Yan Cigui

Chapter 374: Both times it was for him (two updates in one)

Although Xu Jian did not go to court, some situations in the court were under control.

They knew that Li Shao was terribly annoyed by Shan Shen, and they also knew that under Shan Shen's further pressure every day, the officials who had suppressed their thoughts and no longer deliberately picked on His Highness were starting to take action again.

 The most active one among them is naturally Gu Heng, the young minister of Taichang Temple.

In Lin Yu’s words, Gu Heng’s positivity was obviously not smart enough.

 First of all, His Highness the Fourth Highness is still too young, and secondly, it is not easy to be a first-timer.

 Gu Heng may not understand the truth here, but he still chooses to be at the forefront, and he should have his own considerations.

“Xuan Su said,” Xu Jian and Lin Yunyan said, “someone is trying to find out how I was injured in the first place.”

Lin Yunyan glanced at Xu Jian's legs and said, "I don't care about your injury. I clearly care about the prince."

Xu Jian smiled: "It should be Mr. Gu's manpower, but unfortunately, his investigation is currently unfavorable."

The incident happened at Yumen Pass. Very few soldiers guarding the border have returned to the capital in the past few years. The news has been kept sealed and has not spread. Even those who know something about it will not take the risk of angering the Holy Emperor and do so casually. Reveal to the outside world.

Of course, there are guesses. Some people guessed one or two, some guessed seven or eight, and some people were very different. All kinds of information were mixed together, and they were pieced together. Not to mention Xu Jian's reaction after hearing this, Lin Yunyan guessed the untrue information. Can make Li Shao laugh.

With such confusion, it was not easy for Gu Heng to find out the truth.

 “This bell won’t ring unless it rings.” Lin Yunyan said.

Xu Jian understood what she meant and had to explain it to Mr. Gu. After thinking about it, he said, "Mr. Gu is a good clock."

 Gu Hengna is a person with clear goals and positive attitude.

He should not be a dull man. Once he got accurate information that was beneficial to him and His Highness the Fourth Highness, he would dare to talk about it in the Jinluan Palace.

Moreover, more importantly, it is easier to contact Gu Heng than other "clocks".

"I remember that Mrs. Gu believed in Buddhism," Lin Yunyan recalled. "It seems that one year, I saw the embroidery of Guanyin sitting on the lotus sent by Gu Jieyu in Cining Palace."

In my impression, it seemed to be the winter solstice of the 16th year of Yongjia.

 At that time, the Empress Dowager's health was already in poor condition. She had been recuperating from illness since early autumn and had lost a lot of weight.

Her skin used to be pretty good, with fine lines, but her face was round and did not look old. Once she lost weight, her age became obvious, and she also had deep and shallow spots on her face.

Lin Yunyan went to the palace to visit her every now and then, talk to her, and watch the Queen Mother go from being initially optimistic about her condition to gradually being powerless and finally calm.

The empress would occasionally say at that time that this was probably the hurdle. If you passed it, you might be able to live for a few more years. If you couldn't pass it, it would only be a few months.

When Lin Yunyan heard what she said, she started by asking her not to talk nonsense and ended up accompanying her to recall the people and things in the past.

At the winter solstice, a Guanyin sitting on lotus was added to the Cining Palace.

Lin Yunyan looked closely at it for a long time and felt that the embroidery work was quite outstanding. After asking about it, she found out that it was sent by Gu Jieyu and was made by Gu Jieyu's mother.

“The Ai family had heard that her embroidery skills were good before, but it seems she was not bragging.”

“I said I have been embroidering for a month. I have been working day and night. I have not entrusted anyone with the stitches. I just want to pray for my family.”

"The Ai family didn't want to accept them. A bowl of water would be nice. That is to say, the Guanyin embroidery is really good. The Ai family wanted to live a few more years, so they accepted it."

“In terms of embroidery, your sister is the best. The Ai family was really happy when I saw her. How has she been in the past two years?”

 “Sister” of course refers to Lin Yunjing.

After those disputes, life has to go on, even if it is just make do.

 The eldest sister has a good temper and doesn't want her parents to worry about her. The sisters don't mention anything bad when they encounter her.

Lin Yunyan did not bother the Empress Dowager with those things. She only said: "After marriage, I will never feel more comfortable than when I was a girl. During the New Year, I will tell her that you like her embroidery work and ask her to embroider a Guanyin for you." ”

“Forget it, the Ai family just said that embroidering a Guanyin takes a lot of effort. She is no better than you, a member of a big family..."

"It's a great blessing to be able to embroider Guanyin for you," Lin Yunyan said. "It's too late for Duke Xu's family to be happy, so how can you say she took all the effort?"

 Lin Yunyan is very positive.

What she was thinking at the time was that if the eldest sister could get this dignity, Su Ke and Duke Xu could not bully others casually even if they had various ideas.

 Besides, the eldest sister’s embroidery work is better than Mrs. Gu’s.

 After that, Lin Yunyan also inquired and found out that Mrs. Gu had thoughts to please her, but she was telling the truth. She believed in Buddhism and was very pious.

Even once, Lin Yunyan accompanied her grandmother to Guangde Temple to offer incense and met Mrs. Gu.

After sorting out old memories, Lin Yunyan said: "I'll ask Mrs. Xu."

Mrs. Xu often went to Guangde Temple on the first and fifteenth day of the Lunar New Year, and stayed in the temple for a while before leaving.

 “I’m not sure,” Mrs. Xu said, “You know, I don’t like to interact with people very much when I go out.”

“I seem to have heard from the master in the temple that Mrs. Gu will go to offer incense every tenth, twentieth and thirtieth day of the Lunar New Year,” said Aunt Xia. “I have never met you on the same day as you, Mrs. Gu.

That is to say, during the short stay, there was a day on the stack. At that time, the master and the young master were in trouble. They met in the wing room, but his family did not talk to the slaves. "

"That's it," Xu Miao sighed, "I was in a chaotic few days, and it's human nature for people not to talk to me."

 In the past, if we had no friendship and encountered trouble, others might not be hurt, but most would choose to stay away and wait and see.

Lin Yunyan said: "It's a coincidence, tomorrow is twenty, and I want to go to Guangde Temple."

“The princess wants to see Mrs. Gu?” Xu Miao asked.

Lin Yunyan only smiled but did not answer.

 Xu Miao pursed her lips.

These days, although she lives in the backyard, the news from outside and the front yard will not be hidden from her.

She knew that the prince was causing trouble, and she also knew that Shuntian Prefecture Yin had come several times. She could also see that there were problems between A Jian and the prince.


When nothing happened to Liu Jing and Xun'er, Ajian told her frankly that they were not walking the same path.

Now, even if Xun'er is exiled, there is still a gap between A Jian and the prince.

Xu Miao would not point fingers at Xu Jian when it came to important matters in the court. She did not have that position, and she did not understand or understand those things.

She knew that it was A Jian's duty to save the prince, and even if she felt extremely distressed again and again, she would praise A Jian for being brave and brave. But as far as her mood was concerned, A Jian was injured one after another, and Xun'er did bad things with the prince again. She How can you not have any complaints about the prince?

 No matter what A-Jian is doing, she must support it.

 She can only help their young couple with this little support.

“It’s better to go to the temple, pray more, and ask the Bodhisattva to bless Ah Jian for good health in the coming year and not cause any further harm,” Xu Miao rolled her eyes and asked tentatively, “Do you want me to go with you?”

If she could help, she would definitely not refuse, but she was also afraid that she would not know the inside story and go there and make things worse...

Lin Yunyan thought for a while and said: "Then let's go together and call him A-Ping. We will come back after offering incense and fasting."

Hearing this, Xu Miao secretly breathed a sigh of relief and agreed.

 On the 20th, several people got up early. Guangde Temple was very prosperous years ago, but luckily it was acquired early, and there are still two wing rooms left.

​ BEING me us?

Lin Yunyan nodded, left the wing, and stood on the porch for a while.

At the end, a woman came out with a basin, and she immediately saw the people standing on the porch.

She took a second look, turned around and asked a little maid gently: "Which family of pilgrims lives in that room? They are dressed plainly, but the material looks expensive at first glance, and the posture is good."

The little maid said: "My servant asked just now and said that there was a distinguished guest from the Fuguo Palace in the temple today. It seems that the guest is probably Princess Ning'an. There is someone in the wing, who should be Mrs. Xu."

The mother-in-law said lowly "Ouch", handed the basin to the little maid, and quickly went inside.

"Madam, the Duke of Fu has also come to offer incense. He is right in front. The one I saw should be the princess."

Mrs. Gu raised her head: "Seriously?"

The old woman nodded: "Although I don't recognize the princess, my clothes and posture look very noble. Once you stand there, you will see the 'rules' that Empress Jieyu mentioned."

There are rules in the palace. When Empress Jieyu entered the palace, she studied them hard for several months before she gradually got used to them.

The princess is in the palace, and the rules are engraved in her bones, so her manners are naturally different from others.

 The more the mother-in-law talked about it, the more she felt that it was correct.

Mrs. Gu was holding the tea cup and couldn't make up her mind.

 In recent days, the master was talking about the prince, the auxiliary Duke, and the injury. She listened to a few words and wanted to ask more detailed questions, but the master did not answer her.

  Today I met the princess. Would she like to get close to her?

If I can pull this thread, can I also help the master and the Fourth Highness?

 But she rushed forward rashly, in case it was self-defeating...

Mrs. Gu was not sure. After much deliberation, she asked her mother-in-law to take the lead and observe whether the princess could speak well. She saw the opportunity and went to see Mrs. Xu.

The mother-in-law agreed, went out of the wing, pretended to be busy outside, and kept peeking at the princess.

Lin Yunyan naturally noticed it and called out "Wan Yue".

Wan Yue came out with a bundle in her hand and followed Lin Yunyan to the back hall.

 Compared with the front hall, there are many fewer pilgrims here.

Seeing the monks in the hall, Wan Yue opened the cloth bag, which was full of scriptures.

 “I copied it with my own hands and sent it for worship.” Lin Yunyan said.

The monk took it and performed Buddhist rituals.

Lin Yunyan knelt on the futon and recited silently for a while, kowtowed again, and knelt for a quarter of an hour before getting up.

The master and the servant walked from behind. When they stepped out of the hall, Lin Yunyan's body tilted, her eyes rolled up to the moon, and her hands quickly caught her.

 “Be careful.” Wan Yue exclaimed.

 “My feet are numb, it’s okay.” Lin Yunyan said.

"The Duke is already lying down to nurse his injured leg. If you fall again, both husband and wife will lose a leg." Wan Yue curled her lips.

"You have such a mouth. Fortunately, there are no other people around. Whose maid could talk like this?" Lin Yunyan raised her hand to point her, and finally sighed, "I'm really worried about the Duke's leg injury.

 I sometimes think about it, it would be great if I could hurt him for him.

His martial arts skills and ambition were all lost due to a leg injury..."

Wanyue puffed out her cheeks slightly and was very unconvinced: "It's not because of the prince, but twice, both times it was for him!"

"Don't talk nonsense!" Lin Yunyan said, "Be careful to make people listen."

"Where is this nonsense?" Wan Yue said hurriedly, "At Yumen Pass, if the prince hadn't disguised himself as a soldier, sneaked out of the pass, and even sneaked to the battlefield with Xiliang, how could the Duke of Guo have suffered for saving him? A knife from Xiliang people?

How much does it hurt? The future of the Duke of Guo...

He is the crown prince, so he has to hide everything for him. There are even rumors in the capital that the Duke of Guo got hurt because he was eager for quick success.

Finally, I hired a doctor and got a little better. I also spent a whole day fighting with the blind bear in the paddock. I have no idea whether my leg injury will be cured in the future.

Your Majesty is recovering from your injuries. You are feeling uncomfortable and my heart aches. My servant is feeling uncomfortable seeing you, so I am also feeling uncomfortable.

 You haven’t had a good rest these past few days and have been copying scriptures until the third watch. You hope that this piety will allow the Bodhisattva to bless you more..."

Lin Yunyan looked at Wan Yue solemnly and sighed for a long time: "I know you care about me, but don't talk about those things anymore. Walls have ears."

"I just saw it, and there is no one else here," Wan Yue said, "but the Bodhisattva heard it."

Lin Yunyan sighed again.

Only the middle door of the back hall was opened. Behind the tall door panel, Mrs. Gu's ears were raised and her heart was beating loudly.

What did she hear?

 It turns out that Duke Fuguo was injured like this!

 The prince actually slipped out of the prison?

The mother-in-law covered her mouth, not daring to make a sound. After she was sure that Lin Yunyan had left with Wan Yue, she quietly walked back to the front door and ran back to the side room.

Mrs. Gu was stunned when she heard this: "Are you sure? Did the princess really say that?"

 The mother-in-law nodded hurriedly.

"It shouldn't be," Mrs. Gu questioned. "Although I don't know the princess, everyone who has lived in the palace has a tight mouth. How can they say this outside and let others hear it?"

"They didn't find me. I hid well," the mother-in-law said. "It's said outside that the princess and the Duke are in harmony and have a very good relationship. It seems that caring can lead to chaos. Her maid must also be loyal. Her voice sounded like she was crying."

Mrs. Gu thought for a while and asked, "Has the princess returned to the wing?"

"No," the old lady said, "I saw her and went forward again."

Upon hearing this, Mrs. Gu straightened her appearance and took the initiative to visit Xu Miao.

 The two ladies sat down and spoke restrainedly and cautiously.

Xu Miao knew a little about Lin Yunyan's arrangement, and he always hesitated to speak to Mrs. Gu.

"The doctor is still treating me, good or bad. I am very worried, so I came to pay my respects."

"I don't want to hide the details of the injury from Madam Gu. When I asked him, he refused to tell me in detail, and it was difficult for me to ask further."

Mrs. Gu couldn't ask for a definite answer. She only saw Liu Ping, who was sitting obediently aside, making no sound, her eyes were red, and she seemed to be full of grievances.

Not long after, Mrs. Gu left and came out, believing the news that her mother-in-law had overheard.

If it was really hurt like that, it would not be surprising at all for a younger sister to feel aggrieved for her older brother. (End of chapter)

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