Yan Cigui

Chapter 292: I'm not interested in killing you (two updates in one, please vote for me)

Chapter 292 I’m not interested in killing you (two updates in one, please vote for me)


 When Xu Jian entered, he saw Shan Shen at a glance.

Master Shan has been up all night. He is really tired as he is waiting to go to court. He sits with his arms folded and takes a nap.

There are not many seats indoors, and it was originally not Shan Shen's turn to sit, but everyone knew that Shuntian Mansion was working on cases day and night recently, so no one bothered him.

An Yibo also arrived and looked at Shan Shen a few times and then at Xu Jian.

"I heard that you are also staying in the Yamen until dawn?" An Yibo asked in a low voice. When Xu Jian nodded, he added, "It is better for a young man, he can bear to stay up all night."

Xu Jian replied: "I will be tired too, not to mention that Master Shan has been suffering from it for the past few days."

"Is there any progress in the case in the suburbs?" An Yibo muttered and asked, but he didn't pay much attention to it. He just talked to Xu Jian, "I heard that Mrs. Xu has moved back to the house?"

 “Yes.” Xu Jian responded.

 Xu Miao and Liu Ping have settled down.

  I moved the night before yesterday. Xu Jian went over to take a look and say hello.

  I was not free yesterday. I didn't go back to the house at night. I didn't go to the backyard when I just went back to change my court clothes.

 He had no intention of avoiding it, it was just a coincidence.

An Yibo looked Xu Jian up and down.

 He was not sure what Xu Jian's attitude was towards his biological mother.

As for Liu Jing, it goes without saying that Uncle An Yi sees it and will not miss it.

For Mrs. Xu, I thought it was probably better than Liu Jing, but it seemed very different in recent days.

The news spread all over the Qianbu Corridor. When Mrs. Xu went to the Dali Temple Yamen to say goodbye to Liu Xun, Xu Jian accompanied her, and then went to Shuntian Mansion to finalize the divorce letter.

If there is no emotion at all, given Xu Jian's temperament, it is impossible to do so, not to mention that Mrs. Xu has moved back to the Fuguo Palace.

"That's fine," An Yibo considered, "the rules are detailed, and it would be a good thing to have someone in the inner courtyard to help. My old lady has said that she will discuss it with Mrs. Xu, so that you won't be unable to find time in the Yamen."

  Xu Jian said: "Thank you, uncle and madam, for your hard work."

 An Yibo took a reassurance.

 She is willing to let Mrs. Xu intervene in the marriage, which shows that the relationship between the two parties is relatively relaxed.

fair enough.

Xu Mang is just an only daughter, and it’s okay to go back home in circles.

It was almost time, and when the civil and military officials were about to line up to go to court, Xu Jian went over and woke up Shan Shen.

Shan Shen was dozing off and hurriedly wiped his face to cheer up.

Seeing that he was awake, a group of people around asked him about Si Dao Hutong.

“I heard that the one who died was Dao Heng?”

“He was killed? Do you have any clues about the murderer?”

“You were pointing fingers at him for solving the Chenmi Hutong case, why did he die?”

Shan Shen’s last bit of confusion disappeared and he simply answered: “I’ll talk about it later. I’ll talk about it later.”

 Soon, everyone will know it when Mr. Shangshang is reported.

Shan Shen was very happy. Holding the booklet, he explained the current situation one by one.

 Xu Jian stood, raised his eyes, and looked at the Holy One on the throne.

 The Holy Father sat upright, with his right arm resting on the armrest, and his expression was solemn.

Xu Jian only glanced twice and then withdrew his gaze, and did not look at anyone else, especially King Jin.

 He had guessed at King Jin before. To be fair, he was very curious about King Jin's current expression, but he couldn't look past it.

 That person is not easy to mess with.

 In other words, King Jin was very defensive.

It even made Xu Jian feel that there was a gaze falling on him in front of him.

It is not obvious, it can even be said to be very hidden. If Xu Jian hadn't been particularly keen on others, it would have been difficult for him to detect it.

 On that side, the King of Jin, the King of Xian, or even the Prince of Ping are all possible.

 Shan Shen finished speaking.

 The Holy Father asked a few questions and then did not continue.

 As other matters were dealt with one by one, Xu Jian still felt the scrutinizing gaze.

Thinking about how to react, he quickly raised his eyes and looked back.

In that room, King Jin and King Xian were talking in a low voice. Their expressions were indifferent and there was no clue in their expressions.

In order to facilitate communication with the Xian King, the King of Jin, who was standing in front, leaned back slightly, lowered his head, and turned half of his face. Therefore, he met Xu Jian's eyes.

 The eyes met, but it was extremely natural.

 Perhaps King Jin's eyes fell on Shi, and King Xian also glanced at Xu Jian.

 Xu Jian lowered his eyes again, extremely respectful.

 He was inclined towards the Jin king, but could not completely reject the virtuous king.

I have to say that in that glance just now, no matter which prince it was, his posture and eyes were just right.

 The next dynasty.

 After the Holy Spirit left, the courtiers in the Jinluan Hall also walked out one after another.

Xu Jian lagged behind, his steps neither hurried nor slow.

 Then, a hand fell on Xu Jian's shoulder and patted it twice.

 Xu Jian looked at the owner of the hand and said, "Your Majesty."

"You are quite perceptive," King Jin smiled, "I just mentioned you to my eighth brother, and you looked over."

Xu Jian’s face showed no clue: “I always feel like someone is watching.”

"Yes, when I mentioned you, I naturally looked at you twice," King Jin said straightforwardly, without hiding anything, "As expected of a martial artist."

 Having experienced risks and fighting on the battlefield, you can be particularly alert to the sight of others.

"I heard that you went to the East Palace two days ago? How is His Highness doing?" King Jin's voice was very low.

 Xu Jian did not answer directly: "Your Majesty, do you care about His Highness?"

"How can you not care?" King Jin sighed, "He and I have always been close. He did something wrong this time, so I should teach him a lesson, but I still worry about it. Not only me, but also my eighth brother. Come on, let’s talk about this just now.”

Xu Jian said: "Your Majesty cares about His Highness, why don't you mention it to His Majesty and go to the East Palace to see him?"

"That's not good," King Jin rejected Xu Jian's suggestion. "He is grounded and deserves to be imprisoned by the Holy Master for a while. You are supervising the case and you should go to him if you have anything to do. My eighth brother and I are different from you. If we If you want to see him, go see him. Why is he banned? "

"You are right," Xu Jian responded, and added, "His Highness is in good spirits, almost as usual. He was reading when I went in. He also regrets what happened in Chenmi Hutong."

"Okay, there's no need to say good things for him," King Jin Yile said with a smile on his face, "He can really calm down and read more books. This grounding can also be considered as a chance for him to grow. The Holy One values ​​him and he must always That’s outrageous, and it’s too worrying.”

Xu Jian also smiled.

The two of them walked out of the hall together and walked down the long steps.

"It should be a good guardian," Xu Jian's words were flat, and there was no emotion. "The wound of the court is okay, but there is nothing wrong with daily travel." "Where is the daily travel? "Is it okay?" King Jin shook his head and said with emotion, "If you ask a few more imperial doctors to diagnose it, maybe you can find someone who can cure it."

"The imperial doctors have tried their best," Xu Jian followed. "The experts outside are also asking about it, but they haven't gained anything yet."

"I just think it's such a pity," King Jin said, "The imperial court is short of generals. Your Majesty also mentioned to me privately that after your grandfather died of illness, I thought you would have a few more years of experience so that you could be in charge in the future, but it turned out that this path didn't work. ”

Xu Jian sighed: "I also feel it is a pity, but I can't force it."

"What? You just admit it like that?" King Jin glanced at Xu Jian, "Don't blame me for being harsh. You think it won't affect your daily life now. But when you get married, your legs won't be strong enough and you won't even be able to hold your wife. "

 Xu Jian was stunned for a moment.

Even though he was trying to figure out the intention behind King Jin's words and deal with them carefully, he never expected that Prince Jin would suddenly say such a sentence.

This is not a matter of roughness or not, but that he has very little involvement with King Jin, and the other party should not have brought it up, but he mentioned the little princess so abruptly...

Seeing that Xu Jian didn't answer, King Jin laughed again.

After all, he was an unmarried young man. He had not come to his senses after being teased like this. King Jin even saw Xu Jian's ears and neck turning slightly red.

"I'll also ask around," King Jin stopped laughing. "If there is a doctor who is good at treating injuries, I will send someone to find you."

 Xu Jian hurriedly said: "How can I trouble the prince..."

"No trouble," King Jin said as he walked away, "His Highness has a direct personality, but he is actually a little awkward inside. He didn't say anything about your leg being injured because of him, but I could tell that he was also thinking about it.

You were ordered to accompany him to observe the government. I think His Majesty’s intention is also for you to assist him more in the future.

If your leg injury can be cured, Your Highness will feel at ease, and there will be no need for such a thorn lying across the middle, which will make you feel uncomfortable one day.

 Talking the injury is an urgent matter, so don’t push it too hard. "

When talking about this, Xu Jian said naturally: "Then I would rather be respectful than obey my orders."

 Wang Jin nodded.

 The two of them left the palace gate from the square.

The sedan chair was arranged aside. Prince Jin didn't say anything more and bowed into the sedan chair.

 Xu Jian watched the sedan leave with a heavy look in his eyes.

Shen Chen was waiting aside. When he saw Xu Jian coming over, he whispered to him, "The arrangements have been made over there. I just woke up."

 Xu Jian nodded.

According to Shen Chen, the person who just woke up is Su Chang.

Wang Qi took Dao Heng away from the shop, and Su Chang was very upset.

That was not his business, but he just felt cold all over, especially yesterday evening when he heard that a body was found in Sidao Hutong.

Su Chang asked people to inquire, and sure enough, people outside said that the person who died was Dao Heng.

As a result, Su Chang did not dare to stay in his shop.

Thinking of the post he received during the day, he hurried to the banquet.

 The banquet was organized by a chamber of commerce in the capital, and its members were all businessmen from other places. Since Su Chang was doing business in the capital, he rarely had to deal with them.

 The banquet was held in a restaurant on West Street. It was not far away, crowded and lively.

 When we got to the banquet, there were some people we had met several times and some new ones. Su Chang felt a sense of security among them.

 During the dinner, someone well-informed talked about Dao Heng's case, and he could say a few words about how to judge it.

Su Chang was frightened when he heard this and kept drinking.

 After that, he got drunk.

 When he opened his eyes again, he was **** in a room, with a piece of cloth stuffed in his mouth, unable to move.

Su Chang was frightened and cried instantly.

It was said at the banquet that Dao Heng was **** and gagged in the same way, exactly the same as he is now.

The windows were boarded up, so he couldn't see the sky and didn't know the time. He could only tremble in the house.

 Until he heard footsteps.

 Xu Jian went straight back to the Duke's Mansion.

The Duke's Mansion is a large place, so he can do it without anyone noticing, and he doesn't have to worry about being followed.

 After entering the unused room and walking outside the ear room, Xu Jian sat down.

The entrance to the ear chamber was hung with a curtain, blocking the view inside and outside. Suchang could only hear sounds but could not see anyone.

"Su Chang, right?" Xu Jian said slowly, "There's no need to be afraid of this. If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it long ago, and I wouldn't have kept you here until now."

Su Chang whined a few times.

He didn’t quite believe it, but he couldn’t help feeling a little lucky.

"Who was the man who killed Dao Heng? Who was the **** who met you in Chenmi Hutong? You are a businessman and have no ability to make trouble in the capital. You can only be Su Yi. Who does Su Yi do business with?"

Su Chang's cold sweat broke out again.

Even though this person asked three questions in a row, he was able to ask these questions, which shows that the other person knows a lot.

 Knowing that he knew about Dao Heng's death, knowing that he had met an **** in Chenmi Hutong, and knowing that he was just a chess piece in Su Yi's hands.

The sound of footsteps started again, and someone entered the ear room and walked behind him.

Su Chang wanted to turn his head and take a look, but he couldn't move. His back was to the entrance, and he couldn't see the person coming.

Soon, a dark cloth fell on his face, covering his eyes, blinding his vision, and the cloth in his mouth was pulled out.

 Subconsciously, Su Chang wanted to shout for help.

 It's just that he had been blocked by the cloth strip for too long, and his mouth was very uncomfortable and dry, so he couldn't make a high-pitched sound.

 “I have no interest in killing you unless you seek your own death.”

Xu Jian outside spoke again, and Su Chang was so excited that he didn't dare to scream anymore.

"I know what you are thinking. Dao Heng and you are not the same group. You only listen to Su Yi. It is his fault that Dao Heng was killed by his master. His master will not go out of his way to kill you, otherwise it will be difficult to follow. Su Yi explained."

"Do you know how many years Dao Heng has been with his master? It has been more than ten years. He worked diligently from the Taixing period to Yongjia. He has both merit and hard work. Such a good soldier and good general kills him as soon as he asks. Why?"

“Because Dao Heng was exposed, he was watched by the Shuntian Mansion and the garrison yamen, and everyone was waiting to catch Dao Heng to claim his merits. No matter how good a general or veteran is, his master will face a dead end.”

 “Can’t leave any trouble for the future.”

"What if he knows and you are exposed? Will he let you live? Kill you first, and then give Su Yi some benefits. He can always explain it to you. You, Mr. Su Yi, value friendship and know that you are a chess piece. It’s no longer useful, does he want to keep you for others to follow?”

Every word he spoke was like a huge stone hitting Su Chang's heart. The splashes spread out and turned into unstoppable sweat on his body.

For just a moment, he felt as if he had been fished out of water.

Who is this person?

 Why do you know so much?

 Is he really still alive?

Su Chang's lips moved: "I, I..."

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone.

Asking for a monthly ticket~~

    Thanks to book friend Xiaoyuan and Xu Bicheng’s official girlfriend for the reward.



 (End of this chapter)

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