Yan Cigui

Chapter 325: I know what I know (two updates in one)

Looking at the Empress Dowager, Lin Yunyan carefully considered her words and said, "His Royal Highness has always been His Majesty's favorite son, and His Majesty has always been very tolerant of him."

Hearing this, the Queen Mother chuckled, her smile flashed by, but the rest was filled with emotion.

Even though she was very dissatisfied with Li Shao's recent troubles, the Queen Mother actually understood her Majesty very well.

 The Holy Spirit is such a person who values ​​friendship and justice.

 When the late emperor was seriously ill, she knew what kind of character he was when she advocated that the sixth son of the emperor, Li Yi, should succeed him.

More than ten years have passed in the blink of an eye, and the new emperor has never let the empress dowager down.

If you didn't value friendship, how could you care about the late Queen?

How could we find the truth about Li Cang's death if we didn't value friendship?

  The words that the Holy Father spoke in front of her sickbed that day are still in the ears of the Empress Dowager.

Knowing that she had questioned Li Cang's death, he would not hide it from her, and because the late empress and Ayun died together in Dingguo Temple, no matter how an "accident" was stated in the case file, he would try his best to find all possibilities , give him the answer, and also give the Queen Mother the answer.

 The Holy Spirit carried all these old things in his heart.

 He couldn't let go of those things, so naturally he couldn't let go of Li Shao.

In terms of government affairs, the Holy Father has done an outstanding job in the past ten years. As for his temperament, whether it is a weakness or a shortcoming, the Queen Mother has long been aware of it, and of course she will not be surprised.

 The only thing she worries about is that Li Shao is a child who will not grow up.

 He made irrational choices again and again, which was a disaster for the court and the emperor.

"There are some things that are easier to talk about between father and son," the Queen Mother comforted Lin Yunyan. "I want to tell the Ai family that you still care about yourself. We are only two months away from getting married."

When it came to marriage, Lin Yunyan smiled with her eyes bent, showing a bit of shyness.

After being shy, she became worried again. She said: "The Duke Fu has not been able to go to court for a while. I also want to care about myself, but my marriage is actually related to the affairs of His Royal Highness."

The Queen Mother patted the back of her hand and did not mention Xu Jian's injury. She only asked her about her preparations.

How is the embroidery done? Have you changed the size of your wedding dress? Have the two families discussed the wedding route?

Lin Yunyan said: "I have urged my eldest sister to do a lot for me, but there are still some things left that I can't trouble her anymore. She will also leave the cabinet next year and has to be busy with her own affairs.

The wedding dress is still being made. I heard that I can try it on before the middle of next month. I will adjust the size after the trial. I showed you the pattern and style before. Does it look good? I particularly like it myself.

I heard that the route had not been finalized yet, so Mrs. An Yibo chose a few and asked her grandmother for her opinion. "

 “It sounds very orderly.” The Empress Dowager nodded.

The two talked a lot about the marriage. It was almost time, and Yu's father-in-law sent Lin Yunyan off.

As soon as Lin Yunyan left Cining Palace, the smile on her face faded.

Today, neither she nor the Empress Dowager felt comfortable, but no one could make anyone cry, so it was better to talk about happy things.

 In the inner hall, the Empress Dowager’s brows were also full of fatigue.

 Grandma Wang adjusted the pillow behind her lower body with her.

Without letting anyone else in, the Queen Mother spoke to Grandma Wang alone.

"The Ai family is very worried about the prince's condition," the Queen Mother said in a low voice, "It won't be good if he continues like this."

Li Shao's age makes it no longer possible to use "innocent" or "ignorant" to cover up some of his actions, especially the recent incident of asking for tiger bones. The Queen Mother was very dissatisfied with Li Shao.

 “Tiger bones” are a trivial matter in the eyes of the Empress Dowager.

  A small matter that should be taken honestly when handed out.

 The ideas contained therein are not worth spending any more time on. Everyone understands the reasons, good and bad.

I preferred Li Shao, but I rejected him outright at the time.

The Empress Dowager was baffled by the rejection.

 Especially shows the truth in small things.

If he didn’t understand, then Li Shao was stupid; if he refused despite knowing the reason, then Li Shao couldn’t distinguish the importance and was too “willful”.

 No matter what kind of behavior it is, it is not what a prince should have.

“The Ai family is really worried that one day he will embarrass Yun Yan.” The Empress Dowager let out a long sigh.

She is definitely in the lead, there is no doubt about it, but privately, she is worried about Lin Yunyan, and publicly, she is not worried about leaving the world to Li Shao.

Mother Wang tried to comfort her: "There is a Holy One..."

“The Aijia are also worried about His Majesty,” the Empress Dowager said. “The Aijia have to think about how to talk to His Majesty.”

After all, the Holy Spirit is not her biological child, so some words are not so easy to say.

She suddenly stood up and accused Li Shao of this and that. Even if there was some truth to it, the Holy Father, as Li Shao's biological father, would not like to hear it.

Everyone helps the relatives.

 The Holy One is not only the Holy One, but also a father.

Just like here in Cining Palace, if someone comes to tell Yun Yan something wrong, no matter what the inside story is, the Queen Mother will definitely roll her eyes.

Moreover, what’s the use of just pointing out the problem?

It’s not that the Holy Emperor is unaware of Li Shao’s problem.

 The most important thing is to find an effective solution and give the Holy Father some useful ideas.

Li Shao can change his current problems, so that she can grow old with peace of mind and close her eyes with peace of mind.

Grandma Wang took a soft blanket and covered the Empress Dowager's knees with her. Seeing her closing her eyes tiredly, she said nothing more.

The Queen Mother did not need her to say anything, she just wanted a listener.

She has served the empress for many years, and she can think of all the twists and turns, how can the empress not understand it?

That night, there was a heavy rain, accompanied by bursts of thunder, which made half the capital unable to sleep.

At dawn, the weather suddenly became cold.

 Doctor Yue didn't have a good rest either.

This kind of weather will have the greatest impact on Fu Guogong's injury.

Today's treatment was originally scheduled before noon. Doctor Yue was worried and got up early to look for Shenchen.

As expected, Shen Chen said: "I couldn't sleep half the night last night, and I fell asleep not long ago. Fortunately, the hand stove was prepared a few days ago, and I covered my legs."

 Doctor Yue nodded.

Before Xu Jian woke up, Eunuch Ye came to the door in the morning.

 Xu Bai led the people to the flower hall and sat down.

 Doctor Yue rushed over and greeted Eunuch Ye.

Eunuch Ye asked: "How is Duke Fu? He has not been in court these days, and the prince is also very concerned about him, especially today. How does the prince feel? Has he gotten better?"

 Doctor Yue then said: "The Duke of Guo was in pain for half the night last night, and he is still asleep now."

 After hearing this, Eunuch Ye looked at Doctor Yue up and down.

The worry on Dr. Yue's face was real, which made Eunuch Ye mutter: "Didn't you say you were sure before? Why is there no progress? Isn't it going to get worse?"

It really doesn't matter if it can't be cured. I'm afraid that if it is cured directly, it will be difficult for the prince to explain it in front of the emperor.

Doctor Yue sipped his tea and looked at Eunuch Ye through the hot air.

Since he chose to surrender to the Duke of Fu, he would not tell much truth to the Prince of Jin. When asked several times by the Prince, he gave ambiguous answers.

 Perhaps his worry at the moment really fooled Eunuch Ye. The servant could not grasp the situation between good and bad, and finally got up and left the house.

 Eunuch Ye did not see Duke Fu, because Duke Fu had taken a nap and had not yet woken up.

 Doctor Yue went back to his residence and waited for a while. Xu Jian woke up just before noon.

Xu Jian was not surprised to learn that Eunuch Ye had come. On the contrary, it was the new news from Xuan Su that made him purse his lips.

Li Shao's response in the East Palace finally reached Xu Jian. It’s not surprising that Li Shao not only repaired the relics in front of the Holy One, he also repaired them for the civil and military ministers to see. Since he wanted to “advertise it widely”, then those who murmured here and there should do it. Will whisper out of the East Palace.

 What Xu Jian really planned was that someone was giving Li Shao advice.

Li Shao would never have been able to come up with this method of repairing relics if no one had pointed it out.

Who is the one?

 Xu Jian closed his eyes and thought for a while, and the figure eavesdropping outside the back window appeared in his mind.

That chamberlain…

 The hand behind the scenes really has a lot of ideas.

Just as Xu Jian needs Li Shao to stand as a flag, the people behind the scenes also need it, but there are differences between the two.

Xu Jian would not want to "control" Li Shao and put the world on Li Shao. What they would suffer would not be a loss, but their lives.

 The person behind the scenes needs Li Shao to open a path, eradicate the dissidents, and disrupt the political agenda. When everything is in chaos, that is the time for him to shine.


 Xu Jian thought.

With just him and the little princess, it's not impossible to make the prince crazy, but it will be much slower.

There is another hand dragging Li Shao eastward and westward for a while. It will be a surprise today and a horror tomorrow. Li Shao can go crazy faster.

 At the appointed time, Xu Jian went to Anpingyuan.

 Doctor Yue has arrived.

“I heard that you felt very uncomfortable last night,” Dr. Yue said. “It is not easy to treat this old injury, especially during this period. You will suffer more, so you have to persevere.”

 Xu Jian smiled and said, "I plan to go to court in half a month."

As soon as he finished speaking, Doctor Yue's eyes widened: "It can't be done! This can't be done!"

 For him as a doctor, it would be better for Duke Fu to rest for more than a month.

“I’m not kidding you,” Doctor Yue said. “You said a few days ago that you could feel your legs getting better, right? In fact, if it was still summer, you would recover faster.

 The weather is getting colder now, and recovery is not easy, so we need to pay more attention and be cautious.

 If you rest for another half month, you will only recover a little, so it’s better to continue to take care of yourself..."

 Xu Jian waved his hand: "My leg is injured, I know it well."

Xu Jian has no way of knowing the medical skills of Dr. Yue from the Northeast, but Dr. Zhang from Guanzhong does have skills in treating muscle and bone injuries.

 It doesn’t matter that he doesn’t go to court all day long, but whether it has any effect or not, he has been sick for a long time, so of course he can feel it.

During the treatment process, the doctor further adjusted the prescription and methods based on his actual condition. The recovery situation turned out to be much more optimistic than initially thought.

 According to what Dr. Zhang said, even if it cannot return to normal, it is still 70% to 80% guaranteed.

 From now on, unless it is severely cold or freezing, he will rarely have pain again, and he will even walk without lameness.

No matter how lucky you are, if you really want to fight, you won't be able to be a vanguard, but you won't necessarily suffer much loss if you rely on your ability to engage in close combat with ordinary warriors.

 Doctor Zhang’s prediction was very good, but Xu Jian had Xu Jian’s ideas.

 At least, he did not let Mrs. Xu hear this "good result", let alone Lin Yunyan.

“Based on your ability, doctor, I might be almost healed next year or the year after that,” Xu Jian whispered, “I told you before, let’s treat it slowly.”

 Doctor Zhang didn’t understand, but “Doctor Yue” somewhat understood.

 Left is nothing more than those things in the court, those fights between nobles.

"You have to get better slowly, and there is no need to ruin yourself," Doctor Yue sighed. "I will go to court in half a month. It's still a bit of a torment for your injury."

Xu Jian said: "It's not a big deal, it just so happens that you can continue to live in the capital for a few more years."

 Doctor Yue nodded.

In his current situation, rather than returning to Guanzhong alone, it would be safer for him to stay in the Fuguogong Mansion.

 Eat well, drink well, sleep well, and don’t have to worry about other accidents.

Doctor Yue massaged Xu Jian's right leg. He exerted force on his hands, and even in such a cold day, there was a layer of sweat on his forehead.

Xu Miao arrived later and didn't hear the conversation between Xu Jian and Dr. Yue. She only heard that he was worried because he didn't sleep well at night.

  "You really need a hand stove, but your legs can't get cold."

"Why don't you light the charcoal pot earlier? It will be warmer in the house."

“The most fearful thing about old wounds is recurring. If your grandfather hadn’t had that old wound, how could he have..."

Xu Jian comforted her and said, "I will accompany you and A-Ping to have dinner later."

 Xu Miao couldn't move Xu Jian.

 Ajian has more ideas than her on many things.

She couldn't help but think, fortunately, the wedding was coming soon. From now on, she would ask the princess to look at A Jian and see if he would listen in the end!

 Look, after the princess came last time, A Jian sat on the soft sedan honestly.

In the evening, Xu Jian went to the backyard and sat in a soft sedan.

Xu Miao couldn't take care of Xu Jian's study in front of her, but she could take care of her own yard. In the afternoon, a charcoal pot was placed in the house, which made Liu Ping's face flush with heat.

 Xu Jian came into the room and looked at the two charcoal basins. He couldn't laugh or cry for a moment.

 “You don’t have to do this either,” he said.

Xu Miao pointed: "I'll move to your place later."

 Xu Jian was noncommittal.

 The table is being set down, and the dishes are tempting to look at.

Xu Miao's mind was not on the food. She didn't notice it at first, but when she smelled the aroma, she couldn't help but be stunned for a moment.

 This is a very familiar smell, and some old memories come up with it.

 Mother Xia served soup to several people.

 Xu Miao held the spoon and did not move for a while.

Liu Ping took a sip first and said, "It tastes good."

After taking another taste, she turned to Xu Jian and asked: "Brother, has the chef changed in the house? It didn't seem to taste like this yesterday."

Xu Jian simply said: “Use more if you like it.”

At this time, Xu Miao took a sip very carefully, and then, almost instantly, her eyes turned red.

 Putting down the spoon, she took her chopsticks and tasted each dish.

It was then that she discovered that these dishes were all her favorites, or in other words, they were her favorites when she was a child.

 After so many years, the taste remains in my heart.

Tears fell, Xu Miao choked and asked Xu Jian: "Where is she? This is all made by Cheng Niang, right? I can eat it, but where is she?"

 The former Cheng Niang, and later the He family’s Aunt, were in the kitchen.

 Xu Jian also had something to discuss with Xu Miao, so she thought of what Lin Yunyan mentioned before, asking Aunt He's family to come to the house to cook for Mrs. Xu.

"You eat first," Xu Jian said, "She will be here soon." (End of chapter)

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