Yan Cigui

Chapter 253: The princess used me as a knife (two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

Chapter 253 The princess used me as a knife (two updates in one, please vote for me)

In the yard, Yueniang pursed her lips tightly.

Zheng Liu looked Yue Niang up and down, raised his chin and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Yue Niang responded: "I know."

She has never met Zheng Liu, but she still knows that those who come are not good and those who are good will not come.

The young woman who came to the door had her hair combed like a woman's hair, and she looked so elegant in her gestures...

 I think he was also born in Gonghou Bofu.

 In with with withness to young women, the only ones who would come to her little courtyard would be the young master’s newly married wife.

 It should be attributed, but there is no redundant expression.

Zheng Liu couldn't help but be stunned: "Now that you know it, you just stand like this?"

She originally thought that the outsiders who could win over people were all very clever, but why couldn't she be moved by the one she met today?

 It is simply a candle.

"Do you want me to pay you a greeting?" Yue Niang raised her eyes, "I thought you looked down on people like me paying you greetings."

 Zheng Liu was speechless.

 It seems that this is indeed the case.

If she accepted Yue Niang's gift, wouldn't she have given this outer room dignity?

 But as soon as he stepped in, Zheng Liu felt very uncomfortable with such a soft nail.

She dares to make trouble, scold, and toss, but she really doesn’t know how to deal with soft nails.

Mother Su accompanied Zheng Liu. Seeing that she had not received any favors, she was very anxious and gently pushed her arm.

Zheng Liu asked her to remind her, quickly cheered up, and strode into the house.

 She didn't care about Yue Niang and just went into the house and looked around.

There are not many ornaments on the shelf, which makes it look very shabby.

There is a row of clothes hanging in the cabinet, only a few pieces are newly made, and the rest can be seen from the color and color of the materials that they were there before entering Beijing. This kind of clothes has never been popular in Beijing.

 There are a few pieces of men's clothing nearby, which Liu Xun should have put here.

 The furniture and tea sets on the table are extremely simple.

Yue Niang followed Zheng Liu step by step.

 As an outsider, it is not uncommon for a new grandma to cause trouble.

Yue Niang also knows that this will happen sooner or later.

But she didn't expect that Zheng Liu didn't make any noise or fuss after he arrived. Instead, he looked around and looked at each room.

That scrutinizing look and the disdain in it really made her unhappy.

She knew her status, and her daily expenses for food and clothing were not bad in this market. But in the eyes of Zheng Liu, who was born in a noble family, the difference was obvious.

Just this straightforward difference between high and low...

It would be better if Zheng Liu came up and slapped her twice, and she wouldn't feel that bad.

Yue Niang took a deep breath and steadied her voice: "Do you have any instructions for coming here?"

Zheng Liu glanced at her, and then, holding Granny Su's hand, she walked outside.

As she walked, she spoke to Aunt Su without hesitation.

“She does have a charming look on her face. Did you use a pen to mark that mole?”

“I have already committed myself to being an outer room, and I thought I was very capable, but the result is really not that good. These clothes are too hard to come by, right?”

“Liu Xun really takes care of everything but doesn’t give him anything good.”

"In the final analysis, Liu Xun is ignorant and let such an incompetent person get caught up. If he had seen more powerful prostitutes, his family might have been emptied out."

 “It’s okay if it’s not powerful, at least it doesn’t cost a few coins.”

These words were not meant for Mother Su, they were all directed at Yue Niang from beginning to end.

Yueniang followed Zheng Liu, holding the handkerchief tightly, tears welling up in her eyes.

She is indeed not a serious person, but she followed the young master out of admiration and love, and she never had any thoughts of being greedy for money.

What she said to the young master was true. As long as she had a small courtyard to live in, she could not be hungry, and she could see the young master from time to time, that was enough for her.

Thinking like this, Yue Niang held back her tears.

Zheng Liu was hostile to her, and what the enemy said was of course meant to hurt her heart.

 She doesn’t need to express her sincerity to Zheng Liu, it’s enough that the young master knows about it.

Zheng Liu kept her pace and said so much. When she arrived at the courtyard gate and Yueniang didn't see any violent reaction, she couldn't bear it any longer.

Turning around, Zheng Liu stretched out his hand and clamped Yue Niang's chin, forcing Yue Niang to raise her head.

 Then, the other hand rubbed Yue Niang’s mole hard.

“Hey,” she let go of her hand and sneered, “So you didn’t point with a pen? Then your life will be really hard.”

After saying these words, Zheng Liu motioned to Nanny Su to open the courtyard door and walked out proudly.

As soon as the master and servant left, the nanny who had been hiding aside came out and closed the courtyard door with three steps and two steps.

Then, she looked at Yue Niang worriedly: "Girl..."

Yue Niang’s tears suddenly fell down.

Zheng Liu's two blows were extremely hard, and the corners of her eyes hurt badly.

Mammy hugged Yueniang and comforted her in a soft voice: "Girl is doing the right thing. Don't quarrel with her or make trouble with her. Once we seem to fight back, she will only get more motivated. Noisy and trouble can't help her. , I can only hold back, if you see that she is bored, then leave by yourself."

Yue Niang bit her lip and nodded while crying.

Tired of crying, Grandma took care of Yue Niang and took a nap.

 In the afternoon, there was another knock on the door.

I was shocked by my heart, did my ancestors not scatter enough before, and another carbine was returned?

Without removing the latch, grandma opened the courtyard door a small crack and looked outside with squinted eyes.

Standing outside was an unfamiliar woman.

 She is well-dressed and far above the nanny beside Zheng Liu. She has a round face and a cheerful look, and she looks like she has a kind temper.

Mammy thought for a while and opened the door: "Sister is..."

Standing outside the door was Grandma Wang. She said, "Our master wants to say a few words to Yue Niang, and a sedan has been prepared at the entrance of the alley."

As soon as the grandma heard this, her face turned pale and she said in surprise: "Could it be His Royal Highness..."

Grandma Wang looked shocked, but in her heart she admired Lin Yunyan greatly.

The princess asked her to just say "master" without mentioning anything more specific, just to see the nun's reaction.

Good guy, he immediately said "Prince", which shows that Yue Niang and her nanny are well aware of His Highness the Prince's thoughts.

The princess is the princess, and you can hit the target with just one try.

 Think about that prince again...

 Prince Jingui, why do you always look at other people's outer rooms?

After sizing it up, I started to have my thoughts on the girl from the Jin family who looked a bit like Yue Niang.

 When she thought about the kind of person the current prince was, Grandma Wang felt uncomfortable all over.

 Can’t afford to offend!

 She is full of stories and has nowhere to tell them!

Thinking this, Aunt Wang said: "Why is it all about the prince? Our master is someone else. You don't have to be afraid of anything bad happening. It's up to you whether you want to sit in the sedan or not. Just make an appointment in front. The Tianzi Room in the teahouse at the corner of the street is doing very well. As long as you don't yell, the shopkeeper will rush in. There are so many customers. Our master is a decent man and will not ruin his reputation. "

 After saying that, Grandma Wang turned around and left with a smile.

The nanny closed the courtyard door, thought for a while, and finally entered the house.

Yue Niang had already woken up and asked softly: "Who came just now?"

Mammy said: “Girl, do you want to go?”…

The word Tianzi is Yajian.

 A pot of hot tea, melon seeds and peanuts and a few plates of snacks.

After hearing Grandma Wang's reply, Lin Yunyan grabbed a handful of melon seeds and gave them to her: "Mom, I'll read for a while. The storyteller down here is pretty good."

Wanyue asked Lin Yunyan hesitantly: "Do you think Yue Niang will come?"

 “If she is smart, she will come.” Lin Yunyan said.

Wanyue blinked her eyes and wanted to ask, "What if I'm not smart?" When the words came to her lips, she wanted to turn around first.

 If you are not smart, then don’t come.

 Doing business with stupid people will make you lose a lot of money!

 After waiting for less than two quarters of an hour, someone knocked on the door.

 Mother Wang got up and went to open the door.

 Outside the door, there are two masters and servants of Yue Niang.

Mammy looked inside and saw a young man sitting at the table, with a boy standing behind him. She felt very unsure.

Yue Niang took a closer look and vaguely noticed something was wrong. She mustered up the courage to walk closer and take a closer look, and her heart dropped by a large margin.

 Both of them are women disguised as men.

Since they are all girls, she doesn’t have to worry about anything bad happening to her.

 As for the identity of the other party…

She didn't dare to guess, she just looked much more noble than Zheng Liudu.

Lin Yunyan asked Yue Niang to sit down: "Looking at it this way, she does look very much like our sister from the in-laws' family."

Yue Niang was stunned.

Lin Yunyan asked again: "Did Zheng Liu find you this morning?"

Yue Niang took a deep breath: "You are..."

 “Sincerity Bofu Lin Yunyan.”

Yue Niang was surprised.

The princess is looking for her, so what is she going to do?

Lin Yunyan did not go around in circles with Yue Niang, and said directly: "Zheng Liu and I have always had a grudge.

Originally, after Zhangping Garden, it was time for the well and the river to be settled, but who told her to marry Liu Xun.

 The Duke's office has no contact with the Liu family, but I am very worried about Mrs. Xu.

 Mrs. Xu is pure in mind and kind-hearted. She knows about your existence, and she will also discuss your matters with Liu Xun and Zheng Liu in the future.

But Zheng Liu will not tolerate you, she will still hate Wujiwu and blame Mrs. Xu.

 I can't put my hands into the Liu family's affairs. Even if I get married to the Duke of Guo later, I won't be able to interfere with the Liu family's affairs.

Hence, I can only come to discuss with you whether you want to insist on fighting Zheng Liu to the end, or it is better to do it more simply, so as not to cause Mrs. Xu to get into trouble with her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. "

Yue Niang was stunned.

In her mind, Zheng Liu should have spoken this kind of persuasion asking her to "choose a path."

But I didn’t expect that the princess would show up.

"Since you care about Mrs. Xu so much, Mrs. Xu knows that you..."

Yue Niang was halfway through speaking when she saw Lin Yunyan smiling and raising a finger to her mouth, as if to silence her, so Yue Niang had no choice but to shut up.

Lin Yunyan then said again: "You don't have to think about that. I'm just telling you that those who know the current affairs are heroes. You have already lost the opportunity. How can you compare with Zheng Liu?"

Yue Niang's face turned pale: "What's the first opportunity? The theory of truth comes first, young master and I..."

"You are naive, aren't you?" Lin Yunyan still smiled, "You have no reputation or status, status is the advantage. You have already met Zheng Liu, just imagine, when you have a dispute with her, who do you think will win?

 You can be patient and leave the situation to Liu Xun to handle, then who do you think Liu Xun will turn to in the end?

Can he control Zheng Liu's crazy temper? "

Yue Niang lowered her head and did not answer.

"Liu Xun is also ruthless," Lin Yunyan said. "My sister, who is somewhat similar to you, almost got someone to plot her. Who do you think is plotting her, and who do you want to sacrifice her to?"

 The word "Xian" made Yue Niang get goosebumps all over her body.

Who could it be?

 Must be His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

 Perhaps some people want to climb high, but she does not want to have anything to do with the prince.

She knew that the prince looked after her and would not really attack someone like her, but she did not expect that there was a girl who looked like her...

Thinking of this, Yue Niang was agitated.

Her thoughts were all taken away by the princess, and she believed whatever the princess said.

can not be like this!

"Aren't you worried that I will tell the young master?" Yue Niang gritted her teeth and asked.

"You can say whatever you want," Lin Yunyan smiled, "He didn't do anything, so he got angry and even got kicked by the prince. He most likely knew that I was the one who ruined his business, but he couldn't find any trouble with me. You tell him back and ask him if he can come for revenge."

Yue Niang’s face turned pale.

No man wants to be seen by a woman in a place beyond his power.

 Get kicked by the prince? You know it's the princess who's doing bad things but you can't do anything about it?

If she went to talk to the young master openly...

Where should I put my face?

Lin Yunyan looked at her expression and knew that she had clearly thought about the relationship.

"I have no conflict of interest with you," she said, "I am just telling you this to save Mrs. Xu some worry.

How about Liu Xun? That is a matter for men. If I do it for you, the Duke of the country will probably not be happy, and it will also hurt Mrs. Xu's heart.

 I am only interested in Zheng Liu, she is very powerful when she is crazy. "

Yue Niang lowered her eyes and smiled bitterly: "The princess used me as a knife."

Lin Yunyan sighed: "Being able to be used as a knife means that it is useful. Those who are useful will not be treated as abandoned. I use you as a knife. I have never thought of harming you, but will you be used as a knife by them in the end? I say no." Yes, you should think about it yourself. If I were you, I would leave an extra path for myself."

Yue Niang walked out of the private room in a daze.

Aunt Wang closed the door, turned around and said to Lin Yunyan: "Princess, is this possible?

The slaves are not questioning what you say. The sentence in your words is the reason, but the matter of this man and woman is not justified.

Looking at her like this, your servant has deep feelings for Mr. Liu? If you ask the man to coax you back, you might be able to..."

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 She is still sure.

No matter how hard you fight for the outer room, your mentality will change after you see the main room that has come to you.

  Sincerity must be exchanged for sincerity.

This is why she waited until Zheng Liu went to Shuixian Hutong before looking for Yue Niang.

In the other room, Yueniang returned to her small courtyard, sat at the table, and was lost in thought for a while.

 “Mommy, what should I do...” she asked.

Mammy patted her back gently and said: "The princess has her own plans, but there is one thing she said that is absolutely right. The girl must leave an extra way for herself.

In any case, the princess did not let you take the initiative to cause any conflicts. She just handed you a branch first to see if there is any chance of joining forces in the future.

 Just give her a try and don't offend her and continue this path.

If the young master is looking after you in everything, then the new grandma can't stir up trouble, so you should just pretend that it doesn't happen. If the young master hurts your heart, you won't be unable to move even an inch. "

In this room, Yue Niang was feeling worried; in that room, Liu Xun was dumbfounded as he listened to Zheng Liu talking about his experiences in Shuixian Hutong.

Thanks to book friends book friends 20230803021229171, Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend, and Everything Is Happy 166 for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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