Yan Cigui

Chapter 119: Waiting for the eyes of the Ai family

Beside the curtain, Grandma Wang raised her head.

She really didn't expect that the Holy Emperor came for the princess's marriage.

In her opinion, the princess is good in everything, good-looking, good-natured, sweet-tongued and good at doing things.

Just being Shen Yun's daughter can indeed win the Empress Dowager's pity and protection. However, to be able to protect her for more than ten years, it is not enough to rely on a fairy mother.

 The princess must be in line with the Queen Mother's wishes.

 This point must be clear to the Holy One.

 What kind of good man is it that allows the Holy Spirit to take the initiative to open this mouth?

 Grandma Wang was extremely curious.

Beside the bed, the Holy Father smiled and said, "I can't hide my thoughts from you, Queen Mother. I do have some ideas."

The Empress Dowager motioned to the Holy One to continue.

"Xu Jian is not young anymore. After the old Duke passed away, I am afraid no one will bother to think about marriage for him," the Holy Master said in a low voice, "I just want to arrange a marriage for him, which does not mean that Ning'an will be finalized. Let the two of you get to know each other first..."

Following the Holy Master's words, the Empress Dowager's frown slightly relaxed.

This is not a question of whether it is good or bad to be a auxiliary to the country, but it means that the marriage needs to be done appropriately.

 The expression "get to know each other" sounds a little more talkative.

The Queen Mother thought for a while and asked: "Xu Jian is said to still have filial piety, right?"

 His Majesty nodded.

 The Xu family’s grandparents and grandchildren are different from ordinary grandparents.

Xu Mang had no "son". As a great-grandson, Xu Jian was originally expected to observe mourning for three years, even if he cut off the head and tail, it lasted for 27 months.

But at that time, there was a lot of friction between the Border Pass and the Xiliang people. What Xu Mang couldn't let go of was the war situation at Yumen Pass before his death. Xu Jian proposed to go to the Border Pass after handling the funeral affairs.

Mo Liao joined the army, which has existed since ancient times. It was also said that "the events of the Jin Dynasty should not be avoided". Military generals only have mourning leave and no worries. The young man actively asked for military service in the court. These "old sayings" convinced the censors and they stood up one after another. When he came to Xu Jian's side, he praised him for his ambition and his ancestral inheritance.

 Later, when he returned to the capital after being injured, Xu Jian took the initiative to come to the Imperial Study Room and said several times that he would go home and observe mourning.

This time, the Holy Emperor reversed the situation. After all, the generals had no mourning leave, but the civil servants could seize the love and forced Xu Jian to stay in the court. In the end, it became the current situation where Xu Jian appeared in court and his whereabouts were undecided.

“In total, it’s been almost two years since Mr. Xu passed away,” the Empress Dowager sighed. “It’s not too early for Xu Jian to start seeing each other now that they have discussed the matter of marriage.”

 “That’s exactly the idea.” His Holiness agreed.

The Queen Mother looked at the Holy One, thought about it for a while, and then said: "The Ai family knows that the Holy One feels sorry for Xu Jian, but why did he think of Yun Yan?"

 The Holy Father did not hide anything from the Empress Dowager, and roughly explained the matter.

“That kid Qinglue is a bit more talkative, but he’s not making things up out of nothing,” said the Holy Master. “Whether he sees right or wrong, you’ll know at a glance if he sees it right or wrong.

 If you think you can try to get to know each other, I will bring Xu Jian to visit you next time.

If you think this is inappropriate, just pretend I didn't mention it. "

 A shrewd light flashed in the Empress Dowager's eyes.

Honestly speaking, there is nothing wrong with the Holy Spirit’s consideration, and it is also very thorough.

This is not only accurate advice from people around me like Eunuch Cao, but also because the Holy One can listen to it.

The Holy Emperor did not directly call Xu Jian to Cining Palace, but first communicated with her and discussed with her. She had already given herself and Ning'an respect in her actions. How could the Empress Dowager not even allow "getting to know each other" and refuse directly? Woolen cloth?

“The Ai family won’t mention this matter to Yun Yan yet,” the empress dowager said. “We haven’t even written about it yet, so she doesn’t need to take it to heart. We’ll wait until the Ai family gets involved.

However, the Aijia just used Sheng to get to a place, and whether things will happen or not is not up to the Aijia.

Firstly, Yun Yan had to make her own decision, and secondly, she had the advice of Uncle Chengcheng. "

The Holy Spirit hurriedly said: "You are right." After the serious business was finished, the Holy Spirit asked Grandma Wang to set the table.

“I will use whatever my mother uses,” he said. “Just keep it simple.”

It also saves the Empress Dowager, who has always tasted delicious food, from looking at it with greed.

 Grandma Wang agreed and went out to hand over the manpower.

From the corridor, she glanced towards the west side hall.

  In front of the Holy Emperor and the Empress Dowager, she did not say this again.

Go back to the Zhu family to help. The princess must have met Duke Fu when she accompanied Miss Zhu to the front flower hall.

 It’s just that in that situation, it was probably just a face-to-face encounter. The understanding was an understanding, but it was just an understanding.

 After lunch, the Holy Emperor returned to the imperial study to review the papers.

The Queen Mother made up her mind not to mention it to Lin Yunyan, and she really didn't say a word.

Hunting can't be done, and she can't sit still, so she just asked Lin Yunyan to play cards with her and talk about interesting things.

On the other hand, the prince seemed to be in a much hurry.

 He is impatient and always thinks out of hand.

 He was thinking about asking Liu Xun to go to Cining Palace to meet the Empress Dowager, and even went hunting in the horse farm a little absent-mindedly.

In such a situation, there should be no harvest, but it can't stop the prey and runs into the circle.

The guards saw the deer stumbling over, and immediately dispersed, driving the deer towards His Royal Highness little by little.

Li Shao didn't waste much effort, he drew his bow and shot an arrow, only to hear the sharp arrow pierce the air, and the deer fell down in response.

 “Okay, okay!” Li Shao’s uninspired spirit suddenly became energetic.

The guards and chamberlains who followed him all flattered him and praised His Highness for his abilities.

Li Shao was so excited that he jumped down from his horse, looked at the deer being carried by the guards, and said, "I've been wandering around in the forest for a few days. Let's go back to the palace. I'll roast the deer meat for my father."

 “His Royal Highness is filial, the Holy Emperor must be very happy.”

  "Your Highness is indeed very skilled. The Holy One heard this and was very proud of His Highness."

 Amidst the praise, Li Shao returned to the imperial city with a happy face.

  Getting a dagger, he took it upon himself to cut the deer's body into two parts under the guidance of the palace servants in the imperial dining room. He then chopped off the back and gave the strong hind legs to the chamberlain.

“Send it to your second uncle,” he explained, “just say it’s my birthday gift to him.”

 The other half is treated in the same way, and this deer leg is of course holy.

The rest was left to the palace servants for cooking. Li Shao urged the chamberlain to clean the deer legs for paving. He found some firewood and found a dry place in the yard to set up a shelf. After the chamberlain had skewered the deer legs and brought them up, he carefully Watch the fire bake.

Li Shao is very good at these things and likes to think about them.

The surface is gradually getting cooked, and as you flip it back and forth, the leg meat becomes sizzling and oily, and the aroma is fragrant.

The chamberlains all complimented "Your Highness's excellent craftsmanship" again.

 Li Shao said proudly: "Okay, okay, pick out the parts of the two big pieces of the front body and send them to Cining Palace and Cuihua Palace, and you will divide the rest."

 The servants thanked him happily.

Li Shao sat on the skewer, roasted the deer legs with great care, ordered two hands, and carried them all the way to the imperial study.

  Thanks to Book Friends Xiaoyuan, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, and Wanshehuan 166 for the rewards. Thanks to bookstore friend V.L.T for the tip.

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