Yan Cigui

Chapter 133: God is helping him

The person who wants to sell his study is actually the princess in the mansion.

And what is more important than selling the study is to bury the gold bricks under the house and keep it dark under the lamp.

Of course, I will never say this.

Chen Gui shamelessly took advantage of his reputation as a businessman and said: "The yamen should worry more about the placement of candidates.

I bragged to the Jingdong family that I was born in the capital and could talk better than him in the yamen, so he was willing to rent the house to me.

 Hey, the big words have spread. Please give me more help later. "

Hao Tong said: "Do it according to the rules, do it according to the rules."

Chen Gui boasted again, and after roughly figuring out the situation in the yamen, he left in a hurry and continued working.

 The idea of ​​opening a literary shop had been mentioned earlier, and Chen Gui had been thinking about it a lot these days.

 The preparations in the early stage are sufficient, and it is of course very smooth to start at this time.

 After he had negotiated several business deals and stamped them, Liao Zi also brought the news back.

Shiyang Academy has posted the list and will hold a seminar in three days.

“I heard that it is a big event. We have borrowed a garden together with two other academies and are building a stage,” Liao Zi said. “I heard from others that this was probably the biggest event a year ago.

There are also private lofts nearby, where anyone who wants to listen to lectures or watch the fun can go.

  There will be another competition of this scale, and it will probably have to wait until the end of the year, when almost all the candidates from all over the country have arrived. "

 Chen Gui nodded.

 Such a big battle, Mr. Liu, who is in urgent need of making a name for himself, will not miss it.

 After reporting to Lin Yunyan at the mansion, Chen Gui continued to make his own preparations.

After three days of busy work, Chen Gui rushed early in the morning to pick up Lin Yunyan from Chengyi's residence.

 Lin Yunyan dressed up as her young master from a wealthy family again, with Wan Yue also wearing men's clothes, and nodded with satisfaction at Chen Gui's clothes.

 Chen Gui is dressed particularly smartly today.

He dusted off his sleeves and said to Lin Yunyan: "Sir, these are the clothes I use to pack the suitcase. They are made of good material."

Wan Yue couldn't stop laughing: "At first glance, he looks like a wealthy member of the Communist Party of China."

 Chen Gui himself is also happy.

 He does not usually dress like this.

All the good materials in his hands were used to make beautiful clothes for his wife and children.

It's not that the family can't afford it, it's just that he can get by as long as he travels here and there. His daily clothes are light and easy to take care of, and he only wears a few more noble clothes to support the scene in times of trouble.

 Today, I really took out all the autumn clothes and cloaks that supported the scene.

 When you go out in the morning, tell your wife to laugh at you with a joke.

"If I hadn't known that you were going to do serious things, I would have thought you were going to marry a second or third wife."

The younger son didn't understand the situation and said something like, "Marrying a wife is a serious matter." He also made his wife laugh and bend over, making Chen Gui blush.

 Chen Gui pointed to the arranged carriage: "Let's go quickly and get a good seat."

The three of them arrived very early, and there were almost no people in the attic and private rooms on the left and right.

Lin Yunyan found a position with a good view. Looking down from here, there were some scholars coming one after another to the competition table below.

After waiting for two-quarters of an hour, someone knocked on the door outside the private room.

Wan Yue went over and asked, opened the door and invited people in.

Lin Yunyan turned around and saw, sure enough, it was Xu Jian who came.

Counting the time, I am afraid that this person will come back as soon as he retreats from the court.

 “Are you here in such a hurry?” Lin Yunyan asked.

Xu Jian sat down on the side and said, "Looking at the fun, who will be late?"

Lin Yunyan laughed.

 Listen to this, it seems quite reasonable. Lin Yunyan didn't ask Xu Jian how to knock on the right door. Most likely, they were followed by Xuan Su and didn't know it.

 After all, Xuan Su is an absolute master in terms of follow-up ability.

 Xu Jian was very satisfied with this elegant room.

 It was a small room with so many of them in it. It was not crowded, but it could not be called spacious. Even if there were more people watching the fun later, people would be embarrassed to squeeze into their room.

 Another quarter of an hour later, the drums were beating below, and the old director of Shiyang Academy walked up to the stage with his hands behind his back and bowed to everyone.

 At the bottom of the stage, students participating in competitions and discussions gathered around in several circles.

Lin Yunyan made a rough calculation: "More than a hundred people."

“Students from the three academies are here,” Xu Jian said, looking for her with lowered eyes, and said, “The one on the left wearing a blue cloak.”

Lin Yunyan followed Xu Jian's instructions and finally found Liu Xun's position in the crowd.

 Underneath, Liu Xun’s back was tense.

 Vaguely, he felt eyes falling on him.

This is not surprising. There are so many people here today, and their eyes are focused on these students, just to see who among them can stand out.

 Liu Xun is very confident in himself.

 Because his goal is very clear.

He is not a student of three academies, and he will not participate in Encore next year. He does not need to compete for the first place in the questions, he only needs to answer one question well.

 Liu Xun smiled proudly, he came prepared.

 The chief of the mountain explained the rules. He first beat the drums and spread the flowers, examined the scriptures and their meanings, and then discussed the strategies.

Liu Xun had no interest in things like Jingyi, which would be laughed at if he was right but would be laughed at if he was wrong. When the bouquet came to him, he would immediately throw it back and avoid it.

 Until the policy discussion was reached, Liu Xun's energy was completely concentrated.

He just needs to wait for that question, the question that Yue Niang asked about from the mountain chief!

It’s best if you can catch the bouquet and get on stage. It doesn’t matter if you can’t catch it. According to the rules, after the person holding the ball has finished answering, others can add their thoughts and arguments, but it’s not as natural as the former.

 Dong dong dong!

 Passing round after round, one after another.

 Liu Xun didn't pay attention to the other questions and answers. His mind was filled with things he had prepared.

 The most important thing in policy discussions is the arguments, and the writing must be standardized.

 After discussing it with his father, he wrote it down and recited it carefully in order to hit it with one hit.

This time, we can’t waste our efforts like going to Cining Palace!

On the stage, Chief Shan spoke loudly about the new topic.

Liu Xun's eyes lit up, now was his chance!

The drums sounded again, and the bouquet was still being passed in front of him. Liu Xun felt that his heart became more and more intense with the drumming, almost jumping into his throat, so that when the person in front of him passed the bouquet to him, He didn't even get it right.

 The flower ball fell to the ground.

Liu Xun hurriedly bent down to pick it up, but his mind suddenly became quiet at this moment.

Gently, he patted the dust off the flower ball. He patted it several times but did not hand it out.

Perhaps luck really was on his side, and the drumming stopped suddenly.

Holding the bouquet in both hands, Liu Xun breathed a long sigh of relief.

As he walked onto the stage, he noticed more and more eyes falling on him. Rarely, Liu Xun was not nervous.

 He was so sure that God was helping him.

Liu Xun saluted with the mountain chief, saluted with the students, and then bowed his hands in all directions. Liu Xun said, "I am Liu Xun, from Anlu Academy."

In the private room upstairs, Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian snorted coldly and commented: "It's pretentious. If it weren't for the duck's crowing, I would have given him some points."

Lin Yunyan burst into laughter.

 Shout for the monthly pass, this month’s monthly pass is really a bit miserable...

 Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Xiaoyuan for the reward.

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