Yan Cigui

Chapter 332: Climb the wall (two updates in one)

Xu Jian was not surprised at all that he would be followed.

 At the beginning, he was able to get people to follow Li Shao, but of course there would be times when things would change.

Maybe it was Li Shao's person, maybe it was the person behind the scenes, who was "curious" about his injury.

Xu Jian had noticed the two stalkers from the first day they appeared, and had never paid any attention to them, letting them follow them and pretending not to know anything about them.

And his schedule every time is also very simple. He goes back to his hometown after going to court and does not go out for a walk.

 Today, after returning home, he went out again and sat in a teahouse for a while.

 He wanted to watch the excitement.

Cining Palace and Cuihua Palace added to the decoration of Chengyi Bofu. With so many boxes and cages passing by on the street, he could see clearly from his private room facing the street.

 Watching the queue passing by, Xu Jian felt somewhat like "the wedding is coming soon".

“They stared very hard.” Xu Jian snorted.

 Those who are following are always the most active in the first few days, and then gradually fall into slackness.

Especially for a person like Xu Jian who "goes back to the palace" and has been there for ten days without any change, this will make people lose their vigilance and relax as soon as they see him entering the gate of Fu Guogong's mansion.

I thought he would never leave the house again, so naturally I stopped following him that day and went to look for a place to relax.

 But these two people did not relax.

Xu Jian stayed in the house all morning. After lunch, he went out, and his followers followed him diligently.

I have to say, I have good patience.

Judging from this, these two people should not be Li Shao's men.

Xu Jian knows Li Shao well. Li Shao's side cannot be mobilized to be so "down-to-earth" and "strict and orderly".

Even if Li Shao sent people to follow him, it would only take three days to fish and two days to dry the nets. Once he was fooled by "returning home", he would disappear at noon and would never appear again in the afternoon.

From this point of view, Xu Jian is more likely to be the person behind the scenes.

The people sent out are loyal and hard-working, but they are not capable enough and the work is too rough.

Thinking about it this way, it was indeed a very cost-effective deal for the other party to give up Dao Heng and Wang Qi before.

 The two sharp blades are useless, and the successors are not sharp enough.

After sorting out his thoughts, Xu Jian told Xuan Su: "Go to Enrong Bo's Mansion and ask Mr. Xia to come."


How could Mr. Xia not be in the house at this moment?

Mr. Xia loves to join in the fun so much. Enrong's Mansion and Chengyi's Mansion are next to each other. He will never miss looking at the boxes of makeup and sending them to the next door.

Xuansu agreed and went to do it.

Xia Qinglue was indeed in the mansion. Hearing that Xu Jian was looking for him, he came to the teahouse without saying a word.

There was new tea in the elegant room. Xia Qing sat down happily and asked, "Why are you so happy today?"

 The two are good friends, but he actually hasn’t seen Xu Jian for a while.

Hearing that Xu Jian had begun to treat his injuries, Xia Qing slightly expressed worries and blessings, and went to visit Duke Fuguo once. After Xu Jian had retired from the morning court, he wanted to go to the door, but he could not get in.

Xu Bai politely told him that the Duke was recovering from his injuries and would not see any guests.

Xia Qinglue was not angry at being rejected. He could figure out what Xu Jian was thinking.

Who wants to be sick and miserable when visiting guests?

 At any rate, he himself was quite unwilling.

The leg injury is tormenting, the pain comes in waves, and it’s very difficult to have to brace yourself to deal with others!

 It is even more unnecessary to refuse a guest with whom you have a normal relationship, especially if you are as close as a brother.

At that time, Xia Qing counted the people who entered the gate of Fuguo Duke's Mansion, and found that there were only a few people on the left.

The fiancée Princess Ning'an, the An Yibo couple who were discussing the wedding ceremony, the people sent by the Holy Spirit to care about her, and the people sent by the King of Jin to greet her are all gone.

Xia Qinglue only left a message for Xu Bai, saying that whenever Xu Jian was interested in chatting with him, he would send someone to deliver a message to Uncle Enrong's house.

 So, this saying has remained until today.

Of course, the location was beyond Xia Qinglue's expectation. It was not in the Duke's Mansion, but in a teahouse on this street.

 Xu Jian did not answer, but poured a cup of tea for Xia Qinglue.

Xia Qing took a sip, raised his eyebrows, and said, "You still bring your own tea? This teahouse can't produce such good tea."

 “Rewarded by Cining Palace.” Xu Jian replied.

"As expected," Xia Qing said as he moistened his throat with tea. An idea flashed through him and he understood, "Would you like to add more makeup? Tsk, this guy is really good."

 Xu Jian was noncommittal.

Xia Qinglue was very lively and talked about everything he saw and heard outside Uncle Chengyi's house.

 Xu Jian didn't talk much. He just refilled his tea from time to time and listened to Xia Qing's brief description.

From early in the morning, cleaning arrangements were arranged outside the uncle's house, until the palace attendants from the two palaces left to send makeup, which was meticulous and thorough.

The more he talked, the more excited he became. Xia Qing briefly said: "If you weren't lucky, you would have married the sweetheart of Cining Palace. I didn't look at you in vain outside the palace gate last summer."

 Xu Jian curled her lips.

Xia Qinglue added: "Yesterday, my mother was talking to my grandmother. I was listening nearby. She just came back from Uncle Chengyi's Mansion and said that the princess's wedding dress was indeed made by the Shangfu Bureau. It was exquisite and luxurious. It was supported by You can’t take your eyes off it when it’s on the shelf. How beautiful would it be if you actually wore it? “

How could Xu Jian not hear the teasing and joking in his words?

 But he didn't actually need to think about it, he had seen Lin Yunyan put on her wedding dress.

deep impression.

 The winter night comes early.

 The two of them came down from the teahouse and found a restaurant for dinner.

Xuan Su followed, secretly gesticulating with Xu Jian - the two followers were still following.

 After two pots of hot wine, it was already halfway through the second watch when the table was dismissed.

 The carriage was arranged by Xu Jian and sent Xia Qinglue back first.

Xia Qinglue looked puzzled: "We're half a city away, and I'm not drunk. You sent me a special gift. Am I from a girl's family?"

Xu Jian chuckled: "If you were a girl, could I have a drink with you?"

Xia Qing touched the tip of his nose slightly and swallowed the words that reached his lips.

He wanted to say, "If you hadn't injured your leg and couldn't climb over the courtyard wall, I would have thought that you sending me away was a lie and that you were going to see your sweetheart." But after all, these words were a bit poignant. He didn't drink too much, so he ended up thinking You can't really blurt it out.

 The carriage moved slowly, not very fast, until it arrived outside the residence of Uncle Enrong.

Xuan Su knocked on the side door and asked Xia Qinglue to get out of the car and enter the house. He looked around again.

 Then, he reported to Xu Jian in a low voice: "Master, I'm still following you."

Xu Jian said: "Stop under the west wall of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, you know the place."

Xuan Su’s expression froze.

What's the meaning?

Could the place he knew refer to the place where he was ordered to climb over the wall to see the princess last time?

Could it be that I have something to bring to the princess and I have to ask him to read it again later?

It also…

Although it was said that he was familiar with it once and twice, he found it strange last time. No matter how strange it was this time, he could still find it. However, there were two people following them in the dark!

You can't let him climb over the wall in front of those two people, right?

Xuan Su got into the car first, pointed the direction to the handlebar, and asked Xu Jian in a low voice: "Sir, do you want to get rid of the two people behind?"

 “What are you throwing away?” Xu Jian asked, “If you want to follow, just follow.”

Xuansu was confused, but he would not question Xu Jian. The carriage has arrived.

Xuansu was waiting for Xu Jian to tell him the message he wanted to send, when he saw their father bent over and got up, lifted the curtain of the carriage and got out.

  It was already the third watch, the sky was extremely dark, and no one was wandering around the alley in the cold weather.

 Xu Jian had excellent night vision and could easily see the location of the person he was following, but he pretended not to know.

"Let the carriage go to the entrance of the alley later. You wait here." Xu Jian said.

Xuan Su's breath tightened. He guessed Xu Jian's thoughts and his eyes fell on their father's right leg.

 “Are you going by yourself?” Xuan Su asked.

It's not that he wants to question them. As long as his leg is not injured, he can come and go freely on the courtyard wall. But even if a hero is brave in the past, his leg is not the same as before without injury.

Even if the doctor’s recent treatments are effective, it is still too difficult to climb over the hospital wall.

 But they will not do anything useless.

Thinking of those two sneaky things, Xuan Su still didn't understand.

 True and false, false and false, true and false, this is to set up the formation.

In this case, Xuan Su did not give much advice and only asked: "Do you want me to help you?"

Xu Jian glanced at the courtyard wall and then at Xuan Su. Without wasting any time, she gestured to him.

With the tacit understanding of practicing together since childhood, Xuan Su immediately understood what Xu Jian meant, raised his arms just right, and then raised Xu Jian's left leg up after it fell. In the blink of an eye, Xu Jian turned over in the air and disappeared from the courtyard wall. Inside.

In the darkness, the two people's eyes widened when they saw Xu Jian stepping together.

 The leg injury of Duke Fu seems to be different from what was expected.

 He has been holding a hand stove during the day, and I heard that he has to grit his teeth to climb the Jinluan Temple Trail. He still feels uncomfortable after standing for a long time during the morning pilgrimage. However, he can actually scale such a high courtyard wall!

Although he borrowed some strength, this dexterous posture cannot be achieved by a person with injured legs and difficulty in exerting strength.

His injury is almost healed?

His condition during the day is a disguise?


I have been following him for more than ten days, and I have finally produced some results, and I can go to the master for business.

 I didn’t suffer the cold for so many days in vain!

Inside the courtyard wall, Xu Jian rested against the wall for a while, especially her right leg. She did not dare to exert too much effort when landing. Fortunately, this was a garden and the ground was soft. It would be even more uncomfortable if she landed on the bluestone floor tiles. .

 Then, Xu Jian walked to Bao'an Garden.

 It’s not a very familiar place, but after all, it’s a place I’ve been to before, so it’s not difficult to tell where it is.

The wall of Bao'an Garden was shorter, so Xu Jian climbed over it and went around to the back window.

 The lights have been turned off in the room, and it is pitch dark.

 Xu Jian lightly knocked on the window.

 In the bedroom, Lin Yunyan was already asleep.

Watching the night under the moonlight, an excited spirit opened his eyes. Hearing that little movement, he felt panicked.

She was still not very courageous, and she was inevitably nervous when someone knocked on the window in the middle of the night. However, she suddenly remembered Xuan Su's previous visit late at night, so she comforted herself secretly, put on some clothes and got up to call Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan opened her eyes and saw Wan Yue lifting the curtain and squatting beside the bed, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Wanyue pointed to the back window: "It seems like someone is knocking."

As soon as the words fell, the knocking sound sounded again.

 Hunting a few times, it was quite rhythmic, and Lin Yunyan was stunned for a moment.

 This is the code Xu Jian had agreed upon with her before.

 Xu Jian had a good ear, so he probably heard her conversation with Wan Yue, so he knocked a few more times.

 But, why did Xu Jian come?

  It’s not that it’s late at night, but the courtyard wall is tall. How did he get in?

 Wanting to think about it, Lin Yunyan didn't waste any time. She took a coat and put it on, got off the bed, walked a few steps to the back window, raised her hand and knocked back a few times.

 Then, she heard Xu Jian's voice.

"it's me."

Lin Yunyan opened the window and moved aside.

Xu Jian came in while holding on to the window edge, and closed the window smoothly.

 Compared with courtyard walls, windows are really nothing.

Wan Yue lit the oil lamp, saw clearly the appearance of the person coming, looked back and forth between Lin Yunyan and Xu Jian, and left silently.

 Lighting a lamp in the main room soon attracted the attention of others.

Wan Yue opened the door a crack and whispered to Mother Ma who came to see the situation: "The Duke of the country is here."

Mama Ma frowned and said, "Princess, can't you sleep? Then you come with us and talk for a while, and I'll go back and continue sleeping."

After saying that, she turned around and left, raising her hand and waving away all the maids and women who poked their heads out of the side room.

Wanyue closed the door, moved a handful of tuna and sat inside the door.

In the bedroom, Lin Yunyan was also frowning.

The anxiety disappeared as early as the moment he saw Xu Jian, and the rest was full of doubts and worries.

"You came in over the wall? Are your injuries healed?" she asked, "Or did you hold on by force?"

She remembered Xu Jian saying that if you really want to do it, you can still do it, but it is very difficult and you have to hold your breath, and it will be troublesome after you finish it.

“What happened that forced you to come in person?” Lin Yunyan asked.

 This is already midnight.

 In case of such an emergency, Xuan Su and Shen Chen can do it for her, or they can wait until dawn and let Chen Gui come find her.

Why does Xu Jian need to go into battle in person?

"There are indeed some situations," Xu Jian spoke slowly, no different from usual. He sat down at the table and motioned Lin Yunyan to sit down as well, and then added, "There are two people who have been following me for more than ten days."

Lin Yunyan pursed her lips and didn't understand it for a moment.

Xu Jian spoke slowly and told Lin Yunyan all his previous guesses.

"So, you asked Xia Qinglue to have tea and wine, and when the night came, you climbed over the wall in front of those two people?" Lin Yunyan frowned and said, "I understand you want to confuse them, but you can't Lied to me."

 At this point, Lin Yunyan paused and looked directly into Xu Jian's eyes: "How is your leg injury? Does it really not matter if you climb over the wall?"

Xu Jian chuckled lightly: "Doctor Yue has worked hard for so many days and has somewhat recovered. It doesn't matter."

Lin Yunyan didn’t say she believed it, nor did she say she didn’t believe it.

She just stood up and took some water from the bamboo basket of the warm water bucket under the table. She had warmed it before going to bed. It was still quite hot at the moment, and she poured a cup for Xu Jian.

 “Warm it up.” Lin Yunyan said.

Hearing this, Xu Jian took it and put it to his lips.

The next moment, Lin Yunyan suddenly turned her body. When Xu Jian was unprepared and had no time to react, her palm directly pressed on his right leg, straight up and down without holding back.

As expected, there was no entrance to the hot water, and Xu Jian took a breath of cold air.

 Praise this book~~~

 "Jinghong Tower", author Yao Yingyi, introduction: I raised an emperor, I jumped into the river once, and I carried a building!

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