Chapter 242: Confused Baili Dongjun, bizarre Xueyue City! (Request full subscription!! Request data!!)

Looking at the Tongfu Inn in front of me

Baili Dongjun was very interested and curious at the same time.

Baili Dongjun knew about this Tongfu Inn.

The shopkeeper and the shop assistants all came from the Ming Dynasty.

Baili Dongjun may not be familiar with other shops in Xueyue City.

But Baili Dongjun knew this restaurant well.

But Baili Dongjun remembered that the business of Tongfu Inn was not so good before.

Because the chef of this inn makes some unique dishes.

Spicy fish scales, braised sterculia lychnophora, fried cucumbers, etc.

These dishes are obviously not acceptable to everyone.

But what is the situation now?

Why are there still so many people queuing?

Since there was nothing important to do, Baili Dongjun lined up to see what was going on.

After a moment, Baili Dongjun frowned slightly.

He smelled a strange odor.

At this time, people in the queue also began to talk.

“Holy shit, is this the stinky tofu you were talking about? It smells a bit strong, are you sure you can eat it?”

“Don’t be so surprised. You look like an ignorant person. The stinky tofu smells bad but tastes delicious!”

“This brother is right. After I ate it once, I could never forget the taste. It is really delicious.”

“I really envy you locals in Xueyue City. If you want to eat stinky tofu, you can buy it very conveniently. I came here from Yangliu Town, and it takes most of the day to go back and forth.

Do you know what snail rice noodle is? I always hear people talking about snail rice noodle.”

“Let me tell you, if you can accept the smell of stinky tofu, you must try snail rice noodle.

That kind of food smells a bit stinky, but it is sour, spicy and refreshing, leaving a long aftertaste!”

“The snail rice noodle is not only delicious, but also very convenient. Just soak it in boiling water for a while and you can eat it.”

“Is it really that magical? Just soak it in boiling water for a while? No need to boil it?”

“No, no, snail rice noodle is very convenient, just soak it in boiling water for a while, and you can enjoy the delicious taste.”

“I’m going to buy some later. I’m going on a long trip and I’m worried about what dry food to bring. It would be very convenient if I had this snail noodle.”

“If you are going to travel far, you must buy this snail noodle. When you travel far, you often encounter the situation of being far away from the village and the shop, which makes it very inconvenient to eat. With this snail noodle, it is much more convenient.”

“Yes, hot food is definitely better than chewing hard buns or sesame cakes.”

Listening to the people in line, one by one, talking enthusiastically

Baili Dongjun was a little confused

Stinky tofu?

Snail noodles?

What are all these?

Baili Dongjun often travels and has seen many new and interesting things from various dynasties.

But it was the first time he heard of stinky tofu and snail rice noodle.

Could it be that this is another new dish developed by the chef from Tongfu Inn?

The chef at Tongfu Inn used to come up with some new and unique dishes.

Although it will also attract some diners who pursue novelty

But it’s never been as popular as it is now

Baili Dongjun became more and more curious about these new dishes.

After one stick of incense, it was Baili Dongjun’s turn.

Bai Zhantang came up to him warmly,”Sir, I haven’t seen you for a while..”

Bai Zhantang still has some impression of the person in front of him.

I’m not a frequent visitor, but I’ve been to Tongfu Inn a few times before.

The main reason is that this person’s unruly temperament is still very recognizable.

Plus, Bai Zhantang always had a good memory for people, so he recognized him at the first sight.

Baili Dongjun also smiled at Bai Zhantang

Although he is the mayor of Xueyue City, few people in Xueyue City know him.

Every time he returned from a long journey, the people he met would regard him as a knight from a foreign land.

Unexpectedly, this shop assistant, who had only met him a few times, recognized him right away.

Bai Zhantang:”Sir, there is no room in the inn now. If you want to eat, you can only sit outside and you need to share a table with other guests.”

Baili Dongjun had no objection to this.

He also saw the situation. Tongfu Inn did have a lot of guests.

The inn was packed with people inside and outside.

Of course, it is impossible for him to eat alone and occupy a table by himself.

Under the guidance of Bai Zhantang, Baili Dongjun came to a table where three people were already sitting.

Baili Dongjun:”What is the most popular specialty dish in your restaurant right now?”

Bai Zhantang:”Crayfish, stinky tofu, and snail noodles are all very popular, but stinky tofu and snail noodles are not available for dine-in. You can take them away.”

Baili Dongjun:”Crayfish? What is that?”

At this moment, the crayfish ordered by the three people at the same table were served.

Bai Zhantang:”This is crayfish. There are spicy, garlic and braised flavors, which are the most popular ones ordered by customers. I also suggest you order some freshly squeezed beer.”

Looking at those three plates of worms

Baili Dongjun’s eyelids couldn’t help twitching.

Is the chef of Tongfu Inn really so unconventional?

I’ve actually started using insects to cook.

It’s strange that it’s so popular

Although he was doubtful, Baili Dongjun still followed the principle of making the best of it.

I ordered a plate of spicy crayfish and some freshly squeezed beer recommended by the waiter.

After a while, the food and drinks ordered by Baili Dongjun were served.

Looking at the bright red��

Baili Dongjun followed the example of his deskmate and peeled the shrimp tails.

Put doubt into your mouth

After just one bite, Baili Dongjun couldn’t help but raise his eyebrows.

Baili Dongjun thought the taste was surprisingly good

He didn’t expect that this strange insect was not only edible, but also had very chewy meat.

The taste of this soup is also spicy and fresh, which increases your appetite.

After eating one, I just can’t stop eating

After a dozen crayfish descended from the abdomen

Baili Dongjun looked at the wine in front of him curiously again.

This drink is weird too.

Strange color, strange smell, and white foam

Baili Dongjun loved drinking all his life. He had tried all kinds of wine.

But this kind of wine, let alone drinking it, is the first time I have seen it.

Baili Dongjun picked up the wine glass and took a sip.

The next moment, his eyes lit up. (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

This strange drink brought him a refreshing feeling he had never experienced before.

In the past, after drinking wine, I would feel a warm feeling flowing into my stomach.

This wine gives people a refreshing feeling

This made Baili Dongjun feel very magical.

If you taste it carefully, you will find a wheat aroma and a light fruity aroma.

Baili Dongjun finally understood

Why is the business of Tongfu Inn so good?

Not to mention ordinary people, even he had never tasted this kind of strange food and this novel drink. good

Very good!

Baili Dongjun didn’t care about anything else and ate heartily.

It took me half an hour to finish four plates of crayfish and drink more than a dozen glasses of freshly squeezed beer.

I also took out a portion of stinky tofu and a portion of snail rice noodle.

Baili Dongjun then left Tongfu Inn contentedly.

He is now in a very happy mood, as if he has discovered a treasure.

Everything was delicious, especially the freshly squeezed beer. The taste really fascinated Baili Dongjun.

He has decided that as long as he is in Xueyue City, he will come here every day to drink freshly squeezed beer.

After dinner, Baili Dongjun took a walk along the Xi’er River.

Half an hour later, Baili Dongjun looked curiously towards a courtyard.

Because above that courtyard, you can see wisps of mist, which is very strange.

“It is so comfortable to soak in hot springs. After soaking, all the fatigue of the whole day disappears.”

“I never thought that one day we could enjoy such a hot spring in Xueyue City. It’s really great.”

“At first I doubted whether this was a natural hot spring. I should have come here earlier.”

“Haha, I told you several times, why didn’t you believe me? I even got some free sex a few times.”

At first, Baili Dongjun thought he had heard it wrong.

After listening carefully, I confirmed that the people who came out of the courtyard were indeed talking about hot springs.

But how is this possible?

I know the topography of Xueyue City very well.

If there is a warm���, how could Baili Dongjun not know?

This must be a fake hot spring.

It’s like hot water.

The City Lord’s Mansion has always been very lenient in managing the merchants in Xueyue City.

There are not too many restrictions

Just operating with integrity, this is a red line

The City Lord’s Mansion will never allow any merchants who defraud the people of Xueyue City to exist.

“”Zi Lan Xuan?””

Baili Dongjun whispered

He knew that the female boss of Zi Lan Xuan had an unusual background.

But Baili Dongjun doesn’t care about these.

No matter who it is, as long as they dare to violate the integrity of business in Xueyue City

It’s fine if you don’t see it yourself, but if you do see it yourself, you will definitely punish it severely.

Thinking like this, Baili Dongjun walked towards the courtyard.

An hour later, Baili Dongjun came out with an unbelievable look on his face. real

That hot spring is actually real!


This is too incredible!

Could it be that there has always been a hidden hot spring in this place?

However, a hot spring in Xueyue City has not been discovered for more than a hundred years.

This kind of thing is unbelievable

Baili Dongjun walked and thought, and soon he arrived in front of the square of Dengtian Pavilion.

Seeing the Dengtian Pavilion in front of us

Baili Dongjun’s pupils shrank suddenly

What’s going on?

The Dengtian Pavilion in front of us is obviously not the original one.

Many people gathered in the square at this time, discussing the Dengtian Pavilion.

“This is too amazing. Wasn’t the previous Dengtian Pavilion demolished? (Qian Zhaozhao) Before I had dinner, this place was empty. How come a Dengtian Pavilion suddenly appeared out of nowhere?”

“Yes, my home is nearby. When I just got home, there was nothing here. When I left the house again, I saw a tower. This is too unbelievable.”

“Could it be the work of one of the city lords of our Xueyue City, who used some magical power to move mountains and fill the sea to move such a pavilion from somewhere else?”

“I think it’s unlikely. Although the three city lords of our Xueyue City are masters of martial arts, they still can’t do this kind of thing.”

“That’s right, even if the three city lords have such magical powers, where did this pavilion come from?

I don’t know if you noticed, but this pavilion seems to be made of pure copper, and it is much taller than the previous Dengtian Pavilion.

In the entire Beili Dynasty, who has ever heard of such a building?”

“It’s so strange, it’s simply a miracle. I’m afraid you and I can’t figure it out even if we rack our brains.

But no matter what, this is a good thing for our Xueyue City.”

I heard the discussion among the crowd.

Baili Dongjun’s eyes were filled with more doubts.

Appearing out of thin air?

Such a pavilion actually appeared out of thin air?

I was only away for a year, but when I came back, I found���Xueyue City has become unrecognizable to me.

It seems that I have to go find Sikong Changfeng now. Only from him can I get the answer.

The next moment, Baili Dongjun’s figure flashed and disappeared from the spot.


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