Yan Cigui

Chapter 255: Just like what the princess said (two updates in one)

 The door panel was slapped.

At this hour, grandma went out to do some shopping.

Yue Niang heard the sound and came out of the house and asked through the door panel.

Hearing Liu Xun's voice, Yue Niang couldn't help but be happy and hurriedly opened the door for him.

 “Why are you here, Master?” A pair of red phoenix eyes curled up, full of smiles.

 Liu Xun nodded slightly and strode into the house.

All I saw was that the boxes and cages inside were open, and a lot of clothes were taken out and spread on the couch.

 He was stunned for a moment and said, "Pack your things?"

Yue Niang hurriedly moved the clothes to the side and said, "It's a nice day today, and it looks like there will be a bright sun, so I thought of taking out all the clothes to dry in the sun."

Yue Niang was in a anxious mood yesterday. Until Liu Xun left in the early morning, Yue Niang was not in high spirits.

 She slept through the rest of the night, and when she got up in the morning, her grandma taught her a lot more.

 In short, don’t rush the road or go to the end.

If you really can't help but think about it, why not just do some work, and you won't remember it when you are busy.

Yue Niang heard that it made sense, so she did it.

 I just didn’t expect Liu Xun to come suddenly.

Liu Xun sat down, took the tea from Yue Niang, and took a sip.

 His thoughts are naturally different from those of Yue Niang.

Seeing these clothes, what he thought was that Yue Niang seemed to be unsteady.

He had been coaxing her to smile for a long time yesterday, but she smiled so happily when she opened the door today. This is not normal!

 Besides, it’s not like winter has just passed and spring has begun, so why are you drying out your clothes?

 80% of the time it was Zheng Liu who was blocked.

Zheng Liu said that she was poor, had nothing valuable, and her clothes were all colors and styles that were not popular in Beijing...

The woman's house is this eyelid, all staring at what jewelry clothes.

He came over unexpectedly, and Yue Niang was playing with her clothes instead of showing them to him, so she accused him of being "stingy".

But Yue Niang is thinking about what is good and what is bad, right?

 After all, the young man she met at the teahouse spent a lot of money!

Liu Xun felt sour in his heart and said, "I remember you brought these clothes from Hengshui to Beijing. They have been worn for a long time. Why don't you make some new ones someday?"

Yue Niang shook her head and said: "Although they are old, I like them very much. I just made two pairs of them a year ago, and they are enough to wear."

As she spoke, her eyes involuntarily passed by Liu Xun's waist.

 Liu Xun would tie a money bag around his waist.

 She undressed and folded the young master's clothes last night. How could she not know how much the money bag weighs?

 Young master doesn’t have much money.

Back to Beijing, the family occupies a big head at home.

Now that I have married a wife, I can see from the temper of the new grandma that she is very strict with money management.

And food and accommodation in Shuixian Hutong cost money, so the young master must be very tight.

How could she think about making new clothes?

Liu Xun naturally saw Yue Niang’s glance, and felt really unhappy.

 He knows that he is not generous!

Even if he makes new clothes for Yue Niang, the materials he buys and the tailors he hires are not as good as those from rich families.

Thinking of this, Liu Xun asked directly: "Besides Zheng Liu coming to see you yesterday, was there anything else?"

Yue Niang was startled when she heard this.

Liu Xun asked anxiously: "Did you go out yesterday? Who did you see?"

Yue Niang pursed her lips, her heart pounding.

 Should she tell the truth?

But if you tell the truth, doesn't it mean that the princess is exposed?

The princess is not afraid of letting the young master know about it. The princess has even made it clear that she can tell the young master whatever she wants. Anyway, the young master can't do anything to her.

 Ke Yue Niang is afraid.

It is clearly pointed out that the young master is powerless and can only suffer secret losses. Where can the young master put his face?

 She poked the young master’s face like this, is she crazy?

Furthermore, once she spoke out and let the young master know that she had been in contact with the princess, her way out would be blocked.

"I went out for a trip," Yue Niang smiled, trying to calm down, "I went to buy some snacks to eat."

Liu Xun was obviously dissatisfied with this answer, and his eyes were full of scrutiny and questioning: "That's it?"

Yue Niang herself felt guilty and was afraid that Liu Xun would notice the clues, so she kept her head down, so she missed Liu Xun's suspicious look.

 “That’s it.” She whispered.

Liu Xun's brows furrowed, then relaxed again, and he sneered in his heart.

Yue Niang lied!

Yue Niang obviously went to see the rich young man whose origins she didn’t know!

Yue Niang didn’t say anything, she just had second thoughts about him!

 Zheng Liu is right.

Yue Niang and him are not of the same mind.

 For Yue Niang, he couldn't get anything good from him everywhere.

His father blamed him, his mother blamed him, and Zheng Liu used this as an excuse to laugh at him. It was also because of Yue Niang that the city was in turmoil and there were constant rumors.

And there is His Royal Highness the Prince...

Liu Xun prides himself on being sincere to Yue Niang, so he can just cause some trouble for the woman he likes.

 But he has paid so much, how does Yue Niang treat him?

Yue Niang, she actually lied to him now!

 Or you lied to him just to climb a high branch!

He was not even willing to give Yue Niang to His Highness the Crown Prince!

Until this moment, his father's words of "It's a pity for Yue Niang" really felt like pity in Liu Xun's internal organs.

 No, you can’t say that.

They are no longer of the same mind. If they really send Yue Niang to the prince, she won’t even speak or act for him!

It has to be Liu Ping.

 Members of the family have the same interests.

Liu Xun was thinking to himself and without any precautions, he spoke the name "Liu Ping".

Yue Niang was puzzled: "What's wrong with Miss Ping?"

“It’s nothing,” Liu Xun tugged at his collar irritably and muttered, “Does Ah Ping look like you? He doesn’t look alike either!”

As soon as she finished speaking, Yue Niang’s head buzzed.

Almost instantly, she remembered what the princess had said.

"My sister, who is somewhat similar to you, almost got plotted against her. Who do you think is plotting her and who do you want to sacrifice her to?"

 The scheming person is Liu Xun.

 The person I want to dedicate to is His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

What if Miss Ping looks like her?

Yes or no…

Thinking of this, goose bumps stood up in layers, and a thin layer of sweat suddenly appeared on the back of the neck, which made Yue Niang couldn't help but tremble.

 The courtyard door outside opened with a creak.

Mammy bought it and called Yue Niang.

Yue Niang stood up and went out. She took her grandma in her arms and hurriedly said: "Young Master asked...I..."

Liu Xun was a few steps behind, and he also raised the curtain and came out. When he looked up and saw the two people muttering, he snorted coldly.

 Where is the confession?

These two people ate him, used him, and betrayed him together!

His sincerity was blinded in vain!

Turning his head to look in the direction of the room, Liu Xun took a deep breath when he thought of the clothes that had been trimmed.

 Don’t stimulate Yue Niang.

She and the rich young man must not have reached an agreement yet.

 She must be stabilized now, lest the fish die and the net is broken, and the water in the bamboo basket is in vain.

Liu Xun forced a smile and said, "I have some things to do before I leave." Yueniang nodded and sent him out.

The courtyard door was closed again, and the nanny asked hesitantly: "It's strange, why did the young master ask about it? Did the young master know about the girl's meeting with the princess?"

 “I don’t know.” Yue Niang said.

Seeing that she was uneasy, Mammy added: "In my opinion, it must be the new grandma who is whispering in the ear of the young master! Don't worry, girl, because the young master will not easily ask her to provoke him. On the contrary, it is you, the young lady, Why are you so worried? The more uneasy you are, the more clues you will get..."

"No, it's not..." Yue Niang shook her head, folded her arms, and walked back and forth in the yard several times.

 The sun is in the sky.

The sun fell on her body, making her feel warm, and the layer of cold sweat gradually receded.

"Mom," Yueniang made up her mind and bit her lip, "I want to see the princess. I have something to tell the princess..."

It’s still the small teahouse, still the elegant Tianzi Room.

Lin Yunyan was still wearing men's clothes and sitting and drinking tea.

After a while, Wan Yue opened the door and came in. She looked at Lin Yunyan with admiration in her eyes.

 It’s exactly what the princess said.

Yesterday afternoon, before Yue Niang and the nanny left, Huanyue told them that if anything happened, they could go to Shenghui Pavilion in Lao Shi Lane to look for someone.

I thought that even if Yue Niang really figured it out, it would only be half a month and a month later. Unexpectedly, she found her today.

Wanyue is quite puzzled by this.

She was not surprised at all that Mr. Liu was not sincere to Yue Niang.

 Ke Yueniang's love for Mr. Liu is obviously sincere.

So you are sincere, and with a few words from the princess, you can make people rebel overnight?

 Even if Chen Dong’s family contacted a watchman, he asked him to look at Mr. Liu a few times in the middle of the night.

 But it was just a few glances, not a word, not a word!

 “Your calculation is really accurate!” Wan Yue said, “Why?”

Lin Yunyan smiled.

 Suppressing her voice, she nodded briefly to Wan Yue.

"With Zheng Liu's temperament, if she goes to Shuixian Alley to show off her power, she will definitely tell Liu Xun that she wants to show off and can't hide it."

"With Liu Xun's temper, knowing that Yue Niang is being troubled by Zheng Liu, he will definitely comfort her within three days."

"He was much more active than I thought. He went there that day and met the watchman."

“Liu Xun is proud and inferior. He will become suspicious if he has too many ideas, and he will definitely ask around.”

“There was no cover when Aunt Wang came to the door. The teahouse is at the entrance of the alley, and it’s a crowded time in the afternoon. She would know where Yue Niang is just by asking.”

“If I ask again in the teahouse, the waiter will of course tell the truth.”

 Wan Yue nodded repeatedly.

 When I don’t know why, I admire you very much.

 When I sorted out my thoughts, I was even more impressed.

She just went to ask, and the waiter said that someone actually came to ask this morning.

Lin Yunyan tapped Wan Yue’s cheek and laughed again.

 She does not calculate accurately, she understands.

Although she has never had any contact with Yueniang, Lin Yunyan knows Liu Xun and Zheng Liu very well.

 In her previous life, when she married Xu Jian, Liu Xun had never heard of a person like Yueniang around her, so where had she gone?

 At that time, Liu Xun and Zheng Liu were not married yet, and Yue Niang's disappearance had nothing to do with Zheng Liu.

Then was she abandoned by Liu Xun, or was she given to the prince?

 No matter which one, Yue Niang and Liu Xun broke up.

 You could break it off before, and you can definitely break it off now.

According to this idea and adding the temperaments and temperaments of these people, such a result is also expected.

If there is anything unexpected, it is that the results came too quickly.

Of course, it’s not necessarily broken.

Let’s hear what Yue Niang has to say.

 Half a quarter of an hour later, Yueniang entered the private room.

Sitting in front of Lin Yunyan, for a moment, Yue Niang retreated.

On the one hand, there is the young master she has admired and loved for so long, and on the other hand, there is her worry, fear and uneasiness about betrayal, going back and forth, fighting on both sides.

Lin Yunyan saw her anxiety and hesitation in her eyes.

  Without any urging, he just pushed a cup of hot tea in front of Yue Niang.

“Try the jujube and ginseng tea,” she said.

Yue Niang held the teacup in both hands and drank it in small sips.

The tea soup is warm but not hot, and feels very comfortable when entering the throat. The light sweetness of the red dates dilutes the light bitterness of the ginseng, making the whole heart and lungs feel much more comfortable.


Like the sunshine falling on her body.

  The coldness and coldness were all shaken away at once.

"I have something to tell the princess," Yue Niang opened her mouth, her lips pursing, "The young master came over this morning, and he suddenly said something that made me very uneasy. He mentioned Miss Ping, and he was thinking about Miss Ping and me. Look like."

Lin Yunyan's eyes suddenly tightened.

 She immediately understood Yue Niang’s fear.

 Liu Xun actually had an idea for Liu Ping?

Yue Niang’s fingers clenched the tea cup so tightly that her fingernails turned white.

She rambled on, analyzing her own mood, and at the same time, she used this to encourage herself.

 She must firmly believe that her current choice is the right one.

Yue Niang spoke faster and faster as she became more emotional.

"When I was still in Hengshui, I heard the young master mention Miss Ping."

“He always said that Miss Ping is not familiar with the world. Obviously we are not much different in age, but Miss Ping is so naive, which makes it even more obvious that I have suffered a lot.”

“The young master thought of Miss Ping and how busy I was working for a living, and he said he felt really sorry for me.”

“He also said, if my family can be well, I have parents and brothers who love me, and I don’t have to be forced to live alone.”

"I didn't know what girl Ping's parents were like at that time, but I knew what a good brother looked like from the young master's words. I was so envious!"

 “I listened to everything the young master said.”

“But, but, when I heard the young master’s words today, I was immediately confused.”

“Young Master, do you want to push the young girl to the Crown Prince? Although she is the Crown Prince, but..."

“It is really unfortunate to have such a brother.”

"I took this road willingly. I took it on my own. But Miss Ping was different. She was betrayed by her own brother in a daze."

"I don't want to save the girl or anything. For a person like me, I have too much time to take care of myself. How can I care about saving others? I just want to save myself."

“The young master keeps saying that he is good to his sister, but he wants to harm her for his own future.”

"I'm afraid of the prince. Although I tell myself that the prince looks down on someone like me who is committed to others, but what if one day he..."

"Or maybe there are other people who can help the young master. Regardless of these, will the young master protect me?"

 “He doesn’t even protect his own sister!”

 “I have no way out!”

Yue Niang talked a lot, tears fell down, and her whole body trembled violently.

She wanted to believe the young master. Her feelings for him were so sincere and pure, but why didn’t she dare to believe him in the end?

Yue Niang couldn't explain it clearly, and she couldn't understand it. She only knew that there was a big hole in her heart.

  Thanks to book friend 20230803021229171 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.

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