Yan Cigui

Chapter 341: Habits (Two updates combined into one, please vote for me)

When Lin Yunyan looked at Xu Jian, Xu Jian was also looking at her.

The bride has changed out of her wedding clothes and put on simpler clothes. Her long hair is tied up, and she has washed off her makeup. She looks much cleaner.

But tonight, the red candle shines on people, the brocade quilt curtain on the canopy bed, the pillow and cushion on the Arhat's bed, the cloth on the table, and the cover covering the oil lamp are all in red, and no matter how plain the face is, it will shine through. rosy.

What's more, Lin Yunyan is already bright and beautiful.

 She is still radiant even though her face is bare.

Lin Yunyan saw that Xu Jian was standing next to the floor covering without moving, so she simply stood up on her own.

 Taking a few steps forward, she smelled the smell of alcohol on Xu Jian.

 For the wedding banquet at the Duke's mansion, the best red wine was used.

 Xu Jian came all the way back and let the wind blow for a while, but the smell of wine was not dissipated, which showed that he drank a lot.

But Lin Yunyan didn't think Xu Jian would be drunk.

  Not only because Xu Jian has a good drinking capacity, but also because his eyes are so clear and clear, without any confusion of drunkenness.

A person who is not drunk is standing here without moving...

Lin Yunyan didn't need to think too much. She looked away from Xu Jian's face and glanced down, landing on his right leg.

Standing here, leaning against the charcoal pot, warming yourself up by the fire!

Xu Jian also knew that he could not hide it from her, so he said: "Go and get rid of the cold air."

Lin Yunyan looked at him: "Since my brother-in-law is not here, there is no one to hand you the stove?"

"So there are some," Xu Jian followed her words, "They are all drunk."

After all, it is Duke Fu who is marrying Princess Ning'an. No matter how good the friendship was in the past, there are a lot of guests today.

 Xu Jian has a high position but is relatively junior, and many of the people eating at the banquet are elders of the old Duke's generation.

 The friendships fought on the battlefield are huge.

 And Xu Jian has a "record" of drinking and beating up all over Yumen. Everyone knows that he is not afraid of drinking, and his elders are particularly enthusiastic about persuading him to drink.

After all, thinking that he was the groom, everyone pointed their wine cups at the bridegroom and his entourage.

Xu Jian relied on his good drinking capacity to avoid getting drunk after all the talk, but the same could not be said for others.

Xia Qinglue's ability to drink was limited, but An Yibo's grandson could drink, but his fists were no match for his four hands. Shen Chen and Xuan Su did not escape either, and were taken away by Xu Bai to settle down.

Therefore, at first Shenchen took the hand stove to Xu Jian, but later he was so drunk that he couldn't remember it.

 Xu Bai was busy greeting the guests and was still half drunk. When the second half came, he only saw a hand stove in Xu Jian's hand, but he didn't realize that the hand stove was already cold.

Lin Yunyan understood after hearing Xu Jian’s brief explanation.

 As for this matter, there is no need to blame the people following Xu Jian.

 Lin Yunyan herself knows how busy it is to have a banquet, and there are indeed times when she cares about the beginning and not the end.

how to say…

 If I really want to argue, I still blame her.

Yesterday when she was negotiating to open the door to Chengyi's house, she remembered to ask Lin Yunfeng to bring a hand stove to Xu Jian. Today, when she was sitting in the new house waiting, she forgot to ask someone to bring a hand stove to the table in front of her.

 Speaking of which, he was tired and kept talking to Liu Ping, so he was not so thoughtful.

"Change your clothes first?" Lin Yunyan asked, "I'll ask someone to get some hot water. Can you warm your legs?"

Xu Jian agreed and went inside first.

Lin Yunyan exchanged two sentences with Grandma Ma.

There was hot water in the small kitchen. Soon, the caretaker woman came in with water and prepared it for the clean room.

Because Xu Jian had a leg injury, he rarely made medicine. The medicine bucket was placed in Anping Garden, and only a smaller one was placed in the main room.

Xu Jian soaked for a while, and after her legs and feet felt better, she came out again.

Lin Yunyan was sitting at the table, talking to Wan Yue in a low voice.

Wanyue nodded repeatedly and went out quickly.

“There is still some porridge warm in the kitchen,” Lin Yunyan turned to Xu Jian and said, “I’ll bring it over later.”

 Xu Jian sat down next to her.

 It is convenient to be familiar with each other.

Lin Yunyan knew that the banquet was all about drinking and not many dishes were used. She also knew that Xu Jian couldn't eat much after drinking. On the contrary, porridge and side dishes would make her feel better.

Xu Jian also knew that Lin Yunyan would probably not be needed at the moment.

It is said that on the day a bride gets married, there are so many things to do that she will easily go hungry, but Lin Yunyan will not do that.

The snacks he asked Grandma He to prepare in advance were enough for the little princess to fill her stomach.

Soon, Wan Yue came in carrying a food box.

A bowl of thick white porridge and several plates of side dishes were all placed in front of Xu Jian, and he only had one pair of chopsticks.

Lin Yunyan held the tea cup and took a sip, then took another refill.

Wanyue looked at Duke Fu, and then at his princess.

  Obviously they are on the same table, but they are clearly different.

For other people, this situation would seem to be disconnected, alienated, and even discordant, but for these two people, Wan Yue felt that they complemented each other perfectly.

 Not surprising at all, and somewhat consistent.

 It seems very natural.

 It seems like a couple living their lives, this is how it should be.

  However, the princess and the Duke were married for the first time.

Wan Yue still muttered to himself, not daring to talk nonsense in front of his face, so he stepped back and waited.

 The longer she waited, the more she felt, it was incredible, this was what an old married couple seemed to be like?

 Actually, Wan Yue has never seen any old couples.

 She was born into the family and was appointed to the princess's side when she was five or six years old.

The princess's mother passed away. Wan Yue didn't know how the uncle and his wife got along in the past, and when they were in Cining Palace, the empress dowager was "alone".

The couple that can be seen in Bo Fu in sincerity, Wan Yue is not waiting for them. Where can I see it?

She can explain the hobbies of the noble ladies in the capital, and she can also explain the daily life of the most expensive old lady in the world, but she just doesn't know how to get along with husband and wife!

However, without a clear image, Wan Yue still naturally classified the two people in front of him as an "old husband and wife".

 Have seen some pigs running around.

 This is what the old couple in the storybook seems to be like.

 The prince drank porridge at a fast pace without losing his appearance, while the princess drank tea slowly and leisurely, enjoying herself.

 No one spoke, there was no eye contact, it was quiet.

 When Xu Jian put down the bowls and chopsticks, Wan Yue stepped forward and quickly cleaned them up.

Lin Yunyan added another cup of tea and poured one for Xu Jian: "It's very light."

 The table with clear distinctions between Jing and Wei has lost the Chu, He and Han boundaries and merged into one.

The north wind was blowing outside, making the window panels rattle.

The wick of the lamp was swinging, and the room suddenly became darker.

Lin Yunyan didn’t let anyone do anything. She went over to take off the lampshade and plucked the wick with scissors.

The light floats and draws a shadow diagonally.

Xu Jian held the tea cup and her eyes fell on the shadow, then followed the shadow upwards and landed on Lin Yunyan.

Lin Yunyan's wedding dress was hanging on the shelf by the wall, and what was different from before was that there was another piece of clothing beside her wedding dress, which was his wedding dress.

 Two pieces of red exquisite clothing are placed side by side, just like the dragon and phoenix candles burning on the side table.

Lin Yunyan put down the scissors.

 She noticed Xu Jian looking at her.

 It was unusual, but it was unusual for Xu Jian not to look at her.

But it was such an ordinary gaze that made Lin Yunyan tense her shoulders.

She thought, she heard her heavy heartbeat again. Previously, Xu Jian went to toast, but she stayed in the room to talk to Liu Ping. From opening her eyes in the morning to getting on the sedan chair, to lifting her hijab and drinking a glass of wine, the series of accumulated and agitating emotions had already dispersed a lot. , but unexpectedly, they gradually gathered again at this moment.

  Or it cannot be said to be gathering.

Lin Yunyan even felt that her heartbeat was faster than before, and her emotions were more turbulent, so much so that she felt numbness in her fingers just by plucking the wick with scissors.

With her eyes lowered, Lin Yunyan took a deep breath.

no way…

she thinks.

Although it is not the first time, it is a night of flowers and candles after all. How can there be no disturbance?

 Whenever you are in it, no matter who you are, your mood will be ups and downs.

  Maybe it’s not just her, maybe Xu Jian is like this too, but Xu Jian is used to pretending.

  In the past, he was cold and indifferent, but now he makes some strange words from time to time, making people care about him or not.

Lin Yunyan turned back to the table and sat down.

 The tea in the tea cup is not only weak, but also cold.

This pot of tea has been brewed several times, and now that it is night, there is no need to prepare new tea.

Seeing Lin Yunyan lowering her eyes and looking at the tea cup, Xu Jian asked Wan Yue: "Has the bed been made?"

Wanyue replied: "I have put away the peanuts and red dates, and I have also warmed them with Tang Pozi."

 Xu Jian got up and went to wash up.

Wanyue looked at Lin Yunyan, then turned to look at Mother Ma.

Mama Ma followed the same pattern, her eyes also wandering on Lin Yunyan and Wan Yue.

Although they moved from Chengyi's Mansion to Fu Guogong's Mansion, they were actually the ones doing the work in the princess's house.

It’s not that the Duke’s office is stingy, but that the Duke usually only has a few personal attendants around him. In this case, the employment should follow the habits of the princess.

There were no new maids or maids, so they only had a few more sweepers and maids who followed from Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, all of whom worked in the yard.

 Hence, there is no outsider in the inner room.

Mama Ma walked to Lin Yunyan.

Thinking of Mrs. Chen’s shameless words that day and the calm look on her princess’s face, Mother Ma didn’t say anything more and only said softly: “My slave is keeping watch outside.”

Who told her to be a nanny?

The film "Wan Yue Little Girl" is too young and thin-skinned, so it is inappropriate.

Lin Yunyan nodded slightly.

It was only then that Mother Ma noticed that the princess's mood at the moment was different from her calm mood that day.

 This is unavoidable.

Arranging a lot of "tricks" for Dong Chen's family. Those who are tricking others are all others. Can it be the same thing as having flowers and candles in his own bridal chamber?

When the matter came to a close, Mother Ma didn’t want to make things more confusing, so she didn’t say much and just raised her chin towards Wan Yue.

Wan Yue understood, looked around the bedroom, made sure there was nothing missing, and quickly exited.

 Grandma Ma also left.

Lin Yunyan was the only one left, sitting in front of the dressing table and spreading her long hair.

 Xu Jian came over and saw her combing her hair.

The long black hair is spread down and reaches her waist.

He stood next to Lin Yunyan, took the comb from her hand, and while combing it, he asked: "Have you put away the arrows in your sleeves?"

Lin Yunyan blinked.

This issue is indeed new.

She then tilted her head back and looked at him: "I wore it during the day. Fortunately, it was cold and my clothes were thick, so Xi Niang, who was supporting me, didn't notice it. She just took it off and put it aside."

 Speaking, Lin Yunyan pointed to Xu Jian.

 The Xiujian was placed on the bedside table.

Xu Jian looked back. She didn't stop combing her hair, but she didn't know where she took it. The teeth of the comb got stuck, and Lin Yunyan couldn't help but frown.

Xu Jian bent down and took a look: "It's knotted here."

As he spoke, he didn't let Lin Yunyan move. He just lowered his body, got closer, and carefully straightened out the tangled hair.

 The two of them are close to each other.

 While taking a breath, Lin Yunyan smelled the scent of Xu Jian.

The almost indistinguishable soap locust and the familiar but not exactly the same medicinal smell.

In the past few months, Xu Jian has been applying medicated oil and taking medicated baths frequently. The smell of medicinal herbs is strong and stains her body, which cannot be easily dissipated.

“What did the doctor say?” Lin Yunyan asked softly, “Do you want to continue acupuncture? How long do you need to soak in the medicinal bath?”

“Absolutely,” Xu Jian replied casually, “ask him yourself later and he will give a more complete answer.”

The sound is close to the ear, and together with the breath, it all falls on the auricle.

Lin Yunyan shrank her neck involuntarily.

Xu Jian untied her hair, smoothed it with a comb, and then put it down.

He stood up slightly straighter and asked, "The medicine smells strong? Is it strong?"

Lin Yunyan shook her head: "It's okay, I'm used to it."

 Xu Jian pursed her lips and said nothing for a while. Then she rubbed Lin Yunyan's head with her hand: "It's not a good habit."

Lin Yunyan took a deep breath.

It was indeed not a good habit. She wished she didn't have this habit, but in fact, neither she nor Xu Jian could get rid of the smell of those medicinal oil baths.

Although she said that she would let Xu Jian try to cure the foot injury so that the foot injury can be completely cured, but this was just her hope.

She didn't know whether or how long it would take to get better, and Xu Jian didn't dare to give her any guarantee.

 But, just because of Xu Jian's lack of guarantee, it made what he promised carry more weight.

Even if there is no proof for anything and it is a sincere hope, Lin Yunyan believes Xu Jian's answer.

 Xu Jian said, those who can get through.

Lin Yunyan stood up and glanced at Xu Jian.

Xu Jian went to blow out the two oil lamps.

 The room suddenly became much darker, with only the two red candles lit.

The heartbeat suddenly picked up again in the darkness. Lin Yunyan twirled her fingertips and walked to the bed.

Taking off her shoes, she knelt down beside the bed, leaned in, and reached out into the quilt.

 The quilt was hot, and her fingertips touched something.

Lin Yunyan took it out and showed her palm to Xu Jian: "Peanut."

 Xu Jian raised his eyebrows.

 The bed frame is large and the quilt is thick, so omissions are inevitable.

  It was the same in the past. When Lin Yunyan turned over and was not cleaned up, she was crushed. The little princess had a delicate skin and tender flesh, leaving a red mark immediately.

Looking at the peanut, Xu Jian naturally remembered it and said smoothly: "Wan Yue missed it again?"

Lin Yunyan smiled: "Yes."

The bamboo basket containing peanuts and lotus seeds was placed beside her. With a flick of her wrist, she threw the peanuts in.

  Falling with a thud, like a heartbeat.

She will not tell Xu Jian that the peanut was not missed by Wan Yue, but hidden by her.

 It is her heart. (End of chapter)

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