Yan Cigui

Chapter 316: That’s it (two updates in one)

Lin Yunyan said nothing.

The couch was placed by the window, and the bright autumn sunlight filtered in, all falling on Xu Jian.

 He sat up, his expression not intense, only his eyes were deep.

 It was very heavy, so heavy that all the floating emotions fell to the ground.

 She nodded.

 After finishing it, I felt it was not enough, so I clicked again, and then I calmed down and walked out.

 In the room, Xu Jian lay back on the couch and lowered her eyes.

I have to say that Mrs. Xu’s words still had a lot of impact on him.

 He raised his hands and covered his face, blocking his sight.

 Actually, Xu Jian saw that Lin Yunyan had some reservations, and there were many things that the princess did not say clearly.

 Given her temperament, it is very rare.

That's fine. If he really got to the bottom of it, Xu Jian didn't know how to get around it.

He was such a keen person, and he had caught some clues several times. If Xu Jian hadn't known how to get around Lin Yunyan, this matter wouldn't have been delayed for so long.

This time, various possibilities were accidentally revealed. Once you start sorting it out, everything that is true or false will be thrown into confusion.

 Xu Jian breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that Mrs. Xu had a delicate mind and always had a lot of things on her mind. She thought about those things for no reason. Xu Jian said it was unexpected, but not very surprising.

Perhaps, he should also have a good talk with Mrs. Xu.

Thinking like this, Xu Jian raised his arm.

Moving his palm away, the sunlight suddenly brightened up, making his eyes squint again.

  While taking advantage of the moment to calm down, Xu Jian looked at his hands.

At this moment, his legs were not so uncomfortable, and he had stopped sweating a lot. His palms were dry, but what he thought about was the sweat. He held Lin Yunyan's hand, and also held her neck. The sweat , all stained on her skin.


Without letting his thoughts continue, he called Shen Chen: "Tell the old lady, I will come over later."

In the other carriage, the carriage slowly left the Duke Fuguo's Mansion and headed all the way to the West Palace Gate.

Wan Yue looked at Lin Yunyan and felt that the princess was in distress.

This is not surprising. It is difficult for the Duke of Guo to treat his injuries, and the princess's mood must also be depressed.

 But she had a vague feeling that it seemed to be more than just that.

The princess was well aware of the Duke's injury. After Wan Yue had been with her for so long, she also knew that many situations were fundamentally different inside and out. The injury was both a difficulty and an opportunity. The princess should not have been so silent. For this reason.

Kewan Yue couldn't ask any more questions, so he could only pour a glass of drink and hand it to Lin Yunyan: "It's warm, please moisten your throat."

Lin Yunyan took it and sipped it slowly.

 This is a pot of scented tea, with red dates and honey. It is sweet in the mouth.

 The street outside is bustling with people, it’s a lively time.

 But her mind fell on Xu Jian.

In the study room, Lin Yunyan rarely finished speaking. It was not because she was worried or could not save face, she was just not ready.

Mrs. Xu's words were like a dagger, tearing open with a sound. Many things that she had thought of before and had never thought of before rushed into her mind, and Lin Yunyan was suddenly confused.

 After that period of confusion, all that was left was heart palpitations, and the number of heartbeats in one breath was unknown.

If Xu Jian really...

Lin Yunyan didn't know what state of mind to face it with. It was so heavy that even her breathing was hot.

With Xu Jian’s temper, it’s not surprising that the yin and yang are going around in circles. If she doesn’t want to be entangled by him, she has to sort it out by herself first, and then, piece by piece, little by little, not giving Xu Jian the chance to go around.

 That’s why she didn’t ask, and there wasn’t enough time for her to ask.

The noise outside gradually became distant and quiet, until it was quiet. Lin Yunyan knew that she was outside the West Palace Gate.

 Stepping down from the carriage, looking at the red palace wall, she clenched her fists.

 “Let’s go.” She said to Wan Yue.

 The small sedan arrived outside Cining Palace.

When Eunuch Yu heard that the princess was coming, he hurriedly came out to welcome her. As soon as he raised his head and faced the people getting off the sedan, the smile on his face froze.

"What are you..." He helped Lin Yunyan and looked at her eyebrows.

His eyebrows were slightly furrowed and the corners of his eyes were red, as if he was holding back his emotions.

When the princess met the Queen Mother, she always smiled every time. Even if she occasionally encountered injustices and was simmering with anger, she still seemed to be able to handle it. Less than the father-in-law thought, he had not seen the princess for several years. That's it.

It’s not that it’s hard to cry, it’s that it’s hard to hold back from crying.

   Grandpa-in-law is very worried.

Thinking of the people in the palace talking about Duke Fu's injury, he probably guessed the reason, but he didn't want to ask more questions, so he said: "My queen is waiting for you inside."

Walking to the corridor outside the palace, Lin Yunyan did not rush in. She just lowered her head and seemed to be relaxing her mood.

   When the younger father-in-law saw this, he did not rush him, but went in first to report the matter.

 “Looking low.” He said in a low voice.

The Queen Mother sighed and was about to ask Grandma Wang to go outside to meet her, when she saw Lin Yunyan walking in.

That little face was just as Eunuch Yu said. He suppressed his emotions and met her gaze. The Queen Mother smiled when she saw Lin Yunyan.

 The corners of her mouth were raised a little, revealing a slight dimple. She was not as bright as usual, but a little shy and restrained, which made the Queen Mother feel extremely distressed.

 “Come,” she waved, “Let Aijia take a closer look at you.”

Lin Yunyan stepped forward and sat down next to the Queen Mother.

The two of them share the same love as their ancestors and grandchildren. The Queen Mother knew that she was not in a good mood, so she was not willing to tell her anything and let her deal with it. She simply got straight to the point: "Are you worried about Xu Jian's injury?"

Lin Yunyan nodded: "I just came out of Fu Guogong's Mansion."

 The Queen Mother held her hand and asked, "How is he doing?"

"I was getting an acupuncture when I went there." Since Lin Yunyan had made up her mind to "cry miserably," she naturally tried her best. She made gestures on her legs and said, "It's all green and purple. It looks like this." pain.

I knew that his legs and feet were inconvenient these days. I heard from my father that he had not been to court for several days. I was worried and ignored those who behaved unruly, so I went there.

It was only when I saw it that I realized how powerful it was.

 I heard the doctor say that it will be more uncomfortable in a few days. This is a process, and you have to endure it if you want to cure it. "

Hearing this, the Queen Mother sighed.

Although she didn't see Xu Jian's injury, just listening to it made her feel sad.

 The country’s generals, young and old, all go into battle for the country. As the empress dowager, how could she neglect this loyalty?

 Her home and country were built with the lives and perseverance of civil and military ministers.

After Xu Jian became Zhongliang again, she watched him grow up. Moreover, Xu Jian's injury was to save the prince who acted recklessly and shamelessly, so the empress dowager felt guilty. What makes her even more sad is that Xu Jian is her settled husband for Yun Yan.

 Love the house and the bird.

It was useless to say anything else at this moment. The Empress Dowager comforted her softly: "That doctor must have some skills. The Ai family heard that his method of treating injuries has also been seen by the imperial doctor.

Life is a long road, and you will have to spend decades together. It will be worth it if he gets better and takes more walks with you as you grow older.

 He himself is definitely willing to get better. Men, who likes to carry old wounds? "

"You are right," Lin Yunyan smiled, "He wants to get better, and I also hope that he will get better, so I came to find you."

The Queen Mother was surprised: "Oh? Is there anyone else the Ai family can help with?"

“I want to ask you for some medicinal materials,” Lin Yunyan said. “You should have heard that the doctor is famous in the Northeast. His whereabouts are unpredictable, and he doesn’t know where he is in the ravine to treat people’s injuries.

This time, Prince Jin sent people to search for him in the northeast. He finally found him and hurriedly invited people to come to the capital.

 It was just in time, so I carried a medicine box and not many medicinal materials with me.

If there are some commonly used ones, they are also readily available in pharmacies in the capital, but there are a few flavors that are either unavailable or bad, and cannot be found in the warehouse of the Duke's Mansion.

 Mainly tiger bones, and these medicinal herbs, people were told to go to the Northeast to look for them. I thought there might be some in the palace, so I had the audacity to ask. "

As soon as Lin Yunyan said it, Bian Yue’s father-in-law immediately remembered it in his heart.

The Empress Dowager breathed a sigh of relief: "Just send someone to get some medicinal materials from the Imperial Pharmacy. Not to mention that the Ai family has spoken. The Holy One knows that Xu Jian needs it, so he has already sent someone to deliver it."

"I know you love me," Lin Yunyan said, "I'll go by myself. Mother Ma is here too. I'll ask her to pick for me."

Mama Ma was originally a medicine official in the Royal Pharmacy. After being favored by the Empress Dowager, she picked and prepared medicines for her until she was assigned to take care of Lin Yunyan. She had great trust in Ma Ma's abilities.

“The Imperial Pharmacy is also divided into high and low levels,” the Empress Dowager said. “Let her just pick and choose what is best.”

Lin Yunyan thanked her.

 Coming out of Cining Palace, he was led by Eunuch Yu and accompanied by Mother Ma to the Royal Pharmacy.

Cining Palace asked for a selection, and everyone in the Royal Pharmacy cooperated. They opened the medicine cabinet and asked Mother Ma to carefully select it.

 Everything else is easy to deal with, but tiger bones are always difficult to pick.

Not to mention the ones in the medicine cabinet, even the warehouse was rummaged through, and there were dozens of them in stock. Mother Ma shook her head.

The eunuch’s surname is Fang. The person on duty today is An Yuanjian from Taiyuan Hospital. The two of them looked at me and me at you. Finally, it was Mr. Fang who spoke openly.

"What's not suitable?" he asked. "From young to old, from leg bones to sternum, from one or two years to more than ten years old, the tigers are all here. If you don't choose the right one, Mammy Ma, You have to give a reason for not winning.

 It's not what the Zajia said. If the Imperial Pharmacy is no longer found, there won't be any better ones in the capital and Gyeonggi area.

Zajia didn’t hide it, so how could he be reluctant to treat the injuries of the Duke of Fuguo?

 But if you are so picky, Zajia really has a solution. "

Mother Ma said: "I just knew that the stuff in the Royal Pharmacy was good, so I wanted to make a better selection. A few years ago, I remember there was a very good one. Princess Derong wanted it, but the late emperor didn't give it to her."

When Eunuch Fang heard this, his face darkened.

 This is so knowing.

Back then, Grandma Ma was still the female official in charge of medicine, and her father-in-law Fang was also a chambermaid in the royal pharmacy. They worked together, and they had a good relationship. They also knew everything about what was in the warehouse and couldn't hide anything.

 You can remember whatever happens.

The tiger bones were offered as tribute from below. The eldest princess did ask the late emperor for one, but she was not sick or in pain. It was just on a whim, so the late emperor refused. At that time, everyone also said that with such good tiger bones, no wonder she grew up. The princess doesn't want gold, silver, and jade, but she just likes this.

"That one has been used a long time ago," Fang Gong said impartially. "Three or four years ago, His Highness the Crown Prince used it when he fell and was injured. The Za family asked someone to look up the records."

Fang Gongzheng asked the young chamberlain to read it, and then Princess Ning'an, who had been standing aside and remained silent, spoke.

“The prince used up a whole tiger bone by himself?”

 Eunuch Fang turned to look at Lin Yunyan.

 He did not answer, but answered An Yuanjing, who was being watched by the princess.

“It is said that it cannot be used up,” An Yuan said truthfully. “For the prince’s injury, a small section is enough.”

After listening to this, Lin Yunyan turned to look at Eunuch Fang.

 Eunuch Fang's back suddenly started to sweat.

I see.

I see!

He said, how could he not choose one among so many dozens? It turned out that the princess was going for that one.

Being able to supervise eunuchs, Eunuch Fang naturally has some abilities. He is in the Imperial Pharmacy, and his ears are even more sensitive than Qianbulang's on some matters. He has heard a rumor before.

 The Duke of Fuguo was injured because of His Highness the Crown Prince.

He has heard of it, but he dare not inquire more, let alone spread it to other places. The news from the outside is overwhelming, almost equal to no news, but at the moment, it seems that it is ninety-nine times true.

Everyone knows that Princess Ning'an is favored by the Empress Dowager, even more favored than her own granddaughter and Princess Chang Le, but the princess is not named Li after all. She has never had a reputation for being domineering and overbearing in so many years. Instead, everyone praises her for being gentle. ,sensible.

With the gentleness of the people in the palace, they would never go to battle so directly and personally to ask for things.

The princess is acting strangely today.

"Princess," Eunuch Fang smiled, "That tiger bone was indeed given to His Highness the Crown Prince. If it has not been used up, it is kept in the East Palace, not in the Imperial Pharmacy. If you want that bone, you have to ask the Crown Prince. "

He finally understood that the princess was just taking the opportunity to make trouble. The trouble was not with their imperial pharmacy, but the anger was directed towards the East Palace.

This is a fight between gods and gods, and he joins in the fight when he is full.

He was able to climb up because he didn't get involved.

Lin Yunyan got the answer she wanted, and asked Yu Gonggongdao: "Can I go to the East Palace to ask for it?"

 Less than the father-in-law’s eyes rolled.

 Whether it is possible or not is not something that can be decided at the Royal Pharmacy.

“Let’s go back to Cining Palace first,” he advised. “We’ll ask the East Palace for help, and we learned that we’ve met the Empress and the Holy One.”

Lin Yunyan nodded and asked Mother Ma to take the other medicinal materials she picked out and return first.

 Eunuch Fang sent them all the way out, watching them go away, and then raised his hand to wipe the sweat.

 Just send it away.

 Let Cining Palace, Yu Study Room and Dong Palace fight. A little guy like him can hide as far as he can.

However, having said that, it is just a tiger bone, and the East Palace will not refuse to give it. It should be just a matter of a few words between the nobles.

If the auxiliary Duke can cure his injury, the Empress Dowager will be happy, the Holy Emperor will be even more happy, and the Prince will definitely be happy too.

Lin Yunyan returned to Cining Palace.

The Queen Mother was eating her soup when she heard this and looked up at her: "Are you sure you want to talk to Li Shao?"

Lin Yunyan looked around and saw that Grandma Wang immediately pushed away the others.

“This time is different from the last time Gu Yue Gongjiu, I didn’t provoke him intentionally,” Lin Yunyan said, “I just thought that there must be a chance to resolve the knot.” (End of Chapter)

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