Yan Cigui

Chapter 206: exile

Chapter 206 Exile

 The news was sent back to Duke Xu’s mansion, and there was a lot of crying and shouting in the backyard.

The Duke’s wife’s head was buzzing and she sat blankly on the chair, her eyes dull.

None of the maids and women came to persuade her. It was not a question of whether they could persuade her, but because they didn't care.

Because the old lady was crying, smashing things, and cursing people. If she didn't stop her, something would happen.

 Hunhunxunxu, the Duke of Xu, returned home, and Hunxunxun came to see his mother.

As he stepped into the room, he almost stepped on a piece of broken porcelain with his foot, which frightened him so much that he came back to his senses.

Seeing the messy scene again, he hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "What are you doing?"

Mrs. Guo Gong has a backbone and is a little more sober: "Where is Ke'er? I just heard someone reported that he was going to run away for three thousand miles. Lord Guo, this..."

As soon as he heard "three thousand miles", Xu Guogong's heart sank, and he choked with sobs: "It was determined by the Holy One."


 A tea cup was broken again at Xu Guogong's feet.

“Then you came back like this?” The old lady pointed at her son and said, “Your Majesty was deceived by the people from Shuntian Prefecture.

The ladies went to listen to the court hearing, but Shan Shen, that villain, talked nonsense and deceived people's hearts!

That group of common people came just to see the excitement. They knew what was good and what was good, and they were just there to make a fire!

Let me tell you, the front leg of the broken leg went into Shuntian Mansion, and they handled the case with the back leg. It is clear that they are colluding, and they are all the same.

You, a father, saw that your son had been greatly wronged, and you just came back in silence like this?

 You should clarify the truth to the Holy One!

 But what did you do? Your knees are so clean, are you kneeling outside the Imperial Study Room? There is no injury on your forehead. Did you kowtow vigorously in front of the emperor?

How dare you come back like this! "

 One scolding made Xu Guogong's eyes flash with stars.

His mother spoke very fast and he couldn't interrupt him. Due to his usual habits, he would not interrupt his mother rashly, but now this conversation...

  "Explain the truth? What is the truth?" Xu Guogong waved away the hand of the Duke's wife who wanted to persuade him to make peace, and said sternly, "The truth is that Ke'er deliberately murdered the Chengyi Mansion.

 You actually insist that he is innocent. Who do you think the Holy Spirit is?

Your Majesty only dealt with Ke'er, and has already saved our face. If you continue to make trouble, are you trying to bring the whole family into trouble?

 There was a pile of mud that could not be wiped clean. I knelt and kowtowed for him. You wanted to see me kneeling at the entrance of the vegetable market and being beheaded, right?

Just like their Zhu family, they were all chopped down! "

 Have the old lady of the country ever been so contradicted?

Grab the crutch and hit the unfilial son with it.

Upon seeing this, the Duke's wife used her body to block the attack. She was hit several times and the pain caused her to shed tears.

 But when she thought of her youngest son, she still gritted her teeth and said in pain: "Master, is there really no other way?"

 Xu Guogong stepped forward and took the crutch from the old lady's hand.

Taking a deep breath, he and his mother-in-law and daughter-in-law said: "The Holy Spirit's meaning is very clear. If we can't understand clearly, the Zhu family will learn from the past.

 Mother, besides Ke'er, you have other grandsons; and you, you also have other sons.

Ke'er is the only one who cares about you, and you don't care about the life or death of everyone else? "

Because he understood the character of his old mother, Xu Guogong said to his wife: "You stay with mother more, I am going to write a confession, and then I will shut up and think about my mistakes. The family is also restrained, except for shopping, go out less, and don't give up anymore." Other things to come.”

 The Duke’s wife had tears in her eyes.

 She understands what her husband means.

 Accompanying the old lady actually means controlling the old lady and holding the old lady hostage.

 Xu Guogong went out first.

 The old lady slumped on the Arhat bed, as if her soul had been taken away from her whole body.

While she was in a daze, the maids quickly cleaned up the mess.

The Duke's wife was exhausted mentally and physically when she heard her mother-in-law mumbling something. She couldn't hear clearly, so she had to lean in to distinguish.

 “How can it be the same as the British government...”

"The old Zhu family is engaged in the business of beheading, and we Ke'er just poured a few buckets of water." "The Holy One has given such a severe sentence!"

"No, I can't sit still and wait for death. I want to go to Cining Palace to see the Empress Dowager."

"I still have many old sisters. I want them to help me. Let's go to the Empress Dowager and ask the Holy One to take back the order."

When the Duke's wife heard this, her heart sank to the bottom of her heart, and said: "Don't be like this, I know you feel uncomfortable in your heart. You love Ke'er, and so do I. The Duke must be the same."

 If he said there was nothing he could do, it must mean there was nothing he could do.

 If you go to the Empress Dowager, can the Empress Dowager still disagree with the Emperor over this?

 At that time, the Emperor is afraid that he will annoy us even more. "

The old Mrs. Guogong clasped her daughter-in-law's hand and said, "Should I go to beg Uncle Chengyi? Isn't her little Duan gentle and kind? As long as she lets go and lets the princess go to beg the empress dowager..."

 The Duke’s wife sighed.

She remembered clearly that during the Mid-Autumn Festival, so many foreign wives were present outside the gate of the West Palace. Her mother-in-law scolded the old lady of the Chengcheng Mansion in front of her face for "dove occupying the magpie's nest". How could others not hold grudges?

What's more, Ke'er almost killed his granddaughter...

whole day long, the old lady racked her brains and thought of various ways, but none of them worked.

The Duke’s wife maintained her last bit of sanity and did not let her mother-in-law take a step out of the room.

 When the old lady could no longer make trouble, she asked her two other sons to persuade her.

 The next morning, the old lady finally met Su Ke.

 The Holy Spirit personally judged it, and the procedures for all parties were very fast, and they set off before noon.

At the gate of the city, the old lady hugged Su Ke and cried sadly. Su Ke supported his grandmother and also cried loudly.

"You must take care of your health and don't worry about me all the time. My grandson can no longer be filial to you."

 “Grandma can’t let it go, can’t let it go!”

Not far away, in the carriage, Lin Yunyan was slowly drinking a hot drink.

 Just looking at the scene in front of me, it was really "moving to heaven and earth".

 Many people pointed and pointed, with many expressions of emotion on their faces.

 This is not surprising.

They laughed at Su Ke's messy things, but they lamented the friendship between ancestors and grandchildren. Furthermore, outsiders really didn't know how unreasonable Mrs. Xu Guogong was.

 I can only think that this old lady from the noble mansion is indeed a loving grandmother when she cries like this in front of others.

Beside her, Grandma Hong looked angry.

Lin Yunyan turned her body and whispered a few words to her.

Grandma Hong nodded hurriedly, opened the curtain, stepped out of the car, walked not far from the grandparents and grandson, and looked at them with a sullen face.

 Besides, someone recognized her.

“Is she the nanny from Uncle Chengyi’s house?”

"That's her. She came out during the court hearing yesterday and told what happened. She was in the carriage at the time."

 Amidst the discussion, Mrs. Xu Guogong turned her head and looked over.

She didn’t recognize Grandma Hong and asked Su Ke, “Who’s next to Lin Yunjing?”

Su Ke replied: "I remember it was from her widowed mother's side."

After hearing this answer, the old lady suddenly became angry: "What are you doing here? Have you not harmed my grandson enough?"

 (End of this chapter)

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