Yan Cigui

Chapter 245: Just feel dizzy (two updates in one)

 On the desk, heavy documents were stacked high.

Even though he was covered by these documents, Xu Jian also knew that Li Shao was glaring at him.

 As expected.

These documents were specially selected by him and best reflected the daily government affairs of the Ministry of Rites, and they were orderly and orderly.

The Holy Spirit can make sense if asked.

 After all, when it comes to every matter, if there is any modification, it must be done on the basis of knowledge.

 Otherwise it would be a fantasy.

 These basics are really boring and boring.

No one was very excited to see it. Even Xu Jian had to press his eyebrows from time to time, let alone Li Shao who couldn't calm down.

Xu Jian just pretended not to know what Li Shao was thinking and continued to read page after page.

Finally, it was almost noon, and Li Shao was about to put down the paperwork when he saw Xu Jian standing up first.

 He raised his eyebrows and said "rare" in his heart.

Xu Jian straightened his sleeves and said to Li Shao: "I remember that Eunuch Hu mentioned this morning that Your Highness will go into the palace to have lunch with His Majesty at noon, right? It's almost time. Your Highness should not keep His Majesty waiting for a long time."

 Li Shao really wants to go to the Imperial Study Room.

No matter how much my father asked him about his experience in observing politics, it would make Li Shao more comfortable than sitting here.

 But he wasn't in a hurry. Why was Xu Jian in a hurry?

 With a feeling in his heart, Li Shao asked: "Do you have an appointment?"

“I made an appointment with the princess,” Xu Jian said truthfully, “just have a bowl of noodles at the noodle shop in front.”

 After saying that, Xu Jian cupped his hands and walked outside.

Mr. Hu happened to come in and met him face to face. After saying hello, he said to Li Shao: "Mr. Fu Guo is in good spirits on happy occasions."

 Li Shao snorted.

 Isn’t it refreshing?

He was walking faster than usual, but there was nothing wrong with his legs.

 “We haven’t gotten married yet.” Li Shao muttered.

 It’s just a whisper.

 Marriage is given.

 With a bowl of noodles at noon?

 A few more words to find fault with this matter, let alone whether the father and the emperor's grandmother were annoyed, Li Shao found it quite annoying.

The most annoying thing is that you can’t be picky and you have to give people happiness.

While he was racking his brains to face his father's school entrance examination, Xu Jianeng happily ate noodles and drank noodle soup with his unqualified wife.

Compared with this, Li Shao thought, it would be better to sit here with a pile of boring documents and wait for Xu Jian to come back and say something mean to him.

Sure, just think about it.

 “Let’s go,” he said, “don’t keep your father waiting.”

 In the other room, Xu Jian entered the private room.

Lin Yunyan has already arrived, sitting at the table and twisting peanuts.

The red clothes were all twisted cleanly, leaving only the fat white peanut kernels piled in front of me, like a hill.

Seeing Xu Jian coming, Lin Yunyan divided the peanut kernels into two parts and put one part on Xu Jian's side.

 “The princess is generous.” Xu Jian said.

Hearing his tone, Lin Yunyan laughed and said, "Isn't the Ministry of Rites not being nice to you?"

 Xu Jian sat down and took a sip of tea: "I'm not easy to treat, and he's even worse."

 This is the truth.

 Why did you choose to start observing politics from the Ministry of Rites?

  This question has been asked by the Holy Father and also by Uncle Chengyi.

 Xu Jian’s answer was reasonable and well-founded.

The Ministry of Rites is just preparing for Enke, and the imperial examination is the foundation of the imperial court.

 A long series of scene words, each sentence makes sense.

The Holy Spirit nodded repeatedly after hearing this, and naturally he would not object.

 Zhengyibo actually expressed concerns.

 In fact, Lin Yu was worried about the whole matter of Xu Jian accompanying the prince to watch the government.

 They also chose the Ministry of Rites first.

The Ministry of Rites is really boring. Given the prince's temperament, he may not be able to bear the pressure.

However, Xu Jian had made up his mind and had some ideas, so Lin Yu didn't say much and just asked him to take it easy.

 But the most real reason is both clear to Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan.

 Going to other yamen in Liubu, you can't "oppress" Li Shao so much.

It seems that Li Shao is in the Ministry of Punishment and is not following the strict rules, but if you give him a few criminal and prison case files, he can probably get some sense of it.

The Ministry of War can read military documents from the old days, which are now being deployed in various places; the Ministry of Works also has a lot of information on urban construction and water conservancy. The text is not necessarily interesting, but there are many pictures. As long as you can read it, even the text will be much more vivid.

The same is generally true for the old files of the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Those yamen are not as busy as the Ministry of Rites recently, and everyone is trying to figure out Li Shao's progress and status.

 Teaching young people, the elders are experienced.

 Once you find that it is too boring, you will immediately adjust your method and actively switch from simplicity to complexity.

Li Shao was just unsure, not unenlightened at all. He really got better step by step...

 You will not be able to get the effect Xu Jian wants.

That is, the Ministry of Rites, the bosses were too busy to take care of it, and the Holy Emperor was satisfied with His Highness the Crown Prince's understanding of politics, so Xu Jian could keep putting pressure on Li Shao.

 Just stare at whatever is boring or boring.

 Starting from the most difficult and annoying thing, how could Li Shao be active?

It’s not enough to just sit and read, you have to write down your thoughts every day...

Lin Yunyan smiled and shook her head.

What does it mean to injure the enemy by one thousand and injure yourself by five hundred? This is what Xu Jian did.

But then she thought about why she had to do this even though she was willing to hurt herself, and Lin Yunyan felt that this was not very funny.

 It’s just for self-protection and to break the situation.

Of course, Xu Jian himself is not relaxed either.

 He is well aware of the operations of the Ministry of Rites and even other yamen in Qianbulang.

 But he has to pretend to be a "layman".

He only served in the Ministry of War for a few months, and he did not sit in Shuntian Mansion for a full month. He was a layman who knew nothing about other places.

No idea should be too sharp.

 His thinking and understanding must be ahead of Li Shao's, but not too high.

Xu Jian said: "Half a month is enough to make people look at them with admiration, but that's about it."

 Lin Yunyan understands.

The so-called "almost the same" means that if you press it again, you will see results.

 This is like a long bow.

 If the bow string is always fully drawn, it will become unstable and vibrate.

 At this time, you have to hold your breath to completely break the string.

 Outside, Shen Chen knocked on the door.

 The hot noodles were brought in.

 In the imperial study room, Li Shao faced a table of delicious food and lacked interest.

The table was placed in the side room, and the major case of the emperor's approval of memorials and the piles of folders on it could not be seen, but Li Shao felt that he still seemed to be standing there, waiting for his father to ask questions.

  From the time when I was enlightened, I could read Chinese characters and recite poems, and later I would test what the three orphans had taught me.

  From when he couldn't reach the edge of the big case, to when the big case only reached his waist, he still felt a little shorter.

 Li Shao glanced at the Holy Emperor.

 When my father didn’t have to do his homework, he was still very good.

Father will not take the exam during the meal, and will not start until the table is cleared.

 But this kind of regulations is very much like "eating without one's head".

 It’s strange to be able to eat as much as you like.

  It’s not going well, but it’s delicious.

 Li Shao is full.

The Holy See saw that he had a good appetite, so he couldn't help but smile and said, "Did you eat too much for breakfast?"

"Quite a few," Li Shao said. "Even after reading the documents all morning, I don't know what's going on. I feel empty in my stomach." Upon hearing this, the Holy Master sighed: "Reading these documents is no easier than riding a horse and drawing a bow."

Li Shao lowered his eyes and said, "It's really not easy. I'm feeling dizzy."

 The Holy Spirit laughed heartily.

 “It’s okay to be dizzy!”

 After rinsing his mouth, he asked people to come in and clean up, and he greeted Li Shao back to the study.

“I used to get very dizzy when I saw those things!” The Holy Emperor was filled with emotion. He touched his beard and said to Li Shao, “You also know that I used to be an idle prince.

I have only been exposed to these things since I was appointed as the prince.

At that time, people in the court were in panic. Prince Ding, who was supposed to be the crown prince, had left. Your imperial grandfather was seriously ill, leaving me with too little time.

I wish I could stay awake all day long, but I am also afraid of going up and down. I am afraid that I will get sick from exhaustion, so I will be forced to rest.

I can only rest well when I need to rest, and study hard when I need to study. Even so, my eyes are shining brightly when I look at those boring things, and my words are wandering.

 Fortunately, I got through it.

 For the king of a country, all this hard work is necessary.

Looking at the regulations is annoying to death, wouldn’t it be even more annoying for the people who work according to these regulations? "

Li Shao has heard a lot about his father's thoughts before.

Perhaps I have gained some experience recently, and this time I have some resonance.

 It turns out that my father once had such a difficult time.

 “You persisted.” Li Shao said.

“Yes, it seemed like a mess at the beginning, but later I was able to take matters into my own hands,” the Holy Sage sighed. “Fortunately, my father did his best to the elders I left behind.

And Uncle Ping Huang, he really taught me step by step and made him even more tired and his hair turned gray.

 When I could take charge of my own business, he gave up again and went back to bed for half a year. I couldn't even ask him for advice.

Shao'er, it would be great to have someone to guide you! "

Li Shao was stunned.

He was listening with great interest a moment ago, but at this moment, it was as if cold water had been poured on him.

 The "guiding way" mentioned by the emperor's father refers to Xu Jian.

 How can Xu Jian be virtuous and capable?

Why can he compare with Prince Ping?

The old prince said something serious, and even his father had to listen patiently. What happened to Xu Jian?

Thinking of this, Li Shao said: "Speaking of which, I saw that my uncle was in good health during the Chinese New Year. Is he still in good health these days?"

"He is fine," the Holy Sage said with a smile. "It is inconvenient for me to leave the palace, so you have to go and see him for me when you have time."

 Li Shao responded naturally.

  It was almost time, and the Holy Emperor did not stay with Li Shao any longer, but gave him a few words.

“I have the experience of reading your and Xu Jian’s writing every day, and I am very happy.”

“Xu Jian has some good ideas, please communicate with him more.”

"He has never been in contact with the Ministry of Rites before, and I think he is still stumbling."

Eunuch Cao sent Li Shao out. When he returned to the imperial palace, he saw the Holy Master looking through the experiences he had compiled.

“I read it every day, and I have a different experience every day,” the Holy Master pointed his finger on the paper and said, “I just recalled the past with Shaoer, and to be honest, I am a little envious of him.

I have learned a lot from the elders since I was a child, and now I go to the Six Ministries to observe the government, step by step, step by step.

They are better than me. I rushed to the shelves at that time. "

Eunuch Cao called to the Holy Father and joked: "You are also good at driving ducks."

The Holy One clapped his hands and laughed.

 In the other room, Li Shao returned to the Ministry of Rites.

  Entering the study room assigned to them by the Yamen, there was no one inside.

 Xu Jian has not come back yet.

Li Shao fell back on his chair and took the tea from Eunuch Hu.

 Sitting straight until the lunch break was over, Xu Jian showed up.

  Not early, not late, just right.

Li Shao glanced at him a few times.

Father said that Xu Jian was stumbling? Xu Jian didn't even stumble much when walking.

“The princess has gone back?” Li Shao asked.

"I've gone back," Xu Jian said. "The princess asked her ministers to say hello to His Highness. She said that the Empress Dowager is also very concerned about His Highness's administration."

 One asked casually and the other answered casually.

Eunuch Hu saw that the atmosphere was not bad, so he left.

Unexpectedly, the next few times he came in to refill the tea, the more he tasted it, the more he felt that something was not right.

 The Duke of Fu is still the same as before, quietly reading the documents.

Their Highnesses are becoming more and more absent-minded.

This is not surprising, His Highness has complained to him several times about being "boring".

From Eunuch Hu’s point of view, His Highness is right, it’s just that he is extremely boring.

But no matter how bored, His Highness’s mind was still on these documents at first, unlike now, where he didn’t even know where his mind was wandering…

  When a person sits, his soul flies away.

Li Shao wandered around in the sky until it was dark and the oil lamp was lit in the house, and he came back to his senses.

 As soon as he turned his head, he saw Xu Jian looking at him expressionlessly.

"Your Highness seems tired," Xu Jian said calmly, "Why don't you go back earlier today?"

 Li Shao immediately responded "Okay".

Each of the officials in the Rites Yamen could survive better than the other. Li Shao stayed with them for half a month and never left the Yamen during official off-duty time.

 He planned to find a wine shop to have a drink after going out, and then go to Jiangjunfang.

I don't know, I have a good idea, but I can't do it.

Xu Jian looked like he was sending him off respectfully, as if he wanted to send him back to the palace.

"It's all gone, you go your way, I'll go mine," Li Shao said angrily, "Father asked you and me to watch the government, but I didn't ask you to take care of me all the time. "

Xu Jian couldn't help but said, "I'm doing this for your Highness's own good. If Your Highness is tired, please rest early. If you're not tired, shall we go back to the Ministry of Rites?"

 At leisure time, the road from Qianbu Corridor to Nangong Gate is full of officials, big and small.

No matter how unclear Li Shao was, he would not cause a scene with Xu Jian here, so he could only suffer and be sent all the way into the palace gate.

When Li Shao returned to the East Palace angrily, he couldn't help complaining to Eunuch Hu.

 “Do you think he wants to be lazy?”

 “Didn’t you make an appointment with the princess again?”

"He and the princess went to each other, but I can't go out of the palace anymore."

 “The two brothers are both very lucky.”

Eunuch Hu persuaded me with kind words, turned his back and wiped the sweat from his head.

His intuition told him that if this continued, His Highness might have to fight with Duke Fu.

 The next day, Eunuch Hu quietly gave Xu Jian a few hints.

Xu Jian’s answer was so ambiguous that Eunuch Hu couldn’t tell whether he understood it or not.

After having suppressed Li Shao for three more days, Xu Jian suddenly suggested: "The examination room has been arranged. Would you like to go and have a look, Your Highness?"

 Li Shao responded with all his heart.

 Transfer to the examination room, isn’t it more comfortable than facing the paperwork?

  Gongyuan is making final preparations.

Li Shao walked in, pointed and pointed, and suddenly felt much refreshed.

 When he came out, he looked around and happened to see an acquaintance.

That person is Liu Xun.

Li Shao tilted his head and asked Eunuch Hu: "Where are the people from Xu Jian?"

 “The Duke of Fu is still talking to several adults inside.”

Li Shao laughed: "Let someone tell him that I have to leave beforehand."

 Leaving these words, Li Shao strode towards Liu Xun.

Thanks to book friend Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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