Yan Cigui

Chapter 163: The princess is really interesting

Chapter 163 The princess is indeed interesting

Xu Jian followed An Yibo and walked out of the Jinluan Palace without any hurry.

An Yibo looked like he had held back a lot of words and urged Xu Jian to continue walking.

Beside, a chamberlain stood up and whispered softly: "Your Majesty, please ask Duke Fu to come to the imperial study room as late as possible."

Hearing this, Xu Jian paused.

An Yibo sighed and shook his head at Xu Jian.

Last time, he clearly told Xu Jian not to watch "fun" all the time in the morning.

It's amazing today. Xu Jian is not only watching the fun with great interest, but also actively adding insult to injury.

If he hadn't pulled Xu Jian away from the scene, he might have said something else later in the main hall.

A few verbal arguments would be pretty good.

Uncle Yunyang was completely thrown away by Liu Jing, and was damaged by Xu Jian from beginning to end. Now he looks so menacing that Uncle An Yi can't figure out whether he will jump up to fight with Liu Jing or fight with Liu Jing. Xu Jian had a fight.

  It is better to leave the land of right and wrong.

A fight in the Jinluan Palace cannot be settled by going to the imperial study room and receiving a few words of criticism.

"What are you doing?" An Yibo lowered his voice and said, "Your surname is Xu, and his surname is Liu. The number of people soaked in the pool is not your fault, so why are you joining in the fun?

You usually want to clear things up, but you won’t do it today? And you come up with random ideas!

 Do you care whether his family has a yang or yin relationship?

Let me tell you, they are all the same! "

Xu Jian lowered his eyes and pursed his lips. Even An Yibo didn't see the smile in his eyes.

As for Xu Jian, An Yibo is more anxious than him.

The old man's loud voice, straight temper, and murderer, was forced to be able to talk to him in a low voice here, it was really not easy.

Thinking about this, Xu Jian thought of "giving in".

He and the old man bowed their heads and admitted that they had talked too much and it was nothing wrong.

Just as he was about to open his lips, Xu Jian caught a glimpse of Lin Yu from the corner of his eye.

Lin Yue’s unhappiness was clearly written on his face, as if he didn’t want to talk or comment.

His temperament has always been kind, and he rarely loses his temper. Therefore, familiar and unfamiliar courtiers are very understanding and do not seek to talk to him.

Lin Yu was happy to be quiet. He calmed down in the palace for a while before walking out.

 Are you angry?

 How can a father remain indifferent to the fact that his precious daughter is being plotted in this way?

 As for how angry I am, it really doesn’t matter.

Yun Yan was the one who took control of the situation. Not only did she grasp the thoughts of Zheng Liu and Liu Xun, she also used their tricks to deal with them perfectly.

 Lin Yue was very pleased to have such an ability.

 There will be all kinds of accidents in life. When accidents happen, there is nothing he can do.

 Besides accidents, there are also many calculations and setbacks, which can be avoided and resolved.

He is a father. No matter how much he wants to, he cannot protect his daughter for the rest of his life. The only one who can truly protect Yun Yan is Yun Yan herself.

 He saw Yun Yan’s ability.

 This makes Lin Yu happy more than anything else.

It's just that he can't show this happiness on his face, he has to hide it and continue to put on such a bad face of "as far away as possible".

When passing by Xu Jian and An Yibo, Lin Yue rarely said hello, but simply cupped his hands and walked forward.

Xu Jian looked at Lin Yu and whispered to An Yibo in a low voice: "The two of them fell into the pool at their own risk, but they still want to drag the princess down. I couldn't hear them and only said a few words."

 An Yibo:…

He saw it, and Cheng Yibo's footsteps paused slightly.

 Then, Uncle Chengyi turned around and said expressionlessly: "The Duke of Fu is a warm-hearted person."

 The tone of voice is gentle and the tone is steady.

An Yibo didn't hear any eccentricity or cynicism at all.

It can be said that Lin Yu was praising Xu Jian...

 An Yibo doesn’t believe it anyway.

Xu Jian smiled and said, "That's right." Lin Yue looked Xu Jian up and down, turned around and left without saying anything else.

Xu Jian watched Lin Yu leave. Seeing An Yibo looking at him with difficulty speaking, he asked, "Am I wrong?"

An Yibo said dryly: "That's right."

 Is there anything wrong with being warm-hearted?

Since he couldn't see or hear, Yan Zheng pointed out that this was what An Yibo often did, so how could he say that Xu Jian was wrong.

 But the right thing happened to be weird...

 The mistake was that Xu Jian didn't point out the mistake, he just added fuel to the Lezi people's fire.

An Yibo felt tired and waved his hand, indicating that Xu Jian should go to the imperial study room first.

 Then, he hurried forward two steps, wanting to catch up with Uncle Chengyi and explain a few words to Xu Jian, but after a second thought, he gave up.

 This is not necessary.

 Sincerity Bo obviously doesn't want to pay attention to anyone at the moment. If he says anything else, it will be counterproductive.

 Besides, the two families are not getting married, so Uncle Cheng can scold Xu Jian if he wants.

It was Xu Jian who deserved to be scolded. It was not enough to hurt Uncle Yunyang and Liu Jing, but he also provoked Uncle Chengyi.

 In the imperial study room.

 The Holy Father took a sip of tea.

Li Shao sat aside. Before his father could blame him, he took the initiative and said, "My son, I have behaved disrespectfully in court."

 When he said this, it was hard for the Holy Father to say harsh words.

Putting down the tea cup, the Holy Master said: "It's good that you know it yourself. You are the prince, and you must have the proper manners.

You were standing down there today, and the courtiers only heard you, but at least they didn't see you smiling.

 Whenever you are like me, when facing the courtiers, everyone can see any expression on your face. Do you want to laugh in front of them? "

Li Shao pursed his lips.

 He laughed, but in the final analysis, it was Xu Jian who was making people laugh.

In front of his father, Li Shao did not question Xu Jian, but said honestly: "I know I was wrong."

The Holy Emperor nodded. Thinking of the cold weather these days, he gave Li Shao a few words and asked him to leave.

Li Shao Gongjin exited the imperial study and saw Xu Jian standing in the corridor.

 After Xu Jian saluted, Li Shao raised his eyebrows and said, "Did the father ask you to come?"

“Yes,” Xu Jian replied, “I think I’m here to be trained.”

Li Shaole saw Xu Jian being scolded and walked away in a big way.

Eunuch Cao led Xu Jian in, then left, and guarded the middle hall.

 Only Xu Jian was left in front of the emperor.

Thinking of the few words Xu Jian said in the Jinluan Hall, the Holy Emperor felt angry. He originally wanted him to stand like this, but looking at the cold weather and Xu Jian's legs, he still sympathized with his old injury and motioned him to sit down first. .

"Tell me, what do you think?" The Holy Master said straight to the point, "Liu Qing can open his mouth peacefully and shut his mouth peacefully. Are you quite happy?"

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes and said, "I think the princess is really interesting."

The Holy Spirit was stunned.

 How to answer a question that is not asked?

"There is a kind of person who doesn't have to do anything, just stay there, and he will have fun. The princess is such a person," Xu Jian said again, "The princess invited the sisters to enjoy the flowers. Have fun."

The Holy Spirit shook his head repeatedly: "Talk to Uncle Chengyi about this and see if he is willing to recognize a son-in-law who enjoys having fun like you."

Xu Jian said: "After going to court, Chengyibo said that I was 'warm-hearted'."

Sheng Shang laughed angrily and pointed at Xu Jian: "Liu Xun wants to get married, but he doesn't take the right path. What about you? You don't take the right path either? The path you chose is really unique!"

   Thanks to the book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Wuxihuan 166 for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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