Yan Cigui

Chapter 154: It's all in the uncle's house, so let's make do with it.

 The north wind is howling.

 The people surrounding him gave way.

The front of the house opened up. Lin Yunjing saw the situation at the water's edge, and her eyes widened in shock.

Lin Yunyan was also stunned for a while.

 She made a lot of preparations to set up a counterattack today, but the final result depends on how "cooperative" Liu Xun and Zheng Liu are.

In case Liu Xun is so stupid that he can't find Zheng Liu at all, it can only be said that luck is not on Lin Yunyan's side.

As for the good result, it was naturally Lin Yunfang who stopped Zheng Liu, who was disguising his identity, and Liu Xun, who had misjudged.

According to Liu Xun's temperament, since he thinks that the person in Zhang Danxue's coat is Lin Yunyan, he will definitely try his best not to let go.

Lonely with a man and a woman, Lin Yunyan is enough to make a fuss about her.

 Just, why are these two people soaked?

 Looking at the water, Lin Yunyan sighed.

He actually fell into the water...

This, indeed, was beyond her expectation. I can only say that it is not as good as God.

God still wants to send these two people to piles.

Think too much.

"Isn't this Mr. Liu Jing Liu's son?" Lin Yunyan frowned slightly, "I rented the back garden for my sisters to enjoy the flowers. How come you, a young man, are here?"

 Liu Xun did not answer.

He was shocked by Lin Yunyan's appearance, but he wanted to find out who he fished out of the water.

He wanted to take off his snow coat, but he was really cold.

A nanny came with a clean cotton-padded gown, and Liu Xun was wrapped so tightly that she was unwilling to stretch out a finger.

Lin Yunyan didn't let him answer, and asked Lin Yunfang very naturally: "Third sister, what's going on?"

Lin Yunfang is very excited.

 Sisters have a good rapport with each other.

Lin Yunfang suddenly understood that there was still an important matter that had not been brought up.

"It's already clear that she's not my second sister. No matter who she is, she can't be so cold, right?" Lin Yunfang said, took the cotton-padded jacket, stepped forward, pretended to help the person on the ground, and only stretched out her hand halfway. Paused.

  The tip of her nose that was slightly reddened by the cold wind was inhaled hard, and Lin Yunfang asked curiously: "What does it smell like?"

As soon as Lin Yunfang said this, the girl who was closer also took a sniff.

"It seems to be a bit fragrant, right?" The girl didn't dare to say, "Is it from the princess? The wind blew it here."

Lin Yunfang hurriedly ran to Lin Yunyan, said "Oh" with a grimace, and complained: "Second sister, your fragrance is too strong."

After finishing speaking, he ran back to Zheng Liu and tried his best to smell it: "It seems to be the same smell, but not as strong."

"I just rescued him from the water. Whatever scented water I used has been soaked in the pool water." The sixth girl from Enrongbo Mansion gave Lin Yunfang an angry look. It is more important to keep warm at the moment. Anything else can be done later, "I'll do it." Come on, let me see which sister unfortunately fell into the water."

 After saying that, Miss Xia Liu stepped forward and helped half of the man's body up.

You have to untie the soaked snow coat first, then ask Lin Yunfang to hand over the clean cotton coat to wrap it up, then move it indoors and change all the clothes inside.

She thought very well, but she didn't expect that this fainting person would not cooperate at all.

Zheng Liu was not willing to take off his snow coat at all.

If the hat's cover was lost, everyone would know that she fell into the water!

How could it become like this?

 Why did you fall into the water? Why did she fail again and couldn't escape?

 But she was so cold that her head was filled with ice scum and she couldn't handle it at all.

What's even worse is that she was so cold that she couldn't use any strength. After a few struggles, her hat was pulled off by Miss Xia Liu, revealing her true face. “Miss Zheng?”

 “It’s Miss Zheng!”

“When you came here earlier, you were not wearing this snow coat, were you?”

 “Why did you change your clothes?”

Zheng Liu's lips turned purple and he said "I, I" for a long time without saying anything.

Not far away, another person arrived.

 This person is Zheng Yu.

 Previously, Zheng Yu had been looking for Zheng Liu, but to no avail.

Zheng Yu’s heart skipped a beat when she heard that someone had fallen into the water while searching all the way.

 Faintly, she guessed that something had happened to Zheng Liu.

Could it be that Zheng Liu changed into a snow coat but met the princess, and in such embarrassment, Zheng Liu lost his temper and pushed the princess into the water?

That is Princess Ning'an!

 It is strange that the Queen Mother did not punish the princess for pushing her into the water!

Zheng Yu held up her skirt and hurried to the water, her heart and eyes filled with anticipation along the way.

 Zheng Liu must have fallen into the water!

 It must have been the princess who pushed Zheng Liu down in anger!

But when she came over and took a look, the princess was indeed standing on the shore without touching any water. Zheng Liu had indeed fallen into the water and was very wet. This situation was different from what she had imagined.

 Almost instantly, Zheng Yu thought of a solution.

She rushed to Zheng Liu, hugged her in her arms, and said softly: "Why did you fall into the water? Is it okay? What should I do if I get sick in this cold weather?"

As she said that, she raised her head again and said to Lin Yunyan: "Princess, why don't you let them warm up first and call the doctor?"

Lin Yunyan knew Zheng Yu’s idea.

 Change clothes and keep warm. Others can’t hold you, so they disperse.

Even if we look at the reasons, there will be so few witnesses.

 When the news spreads, it is the result of falling into the water. The entire cause and process are concealed to minimize the loss.

 Even Lin Yunyan couldn't stop Zheng Liu from getting rid of the cold.

At this time, Liu Xun actively opposed it.

 He thought it was God who was helping him, but he didn't expect Li Kui to become Li Gui, with the same snow coat but a different core.

 But the mistake has been made, he has to stop the loss!

The person with the surname Zheng should be from Yunyang Bofu, right?

Like Chengyi Bofu, they are both Bofus, so just make do with it!

 What else can we do?

"I came down to enjoy the plum blossoms, and I accidentally came to the back garden. I happened to see this girl being pestered by an adulterer, so I yelled at her to stop him," Liu Xun said. "The adulterer ran away, but the girl was frightened. I comforted her, but she fell into the water while struggling, and I jumped in to save her. I was rude, I was rude."

Even though his mouth hurt from the cold, Liu Xun still told the story.

Once everyone has gone to warm themselves and everyone has dispersed, where can he gather these witnesses again?

As for what the other girls said, Miss Zheng was not wearing this snow coat before, so Liu Xun didn't bother to think about it.

“I didn’t expect you to be quite brave.”

The voice is delicate and soft, and the intonation is yin and yang.

Liu Xun was stunned and looked at Lin Yunyan following the sound.

Lin Yunyan snorted: "Since you hit me by mistake and saved someone by accident, how do you know it was 'me' you saved? Everyone heard it. You called me 'Princess' before."

Lin Yunfang immediately agreed: "Yes, I heard it clearly!"

Lin Yunyan said again: "Who are you to judge? Do I know you very well? I am enjoying flowers with my sisters, why are you ruining my reputation?"

As if pouring beans, Lin Yunyan continued: "Just because I said you were a duck in Cining Palace? You let the sisters comment. The Empress Dowager had to rest during those days when she was ill. How can I listen to your voice and talk to her? West?"

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