Chapter 520: Speechless concert tickets! Confession on the street!

“This sword must be very powerful.”

Jiang Yuyan murmured to herself

“Shop owner, can you tell us about the deeds of this senior?”

Sikong Qianluo loves to listen to Su Chen’s stories

At this time, I heard that there was someone who had never lost a single game in his life. I couldn’t help but be curious.

Su Chen took a sip of the Enlightenment Tea

“Sword Demon Dugu Qiubai, a martial arts master, whose past has been forgotten for a long time, and few people in the martial arts world know about his deeds”

“Love and hatred, wind blowing, fame and fortune, buried in the earth, all the deeds seem to happen in another time and space”

“Dugu Qiubai was invincible at the age of 30, and became a master at the age of 45”

“He is an unrivaled master, looking down upon the world and standing proud among the heroes, but he also has indescribable loneliness and desolation in his heart.”

“As the saying goes, it’s lonely at the top.”

“Standing on a high place, without any rivals, is also a kind of loneliness for a warrior.”

Chu Liuxiang nodded thoughtfully

“This is also good”

“Anyone who can stand at the pinnacle of martial arts is mostly a fool who pursues martial arts.”

“Without an opponent to compete with, it is difficult to improve”

“This is undoubtedly torture.”

Sikong Qianluo held up his smooth chin and blinked his big eyes.

“Shop owner, Senior Dugu is so powerful, but why has no one ever heard of him in the world?”

Su Chen smiled faintly and said,”This senior has always had a strange personality. He doesn’t care about the mundane affairs of the martial arts world and doesn’t like to show off. After defeating all the heroes, he lived in seclusion in a desolate valley, taking Ziwei as his wife and the Divine Eagle as his friend. He studied martial arts day and night to cultivate his martial arts.”

“Later, he summarized his life’s learning into several sets of martial arts secrets and hid them separately or carved them somewhere waiting for the right person to see them.”

“He spent his whole life seeking a defeat but could not achieve it, and later buried his sword in a tomb. He occasionally went out to travel around the world, but for the rest of his life, he was unknown. Thus, a great hero died in depression.”


Such a strong man died in depression

Everyone sighed deeply, feeling quite regretful.

“Yanan, how about you try”five-nine”five-nine zero” zero” on this sword?”

After two or three breaths, Chu Liuxiang said to Gao Yanan

Gao Yanan came to her senses and slowly walked towards Baojian

She picked up the sword and saw two characters in seal script on the hilt, which were coiled in gold thread. They were the Chinese characters for”Ziwei”.

Gao Yanan frowned

She thought of what the shop owner had just said about marrying Ziwei.

Could it be that Ziwei is the name of Senior Dugu’s wife?

“Yes, Ziwei is the name of Senior Dugu’s lover.”

Su Chen looked at Gao Yanan and said

Gao Yanan’s eyelids twitched

The shop owner could actually know exactly what I was thinking?

I clearly didn’t say it just now.

Gao Yanan looked suspicious

She lifted the hilt of the sword and shook it slightly. The sword body immediately trembled up and down, making a buzzing sound. It turned out that the blade was very soft.

“It turned out to be a soft sword”

“This is the sword that Senior Dugu used to defeat all the heroes!”

Gao Yanan looked at the purple-glowing Ziwei Sword and muttered to himself

Sikong Qianluo:”I didn’t expect it to be a soft sword.”

Su Chen shook his head:”No, no!”

“Dugu Qiubai used five kinds of swords in his life”

“This Ziwei soft sword is the sword that Dugu Qiubai used before he was thirty years old.”

“At that time, Dugu Qiubai’s swordsmanship had not yet reached the realm of perfection. In addition, the Ziwei soft sword itself was extremely sharp, cutting gold like mud, and it was soft and light, extremely difficult to control, and the moves were extremely fast.”

“Therefore, Senior Dugu regretted accidentally injuring a righteous man with this sword, and later threw it into a deep valley and never used it again.”

“Cutting gold like mud?”

Hearing these four words, everyone was shocked.

Even if it is a magical weapon, its sharpness is described as”cutting iron like mud”

But the shop owner just said that cutting gold is like cutting mud

Wouldn’t it be sharper than ordinary magic weapons?

It’s incredible that a soft sword can be so sharp.

“You heard it right, it means to cut gold like mud”


Su Chen paused and looked at Gao Yanan

“So, Yanan, this sword can greatly improve your combat power.”

“Of course, you have to use it with caution.”

Su Chen told Gao Yanan

“Thank you for the reminder”

Gao Yanan clasped his fists and said with gratitude in his eyes.

“Yeah, you’re welcome.”

“Shop owner, you just said that Senior Dugu used five kinds of swords in his life. Except for the Ziwei Soft Sword, I wonder what the other four swords are?”

Chu Liuxiang has always been more interested in interesting stories in the underworld

Now that I heard from the shop owner that there was a sword demon that had never been heard of in the martial arts world, how could I not be interested?

Su Chen folded his hands in front of his chest and smiled slightly.

“The five swords are: Qinggang sharp sword, Ziwei soft sword, Xuantie heavy sword, wooden sword and no sword”

“These five different swords actually represent the five different levels of Dugu Qiubai’s swordsmanship attainments.”

“They are: sharp sword, soft sword, heavy sword, wooden sword and no sword”

“The highest realm of Dugu Qiubai’s swordsmanship is to have no sword, which means that all the movements of the fingers and fingers are sword energy.”

As soon as the words fell, everyone was shocked!

Everything is a sword

What a powerful existence this is.

If Senior Dugu were still alive today, I’m afraid he would still be hard to beat!

Or if there are descendants, they must be famous swordsmen in the world.

It’s a pity——

Everyone can’t help but feel a little regretful

After a brief lull


Gao Yanan tapped the can lightly, and another can shattered.

Everyone looked at

A card appeared on the table.

There are colorful patterns and densely packed symbols that are difficult to understand.

Gao Yanan picked up the card curiously and looked at it carefully.

【Zhou Jielun’s concert tickets] Can’t buy, can’t buy at all, Zhou Jielun’s concert tickets were sold out as soon as they were released, was it done by a scalper? Scalper: Damn it, how come there is one less ticket I grabbed?

Su Chen frowned slightly

Isn’t this a concert ticket?

Or a concert ticket for Zhou Jielun, my favorite singer in my previous life?

Oh my god!

Wouldn’t it be nice if I could have picked one up in my previous life?

Now that this world of martial arts is given to me, where can I use it?

Do you want me to go to the concert of Xueyue Chuanqi?

Everyone bought tickets to sing in the chorus at the 500 concert

Feng Huang Legend’s concert, everyone bought tickets to join the chorus

However, the choir didn’t practice the mountain and river map well, so Linghua and Zengyi had to come to the rescue.

I don’t know how many songs the choir can sing at Zhou Dong’s concert. I’m quite looking forward to it.

Su Chen’s mouth corners slightly raised

Gao Yanan raised the card in her hand slightly, with a puzzled look on her pretty face.

“Shopkeeper, what is this?”

Su Chen smiled slightly:”This is a concert ticket”

Gao Yanan’s pretty face wrinkled, with question marks all over her forehead

Jiang Yuyan and others were also confused.

“Miss Gao, you haven’t watched a concert since you came to Xueyue City, right?”

“The concert of Xueyue Legend is held by the Erhai Lake”

Sikong Qianluo looked at the bewildered crowd and asked

Everyone shook their heads

“Snow Moon Legend?”

Chu Liuxiang looked confused and surprised.

Seeing this, Sikong Qianluo became even more interested.

“Yes, it is Qu Yang and Liu Zhengfeng from your Ming Dynasty”

“They have now withdrawn from the Ming Dynasty and settled in our Xueyue City.”

“Their concert is so good, you must go to see it”

Everyone seemed to understand and forced a smile

“With this ticket, you don’t need to buy another ticket”

“Their tickets are hard to buy.”

“And the quantity is limited, while stocks last”

Sikong Qianluo was all smiles, talking non-stop.

Although everyone had never seen the concert, they could guess from Sikong Qianluo’s excited expression that it must be an interesting performance.

So I couldn’t help but get curious and wanted to see what was going on.

Su Chen, who was standing by, looked at Sikong Qianluo’s cute appearance and couldn’t help laughing.


Su Chen coughed lightly

“Qianluo, the owner of this shop has to interrupt you for a moment”

“This ticket is not a ticket for the Snow Moon Legend concert”


Sikong Qianluo’s face froze

She scratched her head:”If it’s not the Legend of Snow Moon, whose concert could it be?”

“Could it be that someone else has also sold concert props from the owner’s shop?”

Sikong Qianluo looked bewildered.

“That’s not the case.”

“But this ticket is not a ticket for the Snow Moon Legend concert”

Su Chen said again


“So what is the use of this ticket?”

Jiang Yuyan asked immediately

“Temporarily collectible!”


“All right!”

��Ya-nan has a black line

To put it bluntly, it’s just a useless thing.

Hu Tiehua and Chu Liuxiang shook their heads and smiled helplessly.


Another jar breaks

A golden headband fell out of the jar

Sikong Qianluo’s beautiful eyes widened:”This——”


“Why does this thing look so familiar!”

Seeing the golden headband, Sikong Qianluo instantly threw away the embarrassment just now.

She scratched her head thoughtfully.

“Oh! Now I remember, this headband looks like the tight headband that Monkey King wears in the movie!”

“Shop owner?”

Sikong Qianluo looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes wide open, her face slightly wrinkled:”Could it really be Sun Wukong’s tight hoop?”

After saying that, she opened her cherry red mouth and looked at Su Chen with a surprised look.

Although the owner can open anything in the jar

But if the golden hoop is really opened

Sikong Qianluo still couldn’t help but feel a little bit unbelievable

After all, that’s a story in a book.

It doesn’t exist in reality

The people present naturally knew about Sun Wukong’s tight hoop.

Although I have never seen the movie, I have always heard the story.

But isn’t that a story?

And it’s a fairy tale

It doesn’t exist in reality.

How could it really come out of the jar?

Is there really such a world on the other side of the world?

After all, many of the items in the jar are also new to me.

Everyone was at a loss

Su Chen stared at the virtual panel

【[Confession Headband] A magical item from a certain world. As long as you wear the headband on your head, anyone who has done something wrong, wrong, or immoral within a ten-step radius will bow down before you and confess their sins……….

Su Che’s eyelids twitched………

It’s used for confession.

Which world is this magical prop from?

But this feature is really good

Very helpful in handling cases!

With this, there is no need for any torture instruments to force confessions.

Su Chen looked at Sikong Qianluo and shook his head:”It does look a bit similar, but it’s not Sun Wukong’s tight hoop.”

Sikong Qianluo said with a slightly disappointed look:”Oh! So it’s not!”

“You are very lucky”

Su Chen turned to look at Gao Yanan and said

“This is a confession headband”

“As long as you wear the headband on your head, anyone who has done something wrong, wrong, or immoral within a radius of 20 steps will bow down to the ground and confess their sins.”

Gao Yanan was stunned

Did I hear it right?

Confession headband?

By wearing it on your head, can people who have done something wrong take the initiative to admit their mistakes and repent of their sins?

Isn’t this even more magical than Sun Wukong’s golden hoop?

“Oh my god——”

Sikong Qianluo covered her mouth lightly and cried out in surprise

“It’s amazing that people can confess and admit their mistakes on their own initiative”

“My dad really needs something like this.”

“It’s not too fragrant to use for recipes”

Sikong Qianluo’s pretty face showed envy

Hu Tiehua praised:”It’s really amazing!”

Sikong Qianluo rolled his big eyes and said,”Ms. Yanan, do you need it?”

“If you don’t need it, you can sell it to my father. You can name your own price.”


Gao Yanan has a black line

“Sorry, Miss Qianluo, I am not considering selling it for the time being.”

Gao Yanan said embarrassedly

“However, I will definitely stay in Xueyue City for a longer period of time in the future. If Miss Sikong needs anything, she can always contact Yanan.”

Gao Yanan followed up with

After all, this is the territory of Xueyue City, and I will come again in the future.

Inevitably, we will often interact

Besides, this Miss Sikong seems to have a special relationship with the store owner.

Gao Yanan also wanted to take this opportunity to further her relationship with the store owner.

“Yeah, thank you, Sister Yanan.”

“You’re welcome”

After saying this, Gao Yanan stretched out her slender jade fingers and gently picked up the confession headband.

“Shopkeeper, can I go and try it?”

Gao Yanan asked softly

She was very curious about this confession headband

Su Chen:”Of course!”

So Gao Yanan picked up the hairband and walked out of the shop.

Sikong Qianluo and Jiang Yuyan followed closely behind, jumping and skipping.

Even Hu Tiehua and Gao Yanan followed curiously.

However, they still deliberately distanced themselves from Gao Yanan.

People came to the street

Sikong Qianluo and Jiang Yuyan curiously followed behind Gao Yanan, waiting to see the fun.

Gao Yanan slowly raised the confession headband above her head and put it on her head

The next second, an incredible scene happened

I saw a man walking briskly on the street.

Suddenly, he fell to his knees on the ground

Cry and wail

“I was wrong, I was wrong, I was wrong. 3.5”

How come I’m 3.5?

The man stared with eyes wide open, not knowing what happened

“I shouldn’t have evaded the entrance fee, but the movie was so good and I had no money, so I sneaked into the cinema when no one was looking.”

“It’s all my fault”

“I will make up the money.”

It’s over, it’s over. How did I let slip that I evaded the ticket?

Look at your mouth

The man slapped himself in the face.

“Humph! How dare you evade the ticket?”

Sikong Qianluo put his hands on his waist and glared at the man.

“You went to the movies without paying the entrance fee? You really bring shame to Xueyue City. Don’t tell anyone that you are from Xueyue City when you go out.”

“That is, if you don’t have money, can’t you make money? It’s not like you have no arms or legs.”

“Tell the third city lord that people like this must be severely punished, otherwise what if everyone learns from him?”

People passing by stopped and accused the man of evading the ticket.

A butcher’s shop selling meat

Xiao Li, who was selling meat, knelt directly in front of the customer

Xiao Li looked horrified

He tried to stand up, but his body refused to obey.

Even my mouth doesn’t obey me anymore.

“uncle,���Forgive me, I shouldn’t have given you less. I’ll make it up to you, I’ll make it up to you three times.”

Mr. Li, who was buying meat, looked confused.

He looked at the meat in his hand.

Then I went to the shop next door and asked the boss to weigh it. It turned out that there was 2 taels of meat missing.

Uncle Li was furious:”Xiao Li, Xiao Li, you are really good.”

“A total of one catty of meat, you give me two ounces less”

“You really don’t let anyone go, even your own uncle”

“No, this time I want to sacrifice my own family for the sake of justice. I want to tell the Third City Lord that you can forget about running this butcher stall.”

“Sir, please don’t tell the Third City Lord, Sir”

“If you tell the three city lords, I’m done.”

Xiao Li held onto Uncle Li’s thigh and refused to let go


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