Yan Cigui

Chapter 233: Hidden and hidden (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Geng Baoyuan’s eyes widened.

 He only saw Princess Ning'an raising her arm, and the next moment, something cut through the air.

It seemed to be shooting towards him, but he couldn't see clearly and wasn't sure what was happening.

It was too fast and too sudden, and I couldn’t react at all.

By the time the brain realizes something is wrong, it is already too late.


The flying object was so powerful that he staggered back two steps without letting go of the force.

Even the strength in his legs disappeared.

 The whole person fell straight backwards.

This time, the fall was very heavy.

 The fear of death rolled over him and overwhelmed him in an instant.


Geng Baoyuan didn’t understand.

 What did the princess do?

How could a little girl take his life from such a distance?


 He also wanted to kill the princess.

 It turned out that he was the one who had no power to fight back.

Using his last strength, Geng Baoyuan reached for his throat.

As soon as his fingertips touched the thin arrow, his eyes became blurred and completely dull.

Not far away, Lin Yunyan looked at Geng Baoyuan coldly.

 She did not rush forward rashly.

 The attack before the prey dies is the most ferocious and cruel.

 Lin Yunyan did not feel relieved until it was confirmed that Geng Baoyuan was dead.

“Uncle Niu,” she turned around and called, “get these two **** into their car.”

 Niu Bo did not move.

 He looked at the situation in front of him in astonishment, his head buzzing.

The princess killed someone?

This is not the key. The man who robbed the women and caught them in Shuntian Mansion would be beheaded.

The princess wanted to save the girl from the Jin family, but also to protect herself.

Uncle Niu could see clearly that the man had a fierce look on his face. If the princess had not taken action, how could an old man who could only chop with a knife survive? Can you protect the princess?

Uncle Niu was shocked. When did their princess have such ability? Why would you carry a concealed weapon with you?

That's a hidden weapon, right?

  Not close but deadly.

The princess is really secretive.


The county owner Jingui, and was used to going out with the moon, and the little girl did not practice any fists at home.

 When Lin Yunyan called out again, Uncle Niu came back to his senses.

First he carried the handlebars back to the carriage at the back, then carefully moved Jin Shu, who had not yet woken up, back to the princess's car, and then threw Geng Baoyuan into the car.

 After such a trip, Uncle Niu’s forehead was covered with sweat.

The emotions that were aroused during the car chase have not stopped yet. He wiped his sweat and asked: "What now?"

 The strong man is dead, that handlebar type...

Definitely not allowed to stay!

There was no other way out of desperation, but now we can't dirty the princess's hands anymore.

Niu Bo rummaged around Geng Baoyuan's waist and found a dagger.

Before he could take action, he suddenly heard the sound of horse hooves approaching, and Uncle Niu was frightened.

Although the carriage blocking the road has moved out of the way, others will definitely remember the two carriages parked like this.

 Especially the princess's car is so gorgeous...

Oops, it's a very cold day and it's noon. Who is so "pious" to go up the mountain now?

 The next moment, Niu Bo heard a call that could not have been more beautiful.

The man on horseback called "Uncle Niu", and the voice was still very familiar to him. He quickly looked around and was overjoyed.

It’s actually Shenchen!

 There is a helper, now there is a powerful helper!

Uncle Niu responded quickly.

Lin Yunyan also got off the carriage and nodded to Shenchen.

 When she set off from Chengyi County's residence in the morning, she told Chen Gui to wait outside Jin's house.

If you see her suddenly leaving the Jin family without even having time to leave a message, report it to Xu Jian quickly.

 Xu Jian will make his own judgment.

 Fortunately, I buried a move first.

 Chen Gui worked quickly and thoughtfully. Xu Jian asked Shen Chen to come after asking.

"Geng Baoyuan led his men to rob Jinshu. I chased the car down the mountain and stopped the car here. I killed Geng Baoyuan." Lin Yunyan said it simply, and then added some important points.

 Shen Chen took a breath of cold air.

Even though he knew that something would happen to the princess on this trip, he did not expect that the princess's words would cost a life.

Shen Chen raised the curtain and looked into the car, feeling even more surprised.

 He knew that the Duke gave the arrow in his sleeve to the princess.

But he didn't know that the princess took action and sealed his throat with an arrow.


“Leave it to the younger ones, don’t worry, you won’t be caught,” Shen Chen said. “You go about your business first.”

Lin Yunyan was very relieved about Shen Chen.

 He is the best at dealing with the aftermath.

Lin Yunyan just asked: "Where is the Duke?"

"In the city." After Shen Chen finished speaking, he wanted to explain a few words for their master to prevent the princess from misunderstanding.

 Looking at it again, the princess seemed to understand everything, and there was no complaint or blame at all, so Shen Chen said no more.

The princess understands!

Lin Yunyan does understand.

 Xu Jian stayed in the city with two preparations.

If she could settle the matter outside the city, Shen Chen alone would be enough to help her deal with the aftermath.

Xu Jian hardly went to the city several times a year.

Once the city gate guards remembered that he had left the city, they went back to the Yamen to inquire. Although they could find some explanations, the doubts in the hearts of others, especially Li Shao, could not be stopped.

 Once the seeds of doubt are sown, subsequent actions will cause unnecessary trouble.

And if she misses, the matter will eventually lead to Li Shao meeting Jin Shu.

Xuansu can help, but he can't take advantage of Li Shao. He will be in trouble anyway, so Xu Jian might as well go alone.

 Fortunately, the matter ended on this untraveled mountain road.

 It will not lead to the most troublesome results.

 Shenchen strikes very quickly.

Confirming that there was no way that the driver would wake up anytime soon, Shen Chen tied him up tightly.

He jumped out of the car again, took out the water bag from his waist, and washed away the blood on the ground.

As he rushed, he thought that their master had really taught the princess a lot. Not only did he have good accuracy, but he also knew not to pull out arrows casually.

 Otherwise, this little water will not be enough.

Jumping into the carriage, Shenchen wrapped his snow coat tightly, whistled to signal his horse to follow, and drove away in the carriage.

 Lin Yunyan got on her carriage, held Jin Shu's hand, and patted her cheek gently.

“Sister Ashu?” Lin Yunyan called, “Sister Jinwu?”

Jin Shu opened his eyes vaguely.

When she saw the person in front of her, she was stunned for a moment and said blankly: "Are you... the princess?"

"It's me," Lin Yunyan said, "You are in my carriage now. Please wake up first."

Instinctively, Jin Shu took the drink Lin Yunyan gave her.

 The drink has cooled slightly, but it is still very sweet. The sweetness lingers in the mouth, making the chaotic thoughts suddenly clear. "I, I was caught!" she said anxiously, "my nanny was injured."

Lin Yunyan held her shoulders and said: "You are with me now, and the nanny is fine. She is still in the temple, and my maid is with her."

"So, it was the princess who saved me?" Jin Shu murmured, "What happened..."

She clearly remembered that Grandma was kicked to the ground.

She didn't have time to shout, and her mouth and nose were covered with a veil again. After that, she became groggy and everything was blurred.

 She has undoubtedly encountered something big!

 But at this moment, apart from the fear, Jin Shu was not so panicked.

She thought it was probably because when she opened her eyes, she saw Princess Ning'an.

The princess is a girl just like her, and he will not harm her. She knows that she is safe at the moment.

 This fact gave her a lot of courage.

"I'm not afraid," Jin Shu tried to curl her lips. Although her smile was not as usual, she still managed to smile, "I want to know my situation."

Lin Yunyan nodded and asked softly: "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

Jin Shu whispered and looked down at himself.

The clothes are not very neat, but they are not messy either. The limbs are limp, but there is no pain or injury.

 It is completely different from actually meeting bad people or encountering bad things.

 She was indeed taken away, but she did not meet those...

Seeing that she had made a rough judgment, Lin Yunyan said: "Let's ignore those two villains. Even if someone takes care of them, no news will get out from their mouths.

 Now, we have two paths.

 The first is to go back to Jin's house. I will send you home safely. Grandma can follow Uncle Wang's carriage back later.

 The abbot, monks and novice monks in the temple who knew about this matter would keep it a secret.

 Second, we went up the mountain again to Fa'an Temple.

I will accompany you around the temple so that everyone can see that you are still in the temple. We will go down the mountain together later. "

Jin Shu bit her lower lip.

 Of course she wants to choose the first one.

She wanted to go home, hug her mother, and sleep in her own room.

 She will feel more at ease when she sees a familiar home and familiar people.

 But there was still a voice in her heart reminding her to go back to the temple.

The princess did not explain to her why she went back.

The princess did not say how to deal with the two villains.

 But no news will get out, which means keeping it sealed.

If two living people are missing, the family will definitely report it to the official, and the yamen will definitely investigate...

Jinshu is not stupid. She has read many books, not only classics by scholars, but also various romance books.

 Going around and showing your face will help the princess sort things out.

The princess didn't tell her directly because she didn't want her to be frightened and embarrassed, but because she thought about her wholeheartedly. And she was able to sit in the carriage well only because of the princess's rescue...

“I’m worried about the nanny when I go to the temple.” Jin Shu mustered up his courage.

 This is the little she can repay the princess.

Lin Yunyan smiled.

Just looking at Jin Shu's expression, she knew there was no need to ask anything like "Are you sure? Have you thought about it?"

 Jin Shu's mood was more stable than she expected.

Across the curtain, Lin Yunyan greeted Uncle Niu.

Uncle Niu quickly turned the car around and headed up the mountain road.

 In the carriage, Lin Yunyan told Jin Shu some interesting things about Ning Ning in Uncle Chengyi's house, and briefly arranged her forehead hair. Then she took a prepared snow coat and put it on Jin Shu, and put on her hat.

 “You can’t see it anymore.” She said with a smile.

 The clothes can be arranged, but the hair is messed up, and Lin Yunyan really can't make it look nice for Jin Shu.

Winter is better, wearing a big hat will block everything.

 The carriage stopped in the small square.

 Uncle Wang burst into tears when he saw that Jin Shu had returned with all his hair.

Jin Shu comforted her with a few words and followed Lin Yunyan quietly into the temple gate.

 Zhike Monk also breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as the donor is safe.

 As for how he was saved, it is not their responsibility to comment on the whereabouts of the criminal.

The little novice monk conveyed the news to the abbot, and Lin Yunyan and Jin Shu took the path back to the guest room.

When the nanny saw them, she hugged Jin Shu, covered her mouth and cried softly.

Lin Yunyan and Wan Yue said, "I'll go get some water later and tell Miss Jin to wipe her face when she wakes up after lunch break."

 Wan Yue knows it well.

After Jin Shu and the nanny had tidied up, Lin Yunyan walked around the temple with Jin Shu on her arm, bowed in the main hall, and performed Buddha salutations with the pilgrims she met.

It was almost time before we set off from the temple. Two carriages went down the mountain into the city and arrived at Jin's house.

 In the backyard of the Jin family, there was still laughter and laughter.

Hearing that the two were back, Jinning came out to greet them happily.

Lin Yunyan picked up Jinning and walked into the ancestral house together.

The eldest wife of the Jin family was laughing: "I just said they..."

When the words came to her lips, she was startled.

 Mother and daughter have a heart-to-heart connection. She can tell at a glance whether something is right with Jin Shu.

Thinking of the princess's eagerness to leave earlier, the eldest lady's breath tightened.

 Finding an excuse, the eldest wife of the Jin family brought Jin Shu and Lin Yunyan to her house, leaving only her confidant to guard them.

Xu was next to his mother. Jin Shu's eyes were red and tears were streaming down his face.

The eldest lady comforted her while listening to Lin Yunyan explain the situation. The whole story made her eyes shine with stars.

If it weren’t for the princess’s timely help, wouldn’t Ashu...

 “Who did it?” The eldest lady gritted her teeth.

Lin Yunyan shook her head.

The eldest wife of the Jin family understood immediately.


Since the princess can think that something will happen to Ashu, she must have clues. The princess' words about rescuing people are vague, but can she not guess the danger?

The princess knew a lot, she just didn't want to tell Ashu everything.

 Because Ashu was in a state of ups and downs and could not handle so much news.

 Let her feel calmer and the family has discussed it, and then tell her little by little.

 “Can someone prepare some hot water for Ashu to take a bath to warm up?” The eldest wife of the Jin family made arrangements. After pushing Jin Shu away, she asked Lin Yunyan to take another step to speak.

Lin Lang also guessed some of the situation and looked for him with a solemn look on his face.

“Auntie, do you still remember the girl Ning Ning recognized by mistake that day?” Lin Yunyan asked.

 Lin Lang nodded.

The eldest wife of the Jin family also nodded. She heard about what happened that day.

"That is the aunt's room of the son of Mr. Liu, the minister of Honglu Temple. His Highness the Prince met her by chance a few days ago and took a second look at her," Lin Yunyan said. "I can't say from whom the prince heard about Sister Ashu and the aunt. The room was somewhat similar, and the guard next to him named Geng Baoyuan came to rob him. "

The eldest wife of the Jin family felt her head buzzing.

Turns out to be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince?

The majestic prince, the guards around him would do such a thing?

"Not to mention the lack of evidence, if you sue the prince, Sister Ashu..." Lin Yunyan analyzed it with the two of them, "Nothing is more important than Sister Ashu.

  She was not injured, nothing bad happened to her, she was fine.

 She shouldn't be involved in those rumors. "

The eldest wife of the Jin family had tears in her eyes.


The princess has done so much to preserve Ashu's reputation, and she is extremely grateful.

 As a mother, is there anything more important than Ashu?

Thanks to book friends Tongtong 1609 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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