Yan Cigui

Chapter 381: Don’t even think about running away (two updates in one, please vote for me)

 Normally speaking, if a dead chicken does not require labor alone, it would be polite if the magistrate of the government can handle it.

But Jiangjunfang is full of dandy boys, and he himself is incompetent and his family is very capable. If there is any situation, even Shan Shen has to keep a smile on his face, and the others cannot take advantage of them.

Shan Shen was already very busy with the affairs of His Highness the Crown Prince. Suddenly someone came to report to the official, and the report was about Jiangjunfang, one big and two big.

When I heard that it was during a cockfight, someone hurt the chicken with a stone and beat it to death. The master next to him spit out all the water, and Shan Shen shook his head in disgust.

 But whether he dislikes the master, the chicken, or the dandy in Jiangjunfang, only Mr. Shan himself knows.

 The group of people arrived outside Jiangjunfang.

Seeing the official arrival, the people who gathered outside the gate to look at the excitement hurriedly dispersed and made way for them.

As soon as Shan Shen stepped in, the chief steward came out to greet him.

"Sir Shan," he rubbed his hands and smiled, "I have caused trouble for you and the policeman."

Shan Shen chuckled.

 It’s really troublesome.

When he walked all the way to the ring, Shan Shen's eyes jumped when he saw a group of well-dressed disciples gathered around the small building.

I couldn’t tell what was going on, but I just felt that something was “not good”.

Looking across the faces with different expressions, as expected, many of them were old friends whom I had interacted with before.

  If you want to say that you have committed any serious evil, actually you haven't. If you want to say that you have followed the rules, you can't even compare to them. They are just little **** who have been drunk and idle since childhood.

One of them is the Yao grandson of Baoan Hou. His surname is Yu and his given name is Cheng'an. He is not as good as Weiguan. He is good at both civil and military affairs. However, he does not want to make progress and only likes to act like a playboy, which makes his elders particularly troubled.

Previously, he had an argument with another group of drunkards because he had eaten too much. The two parties were drunk and had a fight. Yu Chengan's drunken hands were not serious, breaking one person's arm and breaking another person's front tooth. The quarrel reached Shuntian Mansion, and finally the security guard The Hou Mansion paid a lot of money to settle the matter.

At this time, Yu Chengan was surrounded by people.

When he saw Shan Shen, he quickly raised his voice and shouted: "Master Shan, Master Shan! They have all wronged me. Unless they say that I killed the chicken, please come and make the decision for me."

Shan Shen:…


Such a bad thing is more troublesome if there is a murderer than if there is no murderer.

Seeing Mr. Shan frowning, the master comforted in a low voice: "The dead one is just a chicken. At least Mr. Yu is a rich man. Please ask and check. If it is really him, let him pay for it. Before nightfall today It will definitely be done and we won’t cause trouble the next day.”

Shan Shen touched his beard and was comforted, although not much.

The master rolled his eyes and said, "No matter what, it's simpler than the prince's affairs."

 When it comes to the prince, Shan Shen takes it seriously.

These sister -in -law are both a piece, and there is no His Royal Highness to toss.

With this thought, he immediately became more pleased with Yu Chengan and others.

"Don't be anxious," Shan Shen said to Yu Cheng'an, then asked the chief steward, "What is the process? Please explain it carefully."

Before the chief steward opened his mouth, the disciples nearby started talking to each other.

Shan Shen's ears were buzzing, but he finally understood everything. He took the white-feathered chicken brought by the steward, pinched its neck and looked through it, then threw it to Zuo Zuo.

 Wu Zuo was carrying the chicken with a stern look on his face.

He has been in the industry for decades and has seen many murder cases. He has seen all kinds of horrific things. He has also examined pigs, dogs, chickens and ducks. However, these were all examined when investigating murder cases and at the scene. When will he be examined again? Have you ever tried a beast as a protagonist?

Even so, he still kept a straight face and asked: "Where are the stones? Let's take a look at them too."

A steward went to fetch it, and Shan Shen took advantage of this moment to ask again: "Someone saw stones flying from this side of the small building, so they surrounded the building?"

 “That’s right, that’s right!”

“Master Yu was watching the cockfight upstairs, and when he came down he found that he couldn’t get out?”

Yu Chengan said: "Since the chicken is dead and there is no more fighting, of course I want to leave, but in the end they all say that I am the murderer."

 “Aren’t you, are you in a hurry to leave?”

“Who doesn’t know that the most indispensable thing for people like us is leisure time!”

 “You love watching the fun so much, don’t you want to know about killing chickens?”

 For a while, everyone started arguing again.

Shan Shen listened to what was said and then asked the chief steward: "It started early today? Is it different from the original arrangement?"

"We have a distinguished guest coming," the chief steward said hurriedly. "It's not good to keep the distinguished guest waiting, so we'll open the door first."

After hearing this, other people on the side also turned around and asked, "Who are you?"

 “How expensive are these guests? That you don’t even dare to report to the official?”

Yu Chengan is also curious.

 He ​​was born in a prince's palace, and his ancestors had military exploits. He was already very respectable when walking in the capital. Of course, the capital's most indispensable thing was hairpins and royal relatives. Yu Cheng'an was not so arrogant as to think that he could walk sideways.

Hearing this, he couldn't help but raise his head and look upstairs.

Who can make Jiangjunfang so careful?

Supposedly he knows all the powerful people who really like cockfighting and often come to Jiangjunfang to join in the fun. Could it be that he is an acquaintance today?

 The chief steward did not answer openly, but came to Shan Shen and said, "Sir, I can lend you an ear."

Shan Shen leaned closer.

“I don’t know the specific identity, but the person following him must be a chamberlain. When you go out, a chamberlain will accompany you. How can you not support me?”

Master couldn't hear it, only saw their Master Shan's eyes widening suddenly.

Then, Mr. Shan and the chief steward hurriedly asked: "How old is he? What does he look like? You said he came in the morning?"

 Don’t blame him for panicking, how could he not panic!

Before noon, the Holy Spirit summoned the prince, but he could not be found.

Eunuch Cao was so anxious that he searched all the places he could think of, such as the East Palace and the Yamen of the Ministry of Rites, but there was no sign of His Highness. He even went to the Duke Fuguo's Mansion, but His Highness had already left.

There was no other way. Eunuch Cao sent someone to Shuntian Mansion to ask if Shan Shen knew the whereabouts of His Highness.

Shan Shen didn’t know for sure, and he and his master, Fucheng, and others had guessed where His Highness might have gone to have a drink, until he heard the big steward mention it...

Haven't His Highness actually come to Jiangjunfang?

 It doesn’t matter that you’re here, but you’re still surrounded in a small building?

They came to investigate a chicken killing case and took His Highness back?

 How can Shuntian Prefecture be so virtuous? How can you be so virtuous? ! What bad luck! Did he worship the Bodhisattva on the first day of the first lunar month and kowtow less?

Shan Shen was still praying that he would not be so unlucky until the end of the year, but the last bit of hope in his heart was extinguished by the chief steward's words, and he could only wipe his face heavily.

“She doesn’t reach her crown, and she looks about seventeen or eighteen years old. She is half a head taller than the younger one, and she looks upright.”

“The chamberlain is also young, not tall, and looks very active.”

Shan Shen covered his eyes with his palms.

 These are His Highness and Eunuch Wang, there is no mistaking them.

 He looked at the master again and said to himself, "What a crow's mouth."

Mr. Shan was confused by what he saw. He could only curl his mouth and smile. It was very polite, but it was embarrassing.

Shan Shen took a deep breath and calmed down: "The yamen people are here, let the guests disperse. Stop crowding around. It's like a vegetable market. You know you're watching a cockfight, but if you don't know, you still want to buy a chicken." It’s the New Year, everyone is short of money and meat, it’s as if they only eat this all year round!” The chief steward was stunned for a moment and responded repeatedly.

Once he spoke, Shan Shen's unsteady mood rose again: "I'll take people up to take a look. I heard that the upstairs is full? I want to see who has such good accuracy. He can hit someone with one stone. A chicken. If you can hit the neck with such accuracy, I still need a guillotine in Shuntian Mansion!"

As for His Highness the Crown Prince, Shan Shen never thought that His Highness could have such skills.

The stewards and guards came up to persuade the guests to leave, but some of them were unwilling to leave, shouting this and that.

Shan Shen could not stop cursing the "bastard" in his heart as he listened, thinking about the troubles in recent days, thinking about the abnormal attitude of the Holy Emperor in the Jinluan Palace, and thinking about the troubles that would come in the morning tomorrow...

Why is Shuntian Mansion the only one who is unlucky?

There are so many people who want to join in the fun, so let’s go to the imperial palace and stand in line together. He wants to see who has the toughest waist and eats the biggest fruit!

"Don't go, don't go at all!" Shan Shen scolded, "The cowardly ones and the old men in the family who are confident can continue to surround me. Later, all of you will go with me to Shuntian Mansion and let the family pick you up! "

As soon as the voice fell, there was a moment of silence, and then there was a commotion again.

Except for those who only had money and no power, they did not dare to provoke the yamen, so they left with the stewards, and those who stayed were all laughing and joking.

It is certainly not honorable to ask elders to go to Shuntian Mansion to receive people, but today we are just watching the excitement and not causing trouble. We are not blaming the public for speaking. With so many people, what are we afraid of?

Shan Shen ignored them and let the steward lead him into the small building and up the steps.

Yu Chengan was still regarded as a suspect by others. He simply followed Shan Shen to see who the distinguished guests were upstairs.

In order to have a good view, the small building is shaped like a small semi-circle around the arena below. There are a total of sixteen private rooms, all of which are full.

“Master Yu is sitting in the seventh room,” the chief steward introduced, “The distinguished guest is in the ninth room.”

Shan Shenshun asked: "Who is in the eighth room?"

“The three young masters and girls of the Han family,” the chief steward said.

Shan Shen immediately guessed that his surname was Han, who could be placed in one of the central rooms. He was Princess Derong's consort and a junior in Han Zhaoqing's family.

There are also different types of dandies. In Shan Shen’s eyes, the Han family’s children are pretty good.

  I haven’t done many proactive and diligent things, but I haven’t done anything that caused trouble for others either.

If all the dudes were like the Han family, Shuntian Mansion would avoid a lot of inexplicable troubles.

Shan Shen did not go to see Li Shao first, but took people to visit other private rooms and got a bunch of similar testimonies.

“I just came to watch a cockfight. Who knew something like this would happen? They were surrounded downstairs and I couldn’t leave even if I wanted to.”

“Sir Shan, do you think we can hit a chicken with one stone?”

“Find the murderer quickly, what else can you do later?”

“How much does a chicken cost? If it doesn’t work, I’ll do it. I didn’t kill the chicken. I just don’t want it to be troublesome. It’s not a big deal!”

Shan Shen was so angry that he slapped the man on the arm.

What's the big deal?

This fart can make a hole in the roof of the Jinluan Palace tomorrow. Do you think it is big or not?

 Finally, Shan Shen knocked on the door of the ninth room: "I am Shan Shen of Shuntian Prefecture. Is this your Highness?"

 The chief steward was confused: Your Highness?

Yu Chengan’s eyes widened: Your Highness!

 The door opened from the inside. Wang Gouzi smiled at Shan Shen, full of embarrassment, and stepped aside to reveal Li Shao inside.

Shan Shen went in and saluted Li Shao: "Your Highness, why are you here?"

Faced with the smell of wine, Shan Shen glanced at the table and saw several wine cups placed on it, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

It was not a good thing, and I also ate so much wine, and it was even more life -threatening!

 Li Shao said: "I can't be here?"

Shan Shen asked instead of walking around drunkenly, "Can you see where the stone was struck from?"

"No," Li Shao said impatiently, "I was just watching the excitement, but my interest was disturbed! A chicken is worth your visit. Is Shuntian Mansion so busy?"

Shan Shen:…

Your Highness is the busiest thing in the whole government!

Of course, he would not dare to shout this to the prince.

Li Shao asked the chief steward: "Are you not going to fight today? Then I will go back to the palace."

 The chief steward was extremely nervous.

There are not many people of this age in the capital who can be called His Royal Highness, let alone that one who wants to "return to the palace".

 He said solemnly: "G-congratulations to see your highness..."

Shan Shen subconsciously wanted to stop him.

Wang Gouzi saw this and said hurriedly: "Master Shan, look, His Highness has been out for a day. It's time to go back. Otherwise, I'll ask..."

 Outside, he did not say "Holy Master", but only pointed to the sky.

Shan Shen laughed angrily: "I've been asking since noon! I can't find it anywhere, and I even came to Shuntian Mansion to ask!"

Wang Gouzi's breath tightened. Sure enough, he had not concealed it, and he didn't know how to explain it!

As soon as Li Shao heard this, he was half sober and anxious to leave.

Seeing that Shan Shen did not retreat, he asked, "You still want to take me back to Shuntian Mansion? Am I unable to walk today?"

Thinking about his territory, Shan Shen took a step back and escorted Li Shao down.

Wang Gouzi supported Li Shao, anxious and cautious, fearing that he might not be able to walk steadily on the stairs.

Li Shao walked to the door of the small building and saw clearly the circle of people outside. His face became increasingly ugly: "Everyone, get away."

Not all of the disciples had seen Li Shao, but some of them recognized him. They probably noticed that something was wrong in the atmosphere, and they all retreated to a different path after pushing and shoving.

Li Shao took Wang Gouzi and left directly.

Shan Shen didn’t leave.

He first asked Yu Chengan: "Is it fun to watch?"

Yu Chengan smiled sarcastically.

Shan Shen raised his voice again and said to all the dandies: "Are the guests expensive enough? Come, come, I remember their names and origins, don't even think about slipping away. The small station of Shuntianfu Temple can't accommodate so many people, so come with me, go Stand in the square outside the palace and let me, your old man, come and get us!"

Some people are panicked, some are afraid, and some people are not afraid of boiling water.

“Sir Shan, who is the murderer?”

How does Shan Shen know who the murderer is?

 No one upstairs has that kind of ability.

After thinking about it, it was probably another move aimed at the prince, and the person who made the move had already run away.

As a person in the game, I have been unlucky for half a month. If I don't find a group of people to support me today, I'm really sorry for getting up early and staying up late every day!

 Everyone, don’t even think about running away!

Not long after, outside the General Square, the people watching the excitement first saw a carriage leaving, but they did not know the identity of the people in the carriage. After a while, a large group of people came out.

The yamen servants surrounded a group of noble young men in rich clothes, as if they were driving a flock of sheep. Master Shan, the sheep herder, was very aggressive.

Everyone followed him involuntarily, pointing and muttering all the way. They didn't dare to follow until they got closer and closer to the palace, but they didn't leave either. They watched so many people forming a queue in the square in front of the palace. (End of chapter)

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