud of smoke rose up

After the smoke clears

A large wooden box appeared in front of everyone.

Xu Weixiong was secretly frightened


This is incredible.

It’s such a small thing

There is actually a box this big that can be stored inside.

There are many talented people in Beiliang Palace.

Some people can do this through sleight of hand.

But Xu Weixiong knows

This scene in front of me is fundamentally different from the sleight of hand.

Since the shop owner said that this big wooden box is stored in this thing called universal capsule

So it must be storage

This effect is definitely not achieved by using sleight of hand.

So doesn’t that mean that little universal capsule

Has an interior space that is much larger than its appearance?

Think of this

Xu Weixiong’s face became more and more horrified.

Open up an independent space. (Read the best novels on Feilu Novel��!)

It has gone beyond the scope of martial arts that I can understand.

That should be a kind of magic.

Could it be that this shop owner is an immortal who has descended to earth?

The more Xu Weixiong thought about it, the more he felt that it was possible.

As Princess Kitakura

Xu Weixiong knows a lot of secrets that people in the underworld don’t know.

There really are immortals in this world.

Take Longhu Mountain for example.

In the past five hundred years, many celestial masters have ascended to heaven.

There is also Wudang Mountain in Beiliang

There is also a headmaster who has achieved immortality.

But anyway

In this mortal world, it was the first time that I saw a living immortal standing in front of me.

Xu Weixiong couldn’t help but look at Su Chen a few more times.

In my heart

This shop owner must be the best looking even among the immortals.

“You can open the box and there are ten AK47s inside.”

Su Chen smiled and said

For female customers entering the store

Sometimes he would be distracted for no reason, Su Chen had gotten used to it.

Hearing Su Chen’s words

Xu Weixiong suddenly realized his own mistake.

I just stared at the shop owner for a long time.

I must look stupid like that.

Thinking of this, Xu Weixiong felt his cheeks getting hot for the first time.

Xu Weixiong rarely showed the shy demeanor of a little girl.

She pretended to be calm and hurriedly opened the big wooden box.

The things inside made her stunned again

Something I’ve never seen before.

But Xu Weixiong saw

These things should be made of metal

Pick up a handful and look at it carefully

From the overall structure

Xu Weixiong had some vague guesses

This should be a weapon like a fire gun.

Because this thing has a hollow metal tube and a trigger.

These characteristics are quite consistent with the fire gun.

But what exactly is it?

Xu Weixiong knew that he had to ask the owner to confirm.

Xu Weixiong:”Shopkeeper, is this a firearm like a musket?”

Su Chen nodded,”Yes, you can understand it that way. I just said that this thing is called AK47..

Compared with ordinary fire guns, it has stronger lethality”

Explanation for Su Chen

Xu Weixiong only understood half of what he heard

The shop owner said that this AK47 has a stronger killing power than a musket

Xu Weixiong certainly believed this.

But this is obviously just a vague concept

“Shop owner, how is the AK47 better than ordinary muskets?”

Su Chen:”To put it simply, in the same amount of time, this AK47 can fire a thousand times more bullets than a normal musket.

And the shooting distance and power are much greater than ordinary fire guns.”

Hearing Su Chen’s words

Xu Weixiong’s pupils shrank suddenly

A thousand times!

This is too horrible!

I have ten AK47s like this.

If these ten AK47s fired at the same time

Wouldn’t that be much more powerful than a musket squadron?

Xuanyuan Jingcheng was also shocked

Fire of the fire gun���He also knew

It is a firearm that can be quickly equipped and improve the strength of ordinary people.

A single musket is not very powerful.

But once the equipment is organized

It will exert a terrifying power.

The AK47 in front of us has a firing rate a thousand times faster than an ordinary musket.

In other words, if an ordinary person gets such a firearm

It has the strength of a small-scale firearms team.

This kind of strength can already threaten the top masters in the martial arts world.

This is undoubtedly a shocking thing.

Now Xu Weixiong got ten such firearms at once.

This is already equivalent to a medium-sized musket array on the battlefield.

Under such power

The formations that most of the sects in the martial arts world are proud of are nothing more than chickens and dogs.

Think of this

Xuanyuan Jingcheng couldn’t help but be envious

Xu Weixiong happily put the big wooden box back into the universal capsule

Opened the fourth jar

A black object fell onto the counter with a clang.

Xu Weixiong looked at the object with great curiosity.

Previously, Xuanyuan Jingcheng made a soy milk machine from a can that was a size larger than the can.

This time, the situation is obviously much more exaggerated.

The length of this metal object is almost as tall as a woman.

Su Chen stroked his chin, thinking.

Kind of interesting

Xu Weixiong just opened ten AK47s

Now I’m bringing this thing out again.

What a tough woman!

Sikong Qianluo looked at the items on the counter with a look of surprise.

She had some guesses in her mind.

Because this item is similar to my Barrett in many ways.

Initial guess is that it should be some kind of gun.

Sikong Qianluo has already tested the power of Barrett in actual combat.

The power is quite shocking.

The item in front of him gave Sikong Qianluo the same feeling.

Obviously, this thing should be very powerful.

It stands there quietly, supported only by three steel frames.

It gives people a feeling of a steel beast, as if it is ready to devour people at any time.


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