Yan Cigui

Chapter 219: I was still greedy for wine at a young age (please give me a monthly ticket)

Chapter 219: Still greedy for wine at a young age (please vote for me)

The voice fell.

 Xu Jian did not answer.

The house was quiet except for the cold wind howling outside and beating on the wooden doors and windows.

Xu Jian raised her eyes to glance at Lin Yunyan, then lowered them again, her eyes falling on the glass of wine on the table.

 The wine cup is empty.

 Subconsciously, he wanted to reach for the wine bottle.

A slender hand stretched out in front of him. The fingertips made his skin as white as jade. His fingers clasped the handle of the pot, and the wine fell down, filling the wine cup crisply.

Lin Yunyan was generous and generous, and Xu Jian could just see the set of sleeve arrows on her wrist hidden in her sleeve.

The sharp arrow was naturally unloaded, but the cold and sharp concealed weapon matched the girl's soft wrist. It must be said that the difference was really big.

 However, the person wearing the sleeve arrow is a young princess, so there is nothing out of the ordinary.

She has worn this thing for a long time and has long been used to it.

 Hands and feet are moved without affecting the movements at all.

Not to mention the thick clothes in winter, even in summer, if you don't hold her wrist, you won't find the hidden secret.

 And Xu Jian can see the front end of the sleeve arrow at this moment...

 Firstly, it was due to the angle, and secondly, Lin Yunyan had no cover at all.

This is a habit and trust developed over many years. Thinking about it, the heavy sullenness caused by the previous problem quickly disappeared a lot.

Xu Jian picked up the wine cup and took a sip.

The scent of osmanthus entered his mouth and his throat rolled. He leaned back slightly and tapped his right leg gently with his left hand.

 He had been seriously injured.

In the late spring of the tenth year of Yongjia, the prince visited Yumen on behalf of the emperor, which boosted the morale of the border officers and soldiers.

 The same goes for Xu Jian.

 The prince's safety cannot be compromised, but within Yumen, it is still safe.

In the eight-year war, Yumen Pass failed and the court suffered heavy losses. However, Xu Mang led his troops to fight back and regained the pass, beating the Xiliang people back steadily.

After that, throughout the ninth year of Yongjia, Yumen Pass underwent reconstruction and reinforcement. So much hard work was naturally rewarded.

The unwilling Xiliang people wanted to make a comeback, but they couldn't rush in despite the towering city walls of the pass. They just frequently harassed and plundered outside the pass.

The soldiers went out to fight several times, but they did not let the Xiliang people take advantage.

 At the beginning of spring of the tenth year, the reinforcement was completed.

The Holy Father had the idea of ​​​​fighting him out, so he couldn't withstand Xu Jian's insistence and a bunch of reasons, so that he returned to the border shortly after the funeral of the old Duke.

 The arrival of the prince is not only to check the results of Yumen Pass, but also to inspire and call before the war.

As long as His Royal Highness the Crown Prince supervises the troops in the pass, there is no need to worry about safety at all.

Unexpectedly, Li Shao had only been in the pass for three days. Xu Jian finished his morning training and could not find the prince and his entourage.

The garrison generals were so anxious that sweat broke out on their foreheads. After further questioning, they found out that His Highness might have slipped out.

 This is going to be fatal!

We have to look for it, and we can't look for it in a big way, lest Xiliang scouts find out about it.

 The general ordered the manpower, and Xu Jian was ordered to lead a group of people to set off.

By the time he found Li Shao, the group of people almost bumped into the faces of the Xiliang army.

The difference in numbers was too big, and Li Shao had to be taken care of. Xu Jian could not confront the Xiliang army head-on, so he could only retreat with the prince.

Who would have thought that the Xiliang people would find out and chase him wildly.

 Li Shao panicked and rode his horse to the town of Guanxia, ​​causing the town to be involved in the war and killing more than a hundred people.

 Fortunately, reinforcements arrived soon, and they fought together with the Xiliang reinforcements, killing the Xiliang army and retreating steadily.

The situation turned around, but Xu Jian wanted to protect Li Shao, and his right leg was seriously injured in the chaos.

This "result" was recorded in the battle report and ended with a "great victory". Xu Jian was injured due to the battle.

As Li Shao and Xu Jian returned to the capital, the emperor cursed the prince behind closed doors, and the idea of ​​​​excommunicating him was shelved.

Xu Jian carried his military exploits on his back, but there was no possibility of recovery. At first he could barely support himself with crutches, and later he could only get in and out of the hospital in a wheelchair.

Recalling what happened a long time ago, Xu Jian took another sip of wine.

Lin Yunyan did not urge her, but just looked at him quietly, her clear and transparent eyes reflecting a layer of shallow light brought by the oil lamp, as well as his figure.

Xu Jian’s lips curved and she laughed.

 The turbid air in her chest melted away with her smile, making Xu Jian feel a sense of relief. “I **** Li Shao,” Xu Jian said.

 It is a short sentence, but it is said very openly.

The content was a bit weird, and Lin Yunyan couldn't help but open her eyes wide and laugh out loud.

 Xu Jian organized her thoughts and continued to talk about what happened that day.

 When he woke up, Li Shao was gone.

Without any delay, Xu Jian only left a message to the general, took Shenchen with him, and quickly left the customs.

He knew the general whereabouts of Li Shao and quickly found the person. Without saying any nonsense, he directly kidnapped the person.

Li Shao's followers were stunned and wanted to rush to save the prince, but Shen Chen knocked them to the ground one by one, so they behaved accordingly.

 Xu Jian brought the people back to the pass.

And because he knew the movements of the Xiliang group, he was very likely to plunder the town. He asked the general for troops and horses to go out to fight, beat back the enemy soldiers, and also learned the Xiliang people's back-up plan from the prisoners. .

 The general is gearing up.

 The Prince is patrolling the border and if there are more victories at the border, the Holy Emperor will be even more happy.

And if they take advantage of it and set up an ambush in advance, they will definitely win a big victory.

"It is indeed a great victory. The people of Xiliang were caught off guard and had almost no power to fight back," Xu Jian said here, paused, and then said, "Your Highness, you should not be underestimated."

 Li Shao, who was left in the pass, escaped again.

He disguised himself as a soldier and followed him out secretly.

 The two armies were fighting and he was in danger. Xu Jian found him in the crowd and injured his leg during the rescue.

"There will be nothing good to do when meeting him," Xu Jian laughed. "If I had known he was so dishonest, I couldn't just tie him up, I would have to knock him out."

Lin Yunyan’s brows furrowed.

She knew that Xu Jian's injury was related to Li Shao, but she never thought that Li Shao would come out of seclusion "over and over again."

What surprised Lin Yunyan was that Xu Jian's smile was very calm at the moment.

Even though he talks about "knocking him out", he is actually calm and calm, which is completely different from when he is eccentric and angry.

 What makes Lin Yunyan even more confused is Xu Jian's "choice".

The person who kidnapped Li Shao was not the sixteen-year-old Xu Jian. He had experienced life and death, and he knew how unreliable Li Shao was. How could Xu Jian, who was honed and well-behaved through hard work, let Li Shao be let go? What about successfully exiting customs again?

No one else dared to touch a hair of Li Shao's body. Xu Jian had already been tied up, so why was he afraid of tying him up even more firmly?

With Xuan Su and Shen Chen staring at him, Li Shao would have no chance of escaping.


Having just woken up, you have a lot of things to do, and you are running around without paying attention to them?

 That’s not unreasonable.

 It's just that, vaguely, there is another feeling lingering in my heart.

what is it then?

It seems that she heard Xu Jian say it once, maybe she can connect here...

 “The wine is gone.”

Lin Yunyan came to her senses after hearing the sound, and saw Xu Jian shaking the wine bottle, which was obviously empty.

 Xu Jian called Shen Chen and asked him to fill up another half of the pot.

 “Half a pot?” Lin Yunyan murmured subconsciously.

“Half a jug is enough, I don’t want to drink too much.” After Shenchen closed the door and went out, Xu Jian leaned back on the chair, looked at Lin Yunyan with her deep eyes, and smiled casually, “The princess hasn’t given up the idea of ​​drinking wine yet?”

Lin Yunyan snorted softly.

 She would like to hear what Xu Jian is going to arrange this time.

As expected, it’s not something to be obedient to.

 “You’re still greedy for alcohol at a young age, so hurry up and grow two years taller.”

Lin Yunyan:…

Lin Yunyan, who was already full, was filled with anger.

   People are giving me a hard time writing. My hand speed is really bad recently...

But I still want to call for monthly votes. Yesterday I saw a book friend giving 24 monthly votes for old books, which made me feel really sad.

   Thanks to the book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend and Wuxihuan 166 for the reward.

  (End of this chapter)

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