Yan Cigui

Chapter 327: Is his injury healed? (Two updates combined into one, please give me a monthly ticket)

Xu Miao was about to speak but stopped.

  She can understand a little bit about things in the court, but after living in the inner house for a long time, she is really not as knowledgeable as the people in the court.

 The only thing that I keep in mind is that as a minister, you cannot act willfully.

Faces and honors are all given by the Holy Spirit. If you violate the Sacred Heart, something will happen sooner or later.

It’s just that subconsciously, she will pay more attention to A Jian’s injury.

 As a mother, the first thing she thinks about must be her children.

"Can't you really wait for a while?" Xu Miao tried, "The Holy Father has sent people to care about your injury several times. It shows that he takes your condition very seriously and should be able to understand your condition..."

 Xu Jian was not surprised by Mrs. Xu's reaction: "The Holy Emperor is indeed concerned, but he is more concerned about His Highness the Crown Prince."

 Xu Miao pursed her lower lip.

  It’s understandable.

 She was thinking of Ah Jian, and the Holy Father was thinking of the prince. It was only natural and right.

Xu Jian explained a few more sentences: "It would be better if His Majesty lifted His Majesty's grounding before the death of the late Queen.

 But His Highness didn’t come out. I asked people to inquire, and they all said they didn’t know how long the confinement would be.

It is not a good thing if it goes on like this for a long time. I heard that during this period of time, everyone had their own thoughts in the morning, and the quarrel made the Holy Father not very happy.

If I can recover and go to court, Your Majesty will be able to calm down some of His Highness's anger. "

 Xu Jian knew the Lord very well.

Li Shao's psychological expectations were not wrong. He should have left the East Palace before the death of the late queen, but unfortunately he met the little princess.

The two tiger bones were originally a set of random punches, but Li Shao himself made a fuss and wanted to be a master for a time. He made some suggestions to make the problem of the East Palace warehouse discovered, so much so that the emperor was so angry that he did not lift the ban.

 But does the Holy Spirit really care about Li Shao?


 Especially on the anniversary of his death, Li Shao obviously fooled the Holy Emperor.

 The person behind the plan found an opportunity for Li Shao. The Holy Spirit liked this opportunity, so the current problem is when and why the ban will be lifted.

 Xu Jianjian gave Sheng a step up and down.

"To be honest with you," Xu Jian added, "there are also rumors around Qianbu Corridor that my injury is due to the prince's inability to show his condition. I have been delayed in going to court, but there is no solution."

 Xu Miao sighed.

The rumors were true, but since the Holy One chose to suppress them at the time, he would certainly not be willing to spread the news now.

Xu Miao didn't care whether the rumors were good or bad for the prince. She only knew that the emperor's "unwillingness" would affect A Jian.

 This is really a dilemma.

"I understand the truth," Xu Miao lowered her eyes and looked at Xu Jian's right leg for a moment, "Is Dr. Yue sure? Can he let you go through such trouble?"

"Doctor Yue is also worried," Xu Jian said honestly, "but I am determined to do so. I am very aware of my injury and believe that Dr. Yue can find a solution. At most, it will be more difficult than expected, and it is not an incurable disease."

Xu Miao was worried and wanted to persuade her again, but Grandma Xia shook her head slightly at her.

  Meaning, don’t persuade me any more.

"Alas..." How could Xu Miao not understand Aunt Xia?

 In the days after returning home, the biggest change she felt was "confession".

Jian will not make up any lies with her, even if they are well-intentioned, he will not make up those lies.

He may not open his mouth to shout about the pain, but he also won't say "it doesn't hurt". When asked, he will just say "it's okay" and "can bear it".

 The same thing just now, "I'm telling you without any hesitation."

 When Ah Jian said this word to her, it was not a sign of humility or tact, but just seeking truth from facts.

 He was willing to analyze the situation with her and told him that he had made up his mind. If she stubbornly opposed it, she would be betraying this confession.

 After all, she had been kept secret for too long and too much in the past.

 You should have the courage to try to face everything now.

A-Jian is not a child. He has inherited the title a long time ago. He has his own political opinions and ideas. A-Jian has the final say on the auxiliary government. As an old lady, she has no reason to dictate major matters.

Of course, Xu Miao also has some small things that cannot be compromised.

"Then you should pay more attention in the past half month," Xu Miao said softly, "Since you are going to court to lift the prince's ban, you have to walk steadily. If you are staggering or limping, it is better not to do anything. Go.

  Tonight, put the charcoal basin in your room. I know that if you don’t nod and ask, they won’t dare to put it for you.

What a big deal, don’t embarrass them, it’s just a charcoal basin.

If you don’t want to listen, I will ask Mrs. An Yibo to come over tomorrow and I will ask her to send a message to the princess for her comment. "

Hearing this, Xu Jian raised the corners of her pursed lips slightly, and a smile flashed across her face.

The affairs of the previous court have been decided, and we must make some concessions on the charcoal basin.

If he really asked Mrs. Anyi to deliver a message to Uncle Chengyi's house for such a trivial matter, he would just forget it. The princess would be embarrassed.

“I know, I’ll put it on later so my legs won’t get cold,” Xu Jian said.

 Xu Miao was relieved.

Since it was mentioned that Mrs. An Yibo would be arriving tomorrow, Xu Miao continued: "The route to the wedding has not been completely finalized. What do you think?"

 The Duke Fu's Mansion is in the west of the city, and the Chengyi County Mansion is in the east of the city, almost spanning the entire capital.

There are many route options, but they will definitely pass through several streets. The more people there are, the more lively they are.

It was not a difficult task at first. After all, the auspicious day was determined and the auspicious time was calculated. We should determine the appropriate route according to the time, so as not to rush too much, and do not want the ceremony to arrive but the time has not arrived. But the problem was Xu Jian.

Did Xu Jian ride a horse or a sedan that day?

Can Xu Jian ride a horse and complete the entire distance that day?

At first, everyone was confident. They were just sitting on the horse, and they didn’t need Xu Jian to gallop the horse and whip, so how could they not do it?

I didn’t expect that it would be too difficult to treat the injury. Even the court was suspended during this period. Although there are still two months left, who knows whether it will get better after two months or it will just be like this?

 Therefore, we have to prepare a few more methods and think more about the situation.

Humbling his knuckles lightly on his right leg, Xu Jian said, "Go on horseback and arrange things as normal."

 Xu Miao gave him a look of anger.

If she could go to the wedding safely, she would be able to relax to some extent.

 I have to go to court in half a month, if things go up or down...

That’s a wedding ceremony!

 The slightest mistake can make the bride think about it in her heart for a lifetime.

Of course, the princess is good-tempered and sensible. Even if something unexpected happens, she will be considerate of A Jian and will not lose her temper. But it is precisely because the princess is good that Xu Miao hopes that the marriage will go smoothly. , perfect and perfect.

 No regrets.

“Okay, we’ll mainly make arrangements according to normal arrangements,” Xu Miao thought about it, “but Uncle Chengyi’s office and I will definitely discuss a compromise in case of emergencies.

If you despise us for having too many things to do, then you should try to have fewer things to do yourself.

 We can prepare it, but you don’t have to use it. "

 Xu Jian really laughed now.

  Perhaps these days she has returned to the Duke's Mansion, to a place that Mrs. Xu is familiar with and comfortable with. As her mood changes, she becomes a bit more cheerful and is no longer as tense as before.

  She still has various thoughts from time to time, but she has become much more active. Even if it is the same problem, what she thinks about now is different from before.

 This is a good thing.

Xu Jian hopes that Mrs. Xu can come out of the haze more than anyone else.

 Don’t go crazy again. Xu Jian got up and went back to the front yard before the night wind got worse.

The charcoal basin was placed, and the room became much warmer. He stood on the edge for a while, until he was sweating slightly, but his right leg was still dry, not cold, but not warm either.

 In case of emergencies...

 Actually, he doesn’t need emergencies very much, or in other words, he won’t let emergencies happen.

In the past, he could only walk with a cane, but he rode on horseback to welcome the little princess from Chengyi Count's Mansion back to Fu Guogong's Mansion. There is no reason why it would be even worse this time.

 For the next half month, Xu Jian did not leave the house.

 It was Mrs. An Yibo who went back and forth several times to finalize the wedding ceremony bit by bit.

 In Uncle Chengyi's house, the atmosphere of marriage preparations has become much stronger.

The lady in charge led the people and happily arrived at Zai Shou Yuan. Before she could salute, she smiled with her eyes. She laughed so much that even Mr. Duan blinked his eyes.

 “What’s the good news?” she asked.

The lady said: "The princess's wedding dress has been delivered."

Xiao Duan's heart suddenly jumped up and he urged: "Then we have to take a look quickly."

Lin Yunyan was also there, and was amused by Lin Yunjing's wink.

 The person who presented the wedding dress was the nun in the palace.

This wedding dress was specially made by the Empress Dowager at the Clothing Bureau. She had seen the style before, and Lin Yunyan also liked it.

The red clothes were unfolded, and Xiao Duan held Lin Yunyan's hand and walked closer, taking a closer look.

 The more I look at it, the more excited I become.

 How beautiful it is!

 The materials are good, the workmanship is good, and the gold and silver embroidery is even more lifelike.

It is said that there are many beautiful wedding dresses in the south of the Yangtze River. When she married into the capital when she was young, she also had a good wedding dress. Later, she also managed the marriages of several children. However, it was rare for her to see such exquisite wedding dresses.

The last time I could see it so carefully was when Dalang got married.

 The body of Ayun was also made in the palace.

Recalling the past events, Xiao Duan sighed for a moment, but she didn't want to mention the deceased in such a good atmosphere, so she held back.

“Quick,” she shook Lin Yunyan’s hand hard, “Quickly put it on so we can all see.”

Lin Yunyan agreed and went to the blue gauze cupboard.

  Everyone was waiting in the room. There were urgent footsteps outside. Lin Yunfang, who had received the news, hurried over and wanted to see the new clothes with bright eyes.

 Although waiting is impatient, what is more than impatient is expectation.

When the Bisha cupboard creaked open, everyone immediately turned their heads and stared at the person who came out.

Lin Yunyan stood there, her red clothes made her look even whiter, and her figure and appearance made her forget to marvel for a moment.

The first one to come to her senses was Lin Yunfang. She wanted to hug Lin Yunyan, but she didn't dare to touch the clothes, so she had to step back and grab Lin Yunjing's arm, shaking it hard back and forth.

Little Duan looked up and down a few more times, unable to say anything.

 It’s so emotional.

 That’s what raising children is like.

For more than ten years, I know that she is growing up and that time is passing by, but only when I see her put on her wedding dress do I realize that she has really grown up.

Mrs. Chen noticed Xiao Duan's mixed feelings and said, "It looks like it fits well, but it will be colder in November than it is now. I will have to add another piece inside to avoid getting cold. It won't be tight if I add it." ?”

Mammy smiled and said: "Madam, don't worry, I have left some, but the armpits are a little tight. I will let the palace change it later."

“That’s great,” Mrs. Chen laughed. “This is just a wedding dress. Once you comb your hair, put on a phoenix crown, and cover your head, it will become even more extraordinary.”

Mammy agreed: "The phoenix crown will be ready in another half month. Then we will send it to the princess for trial."

Little Duan knew the importance best, and also understood that Cining Palace was concerned about it, so she said to Lin Yunyan: "When the time comes, you can go and show it to the Empress Dowager."

Lin Yunyan naturally responded.

It was supposed to be changed, but when someone reported that Mrs. An Yibo was coming, Lin Yunyan waited again.

Mrs. An Yibo walked in, her gaze sucked the wedding dress, and she said, "I am more excited than I am when I get married."

As soon as he finished speaking, the whole room burst into laughter.

Mrs. An Yibo said again: "I will tell Duke Fu when I turn around that this bride is so beautiful, and she becomes even more amazing after she puts on her wedding dress. She will keep him thinking about her for days."

Lin Yunyan went into the Bisha cupboard to change her clothes amidst the laughter.

She couldn't help but smile as her fingers brushed the smooth material.

Xu Jian had seen the way she looked in her wedding dress before, but that time she felt a little regretful because he endured the leg injury.

 This time…

Just as she was thinking about it, Lin Yunyan heard Mrs. An Yibo's voice.

“It is said that I will be able to go to court in ten days. I have been resting for such a long time and am feeling much better.”

Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment.

 In another ten days?

 Is Xu Jian too anxious?

Last time she went to Fu Guogong's Mansion, Lin Yunyan couldn't understand how good the progress was, but she knew that Xu Jian was clearly enduring the pain. Even as the treatment progressed, she shouldn't...

Handing the wedding dress to her grandma, Lin Yunyan quickly walked out of the blue gauze cabinet and asked, "How is he doing now?"

Mrs. An Yi said: "I rest in the study more, and I go around the house in a sedan chair. It's been cold these days, so I use the hand stove and the charcoal pot. It's not that I use them because I feel uncomfortable. I heard that they are used to get better as soon as possible." ”

Lin Yunyan breathed out secretly.


 At least he knows how to ride in a sedan chair, how to use a hand stove, and how to set up a charcoal basin.

  It is this ten days later that I will go to court...

You can’t sit in a sedan chair to climb the Jinluan Hall. You have to walk up the long trail by yourself.

But why did Xu Jian make this choice?

Lin Yunyan calmed down and thought about it, and she could actually understand what Xu Jian meant.

 Yes, it’s time for Li Shao to come out of the East Palace.

 The ups and downs of changes must be implemented.

This ten-year period passed in the blink of an eye.

In the East Palace, Li Shao was leaning on a pillow and flipping through a book, but his mind was not on that.

Feng's wife came in quietly, came up to him, and said in a low voice: "Your Highness, I just heard that the Duke of Fu will go to court tomorrow."

 Li Shao raised his eyes: "Is his injury healed?"

"It's not clear yet," Feng Neishi said, "but it must have improved. At least he can walk to the court on his own."

Li Shao snorted and sneered: "Can he be bad?"

 There are two tiger bones!

The two tiger bones that Ning'an took back must be of some use.

Furthermore, during these days, while repairing his mother's relics, Li Shao felt more or less his father's looseness. From his perspective, his retreat to advance would soon bear fruit.

Xu Jianqian suppressed him and wanted to "show goodwill", why didn't he show up at this time?

 He wanted to see how Xu Jian could "persuade" his father! (End of chapter)

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