Yan Cigui

Chapter 264: You really have a bright future (please give me your monthly vote)

Chapter 264 You really have a future (please vote)

 The small hall is brightly lit.

The floor-to-ceiling wooden window panels were still removed, and only the bamboo curtains were hung.

  Seeing that his master was in a bad mood, the man quickly rolled up most of the hanging curtains, exposing the courtyard outside.

In an instant, the night wind rushed in with wet water vapor, and the floor was stained with a lot of water.

Jin Guiren had no expression on his face and sat directly on the ground.

 He got up from the bed, wearing only a coat and no shoes or socks, so he was barefoot.

Hand on his left leg, his right leg is bent. Judging from his posture, he looks relaxed, but his face has a serious expression and his brows are furrowed.

 Just like the weather this night.

 It looks like it’s warm in late spring, but it’s actually very windy and rainy.

 Soon, Dao Heng arrived.

Looking at Jin Guiren, he held the hem of his clothes with one hand and sat down with his knees bent.

It has been a long time since he left Guangde Temple. His hair has grown longer and he has changed out of his monk's robes. But his daily actions occasionally reveal some of his monkish demeanor.

Sitting on his knees like this, if he put on his cassock and pinched a string of Buddhist beads, he would look like an eminent monk.

 Jin Guiren did not speak.

 Dao Heng also knew something was wrong: "When I left, Liu Xun was the only one in the house."

"Why is the prince there?" Jin Guiren's voice was cold and deep.

 It was difficult for Dao Heng to answer because he was still not sure which part had the problem.

These days, Xu Jian has been checking very closely.

  Just as the master said, Xu Jian has a very good nose.

 If Xu Jian is asked to dig deeper around the house, he may find some troublesome things.

 Hence, the master decided to give the house to Xu Jian.

 Dao Heng is the bait.

 He deliberately appeared in the market so that Shuntian Mansion could get clues and approach the house little by little.

 According to the original plan, the Yamen discovered Liu Xun and took him back.

Whether Xu Jian was restrained by the Liu family and tried to find a way to deal with Liu Xun, or whether he directly beat his discordant brother to death regardless of the Liu family's intentions, he had to accept this "gift".

Shuntian Prefecture followed their stated arrangements to check the house, and Xu Jian could only make some innocuous discoveries.

 This is tail docking.

They are lighter after their tails are docked. It is also a benefit for Xu Jian to hold the docked tail.

 The plan went well at first.

His Royal Highness the Prince has been visiting frequently in the past few days. He has been obedient these days and has not gone to the house again.

From what the palace said, His Highness also said that he would return to the palace after leaving office today.

 Dao Heng then walked around Chenmi Hutong.

 The house is all set up.

 The nursing home was evacuated and the number of administrative duties was reduced, leaving some dancing girls who didn't know what was going on to deal with Liu Xun. They also drank wine with enough stamina that they would not wake up even if the earth shook...

 And he left before nightfall.

Those government officials guarding the entrance of the alley couldn't watch him.

Everything is going smooth.

Shuntian Prefecture was dispatched, and Shan Shen also called the garrison yamen, and a group of people rushed into the house from the north and south sides.

However, they discovered that in addition to Liu Xun, there was also a Crown Prince!

 Daoheng was doing other things at the time. When the news was received, everyone was taken to Shuntian Mansion.

How can he say that he is ugly?

 Let alone why His Highness went suddenly, he didn’t even know when His Highness went.

Jin Guiren raised his eyes and turned to look at Dao Heng: "I'm afraid this matter won't be easy to handle. Find out more about the situation in Shuntian Mansion and wait until daybreak. Let's see if Mr. Shan is sensible."

 Shuntian Mansion is so busy inside and outside that it never touches the ground.

  Tu Gui, the prime minister who stayed behind in the mansion, came out quickly to greet him. He was shocked when he saw the man who came back looked very bad.

 He asked Zhang Yuan in a low voice: "Did you let that monk run away?"

 Looking at this posture, it doesn’t look like it.

 Those carriages coming back together can’t be empty, right?

 “I didn’t find Dao Heng,” Zhang Yuan said with a bitter face, “I found a fatal one.”

 I don’t understand the slaughter regulations.

 Until he saw Li Shao being carried in.

"This, this..." Tu Gui's eyes almost fell out, "How come His Highness was brought back by you? Could there be an assassin who kidnapped His Highness? Why didn't His Highness wake up!"

“Stop yelling,” Shan Shen came up from behind and took off his wet bamboo hat. “Let’s find a doctor first. It will be troublesome if His Highness catches a cold.”

 Tu Gui glanced at the tired Shan Shen and did not ask any further questions.

Master came closer to Tu Gui and said in a low voice: "There are no monks in that house, only His Highness the Crown Prince, his dandy friends and their group of dancing girls and beauties."

 Slaughter regulations:…

As expected of a master who has read thousands of books, one sentence is all it takes.

Tu Gui asked Shan Shen, "Sir, can I be an ordinary doctor? Are you going to call for help from the Imperial Hospital?"

"Please be strict with your words. Don't let the whole capital know that we have brought the prince back tomorrow morning." Zhang Yuan wiped his face, "Sir, what are we going to do about this matter? Wait until His Highness wakes up and ask about the situation. Finally, can you pass it off as a cover? You report it to the Holy Emperor privately, without spreading it to the whole court..."

Shan Shen waved his hand.

 Zhang Yuan must have been busy earlier and did not hear what he and Wantang said.

 This is a situation, and it will be even worse if you hide it.

Who let His Highness the Crown Prince fall into trouble?

 “Let’s go find an imperial doctor.” Shan Shen said.

 The person on duty is An Yuanjing.

Hearing someone tell him about the situation, he didn't dare to delay and hurried to Shuntian Mansion.

Li Shao was placed in a room, covered with a quilt, and fell into a deep sleep.

An Yuan made a diagnosis and said: "There should be no serious health problems. It seems that the alcohol is too strong. Just wake up. I will prepare some **** soup later. It will be cold tonight. I lay naked on the ground and blew it again." The wind has brought some rain, so don’t get cold.”

 After saying that, he went to see Liu Xun again and came to the same conclusion.

Shan Shen was examining Eunuch Shi with a stupefied expression.

Eunuch Shi didn’t drink much and was not strong enough, so he was pinched hard by the yamen servant. When he woke up, he was still confused.

   When asked what he was talking about, his answers were confusing and full of filthy words.

Shan Shen was so angry that he had someone take him out and throw him on the open ground where he was soaked in the rain for half an hour.

Eunuch Shi woke up completely now and stood up screaming: "What bastard! Do you know who the Zajia is? How did the Zajia..."

Shan Shen asked him: "Then do you know where this is?"

Eunuch Shi looked at the sound.

The court hall is bright and has a plaque with the words "A bright mirror hangs high".

Eunuch Shi blinked and looked at the person standing under the plaque.

He still recognizes Shuntian Fuyin's face.

 So, is this really Shuntian Mansion?

Eunuch Shi shuddered and stumbled into the courtroom until he was in front of Shan Shen, leaving a long watermark behind him.

"Shan, Shan, why are the Zajia here?" Eunuch Shi asked curiously, "Where is your highness?"

“I still remember Your Highness, I finally have some conscience.” Shan Shen said coldly.

Eunuch Shi was quick to talk and immediately said: "The Za family will be loyal to Your Highness..."

"Then you still let His Highness sleep with women in such a mess?" Shan Shen interrupted Eunuch Shi, "That room is a mess! If you don't want to live anymore, find a rope to hang yourself to death! You're still **** harming others! I If you lose your black hat this time, I will follow you! I will chop it off as soon as it grows!"

Eunuch Shi didn’t expect to receive such a beating. He was dumbfounded and instinctively covered his body with his hands.

  Why do you want to chop it again?


 Why should I chop him?

He is working for the prince, so why should Shuntian Mansion be yelling at him?

Eunuch Shi came to his senses and pointed at Shan Shen to curse. Shan Shenli ignored it and asked directly: "Why did you go to the house in Chenmi Hutong? Have you been there before? What is the connection between Your Highness and that house? Why is Liu Xun here? Have you ever seen a monk there? Today What else happened at night? Please tell me everything! If you don't cooperate, I will hand you over to Eunuch Cao at dawn and let Eunuch Cao ask."

 Eunuch Shi's arrogance was completely extinguished after hearing the three words "Eunuch Cao".

 He had heard someone say that if he fell into the hands of Eunuch Cao, he would not be able to live or die.

“His Royal Highness wanted to go there, so he went.”

“The Zajia followed His Highness after the thank-you banquet. Before that, it was Eunuch Hu. As early as when he was serving His Highness, His Highness often went there.”

“I heard that Mr. Liu introduced this place to His Highness. They are all clean dancing girls and thin horses. Your Highness can exchange one batch for another batch.”

“I don’t know what their background is. There used to be a lot of nursing homes, but today they all seemed to have taken shelter from the rain.”

"They probably don't know His Highness's identity. Your Highness always wears a mask. His Highness gives you enough money. As long as they make money in this kind of business, they must know the rules and will not inquire about his identity."

“When we were at the Yamen, His Highness and the Duke of Fu were not very happy in their conversation, so His Highness wanted to go and relax. Only when he arrived did he find that Mr. Liu was also there.”

“I have never seen a monk or anything, but I did send a group of young nuns once, and His Highness even praised them.”

“Tonight is just like usual. I got drunk for some reason and will be here when I wake up.”

  "Hey, where is Your Highness? The Zajia family still has to serve His Highness!"

Besides, the master kept writing and writing while looking at Shan Shen who was rubbing his temples.

The **** answered with a hammer here and there, and at least he made the matter clear.

No matter how many there are, it is obviously impossible to ask.

Shan Shen was used to asking questions: "Why did I replace you after the thank-you banquet? Where is Eunuch Hu?"

Eunuch Shi had no choice but to talk about the exchange of tribute wine.

Shan Shen:…

 What does he do to ask more questions?

 Is this something he can inquire about casually?

Haven’t you seen that there’s no sound at all outside?

  The tribute wine at the thanksgiving banquet was all wiped out. Not to mention the court, even in the imperial city, except for the few people present at the time, there was probably no news at all.

The Holy Spirit’s attitude is clear.

 But unfortunately, His Highness the Crown Prince ended up in Shuntian Mansion this time.

 It may still be a situation that cannot be concealed.

This time it’s really fatal.

After taking Eunuch Shi down, Shan Shen asked the dancers who had woken up and the guardian who had been caught by the garrison.

I don’t know anything about everything, and there are no clues.

Seeing that it was stuck, Wantang came in quickly.

“I did a simple search, but didn’t find anything. It’s inconvenient at night, so I’ll wait until daybreak before going,” he said angrily, “What did you ask here?”

 The master handed the written confession to Wantang.

The more you look at Wantang, the deeper the word "chuan" between your eyebrows becomes, almost becoming a ravine.

 “Why did you exchange the tribute wine?” Wantang cursed, “Your Highness is really…”

Shan Shen turned to look at the master and asked with his eyes: Why did you write this down?

 Master is also bitter.

Of course he would record whatever confessions he had made, and only delete them when he compiled them into a case file.

Shan Shen looked at Wantang again, okay, if you have too many debts, you won’t have to worry about it, if you have too many lice, you won’t be itchy.

He and Commander Wan Zhong knew more and less, but they were almost the same.

Wantang finished reading and asked, "Are Your Highness and Liu Xun awake?"

"His Royal Highness did not wake up, and Judge An was watching," Shan Shen said. "Liu Xun woke up once, drank **** soup in a vague way, and passed out again."

Wantang’s mouth twitched.

 Still drink **** soup?

 Which one of them is not soaked to the skin?

"You Shuntian Prefecture is too polite in doing things," Wantang handed the confession back to the master and urged him to lead the way, "We are not used to guarding the Yamen."

As the master walked away, he said: "After all, he is the son of the Minister of Honglu Temple..."

"So what?" Wantang didn't care, "The Holy One has the final say on how His Highness will be punished, but this Liu Xun, I think he is hopeless. He was the one who brought His Highness to that house to play with women, right? Look, Your Majesty will chop him down. If you don't kill him! Mr. Liu won't be able to keep his official title. In all likelihood, he will have to go with him to examine at the Palace of Hell."

 Entering the room where Liu Xun was housed, Wantang directly lifted him out of bed.

Liu Xun's clothes were put on by the yamen servants. They were loose and not worn properly. When the collar was lifted, he almost slipped out of the clothes.

Wantang cursed, grabbed Liu Xun's arm, dragged him out, and threw him into the rain.

Liu Xun woke up within half a quarter of an hour.

 Standing around in a daze, looking around.

He didn't know Wantang, but he knew Shan Shen and Zhang Yuan. He had been to the back office of Shuntian Prefecture before.

"Are you awake?" Wantang said, "Take your highness to sleep with a woman. You really have a future."

 Zhang Yuan didn't understand and asked the master in a low voice: "What's the future?"

It doesn’t matter if the master is smiling or not smiling: “Eighteen years later, there will be another good man’s future.”

 Zhang Yuan:…

 It’s still eighteen years.

Liu Xun, that stinky boy, has never lived to be eighteen in his life!

When Liu Xun finally understood the situation, he collapsed on the ground, unable to get up at all.

The house was so safe, how could it be searched by Shuntian Prefecture?

There are so many nursing homes, why is there no resistance at all?

They didn’t drink too much, but if there was some noise up front that alerted them, they could pack up and run away.

Rather than being caught red-handed.

"I, I..." Liu Xun stammered, "I don't, I'm not..."

Shan Shen asked directly: "When did you know about that place? And when did you take Your Highness there?"

Just as Liu Xun was about to answer, Li Shao woke up in the room next to him.

 A group of people left Liu Xun behind and went to see Li Shao.

Li Shao had a gloomy face, and after figuring out the cause and effect, his heart beat faster instantly.

 Those things about him will be known to his father again.

Are you scared?

 Li Shao was undoubtedly scared.

But at the same time, the feeling that he had experienced before emerged again, and the exciting and stimulating sense of accomplishment that he could escape unscathed enveloped him.

 Looking at Shan Shen and others, Li Shao staggered out of bed: "Get out of the way."

Shan Shen said: "Your Highness, I haven't figured out the matter about the house yet."

"Then you keep doing it. Isn't it enough to catch so many people?" Li Shao said, "I want to go back to wash up and change my clothes."

Shan Shen didn’t want to give in: “Dao Heng is involved, and the matter is serious...”

“Are you afraid that I will run away?” Li Shao said, “I am the crown prince, and my father is in the palace. Am I still running away?”

Wantang looked at Li Shao with veins twitching in his forehead. He stretched out his hand to stop him, but was stopped by Shan Shen.

Li Shao walked out quickly.

 When he passed by Liu Xun, he didn't even look at him.

 The rain was pouring down, making him feel chilly, but the excitement in his heart made him feel hot all over.

 The rain washed down the wine, and Li Shao's steps became much steadier.

 Exciting, he thought, this is exciting.

However, he also had to think of ways to appease his father.

Let's go discuss it with uncle first.

 “Give me a horse.” Li Shao said.

 Zhang Yuan trotted out to follow him, and when he saw this, he motioned to the Yamen servant to give it to him.

Li Shao got on his horse and galloped away. The two guards followed him and escorted him until they saw him knocking on the door of Prince Jin's Mansion and he breathed a sigh of relief.

Requesting a monthly pass~~~

   Thanks to book friends Tongtong 1609 and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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