Yan Cigui

Chapter 217: This is also fate

 There are no earth-shaking changes or big ups and downs. The changes brought about by the years are cumulative and subtle.

Grandma He thought about it carefully and realized that she even used less ingredients when cooking in recent years.

  It’s not that the doctors warned me, but it happened unknowingly.

If the princess hadn't come to have dinner today, she wouldn't be thinking about the past and getting aggravated.

Lin Yunyan asked: "There are many old people in the imperial dining room. Why did grandma leave the palace that year?"

 Aunt He's family sighed.

Since she talked about those past events, she didn't hide them: "I was engaged in my hometown, and the man was urging me to get married, but I didn't know that after leaving the palace, they would break off the engagement.

I asked people to inquire and found out that the man had different ideas and was still making random arrangements to discredit me in my hometown. I was unwilling to go back to my hometown.

It just so happened that the Duke's Mansion wanted to hire a cook, so I went to try out the dishes. My wife, the Grand Duke’s grandmother, especially likes my cooking, so I can live in Beijing. "

 Having gained a foothold, she gradually adapted to life in the Duke's mansion.

After several years of doing this, Mrs. Guo died of illness, leaving behind her only daughter, Xu Miao.

“Miss Miao is kind-hearted and gentle, and misses her late mother very much,” Aunt He said slowly. “She often comes to the kitchen to learn some of my late mother’s favorite dishes, cook them with her own hands, and serve them to her.

 As time went by, she became familiar with me, and occasionally she would say things that she didn’t want to say to the maids and maids.

 Mostly related to her father. "

Those are the things that children who lost their parents at a young age will worry about.

“Will my father remarry? What kind of person is my stepmother? Will she treat me well?”

“The mothers around me always advise me that renewing the relationship is a very common thing. If I hold it against my heart, it will make things difficult for my father.”

“But my father comforted me before and said that he had no intention of continuing the relationship and that he missed his mother very much.”

“Am I too stubborn? Even if my father doesn’t renew his marriage, he will still have his aunt by his side in the future.”

 “I am just a daughter, my father has no inheritance...”

The He family listened, of course, it would be distressed by Xu Yan. At the same time, she felt that Xu Mang was not easy.

Comparing a man who never forgets his dead wife to a man who had a previous marriage with her but then changed his mind, there is no comparison between heaven and earth.

"This kind of idea is not good, and I know it myself, but when I looked at Miss Miao, I just wanted to take good care of her." Aunt He lowered her eyes and said, "How could such a shrewd person like Mr. Guo know that? Not coming out?

 He told me once that he thanked me for accompanying Miss Miao, but he didn't have those thoughts.

 At the moment, I am still calm, but in the long run, my mood may change and there may be disputes. He hopes that I will think more about it myself.

 I understand what is good and what is best, and I know how to do it best. I resign.

 The old Mr. Guo was kind and introduced me to a good marriage. It was with his support that Taohe Restaurant was opened.

I have lived a good life since I got married. My husband is considerate and kind, my son is sensible and my daughter-in-law is filial.

 Looking back on the past, there were times when I was confused. Fortunately, I was very obedient and the people I met were all noble people who helped me get out of my confusion. "

 After saying this, Aunt He’s family smiled again, her smile shy and a little shy.

Lin Yunyan looked at her and couldn't help but smile.

Grandma is sincere, so when she is wandering around, she can meet an equally sincere guide.

 When she recalled the past, she had no regrets, only emotion. It can be seen that as she said, as she gets older, the future and the past are taken lightly.

 And that embarrassment is definitely not due to any undue thoughts about the old man, but just because it is embarrassing to talk about those old things in front of his grandson.

Thinking about this, Lin Yunyan turned her eyes and glanced at Xu Jian. It was obviously the first time Xu Jian had heard of it.

Seeing Lin Yunyan looking at him, her watery eyes full of teasing, he laughed and said, "Grandpa is a very interesting person."

 The grandfather he knew was an interesting old man.

 Before that, he was an interesting middle-aged man.

 It is normal for a woman to admire him.

Grandfather was handsome, held a high position, and had only one daughter. After his grandmother died of illness, Xu Jian thought that there were countless noble girls who were looking forward to becoming his step-grandmother.

Lin Yunyan couldn't help laughing when she heard what Xu Jian said.

She smiled with her eyes bent for a while, and then said: "Naturally, Mammy has been in the imperial kitchen for many years, and she has some knowledge of the affairs of the late emperor's dynasty, right? What kind of people are your highnesses? I heard the Empress Dowager say a lot of things. She doesn't talk much about the king's affairs."

She suddenly asked, and Aunt He didn't think much about it, just taking it as a quick chat.

The chatter box has been opened, and since the princess is interested in talking, she recalled: "I just stayed in the imperial kitchen and had almost no contact with several of your highnesses. I only heard about it through hearsay.

What a pity, Your Highness, Your Highness King Ding. Those of us who work in the palace like him. He is a kind-hearted person. I have never heard of him punishing people indiscriminately. He is easy to serve.

  King Jin, I heard that he is quiet and has a good temper.

His Royal Highness the Third is just a little bored and not lively. However, His Royal Highnesses come from such backgrounds, so it is impossible for them to be as active as ordinary children, and his mother and concubine are strict.

 His Fourth Highness’s personality has been characterized by a strong and impatient personality since he was a child.

Your Majesty the Fifth Prince died young. He was carved in pink and jade when he was a child, but he was too young at that time..."

 Even smaller ones, such as the eighth prince and the eldest princess Derong, who are now granted the title of Xian Wang, let alone Aunt He family.

As he said this, the dishes on the table became cold.

The He family's grandma stood up and said, "It's not good to eat cold dishes. I'll heat them up before bringing them back."

 Shenchen hurriedly came in to help.

Lin Yunyan looked at Nanny He and said, "I'm a little sorry to hear what Nanny said. My mother had already left when she entered the palace, right? She didn't get to taste your craftsmanship."

"There are so many great cooks in the imperial kitchen." Nanny of the He family waved her hands hurriedly. She was about to be modest, but suddenly a thought occurred in her mind and she changed the subject, "I really missed it. I was working for the Duke of Guo in the mansion at that time. The mother holds the spoon.

I didn't expect to go around, I can eat food for the county, this is also fate.

 Your fate with the Duke! "

Shenchen was closing the lid of the food box when he heard the words and paused with his hands, his eyes flashed with surprise, and the rest was admiration.

 Grandma is amazing, she really knows how to talk!

With these few words, they looked indifferent, but they were in a good mood.

 When Nanny He and Shen Chen went out, the smile on Lin Yunyan's face gradually dimmed and became a little heavier.

"Can the doctor please take a look at grandma's body?" she asked Xu Jian softly, "I don't think grandma is sick."

 In her last life, she had never eaten the food cooked by Grandma He.

 Before she married Xu Jian, Taohe Zhai changed hands in the early twelfth year of Yongjia.

Because his grandma passed away, the shopkeeper He Rui returned to his hometown with his family.

It is now the twelfth lunar month of the eleventh year. Although she is not sure when the "beginning of the year" is, it is only these few months ago.

Xu Jian could tell what Lin Yunyan meant and said: "I have been recuperating her body for more than a year. She is not sick or in pain. I checked her pulse two days ago and everything is normal."

 Asking for a monthly ticket~~

  Thanks to book friends Xu Bicheng Official Girlfriend, Xiaoyuan, and Meimei M for the reward.

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