Yan Cigui

Chapter 383: No good sign at all (three updates in one, please vote for me)

 The farce outside the palace gate finally ended with the elders signing and leading people away.

The square fell silent, but the excitement in various parts of the capital was just beginning.

There were a lot of discussions in the Qianbu Corridor, either expressing concern or ridiculing the colleagues who had gone to pick up the people. The common people who had raised sheep all along the way with the single sheepherder dispersed, went to teahouses and restaurants, and returned to various alleys, still feeling unfinished. Talk freely.

 At the beginning of the lanterns, the streets are full of jokes.

“The chicken just fell down with a thud!”

“Hey, it’s as if you saw it with your own eyes. Can you get into the general’s office? They are all doing business in the prince’s house and the business of the princes of each official’s family.”

"It doesn't matter who the father or the official is, it's not me and my sons and grandsons. I have seen with my own eyes that no matter how high-ranking the master is, he teaches his children and grandchildren the same way. He lifts his ears, kicks his legs and spanks, and scolds them all the way. "

“That’s exactly the same thing. I beat my son like that too!”

"It's unlucky to say that it's just a cockfight. The dead chickens were all thrown outside the palace gate of Shuntian Mansion. I usually see those young masters who are majestic, but they don't even feel comfortable watching a cockfight. We ordinary people are poor. Even if you are poor, you won’t be able to watch a cockfight or a monkey.”

“It’s not that I feel uncomfortable watching a cockfight, but I also see the prince watching it. That’s the crown prince, and he will be the emperor in the future. The emperor doesn’t care about the world but watches the cockfight. How can that be done?”

"I also heard that the prince went to the Fuguo Palace before going to Jiangjunfang. As soon as he left, the princess entered the palace. My next door neighbor's second uncle was a palace guard and said that the princess was so angry that she cried. ”

 “What did the prince say?”

“I guess it has something to do with the fact that Duke Fuguo rescued the prince. It was spread outside, saying that when the prince was at Yumen Pass..."

"What? His Royal Highness, he is acting so nonsense? That's the border gate, fighting with the Xiliang people!"

"That's right. If it weren't for Duke Fu, the prince would have been chopped down by the Xiliang people at that time! You see, it was all hidden, right? Duke Fu has still not been able to recover his legs."

“With such a prince, hey, we ordinary people, do we still have hope in the future?”

“Yes, when he was the prince, he caused so many troubles from time to time. Can it be done when he becomes the emperor?”

 Is it possible?

 The next morning, in the Jinluan Palace, several censors asked over and over again.

  Three words, with ups and downs, read out the majestic momentum of three thousand words.

Yesterday, Censor Ge, who didn't express any opinions about the Yumenguan incident, didn't do anything today. When he came up, he scolded Li Shao so much that his head was buzzing.

 A censor took the lead in the charge, and other officials also spoke one after another.

“I have done a lot of wrong things, and I don’t know how to repent. I should have gone to the Duke Fu’s Mansion to apologize, but instead I made the princess angry again.”

“That’s it, instead of trying to solve the problem, I went to Jiangjunfang to watch the cockfight!”

“I heard that he even drank wine and smelled of alcohol when he came out of Jiangjunfang!”

Lin Yuan stood in the queue with a normal expression and did not participate. He only turned his head to look at someone when someone spoke to confirm the identity of the other person.

The officials who stood up to speak were some who had interests involved like Gu Heng and did not miss any opportunity to add insult to injury. Others were really sad and wanted to scold the prince to wake him up.

Thinking about it, Lin Yuan raised his eyes again and looked at Li Shao on the small throne.

The person under the crown prince's palace was bloodless, and his eyes were empty. Looking at his expression, it didn't look like he had a guilty conscience, but more like he was being scolded and was in a daze.

 Sighing secretly, Lin Yu looked at His Majesty again.

The Holy One has laid a plan in order to wear down the prince, but the progress of the game to this point must be beyond the Holy One's expectations...

 The matter at Yumenguan was over, but the trip to Jiangjunfang was an unexpected one.

 The prince behaves in a haphazard manner. Who would have thought that when he left the palace, he would go to watch a cockfight?

The chicken that fell down could not be guessed by others, but Lin Yue could figure out some of its meaning.

With accurate hands, good timing, and quick retreat, 80% of them are Xu Jian's men.

After a round of questioning and questioning, seeing that no one else came forward to say anything new, Yushi Zhen quickly glanced at Master Fei and said loudly: "Your Highness, as the Crown Prince, you have done things that are detrimental to the royal family's face one after another. , shouldn’t you give an explanation?”

 Li Shao did not respond.

Upon seeing this, Censor Zhen raised his voice and said word by word: "Your Highness!"

Like bells and drums hammering twice in his ears, Li Shao came back to his senses with a jolt, but his eyes were still blank, which made the people below know that he was not reliable.

 “What?” Li Shao moved his lips and his voice was dry.

 He didn't sleep at all last night.

While standing in the imperial study room, his mind was filled with "What on earth does Shan Shen want to do?"

The cockfighting came to an abrupt end, and it was certainly unpleasant, but in the end it had little to do with the other people enjoying the scene. Shuntian Mansion couldn't have wanted to find a chicken-killer among them, right?

 It’s not impossible.

Line up and stand in the square, and a ring is also set up for everyone to compete in throwing stones. If they are really capable, they are worthy of praise.

They are all looking for fun all day long, and having such an arena will only make them more energetic.

Li Shao had everything, and he was quite happy thinking about it. His father-in-law's face was as gloomy as a thunderstorm on a summer afternoon, so he didn't dare to do anything wrong.

 When Eunuch Cao came back, the atmosphere in the imperial study room changed.

After hearing all the situation outside, the Holy Spirit was silent for a long time and asked Li Shao: "What do you think of the big commotion?"

“I don’t dare to have other opinions,” Li Shao said. “My father doesn’t even believe my son’s opinions.”

There was a lot of complaining in his tone. I thought that telling the truth would make his father dissatisfied. Unexpectedly, his father just looked at him for a while without blaming or reprimanding him.

 I left him alone for a quarter of an hour before letting him go back to the East Palace.

 “You must be prepared for what will be waiting for you tomorrow morning.”

This is what his father said before he asked him to leave. It meant something, but Li Shao was not sure where it pointed. As a result, he lay in bed tossing and turning all night long.

 Vaguely, he had a feeling that this time it seemed to be different...

He has been in trouble recently. He was scolded by his father and the censor. He was used to being scolded. He was very angry, but he didn't take it to heart. But this time it was different.

 Thinking over and over again, he came to court in confusion, and the whole person was confused.

  No matter how confused he was, Li Shao still remembered that he was the crown prince.

His status is noble, and no matter how much the courtiers talk, it can't change it.

"Give me an explanation?" He asked Zhen Yushi, "Master Zhen, what kind of explanation do you think I should give?"

After finishing speaking, Master Zhen’s righteous and awe-inspiring face turned red, obviously very dissatisfied with Li Shao’s attitude.

Hands on his chest, breathing up and down, someone on the side helped him. Zhen Yushi took advantage of the situation and leaned on the person, looking like he was unsteady on his feet because of the prince's anger.

Li Shao saw clearly and secretly cursed, "I'm used to putting on a show."

Yu Shi Zhen looks so angry when he scolds people, will he be unable to stand?

Besides, Ge Yushi, who had taken a breath after the previous article with gorgeous words and neat contrasts, returned to the battlefield.

This time, his target was not Li Shao, but the Holy One.

“It’s not like I haven’t spoken to His Highness the Crown Prince properly. I went to the East Palace to advise him before. Unfortunately, His Highness couldn’t listen. I was really discouraged. Now I’m going to tell His Majesty.”

“The court needs young people. Old men like Chen have only been around for a few years. The Holy Father also wants more young and insightful people to value the imperial examination, so he added Enke last year.”

“However, these young people have different backgrounds and different knowledge. They need a lot of experience and experience to grow up. There are also many young people who have been exposed to it since childhood and should have contributed to it. Instead of pursuing an official career, they are idle all day long.”

"The people in the square yesterday looked funny, but after laughing, I wanted to cry! It would be great if those people could contribute to the court!"

"That's just a part of it. There are a lot of people like them in Beijing and other places! Some of them the family doesn't want to take care of, and some of them can't be taken care of even if they want to. What should I do?"

"I scolded them all the way back, scolding their dandies for ruining the family tradition, but everyone saw that the biggest dandy in Jiangjunfang yesterday was the prince!"

"Yes, compared with robbing civilian girls and consuming common people, cockfighting is really nothing. But has the prince never been involved in the evil of robbing civilian girls? The prince even sneaked out of the country and delayed the military situation!"

“If so many scandals can be piled up together without being severely punished, we will all follow suit in the future.”

“I used to scold Mr. Xu for not being able to manage his son. The Yunyang Mansion cannot educate girls. How can we impeach him in the future? Those unscrupulous descendants are no longer shameful, and they have not sent themselves to the swords of the Xiliang people!"

“Your Majesty will severely punish His Highness the Crown Prince to serve as a warning to all these noble disciples who are not willing to make progress. Even if you are a Crown Prince, you must bear responsibility for doing something wrong.”

 “Otherwise, what will happen to everyone in the future?!”

“Holy Lord, I know these words are unpleasant, but no father likes to hear others scold his son like this, but the loyal words are offensive to my ears, and I can’t care about them. If you don’t listen, I will have no choice but to die to express my will!”

 After saying this, Mr. Ge lowered his head, his shoulders sank, and he rushed towards the pillar with two feet.

Eunuch Cao saw this and was so shocked that he shouted repeatedly: "Stop him! Stop him!"

Zhen Yushi didn't bother to pretend that he couldn't stand anymore, and rushed to hug the old man's waist. Several people nearby also rushed over, hugging their legs and arms, barely holding them back, and there was no real blood splattering on the Jinluan Palace. .

Eunuch Cao continued to breathe, breathing heavily.

Mr. Ge really doesn’t follow common sense!

After changing his previous sarcastic and gorgeous parallel prose, he began to speak heartily and kindly.

 After persuading him, he went straight to the pillar without waiting for the Holy One to express his stance.

 There is no such thing!

 When the Holy One becomes so angry that he shouts, "Drag him out to beat me to the ground", or even draws his sword at him, that's the time to hit the wall!

Thanks to Mr. Ge being old and not quick on his feet, and the young people around him reacting in a timely manner, it was really difficult to end the situation.

Li Shao was also startled by this sudden change. When he saw that Ge Yushi did not hit the pillar, he turned his head away.

Yushi are all a bunch of actors!

 Young people are good at pretending, and old people are even better at pretending!

"Father," Li Shao said anxiously, "Master Ge..."

The Holy Emperor ignored Li Shao and only asked: "What does Ge Aiqing mean by this? Why is it that he is about to die?!"

The people in that compartment were still sitting on the ground, their hearts beating wildly.

Someone came to help and helped the people who were blocking them up, but Ge Yushi seemed to have lost all strength. The two of them were holding each other on the left and right without standing up. They just sat on the ground and wiped their tears.

You Yushi was also frightened and hurriedly advised him: "Master Ge, blood remonstrance is unlucky!"

"It's already this time, why are you talking about good luck or bad luck?" Ge Yushi cried, but his words were still clear, "I went to hunt a deer, and was chased by a blind bear from day to night; I went to watch a cockfight, and the cockfight was not over yet. And the collapse of the middle road is not a good sign at all!”

 The courtiers looked at each other in shock.

  This is how "Chu Shi Biao" is used? Can a chicken collapse? Do you really think that chicken is the chicken king?

 Besides, talking about chickens is false, but swearing at people is true.

Most of the people standing in the main hall have quick minds. If you say that Mr. Ge doesn't mean to curse others, you definitely don't believe it. However, when Liu Adou took over the command, Emperor Zhaolie had already died of illness.

His Royal Highness is still the crown prince now, and the Holy One is sitting on the throne. What does it feel like to hear this "the middle road collapses"?

Didn’t you see that the Holy One was furious?

 The Holy Spirit looked at Ge Yushi with almost wide eyes.

He understood the truth. When he persuaded the Empress Dowager, he had mentioned the serious consequences before, but his mood was completely different when he saw it clearly and when the censor pointed it out like this.

Even though there was no blood underneath, the Holy Emperor could still feel the smell of blood.

 It came from his mouth. In anger, he bit his back molars until they bled.

"Okay, okay!" The Holy Emperor stood up and strode down, "You are such a Ge Zhenfang, do you really think that I don't dare to chop you down?"

Ge Yushi cried loudly, and while crying, he said: "If you want me to die, I have to die, but even if I die, I will die for loyalty. I am not afraid. I am only afraid that I will have no face to see the late emperor underground!" "

Fearing that something might happen if the commotion continued, Eunuch Cao hurriedly came down and said softly to the Holy Father: "Calm down your anger."

 The Holy Spirit dropped his sleeves.

  I was angry, but I didn't really get dizzy with anger.

He is no longer the sixth prince who couldn't hold back his anger more than ten or twenty years ago. What has made the most progress in recent years is not to act carelessly in anger to avoid irreversible consequences.

 Besides, all this is what he wants to be "justified".

 Compared with officials who have their own interests, upright elders like Ge Yushi are the most powerful and needed promoters of the "deposed prince".

Anger, arguments, accusations, all emotions are the icing on the cake.

He knew it was necessary, but he couldn't help but cut out his heart and lungs.

"Don't follow me in this way of remonstrating," His Majesty lowered his eyes and looked at Ge Yushi, "Tomorrow, Ge Aiqing, if you want to continue scolding me, let me hear what else you can say that is more ugly than 'death in the middle way'" ”

 GE Yushi burst into tears.

The Holy Spirit said to others: "It will be sealed in a few days. Anyone who doesn't want me to celebrate the New Year will not celebrate the New Year."

 Throwing these words aside, he strode outside.

Eunuch Cao followed, and the cold wind blew in his face, making him shiver. Looking at the back of the Holy Master, he felt desolate and depressed in the cold wind.

Li Shao also stood up from the throne and strode after him.

 After the ceremony guards left, everyone in the Jinluan Hall had their own thoughts.

Maybe they were frightened by Ge Yushi. Those who had said something to the east and said something to the west at this time also closed their mouths, and they just gathered together to exchange glances with each other.

An Yibo was straight-tempered and calmed down for a while, wanting to say a few words to Lin Yu.

Lin Yu shook his head at him.

 The Jinluan Palace is obviously not a good place to tell the "truth".

The two of them walked out of the main hall one after another, walked down the sidewalk, and walked a long way. An Yibo finally let out a long sigh.

"I don't even know whether I can keep my composure or not," he said, trying to lower his voice as low as possible. "I've already been banned enough before. What explanation can I give this time? That doesn't mean that I'll Is the deposed prince doing it for face?

The prince is also unsatisfied. Regardless of whether he is thinking about other highnesses, he can't stand his misbehavior again and again.

I met the security guard last night. Do you know what he said?

 He ​​said that compared with the prince, he felt that it was not that embarrassing to pick up Yu Chengan outside the palace gate!

 Is it true? No wonder Mr. Ge is so angry that he dares to curse at anything. "

"The most uncomfortable one is the Holy One," Lin Yu said. "Just because you didn't speak in the main hall, it doesn't mean you don't speak in private."

 After saying this, he raised his hand and pointed at himself, and then at An Yibo.

 An Yibo understood and smiled.

 On the other side, Li Shao chased the Holy Master to the Imperial Study Room and waited uneasily for a while before seeing the Holy Master who had changed out of his court uniform.

 "Father..." Li Shao called, "My son..."

 He had a lot to say, but when he met his father's solemn gaze, he was speechless again.

 There is nothing to say, so I can only hang my head.

The Holy See saw this in his eyes and asked, "Shao'er, tell yourself, what should I do? What should you do?"

Li Shao raised his head suddenly, doubts flashing in his eyes.

The father and son faced each other in silence for a long time. Finally, Li Shao couldn't help but speak first: "You just mentioned that, will someone get into trouble tomorrow?"

The Holy Spirit said: "I am very busy today. You can go back to the East Palace and stay there."

Eunuch Cao sent Li Shao away and returned to the imperial court.

"I don't know whether I should call him naive..." The Holy Spirit sighed.

 It is precisely when we talk about that that this matter becomes even worse.

Eunuch Cao poured a cup of tea for the Holy Sage and said, "Please calm down. The imperial doctor said you should not be so angry."

On this day, the Holy Spirit was indeed very busy.

First it was Taishi Fei, then Taibao Qin and Taifu Qian. After the three princes left, the three orphans also entered the imperial study. When the imperial censor of the capital procuratorate left, they didn't even go there in the morning.

These officials met with the emperor and talked about the prince's affairs.

 There are those who are well aware like Sangong, and there are also those who are unaware like the censor of Youdu.

In the afternoon, as the prince's uncle, Uncle Enrong also came and shared many of his thoughts.

With so many people coming in and out of the imperial study, there was also a mixture of news in the Qianbu Corridor.

 Gu Heng knew very well that now was the time for a tug of war, and if he took a step back, all previous efforts would be wasted.

After all, we are going to the deposed prince. The matter is too big and it is definitely not possible to achieve what we want by just arguing in the Jinluan Palace. Public opinion is also extremely important.

 The court and the people have to go both ways, and they have to go fast.

It just so happened that due to the liveliness of Jiangjunfang, the people were at the peak of their interest. As soon as the rumor of "deposed prince" was put out, it immediately aroused a lot of discussion.

Originally, it was not the turn of ordinary people to comment on such important matters in the court, or even speak carelessly, which would cause trouble for the family. However, I heard that in the morning, all the Shangguan gentlemen were quarreling, and there was an old censor who wanted to hit the pillars and die to remonstrate. The crowd became excited.

 There was a lot of noise in the Jinluan Palace.

We ordinary people can chirp louder than in the main hall?

 You said something to me, and added the deliberate move of "Today's snacks and drinks will be provided by this master." In just one day, the discussion in the capital made Gu Heng very satisfied.

Gong Huo, Gong Huo, Gong Huo, the Censor will be able to speak more meaningfully tomorrow.

 This is called conforming to public opinion.

 It gets dark early in winter. During the office hours, lanterns are brightly lit at the entrances of inns and pubs on the long street.

Gu Heng changed out of his official uniform, wrapped himself in a thick robe, and entered a bustling tavern. He didn't ask for a private room, so he asked for a table in the corner of the lobby, a pot of wine, and two plates of food. He listened carefully to the other guests. say.

Not far away, there were five men sitting at a square table. Each of them looked like he had some skills.

“Brothers, what are you doing with such sad faces? My little brother, I was ordered to make my eyes not my eyes and my nose not my nose to hum for so many days, but I’m still alive and kicking.”

“Master Wan, why are you humiliating me?”

"What else can you do? I dug out the badge of the East Palace guard from the mountain, which made the commander laugh. The whole yamen can dig things better than a mouse. It made him angry... Brother, please stop laughing at me. Come on. Tell me what the prince is like. I have never seen the prince. I heard that all the old friends went to the paddock, right?"

"What's the point of seeing the prince? It was so cold that day. We found it was dark and spent a lot of effort to kill the blind bear. Your Highness, he passed away."

"His Royal Highness was carried back by An Yibo first, but we still stayed in the forest. It was so cold that the fingers of several brothers turned white from the frost. The same happened to Duke Fu. His fingers turned white, so he sat there and rubbed them with snow."

“If you don’t rub it until it gets red and hot, your hand will be useless! Fuguo Gong even reassured us that it’s nothing, just rub it back and it will be fine. It was like this in winter when we were at Yumenguan.”

 “Is Fu Guo Gong really powerful?”

  "Is it powerful to be able to cut off an arm of Blind Xiong? If it hadn't been for the prince, he would still be fighting Xiliang at Yumen Pass. How could he be lame?"

“Huh? Since you were guarding the Yamen, you didn’t see the prince in Chenmi Hutong that night?”

"No, he was wrapped up by people from Shuntian Mansion and put on a carriage. I was far away and couldn't see him clearly."

 “Then what did you see clearly?”

 “That room of dancing girls wearing nothing but white…”

 “The prince is really great!”

The table was sighing because of the prince's unusual behavior. In the corner, Gu Heng was holding a wine cup with bright eyes.


 In addition to the courtiers and the people, there is another kind of voice that cannot be ignored.

There are these small officials and guards in every yamen, and there are not many of them. They cannot stand in the Jinluan Hall, but they are closer to the court. Many of them have been "tricked" by the prince. of.

Gu Heng took a sip of wine, why did he forget about this during the day!

  It is getting darker, and the strong wind is blowing snowflakes.

The prince was bored earlier, so Wang Gouzi opened half of the window and closed it again when he saw the snow drifting in.

Li Shao was lying on the couch, looking miserable.

Hearing the noise, he said: "It's very annoying!"

 It’s too annoying.

 He couldn't explain why, but he always felt that the snowstorm would be very heavy.

 Three updates in one!

 Including iampetty’s 10,000-coin reward and additional updates, thank you for your support.

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Everyone still remembers who this lowly official is from, right?

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