Yan Cigui

Chapter 287: Tail docking (two updates in one)

 Chapter 287 Tail-off (two updates in one)

 In the corridor, Lin Yunyan did not move.

He lowered his eyes, and the spoon in his hand never scraped the bottom of the bowl. The not much cheese left was just scattered here and there, and he could only make up a quarter spoon. .

Lin Yunyan picked it up and ate it.

 Lift your eyes and look forward naturally.

 Xu Jian can no longer be seen.

There is a small corner that just blocks the view to the yard next door.

Putting the bowl aside, Lin Yunyan wiped it with a handkerchief.

 The area on the lips that Xu Jian had just wiped had no remaining touch from the fingertips.

 Speaking of which, Xu Jiangang didn't use any effort at that moment, it was very natural and casual.

To be serious, it is definitely not dignified and solemn, but between her and Xu Jian, it seems that there is no need to be so serious.

Thinking about this, Lin Yunyan folded the two bowls and spoons and put them away, got up and went into the kitchen.

Grandma He's family was sitting in front of the stove, watching the fire and preparing dinner.

Xuansu stood in front of the cupboard and ate cheese, spoonful after spoonful.

Seeing Lin Yunyan come in, Grandma stood up and Xuan Su also put down the spoon.

Lin Yunyan handed the bowl and spoon to Aunt He and said, "The Duke and I will go to the flower hall first."

 Mama naturally responded.

Hearing what she said, Xuan Su put the bowl on the table and prepared to serve the tea tray.

"I'll just take it over," Lin Yunyan stopped him, "It's just two steps away, you eat what you have."

Xuan Su said: "It's a small matter."

Lin Yunyan burst into laughter: "What a big deal."

Seeing that he couldn't control her, Xuansu followed the good example.

Lin Yunyan took the tea tray, walked out of the kitchen, crossed the yard and went to the next door.

The evening wind blew on me, it was already the warmth of early summer, and there was still a little glow in the sky in the distance.

 This is an extremely ordinary day in the capital.

 But it also reminded her of many old things.

Xuansu likes to eat sweets very much, and he even eats them sweeter than Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan also joked with Xu Jian. She was obviously expressionless and acted without any sloppiness, but why was her taste so surprising?

 But it was Xuan Su who sacrificed his life so neatly that no one could react.

   However, they were already surrounded on all sides.

However, they all know that it is difficult to escape.

 But when it came to that moment, I was still caught off guard.

Xuan Su led the pursuers away for her and Xu Jian...

In the end, all she could do was buy a bunch of candied haws, and she and Xu Jian ate it in silence before continuing on the road of no return.

 Compared with those past events, the "ordinaryness" of today is simply heaven and earth.

 After experiencing so many hardships, how could she still be upset by Xu Jian's useless actions?

Sure enough, there are too many comfortable days.

 The whole person feels a little bit drifting.

Lin Yunyan entered the flower hall, put down the tea tray, and prepared to make tea in an orderly manner.

Xu Jian was sitting and seeing no one behind her, she asked, "Where is Xuansu?"

"I'm letting him eat cheese," Lin Yunyan kept moving her hands, "I'm just making tea, I don't need him to come."

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows: "Is he still in the kitchen?"

"Yeah," Lin Yunyan lit the small stove, put the kettle on, and smiled when she opened her mouth again, "holding a big bowl, do you think everyone is just like you, so you can't finish any of it?"

 Xu Jian laughed.

 He doesn't care whether Xuan Su comes or not.

Xuan Su and Shen Chen are also busy on weekdays. They were doing surveillance day and night, so it was not a big deal for them to have some free time to eat their favorite food.

 He is not that particular, he must follow suit and do this and that.

It’s just a matter of making tea. If Lin Yunyan wants to make it, she can make it. If she doesn’t want to, just let him go and let him make the tea.

 He just couldn't listen to the little princess's "nonsense".

 What does it mean to be like him and not be able to finish any of it?

 How many mouthfuls can there be in a bowl of cheese?

 It was clear that he was trying to give her a step down, but the little princess didn't even appreciate it at all.

 That’s not right either.

The little princess didn't realize that it was a step at all, she just thought it was a flat plain. Indeed, she didn't even know where to get her love.

Thinking of this, Xu Jian said something: "The tea I took from Cining Palace earlier..."

"Have you finished drinking?" Lin Yunyan didn't even raise her head, just preparing tea.

 Xu Jian said deliberately: "Drink it."

“Shall I go to the Queen Mother to ask for some more?” Lin Yunyan asked.

“Why is this so embarrassing?” Xu Jian paused, then changed the subject, “Or do you want to take this opportunity to go to the empress’s place and sing another scene where you are extremely satisfied with your marriage?”

Lin Yunyan paused in taking the tea leaves, raised her eyes and looked at Xu Jian: "What? Do you want to go with me?"

"No," Xu Jian said in a scornful tone, "your costume is too much, I can't handle it."

Lin Yunyan:…

Even if she knew that Xu Jian was so eccentric, she couldn't help but want to glare at him.

Xu Jian let her glare and said with impartiality, "If you really want to act, wait until after Xiao Ding. You have to go to the palace to thank me."

Lin Yunyan said: "Will you be able to catch it then?"

 The water is boiling.

Xu Jian motioned to Lin Yunyan to step back, then he took the kettle and poured it into the purple clay pot. The aroma of the tea was instantly stimulated.

His fingers are very long. They have been practicing martial arts for a long time and have well-defined joints.

His palms are so big that the teapot looks a bit dainty in his hands.

After dividing the tea, Xu Jian pushed one to Lin Yunyan: "Take it bravely."

 The tea soup is piping hot.

The steam was rising between the two of them.

Lin Yunyan said "Oh": "You are quite aggrieved by the reception?"

"It's okay," Xu Jian curled her lips, "It's just that the play is a bit slow."

 The days of Xiao Ding have been postponed from the beginning of spring to June.

Although slow is slow, it is better than rushing. After all, there were too many things happening a while ago.

They are all crowded together. Although they will not be exhausted, they cannot say that they will not be stretched.

Lin Yunyan did not react to the word "slow" at once.

Xu Jian picked up the tea cup and took a sip, then changed the topic: "Before, the Guyue merchant Xuansu met in Chenmi Hutong, his Han name was Su Chang, he was engaged in spice business, and he opened a house in West Street not long ago. The shop has just started doing business, and the business is so-so. "

 “Is your surname also Su?” Lin Yunyan raised her eyebrows.

 The chief envoy of Gu Yue’s envoy was named Su Yi in Chinese.

Most of the more than 100-strong envoys also have Chinese names.

"There are thirty or forty people with the surname Su in total," Xu Jian read the document and said, "I couldn't tell whether they all tried to please Su Yi or imitated him, or whether he had a close relationship with Su Yi. I found out recently that it might be the latter. A sort of."

 That day, Xuan Su only saw that the businessman looked familiar, but did not know his specific identity.

 At that time, he mainly followed Li Shao, and could not always keep an eye on Guyue Ren. It wasn't until Gu Yue's envoy left Beijing in a grand manner that Xuan Su determined Su Chang's identity.

Since he is a businessman or a businessman related to that house, Xu Jian guessed that he would definitely return to the capital.

 It is a good reason to do business.

 You can contact a lot of people and do a lot of things easily.

As expected, not long ago, Xu Jian blatantly checked Gu Yue's business information on the pretext of supervising a case in Shuntian Prefecture.

 After all, with that golden piece of paper as a guarantee, no matter how deeply he investigated, it would be justified in Shan Shen's eyes.

 After such an investigation, traces of Su Chang were found.

Su Chang returned to the capital soon after the envoy left the capital, opened a shop and started business.

“Gu Yue’s visit, apart from trade, is mainly to discuss how to deal with Xiliang,” Xu Jian said. “The Xiliang cavalry cannot easily enter Yumen Pass, but they harass other small countries outside the pass.

Gu Yue’s idea is to use us to suppress Xiliang, and the envoy is also trying to bargain.

However, this time they did not take advantage of much. "

 Speaking of this, Xu Jian took another sip of tea.

 No matter how much he bothers Liu Jing, he has to praise that in this kind of confrontation between you and me, Liu Jing's advance and retreat were very appropriate.

  It gave Gu Yue some sweetness and allowed the court to gain the upper hand.

 Liu Jing followed the Holy Spirit's will and grasped that degree.

"So, Su Yi can give instructions to their master," Xu Jian said, "but Gu Yue will also feel that he is not taking advantage."

Lin Yunyan laughed when she heard this: "Liu Jing has lost his official position, and the minister of Honglu Temple has been replaced by another one. If Gu Yue comes to discuss it again next year, he may have some advantages."

From this point of view, the people behind the plan also had this consideration in trapping Liu Xun in Chenmi Hutong.

 However, the other party did not expect that the prince would be tricked as well.

 Xu Jian also laughed.

Even though they knew that the other party had the idea of ​​replacing Liu Jing, they would not protect Liu Jing. Instead, they would kill someone with a borrowed knife and kill a few more.

“Chenmi Hutong is gone, but Su Chang is still in the capital. If you follow this line more, you can find out whether the King of Jin is behind him.” Xu Jian said.

 Speaking of which, Lin Yunyan also talked about what she gained from Guangde Temple.

 “Jinzhong Changyuntang?” Xu Jian raised his eyebrows slightly.

Whether he is the King of Jin or not, the other party must have a lot of money in his hands.

Although a prince has rich assets, but to the extent that he can cover the sky with one hand, he will not be dissatisfied with less money.

“Li Mi must have left behind more than just gold bricks,” Xu Jian said. “I don’t know how many people swallowed them up in the early years, and then added so many charity halls...

I asked Jing Dafan to check the charity halls in the south of the Yangtze River, especially the five that he funded. He recorded some accounts. The things are in my study. I will compare them with what you wrote down later.

 If you receive too much and remember too little, the debt will not be settled. "

Lin Yunyan rolled her eyes and smiled.

She guessed that since Jing Daduan fled to the capital and mentioned it before, it was impossible for Xu Jian not to check the Shantang.

“Which study room?” Lin Yunyan asked, “Here or in the mansion?”

Just when Xu Jian was about to answer, he saw her smiling and changed his words: "So happy? Is there a prize for guessing correctly?"

Lin Yunyan glared at him.

“It’s really a good idea to trick the abbot into checking the ledger for you.” Xu Jian stood up and walked outside. “It’s in the study next door. I’ll take you to find it.”

Lin Yunyan responded.

 The two of them left the flower hall one after another.

The sky is darker than before, and the sunset glow on the horizon is almost invisible. Soon, it will be time to light the lamps.

Lin Yunyan fell a few steps behind, her eyes sliding down from the sky and falling on Xu Jian's back.

 Very high.

 She rarely looked at Xu Jian like this.

 In the past, when she walked behind Xu Jian, Xu Jian would always sit down.

With that wheelchair, she pushed Gulu Gulu forward.

 Lin Yunyan was used to pushing and hearing the sound of the roller. She remembered that when she first woke up, she was walking on the bluestone floor tiles. Without the sound, it would still feel strange.

 Now that I think about it, she prefers this.

She needed to raise her head a little, so that the shadow in front of her could cover her when it lengthened diagonally, and Xu Jian could move forward smoothly on her own.

 She will get used to it too.

 Pushing open the study door, Xu Jian lit the oil lamp.

The documents were all on the shelf. He thought about it, took out two volumes and handed them to Lin Yunyan.

"Those who were copied back by Jing Daduan," Xu Jian said, "all the people from the five charity halls are among them."

Lin Yunyan sat down at the table and looked through it.

Of the five charity halls owned by Jing Dashan, the oldest one was built thirteen years ago, and the newest one was eight years ago. They have been in operation for many years, and until this year, they looked pretty good on the surface.

Although Jing Daduan did not receive any additional funding after its completion, Jiangnan was already prosperous, and many wealthy businessmen contributed to it every year.

Each family’s situation is different, and each donation may be large or small.

But from beginning to end, Lin Yunyan could not find any help from "Guangde Temple".

 She remembered the year and month amount clearly, but none of them appeared on it.

"Swallow it," Lin Yunyan said, "It's not easy to swallow it locally. If people check it, something will go wrong. The capital is far away, and Guangde Temple won't let anyone check it."

Even if it does come, there are so many entries and exits every year that it can be fooled.

It's because Guangde Temple didn't actually pay for it, or Jiangnan Shantang took it but said it was confiscated...

 Based on the situation in the previous life, it is estimated to be the latter one.

Those incense money, after traveling in this way, eventually disappeared.

The support of Guangde Temple is only a part. More, you can rely on this method. From many temples, you can also turn the wealthy merchants to fund them from the Shanntang.

 Finally, the money was collected and accumulated into a small amount.

“There is not enough evidence,” Xu Jian thought for a while and said, “You just mentioned Chang Yuntang in Jinzhong, so we can start with the Shi family.”

Lin Yunyan was slightly startled, but quickly remembered it again.

 Six years after they captured Wang, the young man they captured together was named Shi.

Shi Jiao was once the owner of thirteen sets of land titles in Lao Shi Lane, and the two boxes of gold bricks were buried under his house.

“Where is that person from the Shi family?” Lin Yunyan asked, “Is he still in the capital?”

Wang Liu was arrested in the sixth year, and Shi Zhe was brought back to the Yamen. He once said that the notes left by his grandfather told him to go to Guangde Temple to find Dao Heng, and he did so and found Wang Liu through Dao Heng. Year.

Shi Zhe spent a few days with Wang Sixian, but he didn't know anything about other things.

  It is not his turn to be beheaded, and there is no need for him to be imprisoned.

After Shan Shen asked for the holy will, he released the man first, but he didn't let him leave the capital. He kept his eyes open to see when he could catch a fish.

"He should be here. I'll ask Mr. Shan tomorrow," Xu Jian said. "He'd better tell something about Chang Yuntang."

Lin Yunyan closed the account book: "The person behind that golden note should be under a lot of pressure. If he knew that the Yamen was eyeing Su Chang and wanted to investigate Shantang, with his temperament..."

 Xu Jian chuckled: "Dropping the tail."

That person has always been like this.

 If it is bitten tightly, its tail will be cut off to survive.

Use this bit of broken tail to add to Xu Jian's head, and escape unscathed.

However, the tail is much more broken, and when put together, he can look like Lin Yunyan.

“Let’s see what kind of tail it is this time.” Lin Yunyan said with a smile.

   Thanks to book friends 20230803021229171, Xiaoyuan, and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the tip, and thanks to Bookstore book friend Hua Lizi for the tip.

  (End of this chapter)

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