Yan Cigui

Chapter 221: Another year

Lunar New Year's eve.

Everywhere in the capital was decorated with lanterns and colors.

The lights in Uncle Chengyi’s mansion are also brightly lit.

Lin Yunfang sat next to Xiao Duan, holding her old man's hand, and counting with her: "I have read the brochure, the kitchen is prepared with salted duck, eight-treasure tofu, honey fire recipe, crab meat buns, and meat ball soup. There are many more, but of course the least of them is your favorite Liuhe beef breast.”

 Ms. Chen was busy talking to the nuns and couldn't help laughing when she heard the words.

Turning her head, she nodded to Lin Yunfang and said: "One year later, one year older, she is a big girl, and she still memorizes the menu like a little kid."

Lin Yunfang made faces with her, and then went to tease Xiao Duan: "Old and young, who doesn't care about good food?"

 Little Duan laughed heartily.

 Lin Yunyan was sitting on the other side, listening to Lin Yunjing arranging various embroidery patterns for her dowry. She couldn't help laughing when she heard the noise there.

Lin Yunjing's ankles have long since lost their swollen appearance, but her family does not allow her to stand on the ground. She travels in a small bamboo sedan, which requires hundreds of days of care.

She also smiled, and while smiling, she said: "I'm talking to you about something serious. Don't get distracted. I've traced the hijab pattern for you, and you can embroider it according to it. If you have any ideas, tell me."

Lin Yunyan looked at the red silk handkerchief in her hand and praised: "My eldest sister is so skillful and lifelike."

Her little talent as a girl was indeed wasted on the patterns drawn by Lin Yunjing herself.

Of course, these are daily pastimes for them, just a hobby. How can they use them to mend things in their daily life?

 Those who are talented are like Lin Yunjing. She enjoys it and naturally studies more.

Lin Yunyan's mind is not on this, she can only say that it is enough.

 It was something that would be used in the wedding ceremony. She had to embroider it with a needle to make it a good sign.

 As for the embroidery that was not clever and ineffective, no one dared to laugh at her.

While talking and laughing, a table was prepared in the flower hall, and the group moved over.

Little Mrs. Duan sat on the main seat and was toasted by the younger generation. The steward and maid also came forward and said many auspicious words. The old man drank two more glasses of wine and his face was rosy.

 The night is getting deeper.

 The sound of firecrackers rang out everywhere, deafening.

Lin Yunfeng took Lin Yunding and ran out to set off the fireworks. The fireworks went up to the sky and scattered in all directions.

Lin Yunyan watched with Xiao Duan.

 She heard Xiao Duan saying with emotion, "It's another year."

 Blinking her eyes, she nodded: "Another year."

Xiao Duan heard this and turned to look at her, extremely happy: "You and Yunfang are doing the opposite. She is getting older year by year without caring about her heart. You are a little girl, and your heart is growing too fast. You have to catch up. I'm an old woman."

Lin Yunyan burst into laughter, thought for a while, and then said: "We Yunfang have obviously become more serious this year. No matter how long you are, don't let me catch up."

 Little Duan was both angry and funny.

 It was the Chinese New Year, and she was told to move forward with each passing day.

 “As I grow older,” she said, “I will become an old monster.”

"The old monsters are pretty good," Lin Yunyan said. "There are so many monsters out there. If you are not more fierce than them, they will come to hurt you."

Little Duan laughed "Ouch, ouch", and even at the end of his laughter, he felt sore in his heart.

 After learning the duty of self-restraint and being kind to others all her life, the principles have been deeply ingrained in her heart. From beginning to end, she believed that those teachings were correct.

 She also received so many priceless treasures with her kindness and sincerity.

Every child in her Lin family is a treasure.

She is just sorry that although there are good people in the outside world, there are also more "monsters".

  A person is old, but she has to learn to "get along" with monsters.

 She doesn't like to take advantage of others, but she must never let others take advantage of her. Otherwise, her babies will be the ones who suffer in the end.

Everyone is growing up, and she can’t stand still either.

 Speaking of which, when dawn comes, the foreign wives will congratulate the Empress Dowager on the New Year, and of course she and Yun Yan will also go.

  Must cheer up and don't let others fan the flames by talking nonsense.

 Little Duan made up his mind.

 We need to think of countermeasures one by one for various situations and those who have enmity with our family, such as what the two old ladies of Yunyang County Mansion and Xu Guogong Mansion will say and do.

Unfortunately, when the old lady lay on the bed, she was driven to sleep by the alcohol before she could think about it for too long.

 When Nanny Ruan came to call her, little Duan woke up and couldn't help but feel annoyed.

 Why did you just fall asleep?

 They are not fully prepared!

 How about asking Yun Yan again in the carriage later?

Niu Bo drove out of the house.

By coincidence, the driver from the Enrongbo Mansion next door also came out. The two of them greeted the New Year in a friendly manner, and then headed towards the west palace gate.

In the car, Lin Yunyan bent her eyes and smiled when Xiao Duan asked.

She seemed to know who Yunfang inherited the writing skills from. Both her direct descendants and grandson were equally sincere.

Little Duan gave her an angry look.

Seeing Lin Yunyan's smile become even brighter, Xiao Duan was so laughed at that she lost all temper, so she also smiled.

“Let me teach you a trick,” Lin Yunyan smiled, still willing to give advice to her grandmother. “You are not used to speaking harsh words to others, especially in public. You subconsciously want to show dignity to others, so just smile.

No matter what they say to you, just look into her eyes with a smile.

 The more decent you smile, the more stupid she looks in the eyes of others. "

Little Duan was stunned when he heard this and imagined the scene...

It does seem to make some sense.

 You can’t learn harsh words in a while, and you won’t be able to turn back when encountering situations in the future. You are ready and have a plan in mind, but smiling is the easiest thing.

 As long as she puts away her usual enthusiasm and only smiles without saying anything, she can do it well.

Little Duan immediately felt confident. When she got off the car, she didn't feel panic at all. She looked around at the people who had arrived, looking for her "enemies".

 It is a pity that Mrs. Xu Guogong did not come today.

 She was ill, and her daughter-in-law was also ill.

Lin Yunyan was not surprised by this.

Xu Guogong is still thinking about his mistakes behind closed doors, and the old lady has always been outspoken. If she says something that shouldn't be said this time, it will make the Duke's mansion worse, and Xu Guogong will naturally not let her show up.

Thinking of this, Lin Yunyan winked at Xiao Duan and said in a lowered voice: "Look, some people are too afraid of you to come. How awesome you are."

Little Duan was laughing and crying.

 Not long after, the carriage from the Yunyang residence appeared.

 The old lady stood still. When she saw Xiao Duan and Lin Yunyan, she ignored her daughter-in-law and walked forward quickly.

"Old lady, I have to thank you for your mercy," Mrs. Yunyang Bo said, "We, A Liu, are ignorant and fight around. I still feel sorry for her falling into the water in the cold weather and suffering, but it is nothing like the third-rate man in Xu Guogong's mansion. A thousand miles away, it’s still much better.”

After finishing her words, she was greeted by the smiling faces of Lin Yunyan and Xiao Duan.

The eyes are bent, the corners of the lips are raised, but the smile is very weak.

Mrs. Yunyang’s mouth twitched:…

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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